
238 lines
4.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
PewterGymScript: ; 5c387 (17:4387)
ld hl, $d126
bit 6, [hl]
res 6, [hl]
call nz, PewterGymScript_5c3a4
call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing
ld hl, PewterGymTrainerHeaders
ld de, PewterGymScriptPointers
call ExecuteCurMapScriptInTable
PewterGymScript_5c3a4: ; 5c3a4 (17:43a4)
ld hl, Gym1CityName ; $43ad
ld de, Gym1LeaderName ; $43b9
jp LoadGymLeaderAndCityName
Gym1CityName: ; 5c3ad (17:43ad)
Gym1LeaderName: ; 5c3b9 (17:43b9)
db "BROCK@"
PewterGymScript_5c3bf: ; 5c3bf (17:43bf)
xor a
ld [wJoypadForbiddenButtonsMask], a
PewterGymScriptPointers: ; 5c3ca (17:43ca)
dw CheckFightingMapTrainers
dw Func_324c
dw EndTrainerBattle
dw PewterGymScript3
PewterGymScript3: ; 5c3d2 (17:43d2)
ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE] ; $d057
cp $ff
jp z, PewterGymScript_5c3bf
ld a, $f0
ld [wJoypadForbiddenButtonsMask], a
PewterGymScript_5c3df: ; 5c3df (17:43df)
ld a, $4
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
call DisplayTextID
ld hl, $d755
set 7, [hl]
ld bc, (TM_34 << 8) | 1
call GiveItem
jr nc, .BagFull
ld a, $5
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
call DisplayTextID
ld hl, $d755
set 6, [hl]
jr .asm_5c408
ld a, $6
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
call DisplayTextID
set 0, [hl]
ld hl, $d72a
set 0, [hl]
ld a, $4
ld [$cc4d], a
ld a, $11
call Predef ; indirect jump to RemoveMissableObject (f1d7 (3:71d7))
ld a, $22
ld [$cc4d], a
ld a, $11
call Predef ; indirect jump to RemoveMissableObject (f1d7 (3:71d7))
ld hl, $d7eb
res 0, [hl]
res 7, [hl]
; deactivate gym trainers
ld hl, $d755
set 2, [hl]
jp PewterGymScript_5c3bf
PewterGymTextPointers: ; 5c435 (17:4435)
dw PewterGymText1
dw PewterGymText2
dw PewterGymText3
dw PewterGymText4
dw PewterGymText5
dw PewterGymText6
PewterGymTrainerHeaders: ; 5c441 (17:4441)
PewterGymTrainerHeader0: ; 5c441 (17:4441)
db $2 ; flag's bit
db ($5 << 4) ; trainer's view range
dw $d755 ; flag's byte
dw PewterGymBattleText1 ; 0x44d0 TextBeforeBattle
dw PewterGymAfterBattleText1 ; 0x44da TextAfterBattle
dw PewterGymEndBattleText1 ; 0x44d5 TextEndBattle
dw PewterGymEndBattleText1 ; 0x44d5 TextEndBattle
db $ff
PewterGymText1: ; 5c44e (17:444e)
db $08 ; asm
ld a, [$d755]
bit 7, a
jr z, .asm_4a735 ; 0x5c454
bit 6, a
jr nz, .asm_ff7d0 ; 0x5c458
call z, PewterGymScript_5c3df
call DisableWaitingAfterTextDisplay
jr .asm_e0ffb ; 0x5c460
.asm_ff7d0 ; 0x5c462
ld hl, PewterGymText_5c4a3
call PrintText
jr .asm_e0ffb ; 0x5c468
.asm_4a735 ; 0x5c46a
ld hl, PewterGymText_5c49e
call PrintText
ld hl, $d72d
set 6, [hl]
set 7, [hl]
ld hl, PewterGymText_5c4bc
ld de, PewterGymText_5c4bc
call PreBattleSaveRegisters
ldh a, [$8c]
ld [$cf13], a
call EngageMapTrainer
call InitBattleEnemyParameters
ld a, $1
ld [$d05c], a
xor a
ldh [$b4], a
ld a, $3
.asm_e0ffb ; 0x5c49b
jp TextScriptEnd
PewterGymText_5c49e: ; 5c49e (17:449e)
TX_FAR _PewterGymText_5c49e
db "@"
PewterGymText_5c4a3: ; 5c4a3 (17:44a3)
TX_FAR _PewterGymText_5c4a3
db "@"
PewterGymText4: ; 5c4a8 (17:44a8)
TX_FAR _TM34PreReceiveText
db "@"
PewterGymText5: ; 5c4ad (17:44ad)
TX_FAR _ReceivedTM34Text
db $0B
TX_FAR _TM34ExplanationText
db "@"
PewterGymText6: ; 5c4b7 (17:44b7)
TX_FAR _TM34NoRoomText
db "@"
PewterGymText_5c4bc: ; 5c4bc (17:44bc)
TX_FAR _PewterGymText_5c4bc
db $0B
TX_FAR _PewterGymText_5c4c1
db "@"
PewterGymText2: ; 5c4c6 (17:44c6)
db $08 ; asm
ld hl, PewterGymTrainerHeader0
call TalkToTrainer
jp TextScriptEnd
PewterGymBattleText1: ; 5c4d0 (17:44d0)
TX_FAR _PewterGymBattleText1
db "@"
PewterGymEndBattleText1: ; 5c4d5 (17:44d5)
TX_FAR _PewterGymEndBattleText1
db "@"
PewterGymAfterBattleText1: ; 5c4da (17:44da)
TX_FAR _PewterGymAfterBattleText1
db "@"
PewterGymText3: ; 5c4df (17:44df)
db $08 ; asm
ld a, [$d72a]
bit 0, a
jr nz, .asm_71369 ; 0x5c4e5
ld hl, PewterGymText_5c515
call PrintText
call YesNoChoice
ld a, [$cc26]
and a
jr nz, .asm_6123a ; 0x5c4f4
ld hl, PewterGymText_5c51a
call PrintText
jr .asm_d1578 ; 0x5c4fc
.asm_6123a ; 0x5c4fe
ld hl, PewterGymText_5c524
call PrintText
.asm_d1578 ; 0x5c504
ld hl, PewterGymText_5c51f
call PrintText
jr .asm_07013 ; 0x5c50a
.asm_71369 ; 0x5c50c
ld hl, PewterGymText_5c529
call PrintText
.asm_07013 ; 0x5c512
jp TextScriptEnd
PewterGymText_5c515: ; 5c515 (17:4515)
TX_FAR _PewterGymText_5c515
db "@"
PewterGymText_5c51a: ; 5c51a (17:451a)
TX_FAR _PewterGymText_5c51a
db "@"
PewterGymText_5c51f: ; 5c51f (17:451f)
TX_FAR _PewterGymText_5c51f
db "@"
PewterGymText_5c524: ; 5c524 (17:4524)
TX_FAR _PewterGymText_5c524
db "@"
PewterGymText_5c529: ; 5c529 (17:4529)
TX_FAR _PewterGymText_5c529
db "@"