_Route23YouDontHaveTheBadgeYetText:: text "You can pass here" line "only if you have" cont "the @" text_ram wNameBuffer text "!" para "You don't have the" line "@" text_ram wNameBuffer text " yet!" para "You have to have" line "it to get to" cont "#MON LEAGUE!@" text_end _Route23OhThatIsTheBadgeText:: text "You can pass here" line "only if you have" cont "the @" text_ram wNameBuffer text "!" para "Oh! That is the" line "@" text_ram wNameBuffer text "!@" text_end _Route23GoRightAheadText:: text_start para "OK then! Please," line "go right ahead!" done _Route23VictoryRoadGateSignText:: text "VICTORY ROAD GATE" line "- #MON LEAGUE" done