
2636 lines
57 KiB
Raw Normal View History

INCLUDE "constants.asm"
flag_array: MACRO
ds ((\1) + 7) / 8
box_struct_length EQU 25 + NUM_MOVES * 2
box_struct: MACRO
\1Species:: db
\1HP:: dw
\1BoxLevel:: db
\1Status:: db
\1Type1:: db
\1Type2:: db
\1CatchRate:: db
\1Moves:: ds NUM_MOVES
\1OTID:: dw
\1Exp:: ds 3
\1HPExp:: dw
\1AttackExp:: dw
\1DefenseExp:: dw
\1SpeedExp:: dw
\1SpecialExp:: dw
\1DVs:: ds 2
party_struct: MACRO
box_struct \1
\1Level:: db
\1MaxHP:: dw
\1Attack:: dw
\1Defense:: dw
\1Speed:: dw
\1Special:: dw
battle_struct: MACRO
\1Species:: db
\1HP:: dw
\1BoxLevel:: db
\1Status:: db
\1Type1:: db
\1Type2:: db
\1CatchRate:: db
\1Moves:: ds NUM_MOVES
\1DVs:: ds 2
\1Level:: db
\1MaxHP:: dw
\1Attack:: dw
\1Defense:: dw
\1Speed:: dw
\1Special:: dw
wc000:: ds 1
wc001:: ds 1
wc002:: ds 1
wc003:: ds 1
wc004:: ds 1
wc005:: ds 1
wc006:: ds 8
wc00e:: ds 4
wc012:: ds 4
wc016:: ds 16
wc026:: ds 1
wc027:: ds 1
wc028:: ds 2
wc02a:: ds 1
wc02b:: ds 1
wc02c:: ds 1
wc02d:: ds 1
wc02e:: ds 8
wc036:: ds 8
wc03e:: ds 8
wc046:: ds 8
wc04e:: ds 8
wc056:: ds 8
wc05e:: ds 8
wc066:: ds 8
wc06e:: ds 8
wc076:: ds 8
wc07e:: ds 8
wc086:: ds 8
wc08e:: ds 8
wc096:: ds 8
wc09e:: ds 8
wc0a6:: ds 8
wc0ae:: ds 8
wc0b6:: ds 8
wc0be:: ds 8
wc0c6:: ds 8
wc0ce:: ds 1
wc0cf:: ds 1
wc0d0:: ds 1
wc0d1:: ds 1
wc0d2:: ds 1
wc0d3:: ds 1
wc0d4:: ds 1
wc0d5:: ds 1
wc0d6:: ds 8
wc0de:: ds 8
wc0e6:: ds 1
wc0e7:: ds 1
wc0e8:: ds 1
wc0e9:: ds 1
wc0ea:: ds 1
wc0eb:: ds 1
wc0ec:: ds 1
wc0ed:: ds 1
wc0ee:: ds 1
wc0ef:: ds 1
wc0f0:: ds 1
wc0f1:: ds 1
wc0f2:: ds 14
SECTION "Sprite State Data", WRAM0[$c100]
wSpriteStateData1:: ; c100
; data for all sprites on the current map
; holds info for 16 sprites with $10 bytes each
; player sprite is always sprite 0
; C1x0: picture ID (fixed, loaded at map init)
; C1x1: movement status (0: uninitialized, 1: ready, 2: delayed, 3: moving)
; C1x2: sprite image index (changed on update, $ff if off screen, includes facing direction, progress in walking animation and a sprite-specific offset)
; C1x3: Y screen position delta (-1,0 or 1; added to c1x4 on each walking animation update)
; C1x4: Y screen position (in pixels, always 4 pixels above grid which makes sprites appear to be in the center of a tile)
; C1x5: X screen position delta (-1,0 or 1; added to c1x6 on each walking animation update)
; C1x6: X screen position (in pixels, snaps to grid if not currently walking)
; C1x7: intra-animation-frame counter (counting upwards to 4 until c1x8 is incremented)
; C1x8: animation frame counter (increased every 4 updates, hold four states (totalling to 16 walking frames)
; C1x9: facing direction (0: down, 4: up, 8: left, $c: right)
; C1xA
; C1xB
; C1xC
; C1xD
; C1xE
; C1xF
ds $10 * $10
SECTION "Sprite State Data 2", WRAM0[$c200]
wSpriteStateData2:: ; c200
; more data for all sprites on the current map
; holds info for 16 sprites with $10 bytes each
; player sprite is always sprite 0
; C2x0: walk animation counter (counting from $10 backwards when moving)
2014-06-09 20:58:02 +00:00
; C2x1:
; C2x2: Y displacement (initialized at 8, supposed to keep moving sprites from moving too far, but bugged)
; C2x3: X displacement (initialized at 8, supposed to keep moving sprites from moving too far, but bugged)
; C2x4: Y position (in 2x2 tile grid steps, topmost 2x2 tile has value 4)
; C2x5: X position (in 2x2 tile grid steps, leftmost 2x2 tile has value 4)
; C2x6: movement byte 1 (determines whether a sprite can move, $ff:not moving, $fe:random movements, others unknown)
; C2x7: (?) (set to $80 when in grass, else $0; may be used to draw grass above the sprite)
; C2x8: delay until next movement (counted downwards, status (c1x1) is set to ready if reached 0)
; C2x9
; C2xA
; C2xB
; C2xC
; C2xD
; C2xE: sprite image base offset (in video ram, player always has value 1, used to compute c1x2)
; C2xF
ds $10 * $10
SECTION "OAM Buffer", WRAM0[$c300]
wOAMBuffer:: ; c300
; buffer for OAM data. Copied to OAM by DMA
ds 4 * 40
wTileMap:: ; c3a0
; buffer for tiles that are visible on screen (20 columns by 18 rows)
ds 20 * 18
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wSerialPartyMonsPatchList:: ; c508
; list of indexes to patch with SERIAL_NO_DATA_BYTE after transfer
wTileMapBackup:: ; c508
; buffer for temporarily saving and restoring current screen's tiles
; (e.g. if menus are drawn on top)
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
; ds 20 * 18
ds 200
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wSerialEnemyMonsPatchList:: ; c5d0
; list of indexes to patch with SERIAL_NO_DATA_BYTE after transfer
ds 200
ds 80
wOverworldMap:: ; c6e8
ds 1300
wScreenEdgeTiles:: ; cbfc
; the tiles of the row or column to be redrawn by RedrawExposedScreenEdge
ds 20 * 2
; coordinates of the position of the cursor for the top menu item (id 0)
wTopMenuItemY:: ; cc24
ds 1
wTopMenuItemX:: ; cc25
ds 1
wCurrentMenuItem:: ; cc26
; the id of the currently selected menu item
; the top item has id 0, the one below that has id 1, etc.
; note that the "top item" means the top item currently visible on the screen
; add this value to [wListScrollOffset] to get the item's position within the list
ds 1
wTileBehindCursor:: ; cc27
; the tile that was behind the menu cursor's current location
ds 1
wMaxMenuItem:: ; cc28
; id of the bottom menu item
ds 1
wMenuWatchedKeys:: ; cc29
; bit mask of keys that the menu will respond to
ds 1
wLastMenuItem:: ; cc2a
; id of previously selected menu item
ds 1
2015-07-16 03:04:58 +00:00
wPartyAndBillsPCSavedMenuItem:: ; cc2b
; It is mainly used by the party menu to remember the cursor position while the
; menu isn't active.
; It is also used to remember the cursor position of mon lists (for the
; withdraw/deposit/release actions) in Bill's PC so that it doesn't get lost
; when you choose a mon from the list and a sub-menu is shown. It's reset when
; you return to the main Bill's PC menu.
ds 1
wBagSavedMenuItem:: ; cc2c
; It is used by the bag list to remember the cursor position while the menu
; isn't active.
ds 1
wBattleAndStartSavedMenuItem:: ; cc2d
; It is used by the start menu to remember the cursor position while the menu
; isn't active.
; The battle menu uses it so that the cursor position doesn't get lost when
; a sub-menu is shown. It's reset at the start of each battle.
ds 1
wPlayerMoveListIndex:: ; cc2e
ds 1
wPlayerMonNumber:: ; cc2f
2015-07-16 03:04:58 +00:00
; index in party of currently battling mon
ds 1
wMenuCursorLocation:: ; cc30
; the address of the menu cursor's current location within wTileMap
ds 2
ds 2
wMenuJoypadPollCount:: ; cc34
; how many times should HandleMenuInput poll the joypad state before it returns?
ds 1
2014-08-09 05:39:13 +00:00
wMenuItemToSwap:: ; cc35
; id of menu item selected for swapping (counts from 1) (0 means that no menu item has been selected for swapping)
ds 1
wListScrollOffset:: ; cc36
; offset of the current top menu item from the beginning of the list
; keeps track of what section of the list is on screen
ds 1
2015-07-13 07:32:03 +00:00
wMenuWatchMovingOutOfBounds:: ; cc37
; If non-zero, then when wrapping is disabled and the player tries to go past
; the top or bottom of the menu, return from HandleMenuInput. This is useful for
; menus that have too many items to display at once on the screen because it
; allows the caller to scroll the entire menu up or down when this happens.
ds 1
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wTradeCenterPointerTableIndex:: ; cc38
ds 1
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
; group these two together
wcc3a:: ds 1 ; both used in home/text.asm
wcc3b:: ds 1
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText:: ; cc3c
; if non-zero, skip waiting for a button press after displaying text in DisplayTextID
ds 1
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wSerialSyncAndExchangeNybbleReceiveData:: ; cc3d
; the final received nybble is stored here by Serial_SyncAndExchangeNybble
wSerialExchangeNybbleTempReceiveData:: ; cc3d
; temporary nybble used by Serial_ExchangeNybble
wLinkMenuSelectionReceiveBuffer:: ; cc3d
; two byte buffer
; the received menu selection is stored twice
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wcc3d:: ds 1 ; not used for anything other than mentioned above (haha link function)
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wSerialExchangeNybbleReceiveData:: ; cc3e
; the final received nybble is stored here by Serial_ExchangeNybble
ds 1
ds 3
wSerialExchangeNybbleSendData:: ; cc42
; this nybble is sent when using Serial_SyncAndExchangeNybble or Serial_ExchangeNybble
wLinkMenuSelectionSendBuffer:: ; cc42
; two byte buffer
; the menu selection byte is stored twice before sending
ds 5
wLinkTimeoutCounter:: ; cc47
; 1 byte
wUnknownSerialCounter:: ; cc47
; 2 bytes
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wcc47:: ds 1 ; used in text id stuff
wcc48:: ds 1 ; part of wUnknownSerialCounter
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wWhichTradeMonSelectionMenu:: ; cc49
; $00 = player mons
; $01 = enemy mons
2015-07-16 03:04:58 +00:00
wMonDataLocation:: ; cc49
; 0 = player's party
; 1 = enemy party
; 2 = current box
; 3 = daycare
; 4 = in-battle mon
; AddPartyMon uses it slightly differently.
; If the lower nybble is 0, the mon is added to the player's party, else the enemy's.
; If the entire value is 0, then the player is allowed to name the mon.
ds 1
wMenuWrappingEnabled:: ; cc4a
; set to 1 if you can go from the bottom to the top or top to bottom of a menu
; set to 0 if you can't go past the top or bottom of the menu
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wcc4b:: ds 2 ; used as a joypad storage value
wcc4d:: ds 1 ; used in sprite hiding/showing related operations
wPredefID:: ; cc4e
ds 1
wPredefRegisters:: ; cc4f
ds 6
wTrainerHeaderFlagBit:: ; cc55
ds 1
ds 1
wNPCMovementScriptPointerTableNum:: ; cc57
; which NPC movement script pointer is being used
; 0 if an NPC movement script is not running
ds 1
wNPCMovementScriptBank:: ; cc58
; ROM bank of current NPC movement script
ds 1
ds 2
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
wSlotMachineSevenAndBarModeChance:: ; cc5b
; If a random number greater than this value is generated, then the player is
; allowed to have three 7 symbols or bar symbols line up.
; So, this value is actually the chance of NOT entering that mode.
; If the slot is lucky, it equals 250, giving a 5/256 (~2%) chance.
; Otherwise, it equals 253, giving a 2/256 (~0.8%) chance.
wHallOfFame:: ; cc5b
2015-03-31 18:28:42 +00:00
wBoostExpByExpAll:: ; cc5b
2015-03-31 19:09:43 +00:00
wAnimationType:: ; cc5b
; values between 0-6. Shake screen horizontally, shake screen vertically, blink Pokemon...
2015-07-15 11:27:59 +00:00
wNPCMovementDirections:: ; cc5b
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wcc5b:: ds 1 ; these upcoming values below are miscellaneous storage values
wcc5c:: ds 1 ; used in pokedex evaluation as well
wcc5d:: ds 1 ; used in pokedex evaluation
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
wSlotMachineSavedROMBank:: ; cc5e
; ROM back to return to when the player is done with the slot machine
ds 1
ds 12
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wcc6b:: ds 14 ; doesn't seem to be used for anything, probably just more storage
wcc79:: ds 30 ; used in battle animations
wNPCMovementDirections2:: ; cc97
wSwitchPartyMonTempBuffer:: ; cc97
; temporary buffer when swapping party mon data
ds 10
2015-07-15 20:58:21 +00:00
wNumStepsToTake:: ; cca1
; used in Pallet Town scripted movement
ds 49
wRLEByteCount:: ; ccd2
ds 1
wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd:: ; ccd3
; this is the end of the joypad states
; the list starts above this address and extends downwards in memory until here
; overloaded with below labels
2015-07-16 03:04:58 +00:00
wParentMenuItem:: ; ccd3
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wccd3:: ds 1 ; used in battle, pokemon, PC and game corner stuff
wccd4:: ds 1 ; has a direct reference for simulated joypad stuff in vermillion and seafoam
2015-03-31 18:40:22 +00:00
; if [ccd5] != 1, the second AI layer is not applied
wAILayer2Encouragement:: ; ccd5
ds 1
ds 1
; current HP of player and enemy substitutes
wPlayerSubstituteHP:: ; ccd7
ds 1
wEnemySubstituteHP:: ; ccd8
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wccd9:: ds 2 ; used in InitBattleVariablesLoop (written to after the loop is finished)
wMoveMenuType:: ; ccdb
; 0=regular, 1=mimic, 2=above message box (relearn, heal pp..)
ds 1
wPlayerSelectedMove:: ; ccdc
ds 1
wEnemySelectedMove:: ; ccdd
ds 1
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wLinkBattleRandomNumberListIndex:: ; ccde
ds 1
wAICount:: ; ccdf
; number of times remaining that AI action can occur
ds 1
ds 2
wEnemyMoveListIndex:: ; cce2
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wcce3:: ds 1 ; used in battle-related text functions
wcce4:: ds 1 ; used in battle-related text functions
2014-08-09 05:39:13 +00:00
wTotalPayDayMoney:: ; cce5
; total amount of money made using Pay Day during the current battle
ds 3
wSafariEscapeFactor:: ; cce8
ds 1
wSafariBaitFactor:: ; cce9
ds 1;
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wcceb:: ds 1 ; used to save the dvs of a mon when it uses transform
wccec:: ds 1 ; also used with above case
wMonIsDisobedient:: ds 1 ; cced
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wPlayerDisabledMoveNumber:: ds 1 ; ccee
wEnemyDisabledMoveNumber:: ds 1 ; ccef
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wccf0:: ds 1 ; used as a check if a mon fainted
wPlayerUsedMove:: ds 1 ; ccf1
wEnemyUsedMove:: ds 1 ; ccf2
2015-07-12 22:51:04 +00:00
wEnemyMonMinimized:: ds 1 ; ccf3
2014-08-09 05:39:13 +00:00
wMoveDidntMiss:: ds 1 ; ccf4
wPartyFoughtCurrentEnemyFlags:: ; ccf5
2014-08-09 05:39:13 +00:00
; flags that indicate which party members have fought the current enemy mon
flag_array 6
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wccf6:: ds 1 ; used in some hp bar thing
2015-07-12 22:51:04 +00:00
wPlayerMonMinimized:: ds 1 ; ccf7
ds 13
2014-08-09 05:39:13 +00:00
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
wLuckySlotHiddenObjectIndex:: ; cd05
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wEnemyNumHits:: ; cd05
; number of hits by enemy in attacks like Double Slap, etc.
wEnemyBideAccumulatedDamage:: ; cd05
; the amount of damage accumulated by the enemy while biding (2 bytes)
ds 10
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wInGameTradeGiveMonSpecies:: ; cd0f
2015-06-11 22:41:33 +00:00
wPlayerMonUnmodifiedLevel:: ; cd0f
2014-08-09 05:39:13 +00:00
ds 1
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wInGameTradeTextPointerTablePointer:: ; cd10
2014-08-09 05:39:13 +00:00
wPlayerMonUnmodifiedMaxHP:: ; cd10
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
ds 2
wInGameTradeTextPointerTableIndex:: ; cd12
2014-08-09 05:39:13 +00:00
wPlayerMonUnmodifiedAttack:: ; cd12
ds 1
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wInGameTradeGiveMonName:: ; cd13
2014-08-09 05:39:13 +00:00
ds 1
wPlayerMonUnmodifiedDefense:: ; cd14
ds 2
wPlayerMonUnmodifiedSpeed:: ; cd16
ds 2
wPlayerMonUnmodifiedSpecial:: ; cd18
ds 2
; stat modifiers for the player's current pokemon
; value can range from 1 - 13 ($1 to $D)
; 7 is normal
wPlayerMonAttackMod:: ; cd1a
ds 1
wPlayerMonDefenseMod:: ; cd1b
ds 1
wPlayerMonSpeedMod:: ; cd1c
ds 1
wPlayerMonSpecialMod:: ; cd1d
ds 1
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wInGameTradeReceiveMonName:: ; cd1e
wPlayerMonAccuracyMod:: ; cd1e
ds 1
wPlayerMonEvasionMod:: ; cd1f
ds 1
ds 3
2014-08-09 05:39:13 +00:00
wEnemyMonUnmodifiedLevel:: ; cd23
ds 1
wEnemyMonUnmodifiedMaxHP:: ; cd24
ds 2
wEnemyMonUnmodifiedAttack:: ; cd26
ds 2
wEnemyMonUnmodifiedDefense:: ; cd28
ds 1
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wInGameTradeMonNick:: ; cd29
2014-08-09 05:39:13 +00:00
ds 1
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
2014-08-09 05:39:13 +00:00
wEnemyMonUnmodifiedSpeed:: ; cd2a
ds 2
wEnemyMonUnmodifiedSpecial:: ; cd2c
ds 1
wEngagedTrainerClass:: ; cd2d
ds 1
wEngagedTrainerSet:: ; cd2e
; ds 1
; stat modifiers for the enemy's current pokemon
; value can range from 1 - 13 ($1 to $D)
; 7 is normal
wEnemyMonAttackMod:: ; cd2e
ds 1
wEnemyMonDefenseMod:: ; cd2f
ds 1
wEnemyMonSpeedMod:: ; cd30
ds 1
wEnemyMonSpecialMod:: ; cd31
ds 1
wEnemyMonAccuracyMod:: ; cd32
ds 1
wEnemyMonEvasionMod:: ; cd33
ds 1
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
ds 1
ds 2
wNPCMovementDirections2Index:: ; cd37
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wcd37:: ds 1 ; used in list menus, like the fossil lab menu or drink girl menu. Also used in link menu.
wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex:: ; cd38
; the next simulated joypad state is at wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd plus this value minus 1
; 0 if the joypad state is not being simulated
ds 1
wWastedByteCD39:: ; cd39
; written to but nothing ever reads it
ds 1
wWastedByteCD3A:: ; cd3a
; written to but nothing ever reads it
ds 1
wOverrideSimulatedJoypadStatesMask:: ; cd3b
; mask indicating which real button presses can override simulated ones
; XXX is it ever not 0?
ds 1
ds 1
2015-07-16 03:04:58 +00:00
wChargeMoveNum:: ; cd3d
wCoordIndex:: ; cd3d
wOptionsTextSpeedCursorX:: ; cd3d
wBoxNumString:: ; cd3d
wTrainerInfoTextBoxWidthPlus1:: ; cd3d
wSwappedMenuItem:: ; cd3d
2015-07-15 02:46:52 +00:00
wHoFMonSpecies:: ; cd3d
2015-07-14 22:48:34 +00:00
wFieldMoves:: ; cd3d
; 4 bytes
; the current mon's field moves
wBadgeNumberTile:: ; cd3d
; tile ID of the badge number being drawn
wRodResponse:: ; cd3d
; 0 = no bite
; 1 = bite
; 2 = no fish on map
2015-07-14 02:24:07 +00:00
wWhichTownMapLocation:: ; cd3d
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
wStoppingWhichSlotMachineWheel:: ; cd3d
; which wheel the player is trying to stop
; 0 = none, 1 = wheel 1, 2 = wheel 2, 3 or greater = wheel 3
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wTradedPlayerMonSpecies:: ; cd3d
wTradingWhichPlayerMon:: ; cd3d
2014-09-14 18:29:18 +00:00
wChangeBoxSavedMapTextPointer:: ; cd3d
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wFlyAnimUsingCoordList:: ; cd3d
wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimFrameDelay:: ; cd3d
wPlayerSpinWhileMovingUpOrDownAnimDeltaY:: ; cd3d
2014-09-14 18:29:18 +00:00
wHiddenObjectFunctionArgument:: ; cd3d
wSubtrahend:: ; cd3d
; subtract (BCD) wSubtrahend, wSubtrahend+1, wSubtrahend+2
wWhichTrade:: ; cd3d
; which entry from TradeMons to select
wTrainerSpriteOffset:: ; cd3d
ds 1
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
2015-07-16 03:04:58 +00:00
wOptionsBattleAnimCursorX:: ; cd3e
wTrainerInfoTextBoxWidth:: ; cd3e
2015-07-15 02:46:52 +00:00
wHoFPartyMonIndex:: ; cd3e
wNumCreditsMonsDisplayed:: ; cd3e
; the number of credits mons that have been displayed so far
wBadgeNameTile:: ; cd3e
; first tile ID of the name being drawn
2015-07-14 02:24:07 +00:00
wFlyLocationsList:: ; cd3e
; 11 bytes plus $ff sentinel values at each end
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
wSlotMachineWheel1Offset:: ; cd3e
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wTradedEnemyMonSpecies:: ; cd3e
wTradingWhichEnemyMon:: ; cd3e
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wFlyAnimCounter:: ; cd3e
wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimFrameDelayDelta:: ; cd3e
wPlayerSpinWhileMovingUpOrDownAnimMaxY:: ; cd3e
2014-09-14 18:29:18 +00:00
wHiddenObjectFunctionRomBank:: ; cd3e
wTrainerEngageDistance:: ; cd3e
ds 1
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
2015-07-16 03:04:58 +00:00
wOptionsBattleStyleCursorX:: ; cd3f
wTrainerInfoTextBoxNextRowOffset:: ; cd3f
2015-07-15 02:46:52 +00:00
wHoFMonLevel:: ; cd3f
wBadgeOrFaceTiles:: ; cd3f
; 8 bytes
; a list of the first tile IDs of each badge or face (depending on whether the
; badge is owned) to be drawn on the trainer screen
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
wSlotMachineWheel2Offset:: ; cd3f
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wNameOfPlayerMonToBeTraded:: ; cd3f
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wFlyAnimBirdSpriteImageIndex:: ; cd3f
wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimFrameDelayEndValue:: ; cd3f
wPlayerSpinWhileMovingUpOrDownAnimFrameDelay:: ; cd3f
2014-09-14 18:29:18 +00:00
wHiddenObjectIndex:: ; cd3f
wTrainerFacingDirection:: ; cd3f
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wcd3f:: ; used with daycare text for money amount
ds 1
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
2015-07-15 02:46:52 +00:00
wHoFMonOrPlayer:: ; cd40
; show mon or show player?
; 0 = mon
; 1 = player
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
wSlotMachineWheel3Offset:: ; cd40
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimSoundID:: ; cd40
2014-09-14 18:29:18 +00:00
wHiddenObjectY:: ; cd40
wTrainerScreenY:: ; cd40
ds 1
2014-09-14 18:29:18 +00:00
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wTradedPlayerMonOT:: ; cd41
wHiddenObjectX:: ; cd41
2014-09-14 18:29:18 +00:00
2015-07-14 22:48:34 +00:00
wSlotMachineWinningSymbol:: ; cd41
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
; the OAM tile number of the upper left corner of the winning symbol minus 2
2015-07-14 22:48:34 +00:00
wNumFieldMoves:: ; cd41
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
wSlotMachineWheel1BottomTile:: ; cd41
wTrainerScreenX:: ; cd41
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
; a lot of the uses for these values use more than the said address
2015-07-15 02:46:52 +00:00
wHoFTeamNo:: ; cd42
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
wSlotMachineWheel1MiddleTile:: ; cd42
2015-07-14 22:48:34 +00:00
wFieldMovesLeftmostXCoord:: ; cd42
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wcd42:: ds 1 ; used in pewter center script, printing field mon moves, slot machines and HoF PC
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
2015-07-14 22:48:34 +00:00
wLastFieldMoveID:: ; cd43
; unused
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
2015-07-14 22:48:34 +00:00
wSlotMachineWheel1TopTile:: ; cd43
ds 1
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
wSlotMachineWheel2BottomTile:: ; cd44
ds 1
wSlotMachineWheel2MiddleTile:: ; cd45
ds 1
wTempCoins1:: ; cd46
; 2 bytes
; temporary variable used to add payout amount to the player's coins
wSlotMachineWheel2TopTile:: ; cd46
ds 1
wBattleTransitionSpiralDirection:: ; cd47
; 0 = outward, 1 = inward
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
wSlotMachineWheel3BottomTile:: ; cd47
ds 1
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
wSlotMachineWheel3MiddleTile:: ; cd48
wFacingDirectionList:: ; cd48
; 4 bytes (also, the byte before the start of the list (cd47) is used a temp
; variable when the list is rotated)
; used when spinning the player's sprite
ds 1
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
wSlotMachineWheel3TopTile:: ; cd49
; 8 bytes
; temporary list created when displaying the badges on the trainer screen
; one byte for each badge; 0 = not obtained, 1 = obtained
ds 1
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
wTempCoins2:: ; cd4a
; 2 bytes
; temporary variable used to subtract the bet amount from the player's coins
wPayoutCoins:: ; cd4a
; 2 bytes
ds 2
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wTradedPlayerMonOTID:: ; cd4c
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
wSlotMachineFlags:: ; cd4c
; These flags are set randomly and control when the wheels stop.
; bit 6: allow the player to win in general
; bit 7: allow the player to win with 7 or bar (plus the effect of bit 6)
ds 1
wSlotMachineWheel1SlipCounter:: ; cd4d
; wheel 1 can "slip" while this is non-zero
2015-07-15 02:46:52 +00:00
wCutTile:: ; cd4d
; $3d = tree tile
; $52 = grass tile
ds 1
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
wSlotMachineWheel2SlipCounter:: ; cd4e
; wheel 2 can "slip" while this is non-zero
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wTradedEnemyMonOT:: ; cd4e
ds 1
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wSavedPlayerScreenY:: ; cd4f
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
wSlotMachineRerollCounter:: ; cd4f
; The remaining number of times wheel 3 will roll down a symbol until a match is
; found, when winning is enabled. It's initialized to 4 each bet.
wEmotionBubbleSpriteIndex:: ; cd4f
; the index of the sprite the emotion bubble is to be displayed above
ds 1
wWhichEmotionBubble:: ; cd50
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
wSlotMachineBet:: ; cd50
; how many coins the player bet on the slot machine (1 to 3)
wSavedPlayerFacingDirection:: ; cd50
wWhichAnimationOffsets:: ; cd50
; 0 = cut animation, 1 = boulder dust animation
ds 9
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wTradedEnemyMonOTID:: ; cd59
ds 2
2015-07-14 02:24:07 +00:00
wOAMBaseTile:: ; cd5b
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wcd5b:: ds 1 ; used in some sprite stuff, town map and surge gym trash cans
wcd5c:: ds 1 ; used in town map
2015-03-14 22:25:21 +00:00
wMonPartySpriteSpecies:: ; cd5d
ds 1
wLeftGBMonSpecies:: ; cd5e
; in the trade animation, the mon that leaves the left gameboy
ds 1
wRightGBMonSpecies:: ; cd5f
; in the trade animation, the mon that leaves the right gameboy
ds 1
wFlags_0xcd60:: ; cd60
; bit 0: is player engaged by trainer (to avoid being engaged by multiple trainers simultaneously)
; bit 1: boulder dust animation (from using Strength) pending
2015-07-16 03:04:58 +00:00
; bit 3: using generic PC
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
; bit 5: don't play sound when A or B is pressed in menu
; bit 6: tried pushing against boulder once (you need to push twice before it will move)
ds 1
ds 9
2015-07-15 06:16:06 +00:00
wActionResultOrTookBattleTurn:: ; cd6a
; This has overlapping related uses.
; When the player tries to use an item or use certain field moves, 0 is stored
; when the attempt fails and 1 is stored when the attempt succeeds.
; In addition, some items store 2 for certain types of failures, but this
; cannot happen in battle.
; In battle, a non-zero value indicates the player has taken their turn using
; something other than a move (e.g. using an item or switching pokemon).
; So, when an item is successfully used in battle, this value becomes non-zero
; and the player is not allowed to make a move and the two uses are compatible.
ds 1
2014-05-25 17:51:53 +00:00
wJoyIgnore:: ; cd6b
; Set buttons are ignored.
ds 1
2015-07-15 06:16:06 +00:00
wDownscaledMonSize:: ; cd6c
; size of downscaled mon pic used in pokeball entering/exiting animation
; $00 = 5×5
; $01 = 3×3
wNumMovesMinusOne:: ; cd6c
; FormatMovesString stores the number of moves minus one here
ds 1
wcd6d:: ds 4 ; buffer for various data
wStatusScreenCurrentPP:: ; cd71
; temp variable used to print a move's current PP on the status screen
ds 1
ds 6
wNormalMaxPPList:: ; cd78
; list of normal max PP (without PP up) values
ds 9
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wSerialOtherGameboyRandomNumberListBlock:: ; cd81
; buffer for transferring the random number list generated by the other gameboy
wTileMapBackup2:: ; cd81
; second buffer for temporarily saving and restoring current screen's tiles (e.g. if menus are drawn on top)
ds 20 * 18
wBuffer:: ; cee9
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
; Temporary storage area of 30 bytes.
2015-07-14 02:24:07 +00:00
wTownMapCoords:: ; cee9
; lower nybble is x, upper nybble is y
wHPBarMaxHP:: ; cee9
ds 2
wHPBarOldHP:: ; ceeb
ds 2
wHPBarNewHP:: ; ceed
ds 2
wHPBarDelta:: ; ceef
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wcef0:: ds 1 ; used with HP bar stuff, probably used with wBuffer too.
wcef1:: ds 12 ; same case as above
wHPBarHPDifference:: ; cefd
ds 1
ds 7
2015-07-15 06:16:06 +00:00
wAIItem:: ; cf05
; the item that the AI used
ds 1
wUsedItemOnWhichPokemon:: ; cf05
ds 1
wAnimSoundID:: ; cf07
; sound ID during battle animations
ds 1
2015-07-15 06:16:06 +00:00
wBankswitchHomeSavedROMBank:: ; cf08
; used as a storage value for the bank to return to after a BankswitchHome (bankswitch in homebank)
ds 1
wBankswitchHomeTemp:: ; cf09
; used as a temp storage value for the bank to switch to
ds 1
2015-07-13 06:00:48 +00:00
wBoughtOrSoldItemInMart:: ; cf0a
; 0 = nothing bought or sold in pokemart
; 1 = bought or sold something in pokemart
; this value is not used for anything
ds 1
2014-08-09 05:39:13 +00:00
wBattleResult:: ; cf0b
; $00 - win
; $01 - lose
; $02 - draw
ds 1
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wAutoTextBoxDrawingControl:: ; cf0c
; bit 0: if set, DisplayTextID automatically draws a text box
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wcf0d:: ds 1 ; used with some overworld scripts (not exactly sure what it's used for)
2015-07-15 06:16:06 +00:00
wTilePlayerStandingOn:: ; cf0e
; used in CheckForTilePairCollisions2 to store the tile the player is on
ds 1
wNPCNumScriptedSteps:: ds 1 ; cf0f
wNPCMovementScriptFunctionNum:: ; cf10
; which script function within the pointer table indicated by
; wNPCMovementScriptPointerTableNum
ds 1
2015-07-15 06:16:06 +00:00
wTextPredefFlag:: ; cf11
; bit 0: set when printing a text predef so that DisplayTextID doesn't switch
; to the current map's bank
ds 1
wPredefParentBank:: ; cf12
ds 1
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wSpriteIndex:: ds 1
wCurSpriteMovement2:: ; cf14
; movement byte 2 of current sprite
ds 1
ds 2
wNPCMovementScriptSpriteOffset:: ; cf17
; sprite offset of sprite being controlled by NPC movement script
ds 1
2015-07-15 20:58:21 +00:00
wScriptedNPCWalkCounter:: ; cf18
ds 1
ds 1
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
wGBC:: ; cf1a
ds 1
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wOnSGB:: ; cf1b
; if running on SGB, it's 1, else it's 0
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wcf1c:: ds 1 ; used with sgb palettes
wcf1d:: ds 1 ; used when displaying palettes for Pokemon
wcf1e:: ds 1 ; used to display palettes for HP bar
wcf1f:: ds 6 ; used to display HP bars in Pokemon Menu (probably palettes)
wcf25:: ds 8 ; used to display HP bar for Pokemon Status Screen (probably palettes too)
wcf2d:: ds 1 ; also used to display HP bar for Pokemon Menu (something about HP colour)
wcf2e:: ds 2 ; more HP bar palette stuff.
wcf30:: ds 7 ; used with palettes (apparently for Pokedex)
wcf37:: ds 20 ; used with palletes too (used for Party Menu)
wcf4b:: ds 1 ; storage buffer for various strings
wcf4c:: ds 1 ; used with displaying EXP value, probably also overflowed with wcf4b
2015-03-31 18:28:42 +00:00
wGainBoostedExp:: ; cf4d
ds 1
2015-03-31 18:28:42 +00:00
ds 17
wGymCityName:: ; cf5f
2015-07-15 06:16:06 +00:00
ds 17
wGymLeaderName:: ; cf70
2015-07-15 06:16:06 +00:00
ds 11
wItemList:: ; cf7b
ds 16
2015-07-15 06:16:06 +00:00
wListPointer:: ; cf8b
2015-02-08 02:37:40 +00:00
ds 2
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wcf8d:: ds 1 ; used in GetMonName
wcf8e:: ds 1 ; also used in GetMonName (probably as a pointer)
2015-02-08 02:37:40 +00:00
wItemPrices:: ; cf8f
ds 2
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wcf91:: ds 1 ; used with a lot of things (too much to list here)
wWhichPokemon:: ; cf92
; which pokemon you selected
ds 1
2015-07-13 06:00:48 +00:00
wPrintItemPrices:: ; cf93
; if non-zero, then print item prices when displaying lists
ds 1
2015-02-08 06:18:42 +00:00
wHPBarType:: ; cf94
; type of HP bar
; $00 = enemy HUD in battle
; $01 = player HUD in battle / status screen
; $02 = party menu
wListMenuID:: ; cf94
; ID used by DisplayListMenuID
ds 1
wRemoveMonFromBox:: ; cf95
; if non-zero, RemovePokemon will remove the mon from the current box,
; else it will remove the mon from the party
wMoveMonType:: ; cf95
; 0 = move from box to party
; 1 = move from party to box
; 2 = move from daycare to party
; 3 = move from party to daycare
ds 1
2015-07-13 06:00:48 +00:00
wItemQuantity:: ; cf96
ds 1
wMaxItemQuantity:: ; cf97
ds 1
2015-02-08 02:37:40 +00:00
; LoadMonData copies mon data here
wLoadedMon:: party_struct wLoadedMon ; cf98
2015-02-09 02:40:08 +00:00
wFontLoaded:: ; cfc4
; bit 0: The space in VRAM that is used to store walk animation tile patterns
; for the player and NPCs is in use for font tile patterns.
; This means that NPC movement must be disabled.
; The other bits are unused.
2015-02-08 02:37:40 +00:00
ds 1
wWalkCounter:: ; cfc5
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; walk animation counter
ds 1
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wTileInFrontOfPlayer:: ; cfc6
; background tile number in front of the player (either 1 or 2 steps ahead)
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
wMusicHeaderPointer:: ; cfc7
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; (the current music channel address - $4000) / 3
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wcfc8:: ds 1 ; used with audio
wcfc9:: ds 1 ; also used with audio
wcfca:: ds 1 ; also used with audio too
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wUpdateSpritesEnabled:: ; cfcb
2015-07-15 11:27:59 +00:00
; $00 = causes sprites to be hidden and the value to change to $ff
; $01 = enabled
; $ff = disabled
; other values aren't used
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
wEnemyMonSpecies2:: ; cfd8
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
wBattleMonSpecies2:: ; cfd9
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
wEnemyMonNick:: ds 11 ; cfda
wEnemyMon:: ; cfe5
; The wEnemyMon struct reaches past 0xcfff,
; the end of wram bank 0 on cgb.
; This has no significance on dmg, where wram
; isn't banked (c000-dfff is contiguous).
; However, recent versions of rgbds have replaced
; dmg-style wram with cgb wram banks.
; Until this is fixed, this struct will have
; to be declared manually.
wEnemyMonSpecies:: db
wEnemyMonHP:: dw
wEnemyMonBoxLevel:: db
wEnemyMonStatus:: db
wEnemyMonType1:: db
wEnemyMonType2:: db
2014-08-09 05:39:13 +00:00
wEnemyMonCatchRate_NotReferenced:: db
wEnemyMonMoves:: ds NUM_MOVES
wEnemyMonDVs:: ds 2
wEnemyMonLevel:: db
wEnemyMonMaxHP:: dw
wEnemyMonAttack:: dw
wEnemyMonDefense:: dw
wEnemyMonSpeed:: dw
wEnemyMonSpecial:: dw
wEnemyMonPP:: ds 2 ; NUM_MOVES - 2
ds 2 ; NUM_MOVES - 2
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
2014-08-09 05:39:13 +00:00
wEnemyMonBaseStats:: ds 5
wEnemyMonCatchRate:: ds 1
wEnemyMonBaseExp:: ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
wBattleMonNick:: ds 11 ; d009
wBattleMon:: battle_struct wBattleMon ; d014
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
ds 1
wTrainerPicPointer:: ; d033
2015-04-09 11:05:57 +00:00
ds 2
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd036:: ds 16 ; used as a temporary buffer to print "XXX learned YYY"
wd046:: ds 1 ; used with trainer pointer stuff (not exactly sure, but the label is incremented and loaded with a value, so wd047 is accessed)
wd047:: ds 1 ; used with unloading trainer data?
wd048:: ds 2 ; used as a pointer for missable object loop
; 13 bytes for the letters of the opposing trainer
; the name is terminated with $50 with possible
; unused trailing letters
ds 13
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; no battle, this is 0
; wild battle, this is 1
; trainer battle, this is 2
ds 1
2014-08-09 05:39:13 +00:00
wPartyGainExpFlags:: ; d058
; flags that indicate which party members should be be given exp when GainExperience is called
flag_array 6
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; in a wild battle, this is the species of pokemon
; in a trainer battle, this is the trainer class + $C8
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; in normal battle, this is 0
; in old man battle, this is 1
; in safari battle, this is 2
ds 1
2015-03-31 18:28:42 +00:00
wDamageMultipliers:: ; d05b
; bits 0-6: Effectiveness
; $0 = immune
; $5 = not very effective
; $a = neutral
; $14 = super-effective
; bit 7: STAB
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; which entry in LoneAttacks to use
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; it's actually the same thing as ^
ds 1
W_TRAINERNO:: ; d05d
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; which instance of [youngster, lass, etc] is this?
ds 1
2014-08-09 05:39:13 +00:00
wCriticalHitOrOHKO:: ; d05e
; $00 = normal attack
; $01 = critical hit
; $02 = successful OHKO
; $ff = failed OHKO
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2015-02-08 09:44:41 +00:00
wPlayerStatsToDouble:: ; d060
; always 0
ds 1
wPlayerStatsToHalve:: ; d061
; always 0
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; bit 0 - bide
; bit 1 - thrash / petal dance
; bit 2 - attacking multiple times (e.g. double kick)
; bit 3 - flinch
; bit 4 - charging up for attack
; bit 5 - using multi-turn move (e.g. wrap)
; bit 6 - invulnerable to normal attack (using fly/dig)
; bit 7 - confusion
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
; bit 0 - X Accuracy effect
; bit 1 - protected by "mist"
; bit 2 - focus energy effect
; bit 4 - has a substitute
; bit 5 - need to recharge
; bit 6 - rage
; bit 7 - leech seeded
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
; bit 0 - toxic
; bit 1 - light screen
; bit 2 - reflect
; bit 3 - tranformed
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2015-02-08 09:44:41 +00:00
wEnemyStatsToDouble:: ; d065
; always 0
ds 1
wEnemyStatsToHalve:: ; d066
; always 0
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2014-08-09 05:39:13 +00:00
; when the player is attacking multiple times, the number of attacks left
ds 1
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
; high nibble: which move is disabled (1-4)
; low nibble: disable turns left
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
ds 1
wEnemyNumAttacksLeft:: ; d06f
; when the enemy is attacking multiple times, the number of attacks left
2014-08-09 05:39:13 +00:00
ds 1
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
; high nibble: which move is disabled (1-4)
; low nibble: disable turns left
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wPlayerNumHits:: ; d074
; number of hits by player in attacks like Double Slap, etc.
wPlayerBideAccumulatedDamage:: ; d074
; the amount of damage accumulated by the player while biding (2 bytes)
wUnknownSerialCounter2:: ; d075
; 2 bytes
2015-04-09 11:05:57 +00:00
ds 4
2014-08-09 05:39:13 +00:00
; non-zero when an item or move that allows escape from battle was used
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wAmountMoneyWon:: ; wd079 - wd07b
wd079:: ds 1 ; used as a value to print the money won from a battle, as well as a misc. value in seafoam
wd07a:: ds 1 ; same case as above
wd07b:: ds 1 ; used as a buffer to convert the money won from a battle into BCD
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; ID number of the current battle animation
ds 1
wNamingScreenType:: ; d07d
wPartyMenuTypeOrMessageID:: ; d07d
wTempTilesetNumTiles:: ; d07d
; temporary storage for the number of tiles in a tileset
ds 1
2015-07-13 06:00:48 +00:00
wSavedListScrollOffset:: ; d07e
; used by the pokemart code to save the existing value of wListScrollOffset
; so that it can be restored when the player is done with the pokemart NPC
ds 1
ds 2
; base coordinates of frame block
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
; low health alarm counter/enable
; high bit = enable, others = timer to cycle frequencies
wLowHealthAlarm:: ds 1 ; d083
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; counts how many tiles of the current frame block have been drawn
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd085:: ds 1 ; used with animating water/flowers
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; duration of each frame of the current subanimation in terms of screen refreshes
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; counts the number of subentries left in the current subanimation
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd088:: ds 1 ; savefile checksum (if file is corrupted)
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; number of tiles in current battle animation frame block
ds 1
2015-03-14 22:25:21 +00:00
wTradedMonMovingRight:: ; d08a
; $01 if mon is moving from left gameboy to right gameboy; $00 if vice versa
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd08a:: ds 1 ; used with sprites and displaying the option menu on the main menu screen?
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
wAnimCounter:: ; d08b
; generic counter variable for various animations
2015-03-13 12:33:16 +00:00
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; controls what transformations are applied to the subanimation
; 01: flip horizontally and vertically
; 02: flip horizontally and translate downwards 40 pixels
; 03: translate base coordinates of frame blocks, but don't change their internal coordinates or flip their tiles
; 04: reverse the subanimation
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2014-09-14 18:29:18 +00:00
wEndBattleWinTextPointer:: ; d08c
ds 2
wEndBattleLoseTextPointer:: ; d08e
ds 2
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 2
2014-09-14 18:29:18 +00:00
wEndBattleTextRomBank:: ; d092
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; the address _of the address_ of the current subanimation entry
ds 2
2015-07-13 20:35:35 +00:00
wSlotMachineAllowMatchesCounter:: ; d096
; If non-zero, the allow matches flag is always set.
; There is a 1/256 (~0.4%) chance that this value will be set to 60, which is
; the only way it can increase. Winning certain payout amounts will decrement it
; or zero it.
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; the address of the current subentry of the current subanimation
ds 2
ds 2
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd09a:: ds 1 ; used with the battle transition screen when entering a battle (screen slowly draws into black)
2014-09-14 18:29:18 +00:00
wTownMapSpriteBlinkingEnabled:: ; d09b
; non-zero when enabled. causes nest locations to blink on and off.
; the town selection cursor will blink regardless of what this value is
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd09b:: ds 1 ; also used with battle transition screen and move animations
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; current destination address in OAM for frame blocks (big endian)
ds 2
W_FBMODE:: ; d09e
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; controls how the frame blocks are put together to form frames
; specifically, after finishing drawing the frame block, the frame block's mode determines what happens
; 00: clean OAM buffer and delay
; 02: move onto the next frame block with no delay and no cleaning OAM buffer
; 03: delay, but don't clean OAM buffer
; 04: delay, without cleaning OAM buffer, and do not advance [W_FBDESTADDR], so that the next frame block will overwrite this one
; sprite data is written column by column, each byte contains 8 columns (one for ech bit)
; for 2bpp sprites, pairs of two consecutive bytes (i.e. pairs of consecutive rows of sprite data)
; contain the upper and lower bit of each of the 8 pixels, respectively
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2014-09-14 18:29:18 +00:00
wNewTileBlockID:: ; d09f
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd09f:: ds 1 ; used with predef ReplaceTileBlock
2015-07-12 23:24:03 +00:00
wDisableVBlankWYUpdate:: ds 1 ; if non-zero, don't update WY during V-blank
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; current input byte
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; bit offset of last read input bit
ds 1
W_SPRITEOUTPUTBITOFFSET:: ; d0a7; determines where in the output byte the two bits are placed. Each byte contains four columns (2bpp data)
; 3 -> XX000000 1st column
; 2 -> 00XX0000 2nd column
; 1 -> 0000XX00 3rd column
; 0 -> 000000XX 4th column
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
; bit 0 determines used buffer (0 -> $a188, 1 -> $a310)
; bit 1 loading last sprite chunk? (there are at most 2 chunks per load operation)
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; pointer to next input byte
ds 2
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; pointer to current output byte
ds 2
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; used to revert pointer for different bit offsets
ds 2
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; pointer to differential decoding table (assuming initial value 0)
ds 2
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; pointer to differential decoding table (assuming initial value 1)
ds 2
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd0b5:: ds 1 ; used as a temp storage area for Pokemon Species, and other Pokemon/Battle related things
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
2015-02-08 09:44:41 +00:00
wNameListType:: ; d0b6
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
wPredefBank:: ; d0b7
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
W_MONHEADER:: ; d0b8
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
W_MONHTYPES:: ; d0be
W_MONHTYPE1:: ; d0be
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
W_MONHTYPE2:: ; d0bf
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 2
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 2
W_MONHMOVES:: ; d0c7
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 4
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; bit field
flag_array 50 + 5
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd0d4:: ds 3 ; temp storage for hTilesetType
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
W_DAMAGE:: ; d0d7
2015-02-07 21:40:14 +00:00
ds 2
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 2
wRepelRemainingSteps:: ; d0db
ds 1
2015-02-08 08:17:03 +00:00
wMoves:: ; d0dc
2015-02-08 08:17:03 +00:00
; list of moves for FormatMovesString
ds 4
wMoveNum:: ; d0e0
ds 1
wMovesString:: ; d0e1
ds 56
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd119:: ds 1 ; written to from W_CURMAPTILESET but never read
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wWalkBikeSurfStateCopy:: ; d11a
; wWalkBikeSurfState is sometimes copied here, but it doesn't seem to be used for anything
ds 1
2015-07-13 06:00:48 +00:00
wInitListType:: ; d11b
; the type of list for InitList to init
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd11c:: ds 1 ; temp storage value for catching pokemon
wd11d:: ds 1 ; used with battle switchout and testing if the enemy mon fainted
wd11e:: ds 1 ; used as a Pokemon and Item storage value. Also used as an output value for CountSetBits
wd11f:: ds 1 ; used when running from battle and PartyMenuInit
2014-08-09 05:39:13 +00:00
; number of times the player has tried to run from battle
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd121:: ds 1 ; used with evolving pokemon
wd122:: ds 2 ; saved ROM bank number for vblank
2015-07-13 06:00:48 +00:00
wIsKeyItem:: ds 1 ; d124
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wTextBoxID:: ; d125
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd126:: ds 1 ; not exactly sure what this is used for, but it seems to be used as a multipurpose temp flag value
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2015-07-13 06:00:48 +00:00
wItemListPointer:: ; d128
; pointer to list of items terminated by $FF
ds 2
2015-07-13 07:32:03 +00:00
; number of entries in a list
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wLinkState:: ; d12b
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2015-07-13 06:00:48 +00:00
wTwoOptionMenuID:: ; d12c
ds 1
wChosenMenuItem:: ; d12d
; the id of the menu item the player ultimately chose
wOutOfBattleBlackout:: ; d12d
; non-zero when the whole party has fainted due to out-of-battle poison damage
ds 1
wMenuExitMethod:: ; d12e
; the way the user exited a menu
; for list menus and the buy/sell/quit menu:
; $01 = the user pressed A to choose a menu item
; $02 = the user pressed B to cancel
; for two-option menus:
; $01 = the user pressed A with the first menu item selected
; $02 = the user pressed B or pressed A with the second menu item selected
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd12f:: ds 1 ; used in some coordinatestuff, npc pathstuff, and game corner prize stuff
wd130:: ds 1 ; saved value of screen Y coord of trainer sprite
wd131:: ds 1 ; saved value of screen X coord of trainer sprite
wd132:: ds 1 ; saved value of map Y coordinate of trainer sprite (not sure for purpose)
wd133:: ds 6 ; saved value of map X coordinate of trainer sprite
wd139:: ds 1 ; backup of selected menu entry for game corner prizes
2014-09-14 18:29:18 +00:00
wIgnoreInputCounter:: ; d13a
; counts downward each frame
; when it hits 0, bit 5 (ignore input bit) of wd730 is reset
ds 1
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wStepCounter:: ; d13b
; counts down once every step
ds 1
wNumberOfNoRandomBattleStepsLeft:: ; d13c
; after a battle, you have at least 3 steps before a random battle can occur
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
W_PRIZE1:: ; d13d
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
W_PRIZE2:: ; d13e
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
W_PRIZE3:: ; d13f
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
ds 1
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wSerialRandomNumberListBlock:: ; d141
; the first 7 bytes are the preamble
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd141:: ds 2 ; prices for prizes
wd143:: ds 2 ; prices for prizes
wd145:: ds 3 ; prices for prizes
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wLinkBattleRandomNumberList:: ; d148
; shared list of 9 random numbers, indexed by wLinkBattleRandomNumberListIndex
ds 10
wSerialPlayerDataBlock:: ; d152
; the first 6 bytes are the preamble
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd152:: ds 1 ; used as a temporary storage for the item used
wd153:: ds 3 ; written to during pokedex flag action but doesn't seem to be read from
wd156:: ds 1 ; evolution stone ID used
wd157:: ds 1 ; used with oak's lab script (related to npc movement directions), possibly indirectly accessed with values below
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
wPlayerName:: ; d158
ds 11
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
wPartyCount:: ds 1 ; d163
wPartySpecies:: ds PARTY_LENGTH ; d164
wPartyEnd:: ds 1 ; d16a
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
wPartyMon1:: party_struct wPartyMon1 ; d16b
wPartyMon2:: party_struct wPartyMon2 ; d197
wPartyMon3:: party_struct wPartyMon3 ; d1c3
wPartyMon4:: party_struct wPartyMon4 ; d1ef
wPartyMon5:: party_struct wPartyMon5 ; d21b
wPartyMon6:: party_struct wPartyMon6 ; d247
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
wPartyMonOT:: ds 11 * PARTY_LENGTH ; d273
wPartyMonNicks:: ds 11 * PARTY_LENGTH ; d2b5
wPokedexOwned:: ; d2f7
flag_array NUM_POKEMON
wPokedexSeen:: ; d30a
flag_array NUM_POKEMON
wNumBagItems:: ; d31d
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
wBagItems:: ; d31e
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; item, quantity
ds 20 * 2
ds 1 ; end
wPlayerMoney:: ; d347
ds 3 ; BCD
W_RIVALNAME:: ; d34a
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 11
W_OPTIONS:: ; d355
; bit 7 = battle animation
; 0: On
; 1: Off
; bit 6 = battle style
; 0: Shift
; 1: Set
; bits 0-3 = text speed (number of frames to delay after printing a letter)
; 1: Fast
; 3: Medium
; 5: Slow
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
ds 1
2015-07-15 02:46:52 +00:00
wLetterPrintingDelayFlags:: ; d358
; bit 0: If 0, limit the delay to 1 frame. Note that this has no effect if
; the delay has been disabled entirely through bit 1 of this variable
; or bit 6 of wd730.
; bit 1: If 0, no delay.
ds 1
wPlayerID:: ; d359
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 2
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd35b:: ds 1 ; used with audio stuff
wd35c:: ds 1 ; storage for audio bank for current map?
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wMapPalOffset:: ; d35d
; offset subtracted from FadePal4 to get the background and object palettes for the current map
; normally, it is 0. it is 6 when Flash is needed, causing FadePal2 to be used instead of FadePal4
ds 1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
W_CURMAP:: ; d35e
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wCurrentTileBlockMapViewPointer:: ; d35f
; pointer to the upper left corner of the current view in the tile block map
ds 2
W_YCOORD:: ; d361
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
; players position on the current map
ds 1
W_XCOORD:: ; d362
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
; player's y position (by block)
ds 1
ds 1
wLastMap:: ; d365
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd366:: ds 1 ; W_CURMAPWIDTH of the last outdoor map visited when entering an inside map
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
; blocks
ds 1
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
; blocks
ds 1
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
ds 2
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
ds 2
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
ds 2
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
; connection byte
ds 1
W_MAPCONN1PTR:: ; d371
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd372:: ds 1 ; some connection stuff, too bothered to label it
wd373:: ds 1
wd374:: ds 1
wd375:: ds 1
wd376:: ds 1
wd377:: ds 1
wd378:: ds 1
wd379:: ds 1
wd37a:: ds 1
wd37b:: ds 1
W_MAPCONN2PTR:: ; d37c
ds 1
wd37d:: ds 1
wd37e:: ds 1
wd37f:: ds 1
wd380:: ds 1
wd381:: ds 1
wd382:: ds 1
wd383:: ds 1
wd384:: ds 1
wd385:: ds 1
wd386:: ds 1
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
W_MAPCONN3PTR:: ; d387
ds 1
wd388:: ds 1
wd389:: ds 1
wd38a:: ds 1
wd38b:: ds 1
wd38c:: ds 1
wd38d:: ds 1
wd38e:: ds 1
wd38f:: ds 1
wd390:: ds 1
wd391:: ds 1
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
W_MAPCONN4PTR:: ; d392
ds 1
wd393:: ds 1
wd394:: ds 1
wd395:: ds 1
wd396:: ds 1
wd397:: ds 1
wd398:: ds 1
wd399:: ds 1
wd39a:: ds 1
wd39b:: ds 1
wd39c:: ds 1
W_SPRITESET:: ; d39d
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
; sprite set for the current map (11 sprite picture ID's)
ds 11
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
; sprite set ID for the current map
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd3a9:: ds 1 ; used when getting the object data pointer
wd3aa:: ds 3 ; second part of the pointer
wd3ad:: ds 1 ; used as the beginning value for copying warp data
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wNumberOfWarps:: ; d3ae
; number of warps in current map
ds 1
wWarpEntries:: ; d3af
; current map warp entries
ds 128
wDestinationWarpID:: ; d42f
; if $ff, the player's coordinates are not updated when entering the map
ds 1
ds 128
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd4b0:: ds 1 ; number of signs on the map
wd4b1:: ds 32 ; starting address for sign coords
wd4d1:: ds 16 ; starting address for sign text IDs
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
; number of sprites on the current map
ds 1
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
; these two variables track the X and Y offset in blocks from the last special warp used
; they don't seem to be used for anything
wYOffsetSinceLastSpecialWarp:: ; d4e2
ds 1
wXOffsetSinceLastSpecialWarp:: ; d4e3
ds 1
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
; two bytes per sprite (movement byte 2, text ID)
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
ds 32
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
; two bytes per sprite (trainer class/item ID, trainer set ID)
ds 32
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd524:: ds 1 ; map height in 2x2 metatiles, also used with checking connections
wd525:: ds 1 ; map width in 2x2 metatiles, also used with checking connections
2014-09-14 18:29:18 +00:00
wMapViewVRAMPointer:: ; d526
; the address of the upper left corner of the visible portion of the BG tile map in VRAM
ds 2
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd528:: ds 1 ; additional storage for directions
wd529:: ds 1 ; same case as above, but used differently
wd52a:: ds 1 ; same case as above
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
; maps blocks (4x4 tiles) to tiles
ds 2
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
ds 2
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
; list of all walkable tiles
ds 2
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
ds 3
W_GRASSTILE:: ; d535
2013-12-08 19:25:19 +00:00
ds 1
ds 4
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
wNumBoxItems:: ; d53a
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 1
wBoxItems:: ; d53b
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; item, quantity
ds 50 * 2
ds 1 ; end
2015-07-16 03:04:58 +00:00
wCurrentBoxNum:: ; d5a0
ds 2
2015-07-15 02:46:52 +00:00
wNumHoFTeams:: ; d5a2
; number of HOF teams
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd5a3:: ds 1 ; unused? (written to when loading map data)
wPlayerCoins:: ; d5a4
ds 2 ; BCD
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; bit array of missable objects. set = removed
ds 39
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd5cd:: ds 1 ; temp copy of c1x2 (sprite facing/anim)
; each entry consists of 2 bytes
; * the sprite ID (depending on the current map)
; * the missable object index (global, used for W_MISSABLEOBJECTFLAGS)
; terminated with $FF
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ds 17 * 2
; $c8 bytes
ds 0
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 2
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 7
ds 1
ds 1
2014-04-06 13:12:05 +00:00
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 2
ds 1
ds 2
ds 1
ds 2
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 2
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 4
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
; overload
ds 0
; overload
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 134
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd6f0:: ds 14 ; flags for hidden items?
wd6fe:: ds 2 ; flags for hidden coins?
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wWalkBikeSurfState:: ; d700
; $00 = walking
; $01 = biking
; $02 = surfing
ds 1
ds 10
flag_array 13
wSafariSteps:: ; d70d
; starts at 502
ds 2
; item given to cinnabar lab
ds 1
W_FOSSILMON:: ; d710
; mon that will result from the item
ds 1
ds 2
; trainer classes start at $c8
ds 1
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wPlayerJumpingYScreenCoordsIndex:: ; d714
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wBoulderSpriteIndex:: ; d718
; sprite index of the boulder the player is trying to push
ds 1
wLastBlackoutMap:: ; d719
ds 1
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wDestinationMap:: ; d71a
; destination map (for certain types of special warps, not ordinary walking)
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd71b:: ds 1 ; written to but doesn't seem to be read
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wTileInFrontOfBoulderAndBoulderCollisionResult:: ; d71c
; used to store the tile in front of the boulder when trying to push a boulder
; also used to store the result of the collision check ($ff for a collision and $00 for no collision)
ds 1
wDungeonWarpDestinationMap:: ; d71d
; destination map for dungeon warps
ds 1
wWhichDungeonWarp:: ; d71e
; which dungeon warp within the source map was used
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd71f:: ds 9 ; used with card key
; bit 0: using Strength outside of battle
ds 1
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd72a:: ds 2 ; flags for if a gym is beaten, also used to determine whether to display your name on the gym statues
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wd72c:: ; d72c
; bit 0: if not set, the 3 minimum steps between random battles have passed
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd72d:: ds 1 ; misc temp flags? (in some scripts, bit 6 and 7 set after a special battle (e.g. gym leaders) has been won)
; also used as a start menu flag
2015-07-15 11:27:59 +00:00
; bit 7: set if scripted NPC movement has been initialised
ds 2 ; more temp misc flags, used with npc movement, main menu and other stuff
2014-09-14 18:29:18 +00:00
; bit 0: NPC sprite being moved by script
; bit 5: ignore joypad input
; bit 6: print text with no delay between each letter
2015-07-15 11:27:59 +00:00
; bit 7: set if joypad states are being simulated in the overworld or an NPC's movement is being scripted
ds 1
ds 1
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
wd732:: ; d732
; bit 0: play time being counted
; bit 1: remnant of debug mode? not set by the game code.
; if it is set
; 1. skips most of Prof. Oak's speech, and uses NINTEN as the player's name and SONY as the rival's name
; 2. does not have the player start in floor two of the playyer's house (instead sending them to [wLastMap])
; 3. allows wild battles to be avoided by holding down B
; bit 2: the target warp is a fly warp (bit 3 set or blacked out) or a dungeon warp (bit 4 set)
; bit 3: used warp pad, escape rope, dig, teleport, or fly, so the target warp is a "fly warp"
; bit 4: jumped into hole (Pokemon Mansion, Seafoam Islands, Victory Road) or went down waterfall (Seafoam Islands), so the target warp is a "dungeon warp"
; bit 5: currently being forced to ride bike (cycling road)
; bit 6: map destination is [wLastBlackoutMap] (usually the last used pokemon center, but could be the player's house)
ds 1
W_FLAGS_D733:: ; d733
; bit 4: use variable [W_CURMAPSCRIPT] instead of the provided index for next frame's map script (used to start battle when talking to trainers)
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
; bit 7: used fly out of battle
ds 1
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd734:: ds 2 ; flag for indigo plateau and lorelei (not sure what it's for)
wd736:: ; d736
; bit 0: check if the player is standing on a door and make him walk down a step if so
2014-09-14 18:29:18 +00:00
; bit 1: the player is currently stepping down from a door
2014-09-13 07:50:56 +00:00
; bit 2: standing on a warp
; bit 6: jumping down a ledge / fishing animation
2015-07-15 11:27:59 +00:00
; bit 7: player sprite spinning due to spin tiles (Rocket hidehout / Viridian Gym)
ds 1
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wCompletedInGameTradeFlags:: ; d737
ds 2
ds 2
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd73b:: ds 1 ; used with elevator warps
wd73c:: ds 3 ; also used with elevator warps
2014-09-14 18:29:18 +00:00
wCardKeyDoorY:: ; d73f
ds 1
wCardKeyDoorX:: ; d740
ds 1
ds 2
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wd743:: ds 1 ; used with surge gym trash cans
wd744:: ds 3 ; also used with surge gym trash cans
wd747:: ds 3 ; and we're getting to flags, which I'm not going to bother commenting
wd74a:: ds 1
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wd74b:: ; d74b
; bit 0: Prof. Oak has lead the player to the north end of his lab
; bit 1: Prof. Oak has asked the player to choose a pokemon
; bit 2: the player and the rival have received their pokemon
; bit 3: the player has battled the rival in Oak's lab
; bit 4: Prof. Oak has given the player 5 pokeballs
; bit 5: received pokedex
ds 1
wd74c:: ds 2
wd74e:: ds 3
wd751:: ds 1
wd752:: ds 2
wd754:: ds 1
wd755:: ds 5
wd75a:: ds 1
wd75b:: ds 3
wd75e:: ds 1
wd75f:: ds 5
wd764:: ds 1
wd765:: ds 1
wd766:: ds 1
wd767:: ds 1
wd768:: ds 1
wd769:: ds 3
wd76c:: ds 5
wd771:: ds 2
wd773:: ds 4
wd777:: ds 1
wd778:: ds 4
wd77c:: ds 1
wd77d:: ds 1
wd77e:: ds 5
wd783:: ds 11
wd78e:: ds 2
wd790:: ds 2
wd792:: ds 4
wd796:: ds 2
wd798:: ds 2
wd79a:: ds 1
wd79b:: ds 1
wd79c:: ds 5
wd7a1:: ds 2
wd7a3:: ds 12
wd7af:: ds 2
wd7b1:: ds 2
wd7b3:: ds 1
wd7b4:: ds 5
wd7b9:: ds 4
wd7bd:: ds 2
wd7bf:: ds 3
wd7c2:: ds 1
wd7c3:: ds 2
wd7c5:: ds 1
wd7c6:: ds 3
wd7c9:: ds 4
wd7cd:: ds 2
wd7cf:: ds 2
wd7d1:: ds 1
wd7d2:: ds 1
wd7d3:: ds 2
wd7d5:: ds 1
wd7d6:: ds 1
wd7d7:: ds 1
wd7d8:: ds 1
wd7d9:: ds 2
wd7db:: ds 2
wd7dd:: ds 2
wd7df:: ds 1
wd7e0:: ds 1
wd7e1:: ds 2
wd7e3:: ds 2
wd7e5:: ds 2
wd7e7:: ds 1
wd7e8:: ds 1
wd7e9:: ds 2
wd7eb:: ds 2
wd7ed:: ds 1
wd7ee:: ds 1
wd7ef:: ds 1
wd7f0:: ds 1
wd7f1:: ds 1
wd7f2:: ds 1
wd7f3:: ds 2
wd7f5:: ds 1
wd7f6:: ds 9
wd7ff:: ds 4
wd803:: ds 2
wd805:: ds 2
wd807:: ds 2
wd809:: ds 10
wd813:: ds 2
wd815:: ds 1
wd816:: ds 1
wd817:: ds 2
wd819:: ds 2
wd81b:: ds 10
wd825:: ds 1
wd826:: ds 1
wd827:: ds 1
wd828:: ds 1
wd829:: ds 1
wd82a:: ds 1
wd82b:: ds 1
wd82c:: ds 1
wd82d:: ds 1
wd82e:: ds 1
wd82f:: ds 1
wd830:: ds 1
wd831:: ds 1
wd832:: ds 1
wd833:: ds 1
wd834:: ds 1
wd835:: ds 1
wd836:: ds 1
wd837:: ds 1
wd838:: ds 15
wd847:: ds 2
wd849:: ds 2
wd84b:: ds 12
wd857:: ds 8
wd85f:: ds 4
wd863:: ds 1
wd864:: ds 1
wd865:: ds 1
wd866:: ds 1
wd867:: ds 2
wd869:: ds 20
wd87d:: ds 2
wd87f:: ds 1
wd880:: ds 1
wd881:: ds 1
wd882:: ds 5
2015-02-07 10:43:08 +00:00
wLinkEnemyTrainerName:: ; d887
; linked game's trainer name
W_GRASSRATE:: ; d887
ds 1
W_GRASSMONS:: ; d888
ds 20
wEnemyPartyCount:: ds 1 ; d89c
wEnemyPartyMons:: ds PARTY_LENGTH + 1 ; d89d
wEnemyMons:: ; d8a4
wEnemyMon1:: party_struct wEnemyMon1
wEnemyMon2:: party_struct wEnemyMon2
wEnemyMon3:: party_struct wEnemyMon3
wEnemyMon4:: party_struct wEnemyMon4
wEnemyMon5:: party_struct wEnemyMon5
wEnemyMon6:: party_struct wEnemyMon6
wEnemyMonOT:: ds 11 * PARTY_LENGTH ; d9ac
wEnemyMonNicks:: ds 11 * PARTY_LENGTH ; d9ee
ds 2
ds 6
2015-05-30 21:09:53 +00:00
wda38:: ds 1 ; used with cinnabar gym questions and pokemon tower 7F?
; index of current map script, mostly used as index for function pointer array
; mostly copied from map-specific map script pointer and wirtten back later
ds 1
ds 6
ds 2
ds 2
ds 1
ds 1
2014-09-14 18:29:18 +00:00
wSafariZoneGameOver:: ; da46
ds 1
ds 1
2014-01-06 00:24:01 +00:00
; 0 if no pokemon is in the daycare
; 1 if pokemon is in the daycare
ds 1
W_DAYCAREMONNAME:: ds 11 ; da49
W_DAYCAREMONOT:: ds 11 ; da54
wDayCareMon:: box_struct wDayCareMon ; da5f
W_NUMINBOX:: ds 1 ; da80
wBoxSpecies:: ds MONS_PER_BOX + 1
wBoxMon1:: box_struct wBoxMon1 ; da96
wBoxMon2:: ds box_struct_length * (MONS_PER_BOX + -1) ; dab7
2014-01-06 00:24:01 +00:00
wBoxMonOT:: ds 11 * MONS_PER_BOX ; dd2a
wBoxMonNicks:: ds 11 * MONS_PER_BOX ; de06
wBoxMonNicksEnd:: ; dee2
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
SECTION "Stack", WRAMX[$dfff], BANK[1]
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
wStack:: ; dfff
ds -$100
2015-04-26 16:05:25 +00:00
INCLUDE "sram.asm"