_ViridianCityYoungster1Text:: text "Those # BALLs" line "at your waist!" cont "You have #MON!" para "It's great that" line "you can carry and" cont "use #MON any" cont "time, anywhere!" done _ViridianCityGambler1GymAlwaysClosedText:: text "This #MON GYM" line "is always closed." para "I wonder who the" line "LEADER is?" done _ViridianCityGambler1GymLeaderReturnedText:: text "VIRIDIAN GYM's" line "LEADER returned!" done _ViridianCityYoungster2YouWantToKnowAboutText:: text "You want to know" line "about the 2 kinds" cont "of caterpillar" cont "#MON?" done ViridianCityYoungster2OkThenText:: text "Oh, OK then!" done ViridianCityYoungster2CaterpieAndWeedleDescriptionText:: text "CATERPIE has no" line "poison, but" cont "WEEDLE does." para "Watch out for its" line "POISON STING!" done _ViridianCityGirlHasntHadHisCoffeeYetText:: text "Oh Grandpa! Don't" line "be so mean!" cont "He hasn't had his" cont "coffee yet." done _ViridianCityGirlWhenIGoShopText:: text "When I go shop in" line "PEWTER CITY, I" cont "have to take the" cont "winding trail in" cont "VIRIDIAN FOREST." done _ViridianCityOldManSleepyPrivatePropertyText:: text "You can't go" line "through here!" para "This is private" line "property!" done ViridianCityFisherYouCanHaveThisText:: text "Yawn!" line "I must have dozed" cont "off in the sun." para "I had this dream" line "about a DROWZEE" cont "eating my dream." cont "What's this?" cont "Where did this TM" cont "come from?" para "This is spooky!" line "Here, you can" cont "have this TM." prompt _ViridianCityFisherReceivedTM42Text:: text " received" line "TM42!@" text_end _ViridianCityFisherTM42ExplanationText:: text "TM42 contains" line "DREAM EATER..." cont "...Snore..." done _ViridianCityFisherTM42NoRoomText:: text "You have too much" line "stuff already." done _ViridianCityOldManHadMyCoffeeNowText:: text "Ahh, I've had my" line "coffee now and I" cont "feel great!" para "Sure you can go" line "through!" para "Are you in a" line "hurry?" done _ViridianCityOldManKnowHowToCatchPokemonText:: text "I see you're using" line "a #DEX." para "When you catch a" line "#MON, #DEX" cont "is automatically" cont "updated." para "What? Don't you" line "know how to catch" cont "#MON?" para "I'll show you" line "how to then." done _ViridianCityOldManTimeIsMoneyText:: text "Time is money..." line "Go along then." done _ViridianCityOldManYouNeedToWeakenTheTargetText:: text "First, you need" line "to weaken the" cont "target #MON." done _ViridianCitySignText:: text "VIRIDIAN CITY " line "The Eternally" cont "Green Paradise" done _ViridianCityTrainerTips1Text:: text "TRAINER TIPS" para "Catch #MON" line "and expand your" cont "collection!" para "The more you have," line "the easier it is" cont "to fight!" done _ViridianCityTrainerTips2Text:: text "TRAINER TIPS" para "The battle moves" line "of #MON are" cont "limited by their" cont "POWER POINTs, PP." para "To replenish PP," line "rest your tired" cont "#MON at a" cont "#MON CENTER!" done _ViridianCityGymSignText:: text "VIRIDIAN CITY" line "#MON GYM" done _ViridianCityGymLockedText:: text "The GYM's doors" line "are locked..." done