hg-commit-id: d509fe34f171
This commit is contained in:
YamaArashi 2012-01-24 04:55:50 -08:00
commit e7a1d887d9
3 changed files with 177 additions and 16 deletions

View file

@ -4150,7 +4150,7 @@ GetName: ; 376B
ld e,l
ld d,h
jr .gotPtr\@
.otherEntries\@ ;$378d
.otherEntries\@ ; $378d
ld a,[$d0b7]
ld [$ffb8],a
@ -4162,7 +4162,7 @@ GetName: ; 376B
ld e,a
jr nc,.skip\@
inc d
.skip\@ ;$37a0
.skip\@ ; $37a0
ld hl,NamePointers
add hl,de
ld a,[hli]
@ -4192,7 +4192,7 @@ GetName: ; 376B
ld de,$cd6d
ld bc,$0014
call CopyData
.gotPtr\@ ;$37cd
.gotPtr\@ ; $37cd
ld a,e
ld [$cf8d],a
ld a,d
@ -4406,7 +4406,7 @@ Delay3: ; 3DD7
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$3DDC,$3DED - $3DDC
GoPAL_SET_CF1C: ; 3ded
GoPAL_SET_CF1C: ; 3ded
ld b,$ff
GoPAL_SET: ; 3def
ld a,[$cf1b]
@ -10833,7 +10833,7 @@ CaveMons:
GetItemUse: ;$D5C7
GetItemUse: ; $D5C7
ld a,1
ld [$cd6a],a
ld a,[$cf91] ;contains item_ID
@ -10850,7 +10850,7 @@ GetItemUse: ;$D5C7
ld l,a
jp [hl]
ItemUsePtrTable: ;$D5E1
ItemUsePtrTable: ; $D5E1
dw ItemUseBall ;$5687 masterball
dw ItemUseBall ;$5687 ultraball
dw ItemUseBall ;$5687 greatball
@ -11396,7 +11396,7 @@ UnnamedText_e247: ; 0xe247
db $50
; 0xe247 + 5 bytes
OldRodCode: ; 0xe24c
call $62b4 ; probably sets carry if not in battle or not by water
jp c, ItemUseNotTime
ld bc, (5 << 8) | MAGIKARP
@ -14407,7 +14407,32 @@ INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$19d21,$7f
SilphCo4Texts: ; 0x19da0
dw SilphCo4Text1, SilphCo4Text2, SilphCo4Text3, SilphCo4Text4, SilphCo4Text5, SilphCo4Text6, SilphCo4Text7
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$19dae,$25
TrainerHeader_19dae: ; 0x19dae
db $2 ; flag's bit
db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
dw $d829 ; flag's byte
dw UnnamedText_19df4 ; 0x5df4 TextBeforeBattle
dw UnnamedText_19dfe ; 0x5dfe TextAfterBattle
dw UnnamedText_19df9 ; 0x5df9 TextEndBattle
; 0x19db8
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$19db8,$19dba - $19db8
TrainerHeader_19dba: ; 0x19dba
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$19dba,$19dc2 - $19dba
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$19dc2,4
TrainerHeader_19dc6: ; 0x19dc6
db $4 ; flag's bit
db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
dw $d829 ; flag's byte
dw UnnamedText_19e26 ; 0x5e26 TextBeforeBattle
dw UnnamedText_19e30 ; 0x5e30 TextAfterBattle
dw UnnamedText_19e2b ; 0x5e2b TextEndBattle
; 0x19dd0
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$19dd0,$19dd3 - $19dd0
SilphCo4Text1: ; 0x19dd3
db $08 ; asm
@ -14428,7 +14453,7 @@ UnnamedText_19de5: ; 0x19de5
SilphCo4Text2: ; 0x19dea
db $08 ; asm
ld hl, $5dae
ld hl, TrainerHeader_19dae
call LoadTrainerHeader
jp TextScriptEnd
@ -14470,7 +14495,7 @@ UnnamedText_19e17: ; 0x19e17
SilphCo4Text4: ; 0x19e1c
db $08 ; asm
ld hl, $5dc6
ld hl, TrainerHeader_19dc6
call LoadTrainerHeader
jp TextScriptEnd
@ -14548,7 +14573,26 @@ INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$19f4d,$6f
SilphCo5Texts: ; 0x19fbc
dw SilphCo5Text1, SilphCo5Text2, SilphCo5Text3, SilphCo5Text4, SilphCo5Text5, SilphCo5Text6, SilphCo5Text7, SilphCo5Text8, SilphCo5Text9, SilphCo5Text10, SilphCo5Text11
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$19fd2,$31
TrainerHeader_19fd2: ; 0x19fd2
db $2 ; flag's bit
db ($1 << 4) ; trainer's view range
dw $d82b ; flag's byte
dw UnnamedText_1a024 ; 0x6024 TextBeforeBattle
dw UnnamedText_1a02e ; 0x602e TextAfterBattle
dw UnnamedText_1a029 ; 0x6029 TextEndBattle
dw UnnamedText_1a029 ; 0x6029 TextEndBattle
; 0x19fde
TrainerHeader_19fde: ; 0x19fde
db $3 ; flag's bit
db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
dw $d82b ; flag's byte
dw UnnamedText_1a03d ; 0x603d TextBeforeBattle
dw UnnamedText_1a047 ; 0x6047 TextAfterBattle
dw UnnamedText_1a042 ; 0x6042 TextEndBattle
; 0x19fe8
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$19fe8,$1a003 - $19fe8
SilphCo5Text1: ; 0x1a003
db $08 ; asm
@ -14569,7 +14613,7 @@ UnnamedText_1a015: ; 0x1a015
SilphCo5Text2: ; 0x1a01a
db $08 ; asm
ld hl, $5fd2
ld hl, TrainerHeader_19fd2
call LoadTrainerHeader
jp TextScriptEnd
@ -14590,7 +14634,7 @@ UnnamedText_1a02e: ; 0x1a02e
SilphCo5Text3: ; 0x1a033
db $08 ; asm
ld hl, $5fde
ld hl, TrainerHeader_19fde
call LoadTrainerHeader
jp TextScriptEnd

View file

@ -751,6 +751,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
#prepare to pretty print tx_fars
#first you must load all_texts
tx_fars = find_all_tx_fars()
for entry in tx_fars:
print tx_far_pretty_printer(entry)
#tx_fars = find_all_tx_fars()
#for entry in tx_fars:
# print tx_far_pretty_printer(entry)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
#author: Bryan Bishop <kanzure@gmail.com>
#date: 2012-01-24
from optparse import OptionParser
from gbz80disasm import load_labels, find_label
from extract_maps import calculate_pointer
import sys
spacing = "\t"
def pretty_print_trainer_header(address, label=None):
"""make pretty text for a trainer header"""
output = ""
bank_id = 0
if address > 0x4000:
bank_id = address / 0x4000
rom = open("../baserom.gbc", "r").read()
#convert address to an integer if necessary
if type(address) == str:
if "$" in address: address = address.replace("$", "0x")
address = int(address, 16)
#label this section of asm
if label == None:
output += "TrainerHeader_" + hex(address)[2:] + ": ; 0x" + hex(address)[2:] + "\n"
output += label + ": ; 0x" + hex(address)[2:] + "\n"
#flag's bit
output += spacing + "db $" + hex(ord(rom[address]))[2:] + " ; flag's bit\n"
#trainer's view range
view_range = ord(rom[address+1]) >> 4
output += spacing + "db ($" + hex(view_range)[2:] + " << 4) ; trainer's view range\n"
#flag's byte
pointer_byte1 = ord(rom[address+2])
pointer_byte2 = ord(rom[address+3])
partial_pointer = (pointer_byte1 + (pointer_byte2 << 8))
partial_pointer = "$%.2x" % partial_pointer
output += spacing + "dw " + partial_pointer + " ; flag's byte\n"
pointer_byte1 = ord(rom[address+4])
pointer_byte2 = ord(rom[address+5])
partial_pointer = (pointer_byte1 + (pointer_byte2 << 8))
label = find_label(partial_pointer, bank_id)
if label == None:
print "label not found for (TextBeforeBattle) " + hex(calculate_pointer(partial_pointer, bank_id))
print ""
label = "$" + hex(partial_pointer)[2:]
output += spacing + "dw " + label + " ; " + hex(partial_pointer) + " TextBeforeBattle\n"
pointer_byte1 = ord(rom[address+6])
pointer_byte2 = ord(rom[address+7])
partial_pointer = (pointer_byte1 + (pointer_byte2 << 8))
label = find_label(partial_pointer, bank_id)
if label == None:
print "label not found for (TextAfterBattle) " + hex(calculate_pointer(partial_pointer, bank_id))
print ""
label = "$" + hex(partial_pointer)[2:]
output += spacing + "dw " + label + " ; " + hex(partial_pointer) + " TextAfterBattle\n"
pointer_byte1 = ord(rom[address+8])
pointer_byte2 = ord(rom[address+9])
partial_pointer = (pointer_byte1 + (pointer_byte2 << 8))
label = find_label(partial_pointer, bank_id)
if label == None:
print "label not found for (TextEndBattle) " + hex(calculate_pointer(partial_pointer, bank_id))
print ""
label = "$" + hex(partial_pointer)[2:]
output += spacing + "dw " + label + " ; " + hex(partial_pointer) + " TextEndBattle\n"
pointer_byte1 = ord(rom[address+10])
pointer_byte2 = ord(rom[address+11])
partial_pointer = (pointer_byte1 + (pointer_byte2 << 8))
label = find_label(partial_pointer, bank_id)
if label == None:
print "label not found for (TextEndBattle) " + hex(calculate_pointer(partial_pointer, bank_id))
print ""
label = "$" + hex(partial_pointer)[2:]
#output += spacing + "dw " + label + " ; " + hex(partial_pointer) + " TextEndBattle\n"
output += "; " + hex(address+10) + "\n"
return output
def main():
usage = "usage: %prog address"
parser = OptionParser(usage)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) == 1:
print "usage: python pretty_trainer_headers.py address label\n"
args.append("TrainerHeader_" + (args[0].replace("0x", "")))
elif len(args) != 2:
parser.error("we need both an address and a label")
address = int(args[0], 16)
label = args[1]
print pretty_print_trainer_header(address, label)
if __name__ == "__main__":