Add pointers to trainer AI

hg-commit-id: ed75152bf10f
This commit is contained in:
IIMarckus 2010-10-28 22:37:18 -06:00
parent f35da53f88
commit 12b47c8f66

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ W_CUROPPONENT EQU $D059 ; in a wild battle, this is the species of pokemon
; in a trainer battle, this is the trainer class ; in a trainer battle, this is the trainer class
W_LONEATTACKNO EQU $D05C ; which entry in LoneAttacks to use W_LONEATTACKNO EQU $D05C ; which entry in LoneAttacks to use
W_TRAINERNO EQU $D05D ; which instance of [youngster, lass, etc] is this? W_TRAINERNO EQU $D05D ; which instance of [youngster, lass, etc] is this?
@ -3269,9 +3270,186 @@ LanceData:
TrainerAI: ; 652E
;XXX called at 34964, 3c342, 3c398
and a
dec a
ret z ; if not a trainer, we're done here
ld a,[$D12B]
cp 4
ret z
ld a,[$D031] ; what trainer class is this?
dec a
ld c,a
ld b,0
ld hl,TrainerAIPointers
add hl,bc
add hl,bc
add hl,bc
ld a,[$CCDF] ; XXX 340b0,3a548,3a553,3a696,3c943,3ef74
and a
ret z ; if XXX, we're done here
inc hl
inc a
jr nz,.getpointer\@
dec hl
ld a,[hli]
ld [$CCDF],a
ld a,[hli]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a
call $3E5C
jp [hl]
TrainerAIPointers: ; 655C
; one entry per trainer class
; XXX first byte, ???
; next two bytes, pointer to AI subroutine for trainer class
db 3
dw $6693
db 3
dw $6693
db 3
dw $6693
db 3
dw $6693
db 3
dw $6693
db 3
dw $6693
db 3
dw $6693
db 3
dw $6693
db 3
dw $6693
db 3
dw $6693
db 3
dw $6693
db 3
dw $6693
db 3 ; juggler_x
dw $65E9
db 3
dw $6693
db 3
dw $6693
db 3
dw $6693
db 3
dw $6693
db 3
dw $6693
db 3
dw $6693
db 3
dw $6693
db 3 ; juggler
dw $65E9
db 3
dw $6693
db 3
dw $6693
db 2 ; blackbelt
dw $65EF
db 3
dw $6693
db 3
dw $6693
db 1 ; chief
dw $6693
db 3
dw $6693
db 1 ; giovanni
dw $65F5
db 3
dw $6693
db 2 ; cooltrainerm
dw $65FB
db 1 ; cooltrainerf
dw $6601
db 2 ; bruno
dw $6670
db 5 ; brock
dw $6614
db 1 ; misty
dw $661C
db 1 ; surge
dw $6622
db 1 ; erika
dw $6628
db 2 ; koga
dw $6634
db 2 ; blaine
dw $663A
db 1 ; sabrina
dw $6640
db 3
dw $6693
db 1 ; sony2
dw $664C
db 1 ; sony3
dw $6658
db 2 ; lorelei
dw $6664
db 3
dw $6693
db 2 ; agatha
dw $6676
db 1 ; lance
dw $6687
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$3A52E,$3C000 - $3A52E INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$3A5E9,$3C000 - $3A5E9
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$3C000,$4000 INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$3C000,$4000