_PewterCityCooltrainerFText:: text "It's rumored that" line "CLEFAIRYs came" cont "from the moon!" para "They appeared " line "after MOON STONE" cont "fell on MT.MOON." done _PewterCityCooltrainerMText:: text "There aren't many" line "serious #MON" cont "trainers here!" para "They're all like" line "BUG CATCHERs," cont "but PEWTER GYM's" cont "BROCK is totally" cont "into it!" done _PewterCitySuperNerd1DidYouCheckOutMuseumText:: text "Did you check out" line "the MUSEUM?" done _PewterCitySuperNerd1WerentThoseFossilsAmazingText:: text "Weren't those" line "fossils from MT." cont "MOON amazing?" done _PewterCitySuperNerd1YouHaveToGoText:: text "Really?" line "You absolutely" cont "have to go!" done _PewterCitySuperNerd1ItsRightHereText:: text "It's right here!" line "You have to pay" cont "to get in, but" cont "it's worth it!" cont "See you around!" done _PewterCitySuperNerd2DoYouKnowWhatImDoingText:: text "Psssst!" line "Do you know what" cont "I'm doing?" done _PewterCitySuperNerd2ThatsRightText:: text "That's right!" line "It's hard work!" done _PewterCitySuperNerd2ImSprayingRepelText:: text "I'm spraying REPEL" line "to keep #MON" cont "out of my garden!" done _PewterCityYoungsterYoureATrainerFollowMeText:: text "You're a trainer" line "right? BROCK's" cont "looking for new" cont "challengers!" cont "Follow me!" done _PewterCityYoungsterGoTakeOnBrockText:: text "If you have the" line "right stuff, go" cont "take on BROCK!" done _PewterCityTrainerTipsText:: text "TRAINER TIPS" para "Any #MON that" line "takes part in" cont "battle, however" cont "short, earns EXP!" done _PewterCityPoliceNoticeSignText:: text "NOTICE!" para "Thieves have been" line "stealing #MON" cont "fossils at MT." cont "MOON! Please call" cont "PEWTER POLICE" cont "with any info!" done _PewterCityMuseumSignText:: text "PEWTER MUSEUM" line "OF SCIENCE" done _PewterCityGymSignText:: text "PEWTER CITY" line "#MON GYM" cont "LEADER: BROCK" para "The Rock Solid" line "#MON Trainer!" done _PewterCitySignText:: text "PEWTER CITY" line "A Stone Gray" cont "City" done