_SSAnneKitchenCook1Text:: text "You, mon petit!" line "We're busy here!" cont "Out of the way!" done _SSAnneKitchenCook2Text:: text "I saw an odd ball" line "in the trash." done _SSAnneKitchenCook3Text:: text "I'm so busy I'm" line "getting dizzy!" done _SSAnneKitchenCook4Text:: text "Hum-de-hum-de-" line "ho..." para "I peel spuds" line "every day!" cont "Hum-hum..." done _SSAnneKitchenCook5Text:: text "Did you hear about" line "SNORLAX?" para "All it does is" line "eat and sleep!" done _SSAnneKitchenCook6Text:: text "Snivel...Sniff..." para "I only get to" line "peel onions..." cont "Snivel..." done _SSAnneKitchenCook7MainCourseIsText:: text "Er-hem! Indeed I" line "am le CHEF!" para "Le main course is" prompt SSAnneKitchenCook7SalmonDuSaladText:: text "Salmon du Salad!" para "Les guests may" line "gripe it's fish" cont "again, however!" done SSAnneKitchenCook7EelsAuBarbecueText:: text "Eels au Barbecue!" para "Les guests will" line "mutiny, I fear." done SSAnneKitchenCook7PrimeBeefSteakText:: text "Prime Beef Steak!" para "But, have I enough" line "fillets du beef?" done