
19056 lines
376 KiB
Raw Normal View History

INCLUDE "constants.asm"
; The rst vectors are unused.
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
SECTION "rst00", ROM0[$00]
rst $38
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
SECTION "rst08", ROM0[$08]
rst $38
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
SECTION "rst10", ROM0[$10]
rst $38
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
SECTION "rst18", ROM0[$18]
rst $38
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
SECTION "rst20", ROM0[$20]
rst $38
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
SECTION "rst28", ROM0[$28]
rst $38
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
SECTION "rst30", ROM0[$30]
rst $38
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
SECTION "rst38", ROM0[$38]
rst $38
; interrupts
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
SECTION "vblank", ROM0[$40]
jp VBlank
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
SECTION "lcdc", ROM0[$48]
rst $38
SECTION "timer", ROM0[$50]
jp Timer
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
SECTION "serial", ROM0[$58]
jp Serial
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
SECTION "joypad", ROM0[$60]
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
SECTION "bank0",ROM0[$61]
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
xor a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [rIF], a
ld a, [rIE]
ld b, a
res 0, a
ld [rIE], a
ld a, [rLY]
jr nz, .wait
ld a, [rLCDC]
ld [rLCDC], a
ld a, b
ld [rIE], a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld a, [rLCDC]
ld [rLCDC], a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
xor a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld hl, wOAMBuffer
ld b, 40 * 4
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [hli], a
dec b
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
jr nz, .loop
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld a, 160
ld hl, wOAMBuffer
ld de, 4
ld b, 40
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [hl], a
add hl, de
dec b
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
jr nz, .loop
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
; Copy bc bytes from a:hl to de.
ld [wBuffer], a
push af
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld a, [wBuffer]
ld [MBC3RomBank], a
call CopyData
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
pop af
ld [MBC3RomBank], a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
; Copy bc bytes from hl to de.
ld a, [hli]
ld [de], a
inc de
dec bc
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld a, c
or b
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
jr nz, CopyData
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
SECTION "Entry", ROM0[$100]
jp Start
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
SECTION "Start", ROM0[$150]
cp GBC
jr z, .gbc
xor a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
jr .ok
ld a, 0
ld [wGBC], a
jp Init
; Poll joypad input.
; Unlike the hardware register, button
; presses are indicated by a set bit.
ld a, 1 << 5 ; select direction keys
ld c, 0
ld [rJOYP], a
rept 6
ld a, [rJOYP]
and %1111
swap a
ld b, a
ld a, 1 << 4 ; select button keys
ld [rJOYP], a
rept 10
ld a, [rJOYP]
and %1111
or b
ld a, 1 << 4 + 1 << 5 ; deselect keys
ld [rJOYP], a
; Update the joypad state variables:
; [H_NEWLYRELEASEDBUTTONS] keys released since last time
; [H_NEWLYPRESSEDBUTTONS] keys pressed since last time
; [H_CURRENTPRESSEDBUTTONS] currently pressed keys
homecall _GetJoypadState
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
2014-05-21 23:50:57 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/map_header_pointers.asm"
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
; Handle the player jumping down
; a ledge in the overworld.
ld b, BANK(_HandleMidJump)
ld hl, _HandleMidJump
jp Bankswitch
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
; Load a new map.
ld a, $ff
ld [wJoypadForbiddenButtonsMask], a
call LoadMapData
callba Func_c335 ; initialize map variables
ld hl, $d72c
bit 0, [hl]
jr z, .doNotCountSteps
ld a, 3
ld [$d13c], a ; some kind of step counter (counts up to 3 steps?)
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld hl, $d72e
bit 5, [hl] ; did a battle happen immediately before this?
res 5, [hl] ; unset the "battle just happened" flag
call z, Func_12e7
call nz, MapEntryAfterBattle
ld hl, $d732
ld a, [hl]
and 1 << 4 | 1 << 3
jr z, .didNotFlyOrTeleportIn
res 3, [hl]
callba Func_70510 ; display fly/teleport in graphical effect
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
call UpdateSprites
callba CheckForceBikeOrSurf ; handle currents in SF islands and forced bike riding in cycling road
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld hl, $d72d
res 5, [hl]
call UpdateSprites
ld hl, $d126
set 5, [hl]
set 6, [hl]
xor a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [wJoypadForbiddenButtonsMask], a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
call DelayFrame
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
call DelayFrame
call LoadGBPal
ld a,[$d736]
bit 6,a ; jumping down a ledge?
call nz, HandleMidJump
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ld a,[wWalkCounter]
and a
jp nz,.moveAhead ; if the player sprite has not yet completed the walking animation
call GetJoypadStateOverworld ; get joypad state (which is possibly simulated)
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
callba SafariZoneCheck
ld a,[$da46]
and a
jp nz,WarpFound2
ld hl,$d72d
bit 3,[hl]
res 3,[hl]
jp nz,WarpFound2
ld a,[$d732]
and a,$18
jp nz,HandleFlyOrTeleportAway
and a
jp nz,.newBattle
ld a,[$d730]
bit 7,a ; are we simulating button presses?
jr z,.notSimulating
jr .checkIfStartIsPressed
bit 3,a ; start button
jr z,.startButtonNotPressed
; if START is pressed
xor a
ld [$ff8c],a ; the $2920 ID for the start menu is 0
jp .displayDialogue
bit 0,a ; A button
jp z,.checkIfDownButtonIsPressed
; if A is pressed
ld a,[$d730]
bit 2,a
jp nz,.noDirectionButtonsPressed
call Func_30fd
jr nz,.checkForOpponent
call Func_3eb5 ; check for hidden items, PC's, etc.
ld a,[$ffeb]
and a
jp z,OverworldLoop
call IsSpriteOrSignInFrontOfPlayer ; check for sign or sprite in front of the player
ld a,[$ff8c] ; $2920 ID for NPC/sign text, if any
and a
jp z,OverworldLoop
ld a,$35
call Predef ; check what is in front of the player
call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
ld a,[wFlags_0xcd60]
bit 2,a
jr nz,.checkForOpponent
bit 0,a
jr nz,.checkForOpponent
FuncCoord 8, 9 ; $c45c
ld a,[Coord]
ld [$cf0e],a
call DisplayTextID ; display either the start menu or the NPC/sign text
ld a,[$cc47]
and a
jr z,.checkForOpponent
dec a
ld a,$00
ld [$cc47],a
jr z,.changeMap
ld a,$52
call Predef
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
ld [$d71a],a
2013-12-14 10:01:22 +00:00
call Func_62ce
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
call SwitchToMapRomBank ; switch to the ROM bank of the current map
ld hl,$d367
set 7,[hl]
jp EnterMap
and a
jp nz,.newBattle
jp OverworldLoop
ld hl,wFlags_0xcd60
res 2,[hl]
call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
ld a,$01
ld [$cc4b],a
ld a,[$d528] ; the direction that was pressed last time
and a
jp z,OverworldLoop
; if a direction was pressed last time
ld [$d529],a ; save the last direction
xor a
ld [$d528],a ; zero the direction
jp OverworldLoop
ld a,[H_CURRENTPRESSEDBUTTONS] ; current joypad state
bit 7,a ; down button
jr z,.checkIfUpButtonIsPressed
ld a,$01
ld [$c103],a
ld a,$04
jr .handleDirectionButtonPress
bit 6,a ; up button
jr z,.checkIfLeftButtonIsPressed
ld a,$ff
ld [$c103],a
ld a,$08
jr .handleDirectionButtonPress
bit 5,a ; left button
jr z,.checkIfRightButtonIsPressed
ld a,$ff
ld [$c105],a
ld a,$02
jr .handleDirectionButtonPress
bit 4,a ; right button
jr z,.noDirectionButtonsPressed
ld a,$01
ld [$c105],a
ld [$d52a],a ; new direction
ld a,[$d730]
bit 7,a ; are we simulating button presses?
jr nz,.noDirectionChange ; ignore direction changes if we are
ld a,[$cc4b]
and a
jr z,.noDirectionChange
ld a,[$d52a] ; new direction
ld b,a
ld a,[$d529] ; old direction
cp b
jr z,.noDirectionChange
; the code below is strange
; it computes whether or not the player did a 180 degree turn, but then overwrites the result
; also, it does a seemingly pointless loop afterwards
swap a ; put old direction in upper half
or b ; put new direction in lower half
cp a,$48 ; change dir from down to up
jr nz,.notDownToUp
ld a,$02
ld [$d528],a
jr .oddLoop
cp a,$84 ; change dir from up to down
jr nz,.notUpToDown
ld a,$01
ld [$d528],a
jr .oddLoop
cp a,$12 ; change dir from right to left
jr nz,.notRightToLeft
ld a,$04
ld [$d528],a
jr .oddLoop
cp a,$21 ; change dir from left to right
jr nz,.oddLoop
ld a,$08
ld [$d528],a
ld hl,wFlags_0xcd60
set 2,[hl]
ld hl,$cc4b
dec [hl]
jr nz,.oddLoop
ld a,[$d52a]
ld [$d528],a
call NewBattle
jp c,.battleOccurred
jp OverworldLoop
ld a,[$d52a] ; current direction
ld [$d528],a ; save direction
call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
ld a,[$d700]
cp a,$02 ; surfing
jr z,.surfing
; not surfing
call CollisionCheckOnLand
jr nc,.noCollision
push hl
ld hl,$d736
bit 2,[hl]
pop hl
jp z,OverworldLoop
push hl
call ExtraWarpCheck ; sets carry if there is a potential to warp
pop hl
jp c,CheckWarpsCollision
jp OverworldLoop
call CollisionCheckOnWater
jp c,OverworldLoop
ld a,$08
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ld [wWalkCounter],a
jr .moveAhead2
ld a,[$d736]
bit 7,a
jr z,.noSpinning
callba LoadSpinnerArrowTiles ; spin while moving
call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
ld hl,wFlags_0xcd60
res 2,[hl]
ld a,[$d700]
dec a ; riding a bike?
jr nz,.normalPlayerSpriteAdvancement
ld a,[$d736]
bit 6,a ; jumping a ledge?
jr nz,.normalPlayerSpriteAdvancement
call BikeSpeedup ; if riding a bike and not jumping a ledge
call AdvancePlayerSprite
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ld a,[wWalkCounter]
and a
jp nz,CheckMapConnections ; it seems like this check will never succeed (the other place where CheckMapConnections is run works)
; walking animation finished
ld a,[$d730]
bit 7,a
jr nz,.doneStepCounting ; if button presses are being simulated, don't count steps
; step counting
ld hl,$d13b ; step counter
dec [hl]
ld a,[$d72c]
bit 0,a
jr z,.doneStepCounting
ld hl,$d13c
dec [hl]
jr nz,.doneStepCounting
ld hl,$d72c
res 0,[hl]
ld a,[$d790]
bit 7,a ; in the safari zone?
jr z,.notSafariZone
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
callba SafariZoneCheckSteps
ld a,[$da46]
and a
jp nz,WarpFound2
and a
jp nz,CheckWarpsNoCollision
ld a,$13
call Predef ; decrement HP of poisoned pokemon
ld a,[$d12d]
and a
jp nz,HandleBlackOut ; if all pokemon fainted
call NewBattle
ld hl,$d736
res 2,[hl]
jp nc,CheckWarpsNoCollision ; check for warps if there was no battle
ld hl,$d72d
res 6,[hl]
ld hl,W_FLAGS_D733
res 3,[hl]
ld hl,$d126
set 5,[hl]
set 6,[hl]
xor a
ld [H_CURRENTPRESSEDBUTTONS],a ; clear joypad state
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
jr nz,.notCinnabarGym
ld hl,$d79b
set 7,[hl]
ld hl,$d72e
set 5,[hl]
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
jp z,.noFaintCheck
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
callab AnyPlayerPokemonAliveCheck ; check if all the player's pokemon fainted
ld a,d
and a
jr z,.allPokemonFainted
ld c,$0a
call DelayFrames
jp EnterMap
ld a,$ff
ld [$d057],a
call RunMapScript
jp HandleBlackOut
; function to determine if there will be a battle and execute it (either a trainer battle or wild battle)
; sets carry if a battle occurred and unsets carry if not
NewBattle:: ; 0683 (0:0683)
ld a,[$d72d]
bit 4,a
jr nz,.noBattle
call Func_30fd
jr nz,.noBattle
ld a,[$d72e]
bit 4,a
jr nz,.noBattle
2014-05-21 15:58:18 +00:00
ld b, BANK(InitBattle)
ld hl, InitBattle
jp Bankswitch ; determines if a battle will occur and runs the battle if so
and a
; function to make bikes twice as fast as walking
BikeSpeedup:: ; 06a0 (0:06a0)
ld a,[$cc57]
and a
ret nz
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
cp a,ROUTE_17 ; Cycling Road
jr nz,.goFaster
ld a,[H_CURRENTPRESSEDBUTTONS] ; current joypad state
and a,%01110000 ; bit mask for up, left, right buttons
ret nz
jp AdvancePlayerSprite
; check if the player has stepped onto a warp after having not collided
CheckWarpsNoCollision:: ; 06b4 (0:06b4)
ld a,[$d3ae] ; number of warps
and a
jp z,CheckMapConnections
ld a,[$d3ae] ; number of warps
ld b,$00
ld c,a
ld a,[W_YCOORD]
ld d,a
ld a,[W_XCOORD]
ld e,a
ld hl,$d3af ; start of warp entries
CheckWarpsNoCollisionLoop:: ; 06cc (0:06cc)
ld a,[hli] ; check if the warp's Y position matches
cp d
jr nz,CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry1
ld a,[hli] ; check if the warp's X position matches
cp e
jr nz,CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry2
; if a match was found
push hl
push bc
ld hl,$d736
set 2,[hl]
callba Func_c49d ; check if the player sprite is standing on a "door" tile
pop bc
pop hl
jr c,WarpFound1 ; if it is, go to 0735
push hl
push bc
call ExtraWarpCheck ; sets carry if the warp is confirmed
pop bc
pop hl
jr nc,CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry2
; if the extra check passed
ld a,[W_FLAGS_D733]
bit 2,a
jr nz,WarpFound1
push de
push bc
call GetJoypadState
pop bc
pop de
ld a,[H_CURRENTPRESSEDBUTTONS] ; current joypad state
and a,%11110000 ; bit mask for directional buttons
jr z,CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry2 ; if directional buttons aren't being pressed, do not pass through the warp
jr WarpFound1
; check if the player has stepped onto a warp after having collided
CheckWarpsCollision:: ; 0706 (0:0706)
ld a,[$d3ae] ; number of warps
ld c,a
ld hl,$d3af ; start of warp entries
ld a,[hli] ; Y coordinate of warp
ld b,a
ld a,[W_YCOORD]
cp b
jr nz,.retry1
ld a,[hli] ; X coordinate of warp
ld b,a
ld a,[W_XCOORD]
cp b
jr nz,.retry2
ld a,[hli]
ld [$d42f],a ; save target warp ID
ld a,[hl]
ld [$ff8b],a ; save target map
jr WarpFound2
inc hl
inc hl
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,.loop
jp OverworldLoop
CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry1:: ; 072f (0:072f)
inc hl
CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry2:: ; 0730 (0:0730)
inc hl
inc hl
jp ContinueCheckWarpsNoCollisionLoop
WarpFound1:: ; 0735 (0:0735)
ld a,[hli]
ld [$d42f],a ; save target warp ID
ld a,[hli]
ld [$ff8b],a ; save target map
WarpFound2:: ; 073c (0:073c)
ld a,[$d3ae] ; number of warps
sub c
ld [$d73b],a ; save ID of used warp
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
ld [$d73c],a
call CheckIfInOutsideMap
jr nz,.indoorMaps
; this is for handling "outside" maps that can't have the 0xFF destination map
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
ld [wLastMap],a
ld [$d366],a
ld a,[$ff8b] ; destination map number
ld [W_CURMAP],a ; change current map to destination map
jr nz,.notRockTunnel
ld a,$06
ld [$d35d],a
call GBFadeIn1
call PlayMapChangeSound
jr .done
; for maps that can have the 0xFF destination map, which means to return to the outside map; not all these maps are necessarily indoors, though
ld a,[$ff8b] ; destination map
cp a,$ff
jr z,.goBackOutside
; if not going back to the previous map
ld [W_CURMAP],a ; current map number
callba Func_70787 ; check if the warp was a Silph Co. teleporter
ld a,[$cd5b]
dec a
jr nz,.notTeleporter
; if it's a Silph Co. teleporter
ld hl,$d732
set 3,[hl]
call DoFlyOrTeleportAwayGraphics
jr .skipMapChangeSound
call PlayMapChangeSound
ld hl,$d736
res 0,[hl]
res 1,[hl]
jr .done
ld a,[wLastMap]
ld [W_CURMAP],a
call PlayMapChangeSound
xor a
ld [$d35d],a
ld hl,$d736
set 0,[hl]
call Func_12da
jp EnterMap
ContinueCheckWarpsNoCollisionLoop:: ; 07b5 (0:07b5)
inc b ; increment warp number
dec c ; decrement number of warps
jp nz,CheckWarpsNoCollisionLoop
; if no matching warp was found
CheckMapConnections:: ; 07ba (0:07ba)
ld a,[W_XCOORD]
cp a,$ff
jr nz,.checkEastMap
ld a,[$d387]
ld [W_CURMAP],a
ld a,[$d38f] ; new X coordinate upon entering west map
ld [W_XCOORD],a
ld a,[W_YCOORD]
ld c,a
ld a,[$d38e] ; Y adjustment upon entering west map
add c
ld c,a
ld [W_YCOORD],a
ld a,[$d390] ; pointer to upper left corner of map without adjustment for Y position
ld l,a
ld a,[$d391]
ld h,a
srl c
jr z,.savePointer1
ld a,[$d38d] ; width of connected map
add a,$06
ld e,a
ld d,$00
ld b,$00
add hl,de
dec c
jr nz,.pointerAdjustmentLoop1
ld a,l
ld [$d35f],a ; pointer to upper left corner of current tile block map section
ld a,h
ld [$d360],a
jp .loadNewMap
ld b,a
ld a,[$d525] ; map width
cp b
jr nz,.checkNorthMap
ld a,[$d392]
ld [W_CURMAP],a
ld a,[$d39a] ; new X coordinate upon entering east map
ld [W_XCOORD],a
ld a,[W_YCOORD]
ld c,a
ld a,[$d399] ; Y adjustment upon entering east map
add c
ld c,a
ld [W_YCOORD],a
ld a,[$d39b] ; pointer to upper left corner of map without adjustment for Y position
ld l,a
ld a,[$d39c]
ld h,a
srl c
jr z,.savePointer2
ld a,[$d398]
add a,$06
ld e,a
ld d,$00
ld b,$00
add hl,de
dec c
jr nz,.pointerAdjustmentLoop2
ld a,l
ld [$d35f],a ; pointer to upper left corner of current tile block map section
ld a,h
ld [$d360],a
jp .loadNewMap
ld a,[W_YCOORD]
cp a,$ff
jr nz,.checkSouthMap
ld a,[$d371]
ld [W_CURMAP],a
ld a,[$d378] ; new Y coordinate upon entering north map
ld [W_YCOORD],a
ld a,[W_XCOORD]
ld c,a
ld a,[$d379] ; X adjustment upon entering north map
add c
ld c,a
ld [W_XCOORD],a
ld a,[$d37a] ; pointer to upper left corner of map without adjustment for X position
ld l,a
ld a,[$d37b]
ld h,a
ld b,$00
srl c
add hl,bc
ld a,l
ld [$d35f],a ; pointer to upper left corner of current tile block map section
ld a,h
ld [$d360],a
jp .loadNewMap
ld b,a
ld a,[$d524]
cp b
jr nz,.didNotEnterConnectedMap
ld a,[$d37c]
ld [W_CURMAP],a
ld a,[$d383] ; new Y coordinate upon entering south map
ld [W_YCOORD],a
ld a,[W_XCOORD]
ld c,a
ld a,[$d384] ; X adjustment upon entering south map
add c
ld c,a
ld [W_XCOORD],a
ld a,[$d385] ; pointer to upper left corner of map without adjustment for X position
ld l,a
ld a,[$d386]
ld h,a
ld b,$00
srl c
add hl,bc
ld a,l
ld [$d35f],a ; pointer to upper left corner of current tile block map section
ld a,h
ld [$d360],a
.loadNewMap ; load the connected map that was entered
call LoadMapHeader
call Func_2312 ; music
ld b,$09
call GoPAL_SET
; Since the sprite set shouldn't change, this will just update VRAM slots at
; $C2XE without loading any tile patterns.
callba InitMapSprites
call LoadTileBlockMap
jp OverworldLoopLessDelay
jp OverworldLoop
; function to play a sound when changing maps
PlayMapChangeSound:: ; 08c9 (0:08c9)
FuncCoord 8, 8 ; $c448
ld a,[Coord] ; upper left tile of the 4x4 square the player's sprite is standing on
cp a,$0b ; door tile in tileset 0
jr nz,.didNotGoThroughDoor
2014-04-07 20:16:45 +00:00
ld a,(SFX_02_57 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
jr .playSound
2014-04-07 20:16:45 +00:00
ld a,(SFX_02_5c - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
call PlaySound
ld a,[$d35d]
and a
ret nz
jp GBFadeIn1
CheckIfInOutsideMap:: ; 08e1 (0:08e1)
; If the player is in an outside map (a town or route), set the z flag
2014-04-04 03:58:04 +00:00
and a ; most towns/routes have tileset 0 (OVERWORLD)
ret z
2014-04-04 03:58:04 +00:00
cp PLATEAU ; Route 23 / Indigo Plateau
; this function is an extra check that sometimes has to pass in order to warp, beyond just standing on a warp
; the "sometimes" qualification is necessary because of CheckWarpsNoCollision's behavior
; depending on the map, either "function 1" or "function 2" is used for the check
; "function 1" passes when the player is at the edge of the map and is facing towards the outside of the map
; "function 2" passes when the the tile in front of the player is among a certain set
; sets carry if the check passes, otherwise clears carry
ExtraWarpCheck:: ; 08e9 (0:08e9)
2014-04-04 03:58:04 +00:00
ld a, [W_CURMAP]
cp SS_ANNE_3
jr z, .useFunction1
jr z, .useFunction2
jr z, .useFunction2
jr z, .useFunction2
jr z, .useFunction2
and a ; outside tileset (OVERWORLD)
jr z, .useFunction2
cp SHIP ; S.S. Anne tileset
jr z, .useFunction2
cp SHIP_PORT ; Vermilion Port tileset
jr z, .useFunction2
cp PLATEAU ; Indigo Plateau tileset
jr z, .useFunction2
2014-04-04 03:58:04 +00:00
ld hl, Func_c3ff
jr .doBankswitch
ld hl, Func_c44e
ld b, BANK(Func_c44e)
jp Bankswitch
MapEntryAfterBattle:: ; 091f (0:091f)
callba Func_c35f ; function that appears to disable warp testing after collisions if the player is standing on a warp
ld a,[$d35d]
and a
jp z,GBFadeIn2
jp LoadGBPal
; For when all the player's pokemon faint.
; Does not print the "blacked out" message.
call GBFadeIn1
ld a, $08
call StopMusic
ld hl, $d72e
res 5, [hl]
ld a, Bank(Func_40b0) ; Bank(Func_40b0) and Bank(Func_62ce) need to be equal.
ld [$2000], a
call Func_40b0
2013-12-14 10:01:22 +00:00
call Func_62ce
call Func_2312
jp Func_5d5f
ld [wMusicHeaderPointer], a
ld a, $ff
ld [$c0ee], a
call PlaySound
ld a, [wMusicHeaderPointer]
and a
jr nz, .wait
jp StopAllSounds
call UpdateSprites
call Delay3
xor a
ld [$cf0b], a
ld [$d700], a
ld [$d057], a
ld [$d35d], a
ld hl, $d732
set 2, [hl]
res 5, [hl]
call DoFlyOrTeleportAwayGraphics
ld a, Bank(Func_62ce)
ld [$2000], a
2013-12-14 10:01:22 +00:00
call Func_62ce
jp Func_5d5f
ld b, BANK(_DoFlyOrTeleportAwayGraphics)
ld hl, _DoFlyOrTeleportAwayGraphics
jp Bankswitch
; Load sprite graphics based on whether the player is standing, biking, or surfing.
; 0: standing
; 1: biking
; 2: surfing
ld a, [$d700]
dec a
jr z, .ridingBike
ld a, [$ffd7]
and a
jr nz, .determineGraphics
jr .startWalking
; If the bike can't be used,
; start walking instead.
call IsBikeRidingAllowed
jr c, .determineGraphics
xor a
ld [$d700], a
ld [$d11a], a
jp LoadWalkingPlayerSpriteGraphics
ld a, [$d700]
and a
jp z, LoadWalkingPlayerSpriteGraphics
dec a
jp z, LoadBikePlayerSpriteGraphics
dec a
jp z, LoadSurfingPlayerSpriteGraphics
jp LoadWalkingPlayerSpriteGraphics
; The bike can be used on Route 23 and Indigo Plateau,
; or maps with tilesets in BikeRidingTilesets.
; Return carry if biking is allowed.
ld a, [W_CURMAP]
cp ROUTE_23
jr z, .allowed
jr z, .allowed
ld b, a
ld hl, BikeRidingTilesets
ld a, [hli]
cp b
jr z, .allowed
inc a
jr nz, .loop
and a
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/bike_riding_tilesets.asm"
; load the tile pattern data of the current tileset into VRAM
LoadTilesetTilePatternData:: ; 09e8 (0:09e8)
ld a,[$d52e]
ld l,a
ld a,[$d52f]
ld h,a
ld de,$9000
ld bc,$0600
ld a,[$d52b]
jp FarCopyData2
; this loads the current maps complete tile map (which references blocks, not individual tiles) to C6E8
; it can also load partial tile maps of connected maps into a border of length 3 around the current map
LoadTileBlockMap:: ; 09fc (0:09fc)
; fill C6E8-CBFB with the background tile
ld hl,$c6e8
ld a,[$d3ad] ; background tile number
ld d,a
ld bc,$0514
ld a,d
ld [hli],a
dec bc
ld a,c
or b
jr nz,.backgroundTileLoop
; load tile map of current map (made of tile block IDs)
; a 3-byte border at the edges of the map is kept so that there is space for map connections
ld hl,$c6e8
ld [$ff8c],a
add a,$06 ; border (east and west)
ld [$ff8b],a ; map width + border
ld b,$00
ld c,a
; make space for north border (next 3 lines)
add hl,bc
add hl,bc
add hl,bc
ld c,$03
add hl,bc ; this puts us past the (west) border
ld a,[$d36a] ; tile map pointer
ld e,a
ld a,[$d36b]
ld d,a ; de = tile map pointer
ld b,a
.rowLoop ; copy one row each iteration
push hl
ld a,[$ff8c] ; map width (without border)
ld c,a
ld a,[de]
inc de
ld [hli],a
dec c
jr nz,.rowInnerLoop
; add the map width plus the border to the base address of the current row to get the next row's address
pop hl
ld a,[$ff8b] ; map width + border
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry
inc h
dec b
jr nz,.rowLoop
ld a,[$d371]
cp a,$ff
jr z,.southConnection
call SwitchToMapRomBank
ld a,[$d372]
ld l,a
ld a,[$d373]
ld h,a
ld a,[$d374]
ld e,a
ld a,[$d375]
ld d,a
ld a,[$d376]
ld [$ff8b],a
ld a,[$d377]
ld [$ff8c],a
call LoadNorthSouthConnectionsTileMap
ld a,[$d37c]
cp a,$ff
jr z,.westConnection
call SwitchToMapRomBank
ld a,[$d37d]
ld l,a
ld a,[$d37e]
ld h,a
ld a,[$d37f]
ld e,a
ld a,[$d380]
ld d,a
ld a,[$d381]
ld [$ff8b],a
ld a,[$d382]
ld [$ff8c],a
call LoadNorthSouthConnectionsTileMap
ld a,[$d387]
cp a,$ff
jr z,.eastConnection
call SwitchToMapRomBank
ld a,[$d388]
ld l,a
ld a,[$d389]
ld h,a
ld a,[$d38a]
ld e,a
ld a,[$d38b]
ld d,a
ld a,[$d38c]
ld b,a
ld a,[$d38d]
ld [$ff8b],a
call LoadEastWestConnectionsTileMap
ld a,[$d392]
cp a,$ff
jr z,.done
call SwitchToMapRomBank
ld a,[$d393]
ld l,a
ld a,[$d394]
ld h,a
ld a,[$d395]
ld e,a
ld a,[$d396]
ld d,a
ld a,[$d397]
ld b,a
ld a,[$d398]
ld [$ff8b],a
call LoadEastWestConnectionsTileMap
LoadNorthSouthConnectionsTileMap:: ; 0ade (0:0ade)
ld c,$03
push de
push hl
ld a,[$ff8b] ; width of connection
ld b,a
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
dec b
jr nz,.innerLoop
pop hl
pop de
ld a,[$ff8c] ; width of connected map
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry1
inc h
add a,$06
add e
ld e,a
jr nc,.noCarry2
inc d
dec c
jr nz,.loop
LoadEastWestConnectionsTileMap:: ; 0b02 (0:0b02)
push hl
push de
ld c,$03
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
dec c
jr nz,.innerLoop
pop de
pop hl
ld a,[$ff8b] ; width of connected map
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry1
inc h
add a,$06
add e
ld e,a
jr nc,.noCarry2
inc d
dec b
jr nz,LoadEastWestConnectionsTileMap
; function to check if there is a sign or sprite in front of the player
; if so, it is stored in [$FF8C]
; if not, [$FF8C] is set to 0
IsSpriteOrSignInFrontOfPlayer:: ; 0b23 (0:0b23)
xor a
ld [$ff8c],a
ld a,[$d4b0] ; number of signs in the map
and a
jr z,.extendRangeOverCounter
; if there are signs
ld a,$35
call Predef ; get the coordinates in front of the player in de
ld hl,$d4b1 ; start of sign coordinates
ld a,[$d4b0] ; number of signs in the map
ld b,a
ld c,$00
inc c
ld a,[hli] ; sign Y
cp d
jr z,.yCoordMatched
inc hl
jr .retry
ld a,[hli] ; sign X
cp e
jr nz,.retry
; found sign
push hl
push bc
ld hl,$d4d1 ; start of sign text ID's
ld b,$00
dec c
add hl,bc
ld a,[hl]
ld [$ff8c],a ; store sign text ID
pop bc
pop hl
dec b
jr nz,.signLoop
; check if the player is front of a counter in a pokemon center, pokemart, etc. and if so, extend the range at which he can talk to the NPC
ld a,$35
call Predef ; get the tile in front of the player in c
ld hl,$d532 ; list of tiles that extend talking range (counter tiles)
ld b,$03
ld d,$20 ; talking range in pixels (long range)
ld a,[hli]
cp c
jr z,IsSpriteInFrontOfPlayer2 ; jumps if the tile in front of the player is a counter tile
dec b
jr nz,.counterTilesLoop
; part of the above function, but sometimes its called on its own, when signs are irrelevant
; the caller must zero [$FF8C]
IsSpriteInFrontOfPlayer:: ; 0b6b (0:0b6b)
ld d,$10 ; talking range in pixels (normal range)
IsSpriteInFrontOfPlayer2:: ; 0b6d (0:0b6d)
ld bc,$3c40 ; Y and X position of player sprite
ld a,[$c109] ; direction the player is facing
cp a,$04
jr nz,.checkIfPlayerFacingDown
; facing up
ld a,b
sub d
ld b,a
ld a,$08
jr .doneCheckingDirection
cp a,$00
jr nz,.checkIfPlayerFacingRight
; facing down
ld a,b
add d
ld b,a
ld a,$04
jr .doneCheckingDirection
cp a,$0c
jr nz,.playerFacingLeft
; facing right
ld a,c
add d
ld c,a
ld a,$01
jr .doneCheckingDirection
; facing left
ld a,c
sub d
ld c,a
ld a,$02
ld [$d52a],a
ld a,[$d4e1] ; number of sprites
and a
ret z
; if there are sprites
ld hl,$c110
ld d,a
ld e,$01
push hl
ld a,[hli] ; image (0 if no sprite)
and a
jr z,.nextSprite
inc l
ld a,[hli] ; sprite visibility
inc a
jr z,.nextSprite
inc l
ld a,[hli] ; Y location
cp b
jr nz,.nextSprite
inc l
ld a,[hl] ; X location
cp c
jr z,.foundSpriteInFrontOfPlayer
pop hl
ld a,l
add a,$10
ld l,a
inc e
dec d
jr nz,.spriteLoop
pop hl
ld a,l
and a,$f0
inc a
ld l,a
set 7,[hl]
ld a,e
ld [$ff8c],a ; store sprite ID
; function to check if the player will jump down a ledge and check if the tile ahead is passable (when not surfing)
; sets the carry flag if there is a collision, and unsets it if there isn't a collision
CollisionCheckOnLand:: ; 0bd1 (0:0bd1)
ld a,[$d736]
bit 6,a ; is the player jumping?
jr nz,.noCollision
; if not jumping a ledge
ld a,[$cd38]
and a
jr nz,.noCollision
ld a,[$d52a] ; the direction that the player is trying to go in
ld d,a
ld a,[$c10c] ; the player sprite's collision data (bit field) (set in the sprite movement code)
and d ; check if a sprite is in the direction the player is trying to go
jr nz,.collision
xor a
ld [$ff8c],a
call IsSpriteInFrontOfPlayer ; check for sprite collisions again? when does the above check fail to detect a sprite collision?
ld a,[$ff8c]
and a ; was there a sprite collision?
jr nz,.collision
; if no sprite collision
ld hl,TilePairCollisionsLand
call CheckForJumpingAndTilePairCollisions
jr c,.collision
call CheckTilePassable
jr nc,.noCollision
ld a,[$c02a]
2014-04-07 20:16:45 +00:00
cp a,(SFX_02_5b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 ; check if collision sound is already playing
jr z,.setCarry
2014-04-07 20:16:45 +00:00
ld a,(SFX_02_5b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
call PlaySound ; play collision sound (if it's not already playing)
and a
; function that checks if the tile in front of the player is passable
; clears carry if it is, sets carry if not
CheckTilePassable:: ; 0c10 (0:0c10)
ld a,$35
call Predef ; get tile in front of player
ld a,[$cfc6] ; tile in front of player
ld c,a
ld hl,$d530 ; pointer to list of passable tiles
ld a,[hli]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a ; hl now points to passable tiles
ld a,[hli]
cp a,$ff
jr z,.tileNotPassable
cp c
ret z
jr .loop
; check if the player is going to jump down a small ledge
; and check for collisions that only occur between certain pairs of tiles
; Input: hl - address of directional collision data
; sets carry if there is a collision and unsets carry if not
CheckForJumpingAndTilePairCollisions:: ; 0c2a (0:0c2a)
push hl
ld a,$35
call Predef ; get the tile in front of the player
push de
push bc
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
callba HandleLedges ; check if the player is trying to jump a ledge
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
and a
ld a,[$d736]
bit 6,a ; is the player jumping?
ret nz
; if not jumping
Func_c44:: ; 0c44 (0:0c44)
FuncCoord 8, 9 ; $c45c
ld a,[Coord] ; tile the player is on
ld [$cf0e],a
CheckForTilePairCollisions:: ; 0c4a (0:0c4a)
ld a,[$cfc6] ; tile in front of the player
ld c,a
ld a,[W_CURMAPTILESET] ; tileset number
ld b,a
ld a,[hli]
cp a,$ff
jr z,.noMatch
cp b
jr z,.tilesetMatches
inc hl
inc hl
jr .tilePairCollisionLoop
ld a,[$cf0e] ; tile the player is on
ld b,a
ld a,[hl]
cp b
jr z,.currentTileMatchesFirstInPair
inc hl
ld a,[hl]
cp b
jr z,.currentTileMatchesSecondInPair
jr .retry
inc hl
ld a,[hl]
cp c
jr z,.foundMatch
jr .tilePairCollisionLoop
dec hl
ld a,[hli]
cp c
inc hl
jr nz,.tilePairCollisionLoop
and a
; FORMAT: tileset number, tile 1, tile 2
; terminated by 0xFF
; these entries indicate that the player may not cross between tile 1 and tile 2
; it's mainly used to simulate differences in elevation
TilePairCollisionsLand:: ; 0c7e (0:0c7e)
2014-04-04 04:12:19 +00:00
db CAVERN, $20, $05
db CAVERN, $41, $05
db FOREST, $30, $2E
db CAVERN, $2A, $05
db CAVERN, $05, $21
db FOREST, $52, $2E
db FOREST, $55, $2E
db FOREST, $56, $2E
db FOREST, $20, $2E
db FOREST, $5E, $2E
db FOREST, $5F, $2E
db $FF
TilePairCollisionsWater:: ; 0ca0 (0:0ca0)
2014-04-04 04:12:19 +00:00
db FOREST, $14, $2E
db FOREST, $48, $2E
db CAVERN, $14, $05
db $FF
; this builds a tile map from the tile block map based on the current X/Y coordinates of the player's character
LoadCurrentMapView:: ; 0caa (0:0caa)
push af
ld a,[$d52b] ; tile data ROM bank
ld [$2000],a ; switch to ROM bank that contains tile data
ld a,[$d35f] ; address of upper left corner of current map view
ld e,a
ld a,[$d360]
ld d,a
ld hl,wTileMapBackup
ld b,$05
.rowLoop ; each loop iteration fills in one row of tile blocks
push hl
push de
ld c,$06
.rowInnerLoop ; loop to draw each tile block of the current row
push bc
push de
push hl
ld a,[de]
ld c,a ; tile block number
call DrawTileBlock
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
inc hl
inc hl
inc hl
inc hl
inc de
dec c
jr nz,.rowInnerLoop
; update tile block map pointer to next row's address
pop de
add a,$06
add e
ld e,a
jr nc,.noCarry
inc d
; update tile map pointer to next row's address
pop hl
ld a,$60
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry2
inc h
dec b
jr nz,.rowLoop
ld hl,wTileMapBackup
ld bc,$0000
and a
jr z,.adjustForXCoordWithinTileBlock
ld bc,$0030
add hl,bc
and a
jr z,.copyToVisibleAreaBuffer
ld bc,$0002
add hl,bc
ld de,wTileMap ; base address for the tiles that are directly transfered to VRAM during V-blank
ld b,$12
ld c,$14
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
dec c
jr nz,.rowInnerLoop2
ld a,$04
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry3
inc h
dec b
jr nz,.rowLoop2
pop af
ld [$2000],a ; restore previous ROM bank
AdvancePlayerSprite:: ; 0d27 (0:0d27)
ld a,[$c103] ; delta Y
ld b,a
ld a,[$c105] ; delta X
ld c,a
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ld hl,wWalkCounter ; walking animation counter
dec [hl]
jr nz,.afterUpdateMapCoords
; if it's the end of the animation, update the player's map coordinates
ld a,[W_YCOORD]
add b
ld [W_YCOORD],a
ld a,[W_XCOORD]
add c
ld [W_XCOORD],a
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ld a,[wWalkCounter] ; walking animation counter
cp a,$07
jp nz,.scrollBackgroundAndSprites
; if this is the first iteration of the animation
ld a,c
cp a,$01
jr nz,.checkIfMovingWest
; moving east
ld a,[$d526]
ld e,a
and a,$e0
ld d,a
ld a,e
add a,$02
and a,$1f
or d
ld [$d526],a
jr .adjustXCoordWithinBlock
cp a,$ff
jr nz,.checkIfMovingSouth
; moving west
ld a,[$d526]
ld e,a
and a,$e0
ld d,a
ld a,e
sub a,$02
and a,$1f
or d
ld [$d526],a
jr .adjustXCoordWithinBlock
ld a,b
cp a,$01
jr nz,.checkIfMovingNorth
; moving south
ld a,[$d526]
add a,$40
ld [$d526],a
jr nc,.adjustXCoordWithinBlock
ld a,[$d527]
inc a
and a,$03
or a,$98
ld [$d527],a
jr .adjustXCoordWithinBlock
cp a,$ff
jr nz,.adjustXCoordWithinBlock
; moving north
ld a,[$d526]
sub a,$40
ld [$d526],a
jr nc,.adjustXCoordWithinBlock
ld a,[$d527]
dec a
and a,$03
or a,$98
ld [$d527],a
ld a,c
and a
jr z,.pointlessJump ; mistake?
ld a,[hl]
add c
ld [hl],a
cp a,$02
jr nz,.checkForMoveToWestBlock
; moved into the tile block to the east
xor a
ld [hl],a
ld hl,$d4e3
inc [hl]
ld de,$d35f
call MoveTileBlockMapPointerEast
jr .updateMapView
cp a,$ff
jr nz,.adjustYCoordWithinBlock
; moved into the tile block to the west
ld a,$01
ld [hl],a
ld hl,$d4e3
dec [hl]
ld de,$d35f
call MoveTileBlockMapPointerWest
jr .updateMapView
ld a,[hl]
add b
ld [hl],a
cp a,$02
jr nz,.checkForMoveToNorthBlock
; moved into the tile block to the south
xor a
ld [hl],a
ld hl,$d4e2
inc [hl]
ld de,$d35f
call MoveTileBlockMapPointerSouth
jr .updateMapView
cp a,$ff
jr nz,.updateMapView
; moved into the tile block to the north
ld a,$01
ld [hl],a
ld hl,$d4e2
dec [hl]
ld de,$d35f
call MoveTileBlockMapPointerNorth
call LoadCurrentMapView
ld a,[$c103] ; delta Y
cp a,$01
jr nz,.checkIfMovingNorth2
; if moving south
call ScheduleSouthRowRedraw
jr .scrollBackgroundAndSprites
cp a,$ff
jr nz,.checkIfMovingEast2
; if moving north
call ScheduleNorthRowRedraw
jr .scrollBackgroundAndSprites
ld a,[$c105] ; delta X
cp a,$01
jr nz,.checkIfMovingWest2
; if moving east
call ScheduleEastColumnRedraw
jr .scrollBackgroundAndSprites
cp a,$ff
jr nz,.scrollBackgroundAndSprites
; if moving west
call ScheduleWestColumnRedraw
ld a,[$c103] ; delta Y
ld b,a
ld a,[$c105] ; delta X
ld c,a
sla b
sla c
ld a,[$ffaf]
add b
ld [$ffaf],a ; update background scroll Y
ld a,[$ffae]
add c
ld [$ffae],a ; update background scroll X
; shift all the sprites in the direction opposite of the player's motion
; so that the player appears to move relative to them
ld hl,$c114
ld a,[$d4e1] ; number of sprites
and a ; are there any sprites?
jr z,.done
ld e,a
ld a,[hl]
sub b
ld [hli],a
inc l
ld a,[hl]
sub c
ld [hl],a
ld a,$0e
add l
ld l,a
dec e
jr nz,.spriteShiftLoop
; the following four functions are used to move the pointer to the upper left
; corner of the tile block map in the direction of motion
MoveTileBlockMapPointerEast:: ; 0e65 (0:0e65)
ld a,[de]
add a,$01
ld [de],a
ret nc
inc de
ld a,[de]
inc a
ld [de],a
MoveTileBlockMapPointerWest:: ; 0e6f (0:0e6f)
ld a,[de]
sub a,$01
ld [de],a
ret nc
inc de
ld a,[de]
dec a
ld [de],a
MoveTileBlockMapPointerSouth:: ; 0e79 (0:0e79)
add a,$06
ld b,a
ld a,[de]
add b
ld [de],a
ret nc
inc de
ld a,[de]
inc a
ld [de],a
MoveTileBlockMapPointerNorth:: ; 0e85 (0:0e85)
add a,$06
ld b,a
ld a,[de]
sub b
ld [de],a
ret nc
inc de
ld a,[de]
dec a
ld [de],a
; the following 6 functions are used to tell the V-blank handler to redraw
; the portion of the map that was newly exposed due to the player's movement
ScheduleNorthRowRedraw:: ; 0e91 (0:0e91)
FuncCoord 0, 0
ld hl,Coord
call ScheduleRowRedrawHelper
ld a,[$d526]
ld a,[$d527]
ScheduleRowRedrawHelper:: ; 0ea6 (0:0ea6)
ld de,wScreenEdgeTiles
ld c,$28
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
dec c
jr nz,.loop
ScheduleSouthRowRedraw:: ; 0eb2 (0:0eb2)
FuncCoord 0,16
ld hl,Coord
call ScheduleRowRedrawHelper
ld a,[$d526]
ld l,a
ld a,[$d527]
ld h,a
ld bc,$0200
add hl,bc
ld a,h
and a,$03
or a,$98
ld a,l
ScheduleEastColumnRedraw:: ; 0ed3 (0:0ed3)
FuncCoord 18,0
ld hl,Coord
call ScheduleColumnRedrawHelper
ld a,[$d526]
ld c,a
and a,$e0
ld b,a
ld a,c
add a,18
and a,$1f
or b
ld a,[$d527]
ScheduleColumnRedrawHelper:: ; 0ef2 (0:0ef2)
ld de,wScreenEdgeTiles
ld c,$12
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
ld a,[hl]
ld [de],a
inc de
ld a,19
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry
inc h
dec c
jr nz,.loop
ScheduleWestColumnRedraw:: ; 0f08 (0:0f08)
FuncCoord 0,0
ld hl,Coord
call ScheduleColumnRedrawHelper
ld a,[$d526]
ld a,[$d527]
; function to write the tiles that make up a tile block to memory
; Input: c = tile block ID, hl = destination address
DrawTileBlock:: ; 0f1d (0:0f1d)
push hl
ld a,[$d52c] ; pointer to tiles
ld l,a
ld a,[$d52d]
ld h,a
ld a,c
swap a
ld b,a
and a,$f0
ld c,a
ld a,b
and a,$0f
ld b,a ; bc = tile block ID * 0x10
add hl,bc
ld d,h
ld e,l ; de = address of the tile block's tiles
pop hl
ld c,$04 ; 4 loop iterations
.loop ; each loop iteration, write 4 tile numbers
push bc
ld a,[de]
ld [hli],a
inc de
ld a,[de]
ld [hli],a
inc de
ld a,[de]
ld [hli],a
inc de
ld a,[de]
ld [hl],a
inc de
ld bc,$0015
add hl,bc
pop bc
dec c
jr nz,.loop
; function to update joypad state and simulate button presses
GetJoypadStateOverworld:: ; 0f4d (0:0f4d)
xor a
ld [$c103],a
ld [$c105],a
call RunMapScript
call GetJoypadState
ld a,[W_FLAGS_D733]
bit 3,a ; check if a trainer wants a challenge
jr nz,.notForcedDownwards
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
cp a,ROUTE_17 ; Cycling Road
jr nz,.notForcedDownwards
ld a,[H_CURRENTPRESSEDBUTTONS] ; current joypad state
and a,%11110011 ; bit mask for all directions and A/B
jr nz,.notForcedDownwards
ld a,%10000000 ; down pressed
ld [H_CURRENTPRESSEDBUTTONS],a ; on the cycling road, if there isn't a trainer and the player isn't pressing buttons, simulate a down press
ld a,[$d730]
bit 7,a
ret z
; if simulating button presses
ld a,[H_CURRENTPRESSEDBUTTONS] ; current joypad state
ld b,a
ld a,[$cd3b] ; bit mask for button presses that override simulated ones
and b
ret nz ; return if the simulated button presses are overridden
ld hl,$cd38 ; index of current simulated button press
dec [hl]
ld a,[hl]
cp a,$ff
jr z,.doneSimulating ; if the end of the simulated button presses has been reached
ld hl,$ccd3 ; base address of simulated button presses
; add offset to base address
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry
inc h
ld a,[hl]
ld [H_CURRENTPRESSEDBUTTONS],a ; store simulated button press in joypad state
and a
ret nz
; if done simulating button presses
xor a
ld [$cd3a],a
ld [$cd38],a
ld [$ccd3],a
ld [wJoypadForbiddenButtonsMask],a
ld hl,$d736
ld a,[hl]
and a,$f8
ld [hl],a
ld hl,$d730
res 7,[hl]
; function to check the tile ahead to determine if the character should get on land or keep surfing
; sets carry if there is a collision and clears carry otherwise
; It seems that this function has a bug in it, but due to luck, it doesn't
; show up. After detecting a sprite collision, it jumps to the code that
; checks if the next tile is passable instead of just directly jumping to the
; "collision detected" code. However, it doesn't store the next tile in c,
; so the old value of c is used. 2429 is always called before this function,
; and 2429 always sets c to 0xF0. There is no 0xF0 background tile, so it
; is considered impassable and it is detected as a collision.
CollisionCheckOnWater:: ; 0fb7 (0:0fb7)
ld a,[$d730]
bit 7,a
jp nz,.noCollision ; return and clear carry if button presses are being simulated
ld a,[$d52a] ; the direction that the player is trying to go in
ld d,a
ld a,[$c10c] ; the player sprite's collision data (bit field) (set in the sprite movement code)
and d ; check if a sprite is in the direction the player is trying to go
jr nz,.checkIfNextTileIsPassable ; bug?
ld hl,TilePairCollisionsWater
call CheckForJumpingAndTilePairCollisions
jr c,.collision
ld a,$35
call Predef ; get tile in front of player (puts it in c and [$CFC6])
ld a,[$cfc6] ; tile in front of player
cp a,$14 ; water tile
jr z,.noCollision ; keep surfing if it's a water tile
cp a,$32 ; either the left tile of the S.S. Anne boarding platform or the tile on eastern coastlines (depending on the current tileset)
jr z,.checkIfVermilionDockTileset
cp a,$48 ; tile on right on coast lines in Safari Zone
jr z,.noCollision ; keep surfing
; check if the [land] tile in front of the player is passable
ld hl,$d530 ; pointer to list of passable tiles
ld a,[hli]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a
ld a,[hli]
cp a,$ff
jr z,.collision
cp c
jr z,.stopSurfing ; stop surfing if the tile is passable
jr .loop
ld a,[$c02a]
2014-04-07 20:16:45 +00:00
cp a,(SFX_02_5b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 ; check if collision sound is already playing
jr z,.setCarry
2014-04-07 20:16:45 +00:00
ld a,(SFX_02_5b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
call PlaySound ; play collision sound (if it's not already playing)
jr .done
and a
xor a
ld [$d700],a
call LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics
call Func_2307
jr .noCollision
2014-04-04 03:58:04 +00:00
ld a, [W_CURMAPTILESET] ; tileset
cp SHIP_PORT ; Vermilion Dock tileset
jr nz, .noCollision ; keep surfing if it's not the boarding platform tile
jr .stopSurfing ; if it is the boarding platform tile, stop surfing
; function to run the current map's script
RunMapScript:: ; 101b (0:101b)
push hl
push de
push bc
callba Func_f225 ; check if the player is pushing a boulder
ld a,[wFlags_0xcd60]
bit 1,a ; is the player pushing a boulder?
jr z,.afterBoulderEffect
callba Func_f2b5 ; displays dust effect when pushing a boulder
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
call Func_310e
ld a,[W_CURMAP] ; current map number
call SwitchToMapRomBank ; change to the ROM bank the map's data is in
ld a,[hli]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a
ld de,.return
push de
jp [hl] ; jump to script
LoadWalkingPlayerSpriteGraphics:: ; 104d (0:104d)
ld de,RedSprite ; $4180
ld hl,$8000
jr LoadPlayerSpriteGraphicsCommon
LoadSurfingPlayerSpriteGraphics:: ; 1055 (0:1055)
ld de,SeelSprite
ld hl,$8000
jr LoadPlayerSpriteGraphicsCommon
LoadBikePlayerSpriteGraphics:: ; 105d (0:105d)
ld de,RedCyclingSprite
ld hl,$8000
LoadPlayerSpriteGraphicsCommon:: ; 1063 (0:1063)
push de
push hl
ld bc,(BANK(RedSprite) << 8) + $0c
call CopyVideoData
pop hl
pop de
ld a,$c0
add e
ld e,a
jr nc,.noCarry
inc d
set 3,h
ld bc,$050c
jp CopyVideoData
; function to load data from the map header
LoadMapHeader:: ; 107c (0:107c)
callba Func_f113
ld [$d119],a
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
call SwitchToMapRomBank
ld b,a
res 7,a
ld [$ff8b],a
bit 7,b
ret nz
ld hl,MapHeaderPointers
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
sla a
jr nc,.noCarry1
inc h
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry2
inc h
ld a,[hli]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a ; hl = base of map header
; copy the first 10 bytes (the fixed area) of the map data to D367-D370
ld de,$d367
ld c,$0a
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
dec c
jr nz,.copyFixedHeaderLoop
; initialize all the connected maps to disabled at first, before loading the actual values
ld a,$ff
ld [$d371],a
ld [$d37c],a
ld [$d387],a
ld [$d392],a
; copy connection data (if any) to WRAM
ld b,a
bit 3,b
jr z,.checkSouth
call CopyMapConnectionHeader
bit 2,b
jr z,.checkWest
call CopyMapConnectionHeader
bit 1,b
jr z,.checkEast
call CopyMapConnectionHeader
bit 0,b
jr z,.getObjectDataPointer
call CopyMapConnectionHeader
ld a,[hli]
ld [$d3a9],a
ld a,[hli]
ld [$d3aa],a
push hl
ld a,[$d3a9]
ld l,a
ld a,[$d3aa]
ld h,a ; hl = base of object data
ld de,$d3ad ; background tile ID
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a ; save background tile ID
ld a,[hli] ; number of warps
ld [$d3ae],a ; save the number of warps
and a ; are there any warps?
jr z,.loadSignData ; if not, skip this
ld c,a
ld de,$d3af ; base address of warps
.warpLoop ; one warp per loop iteration
ld b,$04
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
dec b
jr nz,.warpInnerLoop
dec c
jr nz,.warpLoop
ld a,[hli] ; number of signs
ld [$d4b0],a ; save the number of signs
and a ; are there any signs?
jr z,.loadSpriteData ; if not, skip this
ld c,a
ld de,$d4d1 ; base address of sign text IDs
ld a,d
ld [$ff95],a
ld a,e
ld [$ff96],a
ld de,$d4b1 ; base address of sign coordinates
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
push de
ld a,[$ff95]
ld d,a
ld a,[$ff96]
ld e,a
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
ld a,d
ld [$ff95],a
ld a,e
ld [$ff96],a
pop de
dec c
jr nz,.signLoop
ld a,[$d72e]
bit 5,a ; did a battle happen immediately before this?
jp nz,.finishUp ; if so, skip this because battles don't destroy this data
ld a,[hli]
ld [$d4e1],a ; save the number of sprites
push hl
; zero C110-C1FF and C210-C2FF
ld hl,$c110
ld de,$c210
xor a
ld b,$f0
ld [hli],a
ld [de],a
inc e
dec b
jr nz,.zeroSpriteDataLoop
; initialize all C100-C1FF sprite entries to disabled (other than player's)
ld hl,$c112
ld de,$0010
ld c,$0f
ld [hl],$ff
add hl,de
dec c
jr nz,.disableSpriteEntriesLoop
pop hl
ld de,$c110
ld a,[$d4e1] ; number of sprites
and a ; are there any sprites?
jp z,.finishUp ; if there are no sprites, skip the rest
ld b,a
ld c,$00
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a ; store picture ID at C1X0
inc d
ld a,$04
add e
ld e,a
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a ; store Y position at C2X4
inc e
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a ; store X position at C2X5
inc e
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a ; store movement byte 1 at C2X6
ld a,[hli]
ld [$ff8d],a ; save movement byte 2
ld a,[hli]
ld [$ff8e],a ; save text ID and flags byte
push bc
push hl
ld b,$00
add hl,bc
ld a,[$ff8d]
ld [hli],a ; store movement byte 2 in byte 0 of sprite entry
ld a,[$ff8e]
ld [hl],a ; this appears pointless, since the value is overwritten immediately after
ld a,[$ff8e]
ld [$ff8d],a
and a,$3f
ld [hl],a ; store text ID in byte 1 of sprite entry
pop hl
ld a,[$ff8d]
bit 6,a
jr nz,.trainerSprite
bit 7,a
jr nz,.itemBallSprite
jr .regularSprite
ld a,[hli]
ld [$ff8d],a ; save trainer class
ld a,[hli]
ld [$ff8e],a ; save trainer number (within class)
push hl
add hl,bc
ld a,[$ff8d]
ld [hli],a ; store trainer class in byte 0 of the entry
ld a,[$ff8e]
ld [hl],a ; store trainer number in byte 1 of the entry
pop hl
jr .nextSprite
ld a,[hli]
ld [$ff8d],a ; save item number
push hl
add hl,bc
ld a,[$ff8d]
ld [hli],a ; store item number in byte 0 of the entry
xor a
ld [hl],a ; zero byte 1, since it is not used
pop hl
jr .nextSprite
push hl
add hl,bc
; zero both bytes, since regular sprites don't use this extra space
xor a
ld [hli],a
ld [hl],a
pop hl
pop bc
dec d
ld a,$0a
add e
ld e,a
inc c
inc c
dec b
jp nz,.loadSpriteLoop
ld a,$19
call Predef ; load tileset data
callab LoadWildData ; load wild pokemon data
pop hl ; restore hl from before going to the warp/sign/sprite data (this value was saved for seemingly no purpose)
ld a,[W_CURMAPHEIGHT] ; map height in 4x4 tile blocks
add a ; double it
ld [$d524],a ; store map height in 2x2 tile blocks
ld a,[W_CURMAPWIDTH] ; map width in 4x4 tile blocks
add a ; double it
ld [$d525],a ; map width in 2x2 tile blocks
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
ld c,a
ld b,$00
push af
2013-10-24 08:14:23 +00:00
ld a, BANK(MapSongBanks)
ld [$2000],a
2013-10-24 08:14:23 +00:00
ld hl, MapSongBanks
add hl,bc
add hl,bc
ld a,[hli]
ld [$d35b],a ; music 1
ld a,[hl]
ld [$d35c],a ; music 2
pop af
ld [$2000],a
; function to copy map connection data from ROM to WRAM
; Input: hl = source, de = destination
CopyMapConnectionHeader:: ; 1238 (0:1238)
ld c,$0b
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
dec c
jr nz,.loop
; function to load map data
LoadMapData:: ; 1241 (0:1241)
push af
call DisableLCD
ld a,$98
ld [$d527],a
xor a
ld [$d526],a
ld [$ffaf],a
ld [$ffae],a
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ld [wWalkCounter],a
ld [$d119],a
ld [$d11a],a
ld [$d3a8],a
call LoadTextBoxTilePatterns
call LoadMapHeader
callba InitMapSprites ; load tile pattern data for sprites
call LoadTileBlockMap
call LoadTilesetTilePatternData
call LoadCurrentMapView
; copy current map view to VRAM
ld hl,wTileMap
ld de,$9800
ld b,$12
ld c,$14
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc e
dec c
jr nz,.vramCopyInnerLoop
ld a,$0c
add e
ld e,a
jr nc,.noCarry
inc d
dec b
jr nz,.vramCopyLoop
ld a,$01
ld [$cfcb],a
call EnableLCD
ld b,$09
call GoPAL_SET
call LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics
ld a,[$d732]
and a,$18 ; did the player fly or teleport in?
jr nz,.restoreRomBank
ld a,[W_FLAGS_D733]
bit 1,a
jr nz,.restoreRomBank
call Func_235f ; music related
call Func_2312 ; music related
pop af
ld [$2000],a
; function to switch to the ROM bank that a map is stored in
; Input: a = map number
SwitchToMapRomBank:: ; 12bc (0:12bc)
push hl
push bc
ld c,a
ld b,$00
ld a,Bank(MapHeaderBanks)
call BankswitchHome ; switch to ROM bank 3
ld hl,MapHeaderBanks
add hl,bc
ld a,[hl]
ld [$ffe8],a ; save map ROM bank
call BankswitchBack
ld a,[$ffe8]
ld [$2000],a ; switch to map ROM bank
pop bc
pop hl
Func_12da:: ; 12da (0:12da)
ld a, $1e
ld [$d13a], a
ld hl, $d730
ld a, [hl]
or $26
ld [hl], a
Func_12e7:: ; 12e7 (0:12e7)
ld hl, $d728
res 0, [hl]
2013-11-09 19:21:51 +00:00
ForceBikeOrSurf:: ; 12ed (0:12ed)
ld b, BANK(RedSprite)
ld hl, LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics
call Bankswitch
jp Func_2307 ; update map/player state?
; this is used to check if the player wants to interrupt the opening sequence at several points
; XXX is this used anywhere else?
; c = number of frames to wait
; sets carry if Up+Select+B, Start, or A is pressed within c frames
; unsets carry otherwise
CheckForUserInterruption:: ; 12f8 (0:12f8)
call DelayFrame
push bc
call GetJoypadStateLowSensitivity
pop bc
ld a,[H_CURRENTPRESSEDBUTTONS] ; currently pressed buttons
cp a,%01000110 ; Up, Select button, B button
jr z,.setCarry ; if all three keys are pressed
ld a,[$ffb5] ; either newly pressed buttons or currently pressed buttons at low sampling rate
and a,%00001001 ; Start button, A button
jr nz,.setCarry ; if either key is pressed
dec c
jr nz,CheckForUserInterruption
and a
; function to load position data for destination warp when switching maps
; a = ID of destination warp within destination map
LoadDestinationWarpPosition:: ; 1313 (0:1313)
ld b,a
push af
ld a,[wPredefParentBank]
ld [$2000],a
ld a,b
add a
add a
ld c,a
ld b,0
add hl,bc
ld bc,4
ld de,$d35f
call CopyData
pop af
ld [$2000],a
; c: if nonzero, show at least a sliver of health
; d = number of HP bar sections (normally 6)
; e = health (in eighths of bar sections) (normally out of 48)
DrawHPBar:: ; 1336 (0:1336)
push hl
push de
push bc
ld a,$71 ; left of HP bar tile 1
ld [hli],a
ld a,$62 ; left of HP bar tile 2
ld [hli],a
push hl
ld a,$63 ; empty bar section tile
ld [hli],a
dec d
jr nz,.drawEmptyBarLoop
ld a,[$cf94]
dec a ; what should the right of HP bar tile be?
ld a,$6d ; right of HP bar tile, in status screen and battles
jr z,.writeTile
dec a ; right of HP bar tile, in pokemon menu
ld [hl],a
pop hl
ld a,e
and a ; is there enough health to show up on the HP bar?
jr nz,.loop ; if so, draw the HP bar
ld a,c
and a ; should a sliver of health be shown no matter what?
jr z,.done
ld e,1 ; if so, fill one eighth of a bar section
; loop to draw every full bar section
ld a,e
sub a,8
jr c,.drawPartialBarSection
ld e,a
ld a,$6b ; filled bar section tile
ld [hli],a
ld a,e
and a
jr z,.done
jr .loop
; draws a partial bar section at the end (if necessary)
; there are 7 possible partial bar sections from 1/8 to 7/8 full
ld a,$63 ; empty bar section tile
add e ; add e to get the appropriate partial bar section tile
ld [hl],a ; write the tile
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
; loads pokemon data from one of multiple sources to $cf98
; loads base stats to $d0b8
; [$cf92] = index of pokemon within party/box
; [$cc49] = source
; 00: player's party
; 01: enemy's party
; 02: current box
; 03: daycare
; [$cf91] = pokemon ID
; $cf98 = base address of pokemon data
; $d0b8 = base address of base stats
LoadMonData:: ; 1372 (0:1372)
ld hl,LoadMonData_
ld b,BANK(LoadMonData_)
jp Bankswitch
; writes c to $d0dc+b
Func_137a:: ; 137a (0:137a)
ld hl, $d0dc
ld e, b
ld d, $0
add hl, de
ld a, c
ld [hl], a
LoadFlippedFrontSpriteByMonIndex:: ; 1384 (0:1384)
ld a, $1
LoadFrontSpriteByMonIndex:: ; 1389 (0:1389)
push hl
ld a, [$d11e]
push af
ld a, [$cf91]
ld [$d11e], a
ld a, $3a
call Predef ; indirect jump to IndexToPokedex (41010 (10:5010))
ld hl, $d11e
ld a, [hl]
pop bc
ld [hl], b
and a
pop hl
jr z, .invalidDexNumber ; dex #0 invalid
cp 151 + 1
jr c, .validDexNumber ; dex >#151 invalid
ld a, RHYDON ; $1
ld [$cf91], a
push hl
ld de, $9000
call LoadMonFrontSprite
pop hl
push af
2014-01-07 18:12:05 +00:00
ld a, Bank(asm_3f0d0)
ld [$2000], a
xor a
ld [$ffe1], a
call asm_3f0d0
xor a
pop af
ld [$2000], a
; plays the cry of a pokemon
; a = pokemon ID
PlayCry:: ; 13d0 (0:13d0)
call GetCryData
call PlaySound ; play cry
jp WaitForSoundToFinish ; wait for sound to be done playing
; gets a pokemon's cry data
; a = pokemon ID
GetCryData:: ; 13d9 (0:13d9)
dec a
ld c,a
ld b,0
2012-03-07 22:38:41 +00:00
ld hl,CryData
add hl,bc
add hl,bc
add hl,bc
2012-03-07 22:38:41 +00:00
ld a,Bank(CryData)
call BankswitchHome
ld a,[hli]
ld b,a
ld a,[hli]
ld [$c0f1],a
ld a,[hl]
ld [$c0f2],a
call BankswitchBack
ld a,b ; a = cryID
ld c,$14 ; base sound ID for pokemon cries
add b ; a = cryID * 3
add c ; a = $14 + cryID * 3
DisplayPartyMenu:: ; 13fc (0:13fc)
ld a,[$ffd7]
push af
xor a
ld [$ffd7],a
call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
call ClearSprites
call PartyMenuInit
call DrawPartyMenu
jp HandlePartyMenuInput
GoBackToPartyMenu:: ; 1411 (0:1411)
ld a,[$ffd7]
push af
xor a
ld [$ffd7],a
call PartyMenuInit
call RedrawPartyMenu
jp HandlePartyMenuInput
PartyMenuInit:: ; 1420 (0:1420)
ld a,$01
call BankswitchHome
call LoadHpBarAndStatusTilePatterns
ld hl,$d730
set 6,[hl] ; turn off letter printing delay
xor a
ld [$cc49],a
ld [$cc37],a
ld hl,wTopMenuItemY
inc a
ld [hli],a ; top menu item Y
xor a
ld [hli],a ; top menu item X
ld a,[$cc2b]
push af
ld [hli],a ; current menu item ID
inc hl
and a ; are there more than 0 pokemon in the party?
jr z,.storeMaxMenuItemID
dec a
; if party is not empty, the max menu item ID is ([W_NUMINPARTY] - 1)
; otherwise, it is 0
ld [hli],a ; max menu item ID
ld a,[$d11f]
and a
ld a,%00000011 ; A button and B button
jr z,.next
xor a
ld [$d11f],a
inc a
ld [hli],a ; menu watched keys
pop af
ld [hl],a ; old menu item ID
HandlePartyMenuInput:: ; 145a (0:145a)
ld a,1
ld [$cc4a],a
ld a,$40
ld [$d09b],a
call HandleMenuInputPokemonSelection
call PlaceUnfilledArrowMenuCursor
ld b,a
xor a
ld [$d09b],a
ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem]
ld [$cc2b],a
ld hl,$d730
res 6,[hl] ; turn on letter printing delay
ld a,[$cc35]
and a
jp nz,.swappingPokemon
pop af
ld [$ffd7],a
bit 1,b
jr nz,.noPokemonChosen
and a
jr z,.noPokemonChosen
ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem]
2014-01-06 18:10:06 +00:00
ld [wWhichPokemon],a
ld b,0
ld c,a
add hl,bc
ld a,[hl]
ld [$cf91],a
ld [$cfd9],a
call BankswitchBack
and a
call BankswitchBack
bit 1,b ; was the B button pressed?
jr z,.handleSwap ; if not, handle swapping the pokemon
.cancelSwap ; if the B button was pressed
callba ErasePartyMenuCursors
xor a
ld [$cc35],a
ld [$d07d],a
call RedrawPartyMenu
jr HandlePartyMenuInput
ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem]
2014-01-06 18:10:06 +00:00
ld [wWhichPokemon],a
2014-05-21 15:58:18 +00:00
callba SwitchPartyMon
jr HandlePartyMenuInput
DrawPartyMenu:: ; 14d4 (0:14d4)
2013-12-26 23:40:11 +00:00
ld hl, DrawPartyMenu_
jr DrawPartyMenuCommon
RedrawPartyMenu:: ; 14d9 (0:14d9)
ld hl, RedrawPartyMenu_
DrawPartyMenuCommon:: ; 14dc (0:14dc)
ld b, BANK(RedrawPartyMenu_)
jp Bankswitch
; prints a pokemon's status condition
; de = address of status condition
; hl = destination address
PrintStatusCondition:: ; 14e1 (0:14e1)
push de
dec de
dec de ; de = address of current HP
ld a,[de]
ld b,a
dec de
ld a,[de]
or b ; is the pokemon's HP zero?
pop de
jr nz,PrintStatusConditionNotFainted
; if the pokemon's HP is 0, print "FNT"
ld a,"F"
ld [hli],a
ld a,"N"
ld [hli],a
ld [hl],"T"
and a
PrintStatusConditionNotFainted ; 14f6
push af
2013-10-16 01:08:04 +00:00
ld a,BANK(PrintStatusAilment)
ld [$2000],a
2013-10-16 01:08:04 +00:00
call PrintStatusAilment ; print status condition
pop bc
ld a,b
ld [$2000],a
; function to print pokemon level, leaving off the ":L" if the level is at least 100
; hl = destination address
; [$cfb9] = level
PrintLevel:: ; 150b (0:150b)
ld a,$6e ; ":L" tile ID
ld [hli],a
ld c,2 ; number of digits
ld a,[$cfb9] ; level
cp a,100
jr c,PrintLevelCommon
; if level at least 100, write over the ":L" tile
dec hl
inc c ; increment number of digits to 3
jr PrintLevelCommon
; prints the level without leaving off ":L" regardless of level
; hl = destination address
; [$cfb9] = level
PrintLevelFull:: ; 151b (0:151b)
ld a,$6e ; ":L" tile ID
ld [hli],a
ld c,3 ; number of digits
ld a,[$cfb9] ; level
PrintLevelCommon:: ; 1523 (0:1523)
ld [$d11e],a
ld de,$d11e
ld b,$41 ; no leading zeroes, left-aligned, one byte
jp PrintNumber
Func_152e:: ; 152e (0:152e)
ld hl,$d0dc
ld c,a
ld b,0
add hl,bc
ld a,[hl]
; copies the base stat data of a pokemon to $D0B8 (W_MONHEADER)
; [$D0B5] = pokemon ID
GetMonHeader:: ; 1537 (0:1537)
push af
ld a,BANK(BaseStats)
ld [$2000],a
push bc
push de
push hl
ld a,[$d11e]
push af
ld a,[$d0b5]
ld [$d11e],a
ld de,FossilKabutopsPic
ld b,$66 ; size of Kabutops fossil and Ghost sprites
cp a,FOSSIL_KABUTOPS ; Kabutops fossil
jr z,.specialID
ld de,GhostPic
cp a,MON_GHOST ; Ghost
jr z,.specialID
ld de,FossilAerodactylPic
ld b,$77 ; size of Aerodactyl fossil sprite
cp a,FOSSIL_AERODACTYL ; Aerodactyl fossil
jr z,.specialID
cp a,MEW
jr z,.mew
ld a,$3a
call Predef ; convert pokemon ID in [$D11E] to pokedex number
ld a,[$d11e]
dec a
ld bc,28
ld hl,BaseStats
call AddNTimes
ld bc,28
call CopyData
jr .done
ld [hl],b ; write sprite dimensions
inc hl
ld [hl],e ; write front sprite pointer
inc hl
ld [hl],d
jr .done
ld hl,MewBaseStats
ld bc,28
ld a,BANK(MewBaseStats)
call FarCopyData
ld a,[$d0b5]
ld [$d0b8],a
pop af
ld [$d11e],a
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
pop af
ld [$2000],a
; copy party pokemon's name to $CD6D
GetPartyMonName2:: ; 15b4 (0:15b4)
2014-01-06 18:10:06 +00:00
ld a,[wWhichPokemon] ; index within party
; this is called more often
GetPartyMonName:: ; 15ba (0:15ba)
push hl
push bc
call SkipFixedLengthTextEntries ; add 11 to hl, a times
ld de,$cd6d
push de
ld bc,11
call CopyData
pop de
pop bc
pop hl
; function to print a BCD (Binary-coded decimal) number
; de = address of BCD number
; hl = destination address
; c = flags and length
; bit 7: if set, do not print leading zeroes
; if unset, print leading zeroes
; bit 6: if set, left-align the string (do not pad empty digits with spaces)
; if unset, right-align the string
; bit 5: if set, print currency symbol at the beginning of the string
; if unset, do not print the currency symbol
; bits 0-4: length of BCD number in bytes
; Note that bits 5 and 7 are modified during execution. The above reflects
; their meaning at the beginning of the functions's execution.
PrintBCDNumber:: ; 15cd (0:15cd)
ld b,c ; save flags in b
res 7,c
res 6,c
res 5,c ; c now holds the length
bit 5,b
jr z,.loop
bit 7,b
jr nz,.loop
2012-03-05 06:10:24 +00:00
ld [hl],"¥"
inc hl
ld a,[de]
swap a
call PrintBCDDigit ; print upper digit
ld a,[de]
call PrintBCDDigit ; print lower digit
inc de
dec c
jr nz,.loop
bit 7,b ; were any non-zero digits printed?
jr z,.done ; if so, we are done
.numberEqualsZero ; if every digit of the BCD number is zero
bit 6,b ; left or right alignment?
jr nz,.skipRightAlignmentAdjustment
dec hl ; if the string is right-aligned, it needs to be moved back one space
bit 5,b
jr z,.skipCurrencySymbol
ld [hl],"¥"
inc hl
ld [hl],"0"
call PrintLetterDelay
inc hl
PrintBCDDigit:: ; 1604 (0:1604)
and a,%00001111
and a
jr z,.zeroDigit
bit 7,b ; have any non-space characters been printed?
jr z,.outputDigit
; if bit 7 is set, then no numbers have been printed yet
bit 5,b ; print the currency symbol?
jr z,.skipCurrencySymbol
2012-03-05 06:10:24 +00:00
ld [hl],"¥"
inc hl
res 5,b
res 7,b ; unset 7 to indicate that a nonzero digit has been reached
add a,"0"
ld [hli],a
jp PrintLetterDelay
bit 7,b ; either printing leading zeroes or already reached a nonzero digit?
jr z,.outputDigit ; if so, print a zero digit
bit 6,b ; left or right alignment?
ret nz
inc hl ; if right-aligned, "print" a space by advancing the pointer
; uncompresses the front or back sprite of the specified mon
; assumes the corresponding mon header is already loaded
; hl contains offset to sprite pointer ($b for front or $d for back)
UncompressMonSprite:: ; 1627 (0:1627)
add hl,bc
ld a,[hli]
ld [W_SPRITEINPUTPTR],a ; fetch sprite input pointer
ld a,[hl]
; define (by index number) the bank that a pokemon's image is in
; index = Mew, bank 1
; index = Kabutops fossil, bank $B
; index < $1F, bank 9
; $1F ≤ index < $4A, bank $A
; $4A ≤ index < $74, bank $B
; $74 ≤ index < $99, bank $C
; $99 ≤ index, bank $D
ld a,[$CF91] ; XXX name for this ram location
ld b,a
cp MEW
ld a,BANK(MewPicFront)
jr z,.GotBank
ld a,b
ld a,BANK(FossilKabutopsPic)
jr z,.GotBank
ld a,b
cp TANGELA + 1
ld a,BANK(TangelaPicFront)
jr c,.GotBank
ld a,b
cp MOLTRES + 1
ld a,BANK(MoltresPicFront)
jr c,.GotBank
ld a,b
ld a,BANK(BeedrillPicFront)
jr c,.GotBank
ld a,b
cp STARMIE + 1
ld a,BANK(StarmiePicFront)
jr c,.GotBank
ld a,BANK(VictreebelPicFront)
jp UncompressSpriteData
; de: destination location
LoadMonFrontSprite:: ; 1665 (0:1665)
push de
call UncompressMonSprite
ld a, [hli]
ld c, a
pop de
; fall through
; postprocesses uncompressed sprite chunks to a 2bpp sprite and loads it into video ram
; calculates alignment parameters to place both sprite chunks in the center of the 7*7 tile sprite buffers
; de: destination location
; a,c: sprite dimensions (in tiles of 8x8 each)
LoadUncompressedSpriteData:: ; 1672 (0:1672)
push de
and $f
ld [H_SPRITEWIDTH], a ; each byte contains 8 pixels (in 1bpp), so tiles=bytes for width
ld b, a
ld a, $7
sub b ; 7-w
inc a ; 8-w
srl a ; (8-w)/2 ; horizontal center (in tiles, rounded up)
ld b, a
add a
add a
add a
sub b ; 7*((8-w)/2) ; skip for horizontal center (in tiles)
ld a, c
swap a
and $f
ld b, a
add a
add a
add a ; 8*tiles is height in bytes
ld [H_SPRITEHEIGHT], a ; $ff8c
ld a, $7
sub b ; 7-h ; skip for vertical center (in tiles, relative to current column)
ld b, a
add b ; 7*((8-w)/2) + 7-h ; combined overall offset (in tiles)
add a
add a
add a ; 8*(7*((8-w)/2) + 7-h) ; combined overall offset (in bytes)
xor a
ld [$4000], a
call ZeroSpriteBuffer ; zero buffer 0
call AlignSpriteDataCentered ; copy and align buffer 1 to 0 (containing the MSB of the 2bpp sprite)
call ZeroSpriteBuffer ; zero buffer 1
call AlignSpriteDataCentered ; copy and align buffer 2 to 1 (containing the LSB of the 2bpp sprite)
pop de
jp InterlaceMergeSpriteBuffers
; copies and aligns the sprite data properly inside the sprite buffer
; sprite buffers are 7*7 tiles in size, the loaded sprite is centered within this area
AlignSpriteDataCentered:: ; 16c2 (0:16c2)
ld b, $0
ld c, a
add hl, bc
ld a, [H_SPRITEWIDTH] ; $ff8b
push af
push hl
ld a, [H_SPRITEHEIGHT] ; $ff8c
ld c, a
ld a, [de]
inc de
ld [hli], a
dec c
jr nz, .columnInnerLoop
pop hl
ld bc, 7*8 ; 7 tiles
add hl, bc ; advance one full column
pop af
dec a
jr nz, .columnLoop
; fills the sprite buffer (pointed to in hl) with zeros
ZeroSpriteBuffer:: ; 16df (0:16df)
xor a
ld [hli], a
dec bc
ld a, b
or c
jr nz, .nextByteLoop
; combines the (7*7 tiles, 1bpp) sprite chunks in buffer 0 and 1 into a 2bpp sprite located in buffer 1 through 2
; in the resulting sprite, the rows of the two source sprites are interlaced
; de: output address
InterlaceMergeSpriteBuffers:: ; 16ea (0:16ea)
xor a
ld [$4000], a
push de
ld hl, S_SPRITEBUFFER2 + (SPRITEBUFFERSIZE - 1) ; destination: end of buffer 2
ld de, S_SPRITEBUFFER1 + (SPRITEBUFFERSIZE - 1) ; source 2: end of buffer 1
ld bc, S_SPRITEBUFFER0 + (SPRITEBUFFERSIZE - 1) ; source 1: end of buffer 0
ld a, [de]
dec de
ld [hld], a ; write byte of source 2
ld a, [bc]
dec bc
ld [hld], a ; write byte of source 1
ld a, [de]
dec de
ld [hld], a ; write byte of source 2
ld a, [bc]
dec bc
ld [hld], a ; write byte of source 1
dec a
jr nz, .interlaceLoop
and a
jr z, .notFlipped
swap [hl] ; if flipped swap nybbles in all bytes
inc hl
dec bc
ld a, b
or c
jr nz, .swapLoop
pop hl
ld c, (2*SPRITEBUFFERSIZE)/16 ; $31, number of 16 byte chunks to be copied
ld b, a
jp CopyVideoData
Underground_Coll:: ; 172f (0:172f)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/underground.tilecoll"
Overworld_Coll:: ; 1735 (0:1735)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/overworld.tilecoll"
RedsHouse2_Coll:: ; 1749 (0:1749)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/reds_house.tilecoll"
Pokecenter_Coll:: ; 1753 (0:1753)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/pokecenter.tilecoll"
Gym_Coll:: ; 1759 (0:1759)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/gym.tilecoll"
Forest_Coll:: ; 1765 (0:1765)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/forest.tilecoll"
House_Coll:: ; 1775 (0:1775)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/house.tilecoll"
Gate_Coll:: ; 177f (0:177f)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/gate.tilecoll"
Ship_Coll:: ; 178a (0:178a)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/ship.tilecoll"
ShipPort_Coll:: ; 1795 (0:1795)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/ship_port.tilecoll"
Cemetery_Coll:: ; 179a (0:179a)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/cemetery.tilecoll"
Interior_Coll:: ; 17a2 (0:17a2)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/interior.tilecoll"
Cavern_Coll:: ; 17ac (0:17ac)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/cavern.tilecoll"
Lobby_Coll:: ; 17b8 (0:17b8)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/lobby.tilecoll"
Mansion_Coll:: ; 17c0 (0:17c0)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/mansion.tilecoll"
Lab_Coll:: ; 17ca (0:17ca)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/lab.tilecoll"
Club_Coll:: ; 17d1 (0:17d1)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/club.tilecoll"
Facility_Coll:: ; 17dd (0:17dd)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/facility.tilecoll"
Plateau_Coll:: ; 17f0 (0:17f0)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/plateau.tilecoll"
; does the same thing as FarCopyData at 009D
; only difference is that it uses [$ff8b] instead of [$cee9] for a temp value
; copy bc bytes of data from a:hl to de
FarCopyData2:: ; 17f7 (0:17f7)
ld [$ff8b],a
push af
ld a,[$ff8b]
ld [$2000],a
call CopyData
pop af
ld [$2000],a
; does a far copy but the source is de and the destination is hl
; copy bc bytes of data from a:de to hl
FarCopyData3:: ; 180d (0:180d)
ld [$ff8b],a
push af
ld a,[$ff8b]
ld [$2000],a
push hl
push de
push de
ld d,h
ld e,l
pop hl
call CopyData
pop de
pop hl
pop af
ld [$2000],a
; copies each source byte to the destination twice (next to each other)
; copy bc source bytes from a:hl to de
FarCopyDataDouble:: ; 182b (0:182b)
ld [$ff8b],a
push af
ld a,[$ff8b]
ld [$2000],a
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
ld [de],a
inc de
dec bc
ld a,c
or b
jr nz,.loop
pop af
ld [$2000],a
; copy (c * 16) bytes from b:de to hl during V-blank
; transfers up to 128 bytes per V-blank
CopyVideoData:: ; 1848 (0:1848)
ld a,[H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED] ; save auto-transfer enabled flag
push af
xor a
ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED],a ; disable auto-transfer while copying
ld [$ff8b],a
ld a,b
ld [$2000],a
ld a,e
ld a,d
ld [H_VBCOPYSRC + 1],a
ld a,l
ld a,h
ld [H_VBCOPYDEST + 1],a
ld a,c
cp a,8 ; are there more than 128 bytes left to copy?
jr nc,.copyMaxSize ; only copy up to 128 bytes at a time
call DelayFrame ; wait for V-blank handler to perform the copy
ld a,[$ff8b]
ld [$2000],a
pop af
ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED],a ; restore original auto-transfer enabled flag
ld a,8 ; 128 bytes
call DelayFrame ; wait for V-blank handler to perform the copy
ld a,c
sub a,8
ld c,a
jr .loop
; copy (c * 8) source bytes from b:de to hl during V-blank
; copies each source byte to the destination twice (next to each other)
; transfers up to 64 source bytes per V-blank
CopyVideoDataDouble:: ; 1886 (0:1886)
ld a,[H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED] ; save auto-transfer enabled flag
push af
xor a
ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED],a ; disable auto-transfer while copying
ld [$ff8b],a
ld a,b
ld [$2000],a
ld a,e
ld a,d
ld a,l
ld a,h
ld a,c
cp a,8 ; are there more than 64 source bytes left to copy?
jr nc,.copyMaxSize ; only copy up to 64 source bytes at a time
call DelayFrame ; wait for V-blank handler to perform the copy
ld a,[$ff8b]
ld [$2000],a
pop af
ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED],a ; restore original auto-transfer enabled flag
ld a,8 ; 64 source bytes
call DelayFrame ; wait for V-blank handler to perform the copy
ld a,c
sub a,8
ld c,a
jr .loop
; clears an area of the screen
; hl = address of upper left corner of the area
; b = height
; c = width
ClearScreenArea:: ; 18c4 (0:18c4)
ld a,$7F ; blank tile
ld de,20 ; screen width
push hl
push bc
ld [hli],a
dec c
jr nz,.innerLoop
pop bc
pop hl
add hl,de
dec b
jr nz,.loop
; copies the screen tile buffer from WRAM to VRAM
; copying is done in 3 chunks of 6 rows each
; b: high byte of VRAM destination address ($98 or $9c for window tile map 0 or 1 resp.)
CopyScreenTileBufferToVRAM:: ; 18d6 (0:18d6)
ld c, $6
ld hl, $0000
ld de, wTileMap
call InitScreenTileBufferTransferParameters
call DelayFrame
ld hl, $600
ld de, wTileMap + 20 * 6 ; $c418
call InitScreenTileBufferTransferParameters
call DelayFrame
ld hl, $c00
ld de, wTileMap + 20 * 12 ; $c490
call InitScreenTileBufferTransferParameters
jp DelayFrame
InitScreenTileBufferTransferParameters:: ; 18fc (0:18fc)
ld a, d
call GetRowColAddressBgMap
ld a, l
ld [H_VBCOPYBGDEST], a ; $ffc3
ld a, h
ld a, c
ld [H_VBCOPYBGNUMROWS], a ; $ffc5
ld a, e
ld [H_VBCOPYBGSRC], a ; $ffc1
2013-11-09 19:21:51 +00:00
ClearScreen:: ; 190f (0:190f)
; clears all tiles in the tilemap,
; then wait three frames
ld bc,$0168 ; tilemap size
inc b
ld hl,wTileMap ; TILEMAP_START
ld a,$7F ; $7F is blank tile
ld [hli],a
dec c
jr nz,.loop
dec b
jr nz,.loop
jp Delay3
TextBoxBorder:: ; 1922 (0:1922)
; draw a text box
; upper-left corner at coordinates hl
; height b
; width c
; first row
push hl
ld a,"┌"
ld [hli],a
inc a ; horizontal border ─
call NPlaceChar
inc a ; upper-right border ┐
ld [hl],a
; middle rows
pop hl
ld de,20
add hl,de ; skip the top row
push hl
ld a,"│"
ld [hli],a
ld a," "
call NPlaceChar
ld [hl],"│"
pop hl
ld de,20
add hl,de ; move to next row
dec b
jr nz,.PlaceRow
; bottom row
ld a,"└"
ld [hli],a
ld a,"─"
call NPlaceChar
ld [hl],"┘"
NPlaceChar:: ; 194f (0:194f)
; place a row of width c of identical characters
ld d,c
ld [hli],a
dec d
jr nz,.loop
PlaceString:: ; 1955 (0:1955)
push hl
PlaceNextChar:: ; 1956 (0:1956)
ld a,[de]
cp "@"
jr nz,.PlaceText
ld b,h
ld c,l
pop hl
cp $4E
jr nz,.next
ld bc,$0028
ld a,[$FFF6]
bit 2,a
jr z,.next2
ld bc,$14
pop hl
add hl,bc
push hl
jp Next19E8
cp $4F
jr nz,.next3
pop hl
FuncCoord 1, 16 ; $c4e1
ld hl,Coord
push hl
jp Next19E8
.next3 ; Check against a dictionary
and a
jp z,Char00
cp $4C
jp z,Char4C
cp $4B
jp z,Char4B
cp $51
jp z,Char51
cp $49
jp z,Char49
cp $52
jp z,Char52
cp $53
jp z,Char53
cp $54
jp z,Char54
cp $5B
jp z,Char5B
cp $5E
jp z,Char5E
cp $5C
jp z,Char5C
cp $5D
jp z,Char5D
cp $55
jp z,Char55
cp $56
jp z,Char56
cp $57
jp z,Char57
cp $58
jp z,Char58
cp $4A
jp z,Char4A
cp $5F
jp z,Char5F
cp $59
jp z,Char59
cp $5A
jp z,Char5A
ld [hli],a
call PrintLetterDelay
Next19E8:: ; 19e8 (0:19e8)
inc de
jp PlaceNextChar
Char00:: ; 19ec (0:19ec)
ld b,h
ld c,l
pop hl
ld de,Char00Text
dec de
Char00Text:: ; 0x19f4 “%d ERROR.”
TX_FAR _Char00Text
db "@"
Char52:: ; 0x19f9 players name
push de
jr FinishDTE
Char53:: ; 19ff (0:19ff) ; rivals name
push de
jr FinishDTE
Char5D:: ; 1a05 (0:1a05) ; TRAINER
push de
ld de,Char5DText
jr FinishDTE
Char5C:: ; 1a0b (0:1a0b) ; TM
push de
ld de,Char5CText
jr FinishDTE
Char5B:: ; 1a11 (0:1a11) ; PC
push de
ld de,Char5BText
jr FinishDTE
Char5E:: ; 1a17 (0:1a17) ; ROCKET
push de
ld de,Char5EText
jr FinishDTE
Char54:: ; 1a1d (0:1a1d) ; POKé
push de
ld de,Char54Text
jr FinishDTE
Char56:: ; 1a23 (0:1a23) ; ……
push de
ld de,Char56Text
jr FinishDTE
Char4A:: ; 1a29 (0:1a29) ; PKMN
push de
ld de,Char4AText
jr FinishDTE
Char59:: ; 1a2f (0:1a2f)
; depending on whose turn it is, print
; enemy active monsters name, prefixed with “Enemy ”
; or
; player active monsters name
; (like Char5A but flipped)
xor 1
jr MonsterNameCharsCommon
Char5A:: ; 1a35 (0:1a35)
; depending on whose turn it is, print
; player active monsters name
; or
; enemy active monsters name, prefixed with “Enemy ”
MonsterNameCharsCommon:: ; 1a37 (0:1a37)
push de
and a
jr nz,.Enemy
ld de,W_PLAYERMONNAME ; player active monster name
jr FinishDTE
.Enemy ; 1A40
; print “Enemy ”
ld de,Char5AText
call PlaceString
ld h,b
ld l,c
ld de,W_ENEMYMONNAME ; enemy active monster name
FinishDTE:: ; 1a4b (0:1a4b)
call PlaceString
ld h,b
ld l,c
pop de
inc de
jp PlaceNextChar
Char5CText:: ; 1a55 (0:1a55)
db "TM@"
Char5DText:: ; 1a58 (0:1a58)
Char5BText:: ; 1a60 (0:1a60)
db "PC@"
Char5EText:: ; 1a63 (0:1a63)
db "ROCKET@"
Char54Text:: ; 1a6a (0:1a6a)
db "POKé@"
Char56Text:: ; 1a6f (0:1a6f)
db "……@"
Char5AText:: ; 1a72 (0:1a72)
db "Enemy @"
Char4AText:: ; 1a79 (0:1a79)
db $E1,$E2,"@" ; PKMN
Char55:: ; 1a7c (0:1a7c)
push de
ld b,h
ld c,l
ld hl,Char55Text
call TextCommandProcessor
ld h,b
ld l,c
pop de
inc de
jp PlaceNextChar
Char55Text:: ; 1a8c (0:1a8c)
; equivalent to Char4B
TX_FAR _Char55Text
db "@"
Char5F:: ; 1a91 (0:1a91)
; ends a Pokédex entry
ld [hl],"."
pop hl
Char58:: ; 1a95 (0:1a95)
ld a,[$D12B]
cp 4
jp z,Next1AA2
ld a,$EE
FuncCoord 18, 16 ; $c4f2
ld [Coord],a
Next1AA2:: ; 1aa2 (0:1aa2)
call ProtectedDelay3
call ManualTextScroll
ld a,$7F
FuncCoord 18, 16 ; $c4f2
ld [Coord],a
Char57:: ; 1aad (0:1aad)
pop hl
ld de,Char58Text
dec de
Char58Text:: ; 1ab3 (0:1ab3)
db "@"
Char51:: ; 1ab4 (0:1ab4)
push de
ld a,$EE
FuncCoord 18, 16 ; $c4f2
ld [Coord],a
call ProtectedDelay3
call ManualTextScroll
FuncCoord 1, 13 ; $c4a5
ld hl,Coord
ld bc,$0412
call ClearScreenArea
ld c,$14
call DelayFrames
pop de
FuncCoord 1, 14 ; $c4b9
ld hl,Coord
jp Next19E8
Char49:: ; 1ad5 (0:1ad5)
push de
ld a,$EE
FuncCoord 18, 16 ; $c4f2
ld [Coord],a
call ProtectedDelay3
call ManualTextScroll
FuncCoord 1, 10 ; $c469
ld hl,Coord
ld bc,$0712
call ClearScreenArea
ld c,$14
call DelayFrames
pop de
pop hl
FuncCoord 1, 11 ; $c47d
ld hl,Coord
push hl
jp Next19E8
Char4B:: ; 1af8 (0:1af8)
ld a,$EE
FuncCoord 18, 16 ; $c4f2
ld [Coord],a
call ProtectedDelay3
push de
call ManualTextScroll
pop de
ld a,$7F
FuncCoord 18, 16 ; $c4f2
ld [Coord],a
;fall through
Char4C:: ; 1b0a (0:1b0a)
push de
call Next1B18
call Next1B18
FuncCoord 1, 16 ; $c4e1
ld hl,Coord
pop de
jp Next19E8
Next1B18:: ; 1b18 (0:1b18)
FuncCoord 0, 14 ; $c4b8
ld hl,Coord
FuncCoord 0, 13 ; $c4a4
ld de,Coord
ld b,$3C
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
dec b
jr nz,.next
FuncCoord 1, 16 ; $c4e1
ld hl,Coord
ld a,$7F
ld b,$12
ld [hli],a
dec b
jr nz,.next2
; wait five frames
ld b,5
call DelayFrame
dec b
jr nz,.WaitFrame
ProtectedDelay3:: ; 1b3a (0:1b3a)
push bc
call Delay3
pop bc
TextCommandProcessor:: ; 1b40 (0:1b40)
ld a,[$d358]
push af
set 1,a
ld e,a
ld a,[$fff4]
xor e
ld [$d358],a
ld a,c
ld [$cc3a],a
ld a,b
ld [$cc3b],a
NextTextCommand:: ; 1b55 (0:1b55)
ld a,[hli]
cp a, "@" ; terminator
jr nz,.doTextCommand
pop af
ld [$d358],a
push hl
cp a,$17
jp z,TextCommand17
cp a,$0e
jp nc,TextCommand0B ; if a != 0x17 and a >= 0xE, go to command 0xB
; if a < 0xE, use a jump table
ld hl,TextCommandJumpTable
push bc
add a
ld b,$00
ld c,a
add hl,bc
pop bc
ld a,[hli]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a
jp [hl]
; draw box
; AAAA = address of upper left corner
; BB = height
; CC = width
TextCommand04:: ; 1b78 (0:1b78)
pop hl
ld a,[hli]
ld e,a
ld a,[hli]
ld d,a
ld a,[hli]
ld b,a
ld a,[hli]
ld c,a
push hl
ld h,d
ld l,e
call TextBoxBorder
pop hl
jr NextTextCommand
; place string inline
; 00{string}
TextCommand00:: ; 1b8a (0:1b8a)
pop hl
ld d,h
ld e,l
ld h,b
ld l,c
call PlaceString
ld h,d
ld l,e
inc hl
jr NextTextCommand
; place string from RAM
; 01AAAA
; AAAA = address of string
TextCommand01:: ; 1b97 (0:1b97)
pop hl
ld a,[hli]
ld e,a
ld a,[hli]
ld d,a
push hl
ld h,b
ld l,c
call PlaceString
pop hl
jr NextTextCommand
; print BCD number
; AAAA = address of BCD number
; BB
; bits 0-4 = length in bytes
; bits 5-7 = unknown flags
TextCommand02:: ; 1ba5 (0:1ba5)
pop hl
ld a,[hli]
ld e,a
ld a,[hli]
ld d,a
ld a,[hli]
push hl
ld h,b
ld l,c
ld c,a
call PrintBCDNumber
ld b,h
ld c,l
pop hl
jr NextTextCommand
; repoint destination address
; 03AAAA
; AAAA = new destination address
TextCommand03:: ; 1bb7 (0:1bb7)
pop hl
ld a,[hli]
ld [$cc3a],a
ld c,a
ld a,[hli]
ld [$cc3b],a
ld b,a
jp NextTextCommand
; repoint destination to second line of dialogue text box
; 05
; (no arguments)
TextCommand05:: ; 1bc5 (0:1bc5)
pop hl
FuncCoord 1, 16 ; $c4e1
ld bc,Coord ; address of second line of dialogue text box
jp NextTextCommand
; blink arrow and wait for A or B to be pressed
; 06
; (no arguments)
TextCommand06:: ; 1bcc (0:1bcc)
cp a,$04
jp z,TextCommand0D
ld a,$ee ; down arrow
FuncCoord 18, 16 ; $c4f2
ld [Coord],a ; place down arrow in lower right corner of dialogue text box
push bc
call ManualTextScroll ; blink arrow and wait for A or B to be pressed
pop bc
ld a," "
FuncCoord 18, 16 ; $c4f2
ld [Coord],a ; overwrite down arrow with blank space
pop hl
jp NextTextCommand
; scroll text up one line
; 07
; (no arguments)
TextCommand07:: ; 1be7 (0:1be7)
ld a," "
FuncCoord 18, 16 ; $c4f2
ld [Coord],a ; place blank space in lower right corner of dialogue text box
call Next1B18 ; scroll up text
call Next1B18
pop hl
FuncCoord 1, 16 ; $c4e1
ld bc,Coord ; address of second line of dialogue text box
jp NextTextCommand
; execute asm inline
; 08{code}
TextCommand08:: ; 1bf9 (0:1bf9)
pop hl
ld de,NextTextCommand
push de ; return address
jp [hl]
; print decimal number (converted from binary number)
; AAAA = address of number
; BB
; bits 0-3 = how many digits to display
; bits 4-7 = how long the number is in bytes
TextCommand09:: ; 1bff (0:1bff)
pop hl
ld a,[hli]
ld e,a
ld a,[hli]
ld d,a
ld a,[hli]
push hl
ld h,b
ld l,c
ld b,a
and a,$0f
ld c,a
ld a,b
and a,$f0
swap a
set 6,a
ld b,a
call PrintNumber
ld b,h
ld c,l
pop hl
jp NextTextCommand
; wait half a second if the user doesn't hold A or B
; 0A
; (no arguments)
TextCommand0A:: ; 1c1d (0:1c1d)
push bc
call GetJoypadState
and a,%00000011 ; A and B buttons
jr nz,.skipDelay
ld c,30
call DelayFrames
pop bc
pop hl
jp NextTextCommand
; plays sounds
; this actually handles various command ID's, not just 0B
; (no arguments)
TextCommand0B:: ; 1c31 (0:1c31)
pop hl
push bc
dec hl
ld a,[hli]
ld b,a ; b = command number that got us here
push hl
ld hl,TextCommandSounds
ld a,[hli]
cp b
jr z,.matchFound
inc hl
jr .loop
cp a,$14
jr z,.pokemonCry
cp a,$15
jr z,.pokemonCry
cp a,$16
jr z,.pokemonCry
ld a,[hl]
call PlaySound
call WaitForSoundToFinish
pop hl
pop bc
jp NextTextCommand
push de
ld a,[hl]
call PlayCry
pop de
pop hl
pop bc
jp NextTextCommand
; format: text command ID, sound ID or cry ID
TextCommandSounds:: ; 1c64 (0:1c64)
2014-05-21 17:10:07 +00:00
db $0B,(SFX_02_3a - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
db $12,(SFX_02_46 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
db $0E,(SFX_02_41 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
db $0F,(SFX_02_3a - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
db $10,(SFX_02_3b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
db $11,(SFX_02_42 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
db $13,(SFX_02_44 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
db $14,NIDORINA ; used in OakSpeech
db $15,PIDGEOT ; used in SaffronCityText12
db $16,DEWGONG ; unused?
; draw ellipses
; 0CAA
; AA = number of ellipses to draw
TextCommand0C:: ; 1c78 (0:1c78)
pop hl
ld a,[hli]
ld d,a
push hl
ld h,b
ld l,c
ld a,$75 ; ellipsis
ld [hli],a
push de
call GetJoypadState
pop de
ld a,[H_CURRENTPRESSEDBUTTONS] ; joypad state
and a,%00000011 ; is A or B button pressed?
jr nz,.skipDelay ; if so, skip the delay
ld c,10
call DelayFrames
dec d
jr nz,.loop
ld b,h
ld c,l
pop hl
jp NextTextCommand
; wait for A or B to be pressed
; 0D
; (no arguments)
TextCommand0D:: ; 1c9a (0:1c9a)
push bc
call ManualTextScroll ; wait for A or B to be pressed
pop bc
pop hl
jp NextTextCommand
; process text commands in another ROM bank
; AAAA = address of text commands
; BB = bank
TextCommand17:: ; 1ca3 (0:1ca3)
pop hl
push af
ld a,[hli]
ld e,a
ld a,[hli]
ld d,a
ld a,[hli]
ld [$2000],a
push hl
ld l,e
ld h,d
call TextCommandProcessor
pop hl
pop af
ld [$2000],a
jp NextTextCommand
TextCommandJumpTable:: ; 1cc1 (0:1cc1)
2013-11-26 15:15:36 +00:00
dw TextCommand00
dw TextCommand01
dw TextCommand02
dw TextCommand03
dw TextCommand04
dw TextCommand05
dw TextCommand06
dw TextCommand07
dw TextCommand08
dw TextCommand09
dw TextCommand0A
dw TextCommand0B
dw TextCommand0C
dw TextCommand0D
; this function seems to be used only once
; it store the address of a row and column of the VRAM background map in hl
; INPUT: h - row, l - column, b - high byte of background tile map address in VRAM
GetRowColAddressBgMap:: ; 1cdd (0:1cdd)
xor a
srl h
rr a
srl h
rr a
srl h
rr a
or l
ld l,a
ld a,b
or h
ld h,a
; clears a VRAM background map with blank space tiles
; INPUT: h - high byte of background tile map address in VRAM
ClearBgMap:: ; 1cf0 (0:1cf0)
ld a," "
jr .next
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
ld a,l
ld de,$400 ; size of VRAM background map
ld l,e
ld [hli],a
dec e
jr nz,.loop
dec d
jr nz,.loop
; When the player takes a step, a row or column of 2x2 tile blocks at the edge
; of the screen toward which they moved is exposed and has to be redrawn.
; This function does the redrawing.
RedrawExposedScreenEdge:: ; 1d01 (0:1d01)
and a
ret z
ld b,a
xor a
dec b
jr nz,.redrawRow
ld hl,wScreenEdgeTiles
ld e,a
ld d,a
ld c,18 ; screen height
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
ld a,31
add e
ld e,a
jr nc,.noCarry
inc d
; the following 4 lines wrap us from bottom to top if necessary
ld a,d
and a,$03
or a,$98
ld d,a
dec c
jr nz,.loop1
xor a
ld hl,wScreenEdgeTiles
ld e,a
ld d,a
push de
call .drawHalf ; draw upper half
pop de
ld a,32 ; width of VRAM background map
add e
ld e,a
; draw lower half
ld c,10
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
ld a,e
inc a
; the following 6 lines wrap us from the right edge to the left edge if necessary
and a,$1f
ld b,a
ld a,e
and a,$e0
or b
ld e,a
dec c
jr nz,.loop2
; This function automatically transfers tile number data from the tile map at
; wTileMap to VRAM during V-blank. Note that it only transfers one third of the
; background per V-blank. It cycles through which third it draws.
; This transfer is turned off when walking around the map, but is turned
; on when talking to sprites, battling, using menus, etc. This is because
; the above function, RedrawExposedScreenEdge, is used when walking to
; improve efficiency.
AutoBgMapTransfer:: ; 1d57 (0:1d57)
and a
ret z
ld hl,[sp + 0]
ld a,h
ld [H_SPTEMP],a
ld a,l
ld [H_SPTEMP + 1],a ; save stack pinter
and a
jr z,.transferTopThird
dec a
jr z,.transferMiddleThird
FuncCoord 0,12
ld hl,Coord
ld sp,hl
ld h,a
ld l,a
ld de,(12 * 32)
add hl,de
jr .doTransfer
FuncCoord 0,0
ld hl,Coord
ld sp,hl
ld h,a
ld l,a
jr .doTransfer
FuncCoord 0,6
ld hl,Coord
ld sp,hl
ld h,a
ld l,a
ld de,(6 * 32)
add hl,de
ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERPORTION],a ; store next portion
ld b,6
; unrolled loop and using pop for speed
TransferBgRows:: ; 1d9e (0:1d9e)
pop de
ld [hl],e
inc l
ld [hl],d
inc l
pop de
ld [hl],e
inc l
ld [hl],d
inc l
pop de
ld [hl],e
inc l
ld [hl],d
inc l
pop de
ld [hl],e
inc l
ld [hl],d
inc l
pop de
ld [hl],e
inc l
ld [hl],d
inc l
pop de
ld [hl],e
inc l
ld [hl],d
inc l
pop de
ld [hl],e
inc l
ld [hl],d
inc l
pop de
ld [hl],e
inc l
ld [hl],d
inc l
pop de
ld [hl],e
inc l
ld [hl],d
inc l
pop de
ld [hl],e
inc l
ld [hl],d
ld a,13
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry
inc h
dec b
jr nz,TransferBgRows
ld a,[H_SPTEMP]
ld h,a
ld a,[H_SPTEMP + 1]
ld l,a
ld sp,hl ; restore stack pointer
; If H_VBCOPYBGSRC is XX00, the transfer is disabled.
VBlankCopyBgMap:: ; 1de1 (0:1de1)
ld a,[H_VBCOPYBGSRC] ; doubles as enabling byte
and a
ret z
ld hl,[sp + 0]
ld a,h
ld [H_SPTEMP],a
ld a,l
ld [H_SPTEMP + 1],a ; save stack pointer
ld l,a
ld a,[H_VBCOPYBGSRC + 1]
ld h,a
ld sp,hl
ld l,a
ld h,a
ld b,a
xor a
ld [H_VBCOPYBGSRC],a ; disable transfer so it doesn't continue next V-blank
jr TransferBgRows
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
; Copy [H_VBCOPYDOUBLESIZE] 1bpp tiles
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
; While we're here, convert to 2bpp.
; The process is straightforward:
; copy each byte twice.
and a
ret z
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld hl, [sp + 0]
ld a, h
ld [H_SPTEMP], a
ld a, l
ld [H_SPTEMP + 1], a
ld l, a
ld h, a
ld sp, hl
ld l, a
ld h, a
ld b, a
xor a ; transferred
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
rept 3
pop de
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [hl], e
inc l
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [hl], e
inc l
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [hl], d
inc l
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [hl], d
inc l
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
pop de
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [hl], e
inc l
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [hl], e
inc l
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [hl], d
inc l
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [hl], d
inc hl
dec b
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
jr nz, .loop
ld a, l
ld a, h
ld hl, [sp + 0]
ld a, l
ld a, h
ld a, [H_SPTEMP]
ld h, a
ld a, [H_SPTEMP + 1]
ld l, a
ld sp, hl
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
; Copy [H_VBCOPYSIZE] 2bpp tiles
; Source and destination addresses
; are updated, so transfer can
; continue in subsequent calls.
and a
ret z
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld hl, [sp + 0]
ld a, h
ld [H_SPTEMP], a
ld a, l
ld [H_SPTEMP + 1], a
ld l, a
ld a, [H_VBCOPYSRC + 1]
ld h, a
ld sp, hl
ld l, a
ld a, [H_VBCOPYDEST + 1]
ld h, a
ld b, a
xor a ; transferred
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
rept 7
pop de
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [hl], e
inc l
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [hl], d
inc l
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
pop de
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [hl], e
inc l
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [hl], d
inc hl
dec b
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
jr nz, .loop
ld a, l
ld a, h
ld [H_VBCOPYDEST + 1], a
ld hl, [sp + 0]
ld a, l
ld a, h
ld [H_VBCOPYSRC + 1], a
ld a, [H_SPTEMP]
ld h, a
ld a, [H_SPTEMP + 1]
ld l, a
ld sp, hl
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
; Animate water and flower
; tiles in the overworld.
ld a, [$ffd7]
and a
ret z
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld a, [$ffd8]
inc a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [$ffd8], a
cp 20
ret c
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
cp 21
jr z, .flower
ld hl, $9140
ld c, $10
ld a, [$d085]
inc a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
and 7
ld [$d085], a
and 4
jr nz, .left
ld a, [hl]
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [hli], a
dec c
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
jr nz, .right
jr .done
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld a, [hl]
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [hli], a
dec c
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
jr nz, .left
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld a, [$ffd7]
ret nc
xor a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [$ffd8], a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
xor a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [$ffd8], a
ld a, [$d085]
and 3
cp 2
ld hl, FlowerTile1
jr c, .copy
ld hl, FlowerTile2
jr z, .copy
ld hl, FlowerTile3
ld de, $9030
ld c, $10
ld a, [hli]
ld [de], a
inc de
dec c
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
jr nz, .loop
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
FlowerTile1: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/flower/flower1.2bpp"
FlowerTile2: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/flower/flower2.2bpp"
FlowerTile3: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/flower/flower3.2bpp"
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
call StopAllSounds
call GBPalWhiteOut
ld c, $20
call DelayFrames
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
; fallthrough
; Program init.
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
; * LCD enabled
; * Window tile map at $9C00
; * Window display enabled
; * BG and window tile data at $8800
; * BG tile map at $9800
; * 8x8 OBJ size
; * OBJ display enabled
; * BG display enabled
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
xor a
ld [rIF], a
ld [rIE], a
ld [$ff43], a
ld [$ff42], a
ld [$ff01], a
ld [$ff02], a
ld [$ff4b], a
ld [$ff4a], a
ld [$ff06], a
ld [$ff07], a
ld [$ff47], a
ld [$ff48], a
ld [$ff49], a
ld [rLCDC], a
call DisableLCD
ld sp, wStack
ld hl, $c000 ; start of WRAM
ld bc, $2000 ; size of WRAM
ld [hl], 0
inc hl
dec bc
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld a, b
or c
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
jr nz, .loop
call ClearVram
ld hl, $ff80
ld bc, $ffff - $ff80
call FillMemory
call ClearSprites
ld a, Bank(WriteDMACodeToHRAM)
ld [MBC3RomBank], a
call WriteDMACodeToHRAM
xor a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [$ffd7], a
ld [$ff41], a
ld [$ffae], a
ld [$ffaf], a
ld [$ff0f], a
ld a, 1 << VBLANK + 1 << TIMER + 1 << SERIAL
ld [rIE], a
ld a, 144 ; move the window off-screen
ld [$ffb0], a
ld [rWY], a
ld a, 7
ld [rWX], a
ld a, $ff
ld [$ffaa], a
ld h, $9800 / $100 ; bg map 0
call ClearBgMap
ld h, $9c00 / $100 ; bg map 1
call ClearBgMap
ld [rLCDC], a
ld a, $10
call StopAllSounds
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
call Predef
ld a, $1f
ld [$c0ef], a
ld [$c0f0], a
ld a, $9c
ld [$ffbd], a
xor a
ld [$ffbc], a
dec a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [$cfcb], a
ld a, $32 ; PREDEF_INTRO
call Predef
call DisableLCD
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
call ClearVram
call GBPalNormal
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
call ClearSprites
ld [rLCDC], a
2014-05-21 15:58:18 +00:00
jp SetDefaultNamesBeforeTitlescreen
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld hl, $8000
ld bc, $2000
xor a
jp FillMemory
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
2014-01-07 18:12:05 +00:00
ld a, Bank(Func_9876)
ld [$c0ef], a
ld [$c0f0], a
xor a
2013-12-15 18:50:05 +00:00
ld [wMusicHeaderPointer], a
ld [$c0ee], a
ld [$cfca], a
dec a
jp PlaySound
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
push af
push bc
push de
push hl
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld [$d122], a
ld a, [$ffae]
ld [rSCX], a
ld a, [$ffaf]
ld [rSCY], a
ld a, [$d0a0]
and a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
jr nz, .ok
ld a, [$ffb0]
ld [rWY], a
call AutoBgMapTransfer
call VBlankCopyBgMap
call RedrawExposedScreenEdge
call VBlankCopy
call VBlankCopyDouble
call UpdateMovingBgTiles
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
call $ff80 ; hOAMDMA
ld a, Bank(PrepareOAMData)
ld [MBC3RomBank], a
call PrepareOAMData
; VBlank-sensitive operations end.
call Random
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
and a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
jr z, .vblanked
xor a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
and a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
jr z, .decced
dec a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
call Func_28cb
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld a, [$c0ef] ; music ROM bank
ld [MBC3RomBank], a
cp BANK(Func_9103)
jr nz, .notbank2
call Func_9103
jr .afterMusic
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
cp 8
jr nz, .bank1F
call Func_2136e
call Func_21879
jr .afterMusic
call Func_7d177
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
callba Func_18dee ; keep track of time played
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
ld a, [$fff9]
and a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
call z, ReadJoypad
ld a, [$d122]
ld [MBC3RomBank], a
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
pop af
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
; Wait for the next vblank interrupt.
; As a bonus, this saves battery.
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
; XXX this is a hack--rgbasm adds
; a nop after halts by default.
db $76 ; halt
and a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
jr nz, .halt
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
; These routines manage gradual fading
; (e.g., entering a doorway)
LoadGBPal:: ; 20ba (0:20ba)
ld a,[$d35d] ;tells if is dark (requires HM5_FLASH?)
ld b,a
ld hl,GBPalTable_00 ;16
ld a,l
sub b
ld l,a
jr nc,.jr0
dec h
ld a,[hli]
ld [rBGP],a
ld a,[hli]
ld [rOBP0],a
ld a,[hli]
ld [rOBP1],a
GBFadeOut1:: ; 20d1 (0:20d1)
ld hl,IncGradGBPalTable_01 ;0d
ld b,$04
jr GBFadeOutCommon
GBFadeOut2:: ; 20d8 (0:20d8)
ld hl,IncGradGBPalTable_02 ;1c
ld b,$03
GBFadeOutCommon:: ; 20dd (0:20dd)
ld a,[hli]
ld [rBGP],a
ld a,[hli]
ld [rOBP0],a
ld a,[hli]
ld [rOBP1],a
ld c,8
call DelayFrames
dec b
jr nz,GBFadeOutCommon
GBFadeIn1:: ; 20ef (0:20ef)
ld hl,DecGradGBPalTable_01 ;18
ld b,$04
jr GBFadeInCommon
GBFadeIn2:: ; 20f6 (0:20f6)
ld hl,DecGradGBPalTable_02 ;21
ld b,$03
GBFadeInCommon:: ; 20fb (0:20fb)
ld a,[hld]
ld [rOBP1],a
ld a,[hld]
ld [rOBP0],a
ld a,[hld]
ld [rBGP],a
ld c,8
call DelayFrames
dec b
jr nz,GBFadeInCommon
IncGradGBPalTable_01:: ; 210d (0:210d)
db %11111111 ;BG Pal
db %11111111 ;OBJ Pal 1
db %11111111 ;OBJ Pal 2
2012-03-05 07:43:03 +00:00
;and so on...
db %11111110
db %11111110
db %11111000
db %11111001
db %11100100
db %11100100
GBPalTable_00:: ; 2116 (0:2116)
db %11100100
db %11010000
DecGradGBPalTable_01:: ; 2118 (0:2118)
db %11100000
db %11100100
db %11010000
db %11100000
IncGradGBPalTable_02:: ; 211c (0:211c)
db %10010000
db %10000000
db %10010000
db %01000000
db %01000000
DecGradGBPalTable_02:: ; 2121 (0:2121)
db %01000000
db %00000000
db %00000000
db %00000000
Serial:: ; 2125 (0:2125)
push af
push bc
push de
push hl
ld a, [$ffaa]
inc a
jr z, .asm_2142
ld a, [$ff01]
ld [$ffad], a
ld a, [$ffac]
ld [$ff01], a
ld a, [$ffaa]
cp $2
jr z, .asm_2162
ld a, $80
ld [$ff02], a
jr .asm_2162
ld a, [$ff01]
ld [$ffad], a
ld [$ffaa], a
cp $2
jr z, .asm_215f
xor a
ld [$ff01], a
ld a, $3
ld [rDIV], a ; $ff04
ld a, [rDIV] ; $ff04
bit 7, a
jr nz, .asm_2153
ld a, $80
ld [$ff02], a
jr .asm_2162
xor a
ld [$ff01], a
ld a, $1
ld [$ffa9], a
ld a, $fe
ld [$ffac], a
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
pop af
Func_216f:: ; 216f (0:216f)
ld a, $1
ld [$ffab], a
ld a, [hl]
ld [$ffac], a
call Func_219a
push bc
ld b, a
inc hl
ld a, $30
dec a
jr nz, .asm_217e
ld a, [$ffab]
and a
ld a, b
pop bc
jr z, .asm_2192
dec hl
cp $fd
jr nz, .asm_2173
xor a
ld [$ffab], a
jr .asm_2173
ld [de], a
inc de
dec bc
ld a, b
or c
jr nz, .asm_2173
Func_219a:: ; 219a (0:219a)
xor a
ld [$ffa9], a
ld a, [$ffaa]
cp $2
jr nz, .asm_21a7
ld a, $81
ld [$ff02], a
ld a, [$ffa9]
and a
jr nz, .asm_21f1
ld a, [$ffaa]
cp $1
jr nz, .asm_21cc
call Func_2237
jr z, .asm_21cc
call Func_2231
push hl
ld hl, $cc48
inc [hl]
jr nz, .asm_21c3
dec hl
inc [hl]
pop hl
call Func_2237
jr nz, .asm_21a7
jp Func_223f
ld a, [rIE] ; $ffff
and $f
cp $8
jr nz, .asm_21a7
ld a, [W_NUMHITS] ; $d074
dec a
ld [W_NUMHITS], a ; $d074
jr nz, .asm_21a7
ld a, [$d075]
dec a
ld [$d075], a
jr nz, .asm_21a7
ld a, [$ffaa]
cp $1
jr z, .asm_21f1
ld a, $ff
dec a
jr nz, .asm_21ee
xor a
ld [$ffa9], a
ld a, [rIE] ; $ffff
and $f
sub $8
jr nz, .asm_2204
ld [W_NUMHITS], a ; $d074
ld a, $50
ld [$d075], a
ld a, [$ffad]
cp $fe
ret nz
call Func_2237
jr z, .asm_221f
push hl
ld hl, $cc48
ld a, [hl]
dec a
ld [hld], a
inc a
jr nz, .asm_2219
dec [hl]
pop hl
call Func_2237
jr z, Func_223f
ld a, [rIE] ; $ffff
and $f
cp $8
ld a, $fe
ret z
ld a, [hl]
ld [$ffac], a
call DelayFrame
jp Func_219a
Func_2231:: ; 2231 (0:2231)
ld a, $f
dec a
jr nz, .asm_2233
Func_2237:: ; 2237 (0:2237)
push hl
ld hl, $cc47
ld a, [hli]
or [hl]
pop hl
Func_223f:: ; 223f (0:223f)
dec a
ld [$cc47], a
ld [$cc48], a
Func_2247:: ; 2247 (0:2247)
ld hl, $cc42
ld de, $cc3d
ld c, $2
ld a, $1
ld [$ffab], a
call DelayFrame
ld a, [hl]
ld [$ffac], a
call Func_219a
ld b, a
inc hl
ld a, [$ffab]
and a
ld a, $0
ld [$ffab], a
jr nz, .asm_2253
ld a, b
ld [de], a
inc de
dec c
jr nz, .asm_2253
Func_226e:: ; 226e (0:226e)
call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1
2014-05-21 15:58:18 +00:00
callab PrintWaitingText
call Func_227f
jp LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1
Func_227f:: ; 227f (0:227f)
ld a, $ff
ld [$cc3e], a
call Func_22c3
call DelayFrame
call Func_2237
jr z, .asm_22a0
push hl
ld hl, $cc48
dec [hl]
jr nz, .asm_229f
dec hl
dec [hl]
jr nz, .asm_229f
pop hl
xor a
jp Func_223f
pop hl
ld a, [$cc3e]
inc a
jr z, .asm_2284
ld b, $a
call DelayFrame
call Func_22c3
dec b
jr nz, .asm_22a8
ld b, $a
call DelayFrame
call Func_22ed
dec b
jr nz, .asm_22b3
ld a, [$cc3e]
ld [$cc3d], a
Func_22c3:: ; 22c3 (0:22c3)
call asm_22d7
ld a, [$cc42]
add $60
ld [$ffac], a
ld a, [$ffaa]
cp $2
jr nz, asm_22d7
ld a, $81
ld [$ff02], a
asm_22d7:: ; 22d7 (0:22d7)
ld a, [$ffad]
ld [$cc3d], a
and $f0
cp $60
ret nz
xor a
ld [$ffad], a
ld a, [$cc3d]
and $f
ld [$cc3e], a
Func_22ed:: ; 22ed (0:22ed)
xor a
ld [$ffac], a
ld a, [$ffaa]
cp $2
ret nz
ld a, $81
ld [$ff02], a
Func_22fa:: ; 22fa (0:22fa)
ld a, $2
ld [$ff01], a
xor a
ld [$ffad], a
ld a, $80
ld [$ff02], a
; timer interrupt is apparently not invoked anyway
Timer:: ; 2306 (0:2306)
Func_2307:: ; 2307 (0:2307)
call WaitForSoundToFinish
xor a
ld c, a
ld d, a
ld [$cfca], a
jr asm_2324
Func_2312:: ; 2312 (0:2312)
ld c, $a
ld d, $0
ld a, [$d72e]
bit 5, a
jr z, asm_2324
xor a
ld [$cfca], a
ld c, $8
ld d, c
asm_2324:: ; 2324 (0:2324)
ld a, [$d700]
and a
jr z, .asm_2343
cp $2
jr z, .asm_2332
jr .asm_2334
ld b, a
ld a, d
and a
2014-01-07 18:12:05 +00:00
ld a, Bank(Func_7d8ea)
jr nz, .asm_233e
ld [$c0ef], a
ld [$c0f0], a
jr .asm_234c
ld a, [$d35b]
ld b, a
call Func_2385
jr c, .asm_2351
ld a, [$cfca]
cp b
ret z
ld a, c
2013-12-15 18:50:05 +00:00
ld [wMusicHeaderPointer], a
ld a, b
ld [$cfca], a
ld [$c0ee], a
jp PlaySound
Func_235f:: ; 235f (0:235f)
ld a, [$c0ef]
ld b, a
cp $2
jr nz, .checkForBank08
ld hl, Func_9103
jr .asm_2378
cp $8
jr nz, .bank1F
ld hl, Func_21879
jr .asm_2378
ld hl, Func_7d177
ld c, $6
push bc
push hl
call Bankswitch
pop hl
pop bc
dec c
jr nz, .asm_237a
Func_2385:: ; 2385 (0:2385)
ld a, [$d35c]
ld e, a
ld a, [$c0ef]
cp e
jr nz, .asm_2394
ld [$c0f0], a
and a
ld a, c
and a
ld a, e
jr nz, .asm_239c
ld [$c0ef], a
ld [$c0f0], a
PlayMusic:: ; 23a1 (0:23a1)
ld b, a
ld [$c0ee], a
xor a
2013-12-15 18:50:05 +00:00
ld [wMusicHeaderPointer], a
ld a, c
ld [$c0ef], a
ld [$c0f0], a
ld a, b
; plays music specified by a. If value is $ff, music is stopped
PlaySound:: ; 23b1 (0:23b1)
push hl
push de
push bc
ld b, a
ld a, [$c0ee]
and a
jr z, .asm_23c8
xor a
ld [$c02a], a
ld [$c02b], a
ld [$c02c], a
ld [$c02d], a
2013-12-15 18:50:05 +00:00
ld a, [wMusicHeaderPointer]
and a
jr z, .asm_23e3
ld a, [$c0ee]
and a
jr z, .asm_2425
xor a
ld [$c0ee], a
ld a, [$cfca]
cp $ff
jr nz, .asm_2414
xor a
2013-12-15 18:50:05 +00:00
ld [wMusicHeaderPointer], a
xor a
ld [$c0ee], a
ld [$ffb9], a
ld a, [$c0ef]
ld [$2000], a
cp $2
jr nz, .checkForBank08
ld a, b
call Func_9876
jr .asm_240b
cp $8
jr nz, .bank1F
ld a, b
call Func_22035
jr .asm_240b
ld a, b
call Func_7d8ea
ld a, [$ffb9]
ld [$2000], a
jr .asm_2425
ld a, b
ld [$cfca], a
2013-12-15 18:50:05 +00:00
ld a, [wMusicHeaderPointer]
ld [$cfc8], a
ld [$cfc9], a
ld a, b
2013-12-15 18:50:05 +00:00
ld [wMusicHeaderPointer], a
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
UpdateSprites:: ; 2429 (0:2429)
ld a, [$cfcb]
dec a
ret nz
push af
2014-01-07 18:12:05 +00:00
ld a, Bank(_UpdateSprites)
ld [$2000], a
call _UpdateSprites
pop af
ld [$2000], a
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mart_inventories.asm"
TextScriptEndingChar:: ; 24d6 (0:24d6)
db "@"
TextScriptEnd:: ; 24d7 (0:24d7)
ld hl,TextScriptEndingChar
2014-05-15 23:58:24 +00:00
ExclamationText:: ; 24db (0:24db)
TX_FAR _ExclamationText
db "@"
2014-05-15 23:58:24 +00:00
GroundRoseText:: ; 24e0 (0:24e0)
TX_FAR _GroundRoseText
db "@"
BoulderText:: ; 24e5 (0:24e5)
TX_FAR _BoulderText
db "@"
MartSignText:: ; 24ea (0:24ea)
TX_FAR _MartSignText
db "@"
PokeCenterSignText:: ; 24ef (0:24ef)
TX_FAR _PokeCenterSignText
db "@"
Predef5CText:: ; 24f4 (0:24f4)
2012-12-21 20:59:04 +00:00
; XXX better label (what does predef $5C do?)
db $08 ; asm
ld a, $5c
call Predef
jp TextScriptEnd
; bankswitches and runs _UncompressSpriteData
; bank is given in a, sprite input stream is pointed to in W_SPRITEINPUTPTR
UncompressSpriteData:: ; 24fd (0:24fd)
ld b, a
push af
ld a, b
ld [$2000], a
ld a, $a
ld [$0], a
xor a
ld [$4000], a
call _UncompressSpriteData
pop af
ld [$2000], a
; initializes necessary data to load a sprite and runs UncompressSpriteDataLoop
_UncompressSpriteData:: ; 251a (0:251a)
ld c, (2*SPRITEBUFFERSIZE) % $100
ld b, (2*SPRITEBUFFERSIZE) / $100
xor a
call FillMemory ; clear sprite buffer 1 and 2
ld a, $1
ld a, $3
xor a
ld [W_SPRITELOADFLAGS], a ; $d0a8
call ReadNextInputByte ; first byte of input determines sprite width (high nybble) and height (low nybble) in tiles (8x8 pixels)
ld b, a
and $f
add a
add a
add a
ld a, b
swap a
and $f
add a
add a
add a
call ReadNextInputBit
ld [W_SPRITELOADFLAGS], a ; initialite bit1 to 0 and bit0 to the first input bit
; this will load two chunks of data to S_SPRITEBUFFER1 and S_SPRITEBUFFER2
; bit 0 decides in which one the first chunk is placed
; fall through
; uncompresses a chunk from the sprite input data stream (pointed to at $d0da) into S_SPRITEBUFFER1 or S_SPRITEBUFFER2
; each chunk is a 1bpp sprite. A 2bpp sprite consist of two chunks which are merged afterwards
; note that this is an endless loop which is terminated during a call to MoveToNextBufferPosition by manipulating the stack
UncompressSpriteDataLoop:: ; 2556 (0:2556)
ld a, [W_SPRITELOADFLAGS] ; $d0a8
bit 0, a
jr z, .useSpriteBuffer1 ; check which buffer to use
call StoreSpriteOutputPointer
ld a, [W_SPRITELOADFLAGS] ; $d0a8
bit 1, a
jr z, .startDecompression ; check if last iteration
call ReadNextInputBit ; if last chunk, read 1-2 bit unpacking mode
and a
jr z, .unpackingMode0 ; 0 -> mode 0
call ReadNextInputBit ; 1 0 -> mode 1
inc a ; 1 1 -> mode 2
call ReadNextInputBit
and a
jr z, .readRLEncodedZeros ; if first bit is 0, the input starts with zeroes, otherwise with (non-zero) input
call ReadNextInputBit
ld c, a
call ReadNextInputBit
sla c
or c ; read next two bits into c
and a
jr z, .readRLEncodedZeros ; 00 -> RLEncoded zeroes following
call WriteSpriteBitsToBuffer ; otherwise write input to output and repeat
call MoveToNextBufferPosition
jr .readNextInput
ld c, $0 ; number of zeroes it length encoded, the number
.countConsecutiveOnesLoop ; of consecutive ones determines the number of bits the number has
call ReadNextInputBit
and a
jr z, .countConsecutiveOnesFinished
inc c
jr .countConsecutiveOnesLoop
ld a, c
add a
ld hl, LengthEncodingOffsetList
add l
ld l, a
jr nc, .noCarry
inc h
ld a, [hli] ; read offset that is added to the number later on
ld e, a ; adding an offset of 2^length - 1 makes every integer uniquely
ld d, [hl] ; representable in the length encoding and saves bits
push de
inc c
ld e, $0
ld d, e
.readNumberOfZerosLoop ; reads the next c+1 bits of input
call ReadNextInputBit
or e
ld e, a
dec c
jr z, .readNumberOfZerosDone
sla e
rl d
jr .readNumberOfZerosLoop
pop hl ; add the offset
add hl, de
ld e, l
ld d, h
ld b, e
xor a ; write 00 to buffer
call WriteSpriteBitsToBuffer
ld e, b
call MoveToNextBufferPosition
dec de
ld a, d
and a
jr nz, .continueLoop
ld a, e
and a
jr nz, .writeZerosLoop
jr .readNextInput
; moves output pointer to next position
; also cancels the calling function if the all output is done (by removing the return pointer from stack)
; and calls postprocessing functions according to the unpack mode
MoveToNextBufferPosition:: ; 25d8 (0:25d8)
ld b, a
inc a
cp b
jr z, .curColumnDone
inc a
ret nz
inc a
xor a
and a
jr z, .bitOffsetsDone
dec a
ld a, [hli]
ld a, [hl]
ld a, $3
add $8
ld b, a
cp b
jr z, .allColumnsDone
ld l, a
ld h, a
inc hl
jp StoreSpriteOutputPointer
pop hl
xor a
ld a, [W_SPRITELOADFLAGS] ; $d0a8
bit 1, a
jr nz, .done ; test if there is one more sprite to go
xor $1
set 1, a
ld [W_SPRITELOADFLAGS], a ; $d0a8
jp UncompressSpriteDataLoop
jp UnpackSprite
; writes 2 bits (from a) to the output buffer (pointed to from W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR)
WriteSpriteBitsToBuffer:: ; 2649 (0:2649)
ld e, a
and a
jr z, .offset0
cp $2
jr c, .offset1
jr z, .offset2
rrc e ; offset 3
rrc e
jr .offset0
sla e
sla e
jr .offset0
swap e
ld l, a
ld h, a
ld a, [hl]
or e
ld [hl], a
; reads next bit from input stream and returns it in a
ReadNextInputBit:: ; 2670 (0:2670)
dec a
jr nz, .curByteHasMoreBitsToRead
call ReadNextInputByte
ld a, $8
and $1
; reads next byte from input stream and returns it in a
ReadNextInputByte:: ; 268b (0:268b)
ld l, a
ld h, a
ld a, [hli]
ld b, a
ld a, l
ld a, h
ld a, b
; the nth item is 2^n - 1
LengthEncodingOffsetList:: ; 269f (0:269f)
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
dw %0000000000000001
dw %0000000000000011
dw %0000000000000111
dw %0000000000001111
dw %0000000000011111
dw %0000000000111111
dw %0000000001111111
dw %0000000011111111
dw %0000000111111111
dw %0000001111111111
dw %0000011111111111
dw %0000111111111111
dw %0001111111111111
dw %0011111111111111
dw %0111111111111111
dw %1111111111111111
; unpacks the sprite data depending on the unpack mode
UnpackSprite:: ; 26bf (0:26bf)
cp $2
jp z, UnpackSpriteMode2
and a
jp nz, XorSpriteChunks
call SpriteDifferentialDecode
; fall through
; decodes differential encoded sprite data
; input bit value 0 preserves the current bit value and input bit value 1 toggles it (starting from initial value 0).
SpriteDifferentialDecode:: ; 26d4 (0:26d4)
xor a
call StoreSpriteOutputPointer
and a
jr z, .notFlipped
ld hl, DecodeNybble0TableFlipped
ld de, DecodeNybble1TableFlipped
jr .storeDecodeTablesPointers
ld hl, DecodeNybble0Table
ld de, DecodeNybble1Table
ld a, l
ld a, h
ld a, e
ld a, d
ld e, $0 ; last decoded nybble, initialized to 0
ld l, a
ld h, a
ld a, [hl]
ld b, a
swap a
and $f
call DifferentialDecodeNybble ; decode high nybble
swap a
ld d, a
ld a, b
and $f
call DifferentialDecodeNybble ; decode low nybble
or d
ld b, a
ld l, a
ld h, a
ld a, b
ld [hl], a ; write back decoded data
add l ; move on to next column
jr nc, .noCarry
inc h
ld a, h
add $8
ld b, a
cp b
jr nz, .decodeNextByteLoop ; test if current row is done
xor a
ld e, a
ld a, [W_SPRITECURPOSY] ; move on to next row
inc a
ld b, a
cp b
jr z, .done ; test if all rows finished
ld l, a
ld h, a
inc hl
call StoreSpriteOutputPointer
jr .decodeNextByteLoop
xor a
; decodes the nybble stored in a. Last decoded data is assumed to be in e (needed to determine if initial value is 0 or 1)
DifferentialDecodeNybble:: ; 276d (0:276d)
srl a ; c=a%2, a/=2
ld c, $0
jr nc, .evenNumber
ld c, $1
ld l, a
and a
jr z, .notFlipped ; determine if initial value is 0 or one
bit 3, e ; if flipped, consider MSB of last data
jr .selectLookupTable
bit 0, e ; else consider LSB
ld e, l
jr nz, .initialValue1 ; load the appropriate table
ld l, a
jr .tableLookup
ld l, a
ld h, a
ld a, e
add l
ld l, a
jr nc, .noCarry
inc h
ld a, [hl]
bit 0, c
jr nz, .selectLowNybble
swap a ; select high nybble
and $f
ld e, a ; update last decoded data
DecodeNybble0Table:: ; 27a7 (0:27a7)
dn $0, $1
dn $3, $2
dn $7, $6
dn $4, $5
dn $f, $e
dn $c, $d
dn $8, $9
dn $b, $a
DecodeNybble1Table:: ; 27af (0:27af)
dn $f, $e
dn $c, $d
dn $8, $9
dn $b, $a
dn $0, $1
dn $3, $2
dn $7, $6
dn $4, $5
DecodeNybble0TableFlipped:: ; 27b7 (0:27b7)
dn $0, $8
dn $c, $4
dn $e, $6
dn $2, $a
dn $f, $7
dn $3, $b
dn $1, $9
dn $d, $5
DecodeNybble1TableFlipped:: ; 27bf (0:27bf)
dn $f, $7
dn $3, $b
dn $1, $9
dn $d, $5
dn $0, $8
dn $c, $4
dn $e, $6
dn $2, $a
; combines the two loaded chunks with xor (the chunk loaded second is the destination). The source chunk is differeintial decoded beforehand.
XorSpriteChunks:: ; 27c7 (0:27c7)
xor a
call ResetSpriteBufferPointers
ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR] ; points to buffer 1 or 2, depending on flags
ld l, a
ld h, a
call SpriteDifferentialDecode ; decode buffer 1 or 2, depending on flags
call ResetSpriteBufferPointers
ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR] ; source buffer, points to buffer 1 or 2, depending on flags
ld l, a
ld h, a
ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTRCACHED] ; destination buffer, points to buffer 2 or 1, depending on flags
ld e, a
ld d, a
and a
jr z, .notFlipped
push de
ld a, [de]
ld b, a
swap a
and $f
call ReverseNybble ; if flipped reverse the nybbles in the destination buffer
swap a
ld c, a
ld a, b
and $f
call ReverseNybble
or c
pop de
ld [de], a
ld a, [hli]
ld b, a
ld a, [de]
xor b
ld [de], a
inc de
inc a
ld [W_SPRITECURPOSY], a ; go to next row
ld b, a
cp b
jr nz, .xorChunksLoop ; test if column finished
xor a
add $8
ld [W_SPRITECURPOSX], a ; go to next column
ld b, a
cp b
jr nz, .xorChunksLoop ; test if all columns finished
xor a
; reverses the bits in the nybble given in register a
ReverseNybble:: ; 2837 (0:2837)
ld de, NybbleReverseTable
add e
ld e, a
jr nc, .asm_283f
inc d
ld a, [de]
; resets sprite buffer pointers to buffer 1 and 2, depending on W_SPRITELOADFLAGS
ResetSpriteBufferPointers:: ; 2841 (0:2841)
ld a, [W_SPRITELOADFLAGS] ; $d0a8
bit 0, a
jr nz, .buffer2Selected
jr .storeBufferPointers
ld a, l
ld a, h
ld a, e
ld a, d
; maps each nybble to its reverse
NybbleReverseTable:: ; 2867 (0:2867)
db $0, $8, $4, $c, $2, $a, $6 ,$e, $1, $9, $5, $d, $3, $b, $7 ,$f
; combines the two loaded chunks with xor (the chunk loaded second is the destination). Both chunks are differeintial decoded beforehand.
UnpackSpriteMode2:: ; 2877 (0:2877)
call ResetSpriteBufferPointers
push af
xor a
ld [W_SPRITEFLIPPED], a ; temporarily clear flipped flag for decoding the destination chunk
ld l, a
ld h, a
call SpriteDifferentialDecode
call ResetSpriteBufferPointers
pop af
jp XorSpriteChunks
; stores hl into the output pointers
StoreSpriteOutputPointer:: ; 2897 (0:2897)
ld a, l
ld a, h
ResetPlayerSpriteData:: ; 28a6 (0:28a6)
ld hl, wSpriteStateData1
call ResetPlayerSpriteData_ClearSpriteData
ld hl, wSpriteStateData2
call ResetPlayerSpriteData_ClearSpriteData
ld a, $1
ld [wSpriteStateData1], a
ld [$c20e], a
ld hl, $c104
ld [hl], $3c ; set Y screen pos
inc hl
inc hl
ld [hl], $40 ; set X screen pos
; overwrites sprite data with zeroes
ResetPlayerSpriteData_ClearSpriteData:: ; 28c4 (0:28c4)
ld bc, $10
xor a
jp FillMemory
Func_28cb:: ; 28cb (0:28cb)
2013-12-15 18:50:05 +00:00
ld a, [wMusicHeaderPointer]
and a
jr nz, .asm_28dc
ld a, [$d72c]
bit 1, a
ret nz
ld a, $77
ld [$ff24], a
ld a, [$cfc9]
and a
jr z, .asm_28e7
dec a
ld [$cfc9], a
ld a, [$cfc8]
ld [$cfc9], a
ld a, [$ff24]
and a
jr z, .asm_2903
ld b, a
and $f
dec a
ld c, a
ld a, b
and $f0
swap a
dec a
swap a
or c
ld [$ff24], a
2013-12-15 18:50:05 +00:00
ld a, [wMusicHeaderPointer]
ld b, a
xor a
2013-12-15 18:50:05 +00:00
ld [wMusicHeaderPointer], a
ld a, $ff
ld [$c0ee], a
call PlaySound
ld a, [$c0f0]
ld [$c0ef], a
ld a, b
ld [$c0ee], a
jp PlaySound
; this function is used to display sign messages, sprite dialog, etc.
; INPUT: [$ff8c] = sprite ID or text ID
DisplayTextID:: ; 2920 (0:2920)
push af
callba DisplayTextIDInit ; initialization
ld hl,$cf11
bit 0,[hl]
res 0,[hl]
jr nz,.skipSwitchToMapBank
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
call SwitchToMapRomBank
ld a,30 ; half a second
ld [H_FRAMECOUNTER],a ; used as joypad poll timer
ld a,[hli]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a ; hl = map text pointer
ld d,$00
ld a,[$ff8c] ; text ID
ld [$cf13],a
and a
jp z,DisplayStartMenu
cp a,$d3 ; safari game over
jp z,DisplaySafariGameOverText
cp a,$d0 ; fainted
jp z,DisplayPokemonFaintedText
cp a,$d1 ; blacked out
jp z,DisplayPlayerBlackedOutText
cp a,$d2 ; repel wore off
jp z,DisplayRepelWoreOffText
ld a,[$d4e1] ; number of sprites
ld e,a
ld a,[$ff8c] ; sprite ID
cp e
jr z,.spriteHandling
jr nc,.skipSpriteHandling
; get the text ID of the sprite
push hl
push de
push bc
callba Func_13074 ; update the graphics of the sprite the player is talking to (to face the right direction)
pop bc
pop de
ld hl,W_MAPSPRITEDATA ; NPC text entries
ld a,[$ff8c]
dec a
add a
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry
inc h
inc hl
ld a,[hl] ; a = text ID of the sprite
pop hl
; look up the address of the text in the map's text entries
dec a
ld e,a
sla e
add hl,de
ld a,[hli]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a ; hl = address of the text
ld a,[hl] ; a = first byte of text
; check first byte of text for special cases
cp a,$fe ; Pokemart NPC
jp z,DisplayPokemartDialogue
cp a,$ff ; Pokemon Center NPC
jp z,DisplayPokemonCenterDialogue
cp a,$fc ; Item Storage PC
jp z,FuncTX_ItemStoragePC
cp a,$fd ; Bill's PC
jp z,FuncTX_BillsPC
cp a,$f9 ; Pokemon Center PC
jp z,FuncTX_PokemonCenterPC
cp a,$f5 ; Vending Machine
jr nz,.notVendingMachine
callba VendingMachineMenu ; jump banks to vending machine routine
jr AfterDisplayingTextID
cp a,$f7 ; slot machine
jp z,FuncTX_SlotMachine
cp a,$f6 ; cable connection NPC in Pokemon Center
jr nz,.notSpecialCase
callab CableClubNPC
jr AfterDisplayingTextID
call Func_3c59 ; display the text
ld a,[$cc3c]
and a
jr nz,HoldTextDisplayOpen
AfterDisplayingTextID:: ; 29d6 (0:29d6)
ld a,[$cc47]
and a
jr nz,HoldTextDisplayOpen
call WaitForTextScrollButtonPress ; wait for a button press after displaying all the text
; loop to hold the dialogue box open as long as the player keeps holding down the A button
HoldTextDisplayOpen:: ; 29df (0:29df)
call GetJoypadState
bit 0,a ; is the A button being pressed?
jr nz,HoldTextDisplayOpen
CloseTextDisplay:: ; 29e8 (0:29e8)
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
call SwitchToMapRomBank
ld a,$90
ld [$ffb0],a ; move the window off the screen
call DelayFrame
call LoadGBPal
xor a
ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED],a ; disable continuous WRAM to VRAM transfer each V-blank
; loop to make sprites face the directions they originally faced before the dialogue
ld hl,$c219
ld c,$0f
ld de,$0010
ld a,[hl]
dec h
ld [hl],a
inc h
add hl,de
dec c
jr nz,.restoreSpriteFacingDirectionLoop
ld a,BANK(InitMapSprites)
ld [$2000],a
call InitMapSprites ; reload sprite tile pattern data (since it was partially overwritten by text tile patterns)
ld hl,$cfc4
res 0,[hl]
ld a,[$d732]
bit 3,a
call z,LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics
call LoadCurrentMapView
pop af
ld [$2000],a
jp UpdateSprites ; move sprites
DisplayPokemartDialogue:: ; 2a2e (0:2a2e)
push hl
ld hl,PokemartGreetingText
call PrintText
pop hl
inc hl
call LoadItemList
ld a,$02
ld [$cf94],a ; selects between subtypes of menus
push af
2014-01-07 18:12:05 +00:00
ld a,Bank(DisplayPokemartDialogue_)
ld [$2000],a
call DisplayPokemartDialogue_
pop af
ld [$2000],a
jp AfterDisplayingTextID
PokemartGreetingText:: ; 2a55 (0:2a55)
TX_FAR _PokemartGreetingText
db "@"
LoadItemList:: ; 2a5a (0:2a5a)
ld a,$01
ld [$cfcb],a
ld a,h
ld [$d128],a
ld a,l
ld [$d129],a
ld de,$cf7b
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
cp a,$ff
jr nz,.loop
DisplayPokemonCenterDialogue:: ; 2a72 (0:2a72)
xor a
ld [$ff8b],a
ld [$ff8c],a
ld [$ff8d],a
inc hl
push af
2014-01-07 18:12:05 +00:00
ld a,Bank(DisplayPokemonCenterDialogue_)
ld [$2000],a
call DisplayPokemonCenterDialogue_
pop af
ld [$2000],a
jp AfterDisplayingTextID
DisplaySafariGameOverText:: ; 2a90 (0:2a90)
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
callab PrintSafariGameOverText
jp AfterDisplayingTextID
DisplayPokemonFaintedText:: ; 2a9b (0:2a9b)
ld hl,PokemonFaintedText
call PrintText
jp AfterDisplayingTextID
PokemonFaintedText:: ; 2aa4 (0:2aa4)
TX_FAR _PokemonFaintedText
db "@"
DisplayPlayerBlackedOutText:: ; 2aa9 (0:2aa9)
ld hl,PlayerBlackedOutText
call PrintText
ld a,[$d732]
res 5,a
ld [$d732],a
jp HoldTextDisplayOpen
PlayerBlackedOutText:: ; 2aba (0:2aba)
TX_FAR _PlayerBlackedOutText
db "@"
DisplayRepelWoreOffText:: ; 2abf (0:2abf)
ld hl,RepelWoreOffText
call PrintText
jp AfterDisplayingTextID
RepelWoreOffText:: ; 2ac8 (0:2ac8)
TX_FAR _RepelWoreOffText
db "@"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/menu/start_menu.asm"
; function to count how many bits are set in a string of bytes
; hl = address of string of bytes
; b = length of string of bytes
; [$D11E] = number of set bits
CountSetBits:: ; 2b7f (0:2b7f)
ld c,0
ld a,[hli]
ld e,a
ld d,8
.innerLoop ; count how many bits are set in the current byte
srl e
ld a,0
adc c
ld c,a
dec d
jr nz,.innerLoop
dec b
jr nz,.loop
ld a,c
ld [$d11e],a ; store number of set bits
; subtracts the amount the player paid from their money
; sets carry flag if there is enough money and unsets carry flag if not
SubtractAmountPaidFromMoney:: ; 2b96 (0:2b96)
ld b,BANK(SubtractAmountPaidFromMoney_)
ld hl,SubtractAmountPaidFromMoney_
jp Bankswitch
; adds the amount the player sold to their money
AddAmountSoldToMoney:: ; 2b9e (0:2b9e)
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ld de,wPlayerMoney + 2
ld hl,$ffa1 ; total price of items
ld c,3 ; length of money in bytes
ld a,$0b
call Predef ; add total price to money
ld a,$13
ld [$d125],a
call DisplayTextBoxID ; redraw money text box
ld a, (SFX_02_5a - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
call PlaySoundWaitForCurrent ; play sound
jp WaitForSoundToFinish ; wait until sound is done playing
; function to remove an item (in varying quantities) from the player's bag or PC box
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; HL = address of inventory (either wNumBagItems or wNumBoxItems)
; [$CF92] = index (within the inventory) of the item to remove
; [$CF96] = quantity to remove
RemoveItemFromInventory:: ; 2bbb (0:2bbb)
push af
ld a,BANK(RemoveItemFromInventory_)
ld [$2000],a
call RemoveItemFromInventory_
pop af
ld [$2000],a
; function to add an item (in varying quantities) to the player's bag or PC box
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; HL = address of inventory (either wNumBagItems or wNumBoxItems)
; [$CF91] = item ID
; [$CF96] = item quantity
; sets carry flag if successful, unsets carry flag if unsuccessful
AddItemToInventory:: ; 2bcf (0:2bcf)
push bc
push af
ld a,BANK(AddItemToInventory_)
ld [$2000],a
call AddItemToInventory_
pop bc
ld a,b
ld [$2000],a
pop bc
; [wListMenuID] = list menu ID
; [$cf8b] = address of the list (2 bytes)
DisplayListMenuID:: ; 2be6 (0:2be6)
xor a
ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED],a ; disable auto-transfer
ld a,1
ld [$ffb7],a ; joypad state update flag
and a ; is it the Old Man battle?
jr nz,.specialBattleType
ld a,$01 ; hardcoded bank
jr .bankswitch
.specialBattleType ; Old Man battle
ld a, Bank(OldManItemList)
call BankswitchHome
ld hl,$d730
set 6,[hl] ; turn off letter printing delay
xor a
ld [$cc35],a ; 0 means no item is currently being swapped
ld [$d12a],a
ld a,[$cf8b]
ld l,a
ld a,[$cf8c]
ld h,a ; hl = address of the list
ld a,[hl]
ld [$d12a],a ; [$d12a] = number of list entries
ld a,$0d ; list menu text box ID
ld [$d125],a
call DisplayTextBoxID ; draw the menu text box
call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
FuncCoord 4,2 ; coordinates of upper left corner of menu text box
ld hl,Coord
ld de,$090e ; height and width of menu text box
ld a,[wListMenuID]
and a ; is it a PC pokemon list?
jr nz,.skipMovingSprites
call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
ld a,1 ; max menu item ID is 1 if the list has less than 2 entries
ld [$cc37],a
ld a,[$d12a]
cp a,2 ; does the list have less than 2 entries?
jr c,.setMenuVariables
ld a,2 ; max menu item ID is 2 if the list has at least 2 entries
ld [wMaxMenuItem],a
ld a,4
ld [wTopMenuItemY],a
ld a,5
ld [wTopMenuItemX],a
ld a,%00000111 ; A button, B button, Select button
ld [wMenuWatchedKeys],a
ld c,10
call DelayFrames
DisplayListMenuIDLoop:: ; 2c53 (0:2c53)
xor a
ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED],a ; disable transfer
call PrintListMenuEntries
ld a,1
ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED],a ; enable transfer
call Delay3
and a ; is it the Old Man battle?
jr z,.notOldManBattle
ld a,"▶"
FuncCoord 5,4
ld [Coord],a ; place menu cursor in front of first menu entry
ld c,80
call DelayFrames
xor a
ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a
ld hl,Coord
ld a,l
ld [wMenuCursorLocation],a
ld a,h
ld [wMenuCursorLocation + 1],a
jr .buttonAPressed
call LoadGBPal
call HandleMenuInput
push af
call PlaceMenuCursor
pop af
bit 0,a ; was the A button pressed?
jp z,.checkOtherKeys
ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem]
call PlaceUnfilledArrowMenuCursor
ld a,$01
ld [$d12e],a
ld [$d12d],a
xor a
ld [$cc37],a
ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem]
ld c,a
ld a,[wListScrollOffset]
add c
ld c,a
ld a,[$d12a] ; number of list entries
and a ; is the list empty?
jp z,ExitListMenu ; if so, exit the menu
dec a
cp c ; did the player select Cancel?
jp c,ExitListMenu ; if so, exit the menu
ld a,c
2014-01-06 18:10:06 +00:00
ld [wWhichPokemon],a
ld a,[wListMenuID]
jr nz,.skipMultiplying
; if it's an item menu
sla c ; item entries are 2 bytes long, so multiply by 2
ld a,[$cf8b]
ld l,a
ld a,[$cf8c]
ld h,a
inc hl ; hl = beginning of list entries
ld b,0
add hl,bc
ld a,[hl]
ld [$cf91],a
ld a,[wListMenuID]
and a ; is it a PC pokemon list?
jr z,.pokemonList
push hl
2013-07-05 05:41:18 +00:00
call GetItemPrice
pop hl
ld a,[wListMenuID]
jr nz,.skipGettingQuantity
; if it's an item menu
inc hl
ld a,[hl] ; a = item quantity
ld [$cf97],a
ld a,[$cf91]
ld [$d0b5],a
ld a,$01
ld [$d0b7],a
call GetName
jr .storeChosenEntry
ld a,[$cf8b]
cp l ; is it a list of party pokemon or box pokemon?
jr z,.getPokemonName
2014-01-06 00:24:01 +00:00
ld hl, W_BOXMON1NAME ; box pokemon names
2014-01-06 18:10:06 +00:00
ld a,[wWhichPokemon]
call GetPartyMonName
.storeChosenEntry ; store the menu entry that the player chose and return
ld de,$cd6d
call CopyStringToCF4B ; copy name to $cf4b
ld a,$01
ld [$d12e],a
ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem]
ld [$d12d],a
xor a
ld [$ffb7],a ; joypad state update flag
ld hl,$d730
res 6,[hl] ; turn on letter printing delay
jp BankswitchBack
.checkOtherKeys ; check B, SELECT, Up, and Down keys
bit 1,a ; was the B button pressed?
jp nz,ExitListMenu ; if so, exit the menu
bit 2,a ; was the select button pressed?
jp nz,HandleItemListSwapping ; if so, allow the player to swap menu entries
ld b,a
bit 7,b ; was Down pressed?
ld hl,wListScrollOffset
jr z,.upPressed
ld a,[hl]
add a,3
ld b,a
ld a,[$d12a] ; number of list entries
cp b ; will going down scroll past the Cancel button?
jp c,DisplayListMenuIDLoop
inc [hl] ; if not, go down
jp DisplayListMenuIDLoop
ld a,[hl]
and a
jp z,DisplayListMenuIDLoop
dec [hl]
jp DisplayListMenuIDLoop
DisplayChooseQuantityMenu:: ; 2d57 (0:2d57)
; text box dimensions/coordinates for just quantity
FuncCoord 15,9
ld hl,Coord
ld b,1 ; height
ld c,3 ; width
ld a,[wListMenuID]
jr nz,.drawTextBox
; text box dimensions/coordinates for quantity and price
FuncCoord 7,9
ld hl,Coord
ld b,1 ; height
ld c,11 ; width
call TextBoxBorder
FuncCoord 16,10
ld hl,Coord
ld a,[wListMenuID]
jr nz,.printInitialQuantity
FuncCoord 8,10
ld hl,Coord
ld de,InitialQuantityText
call PlaceString
xor a
ld [$cf96],a ; initialize current quantity to 0
jp .incrementQuantity
call GetJoypadStateLowSensitivity
ld a,[H_NEWLYPRESSEDBUTTONS] ; newly pressed buttons
bit 0,a ; was the A button pressed?
jp nz,.buttonAPressed
bit 1,a ; was the B button pressed?
jp nz,.buttonBPressed
bit 6,a ; was Up pressed?
jr nz,.incrementQuantity
bit 7,a ; was Down pressed?
jr nz,.decrementQuantity
jr .waitForKeyPressLoop
ld a,[$cf97] ; max quantity
inc a
ld b,a
ld hl,$cf96 ; current quantity
inc [hl]
ld a,[hl]
cp b
jr nz,.handleNewQuantity
; wrap to 1 if the player goes above the max quantity
ld a,1
ld [hl],a
jr .handleNewQuantity
ld hl,$cf96 ; current quantity
dec [hl]
jr nz,.handleNewQuantity
; wrap to the max quantity if the player goes below 1
ld a,[$cf97] ; max quantity
ld [hl],a
FuncCoord 17,10
ld hl,Coord
ld a,[wListMenuID]
jr nz,.printQuantity
ld c,$03
ld a,[$cf96]
ld b,a
ld hl,$ff9f ; total price
; initialize total price to 0
xor a
ld [hli],a
ld [hli],a
ld [hl],a
.addLoop ; loop to multiply the individual price by the quantity to get the total price
ld de,$ffa1
ld hl,$ff8d
push bc
ld a,$0b
call Predef ; add the individual price to the current sum
pop bc
dec b
jr nz,.addLoop
ld a,[$ff8e]
and a ; should the price be halved (for selling items)?
jr z,.skipHalvingPrice
xor a
ld [$ffa2],a
ld [$ffa3],a
ld a,$02
ld [$ffa4],a
ld a,$0d
call Predef ; halves the price
; store the halved price
ld a,[$ffa2]
ld [$ff9f],a
ld a,[$ffa3]
ld [$ffa0],a
ld a,[$ffa4]
ld [$ffa1],a
FuncCoord 12,10
ld hl,Coord
ld de,SpacesBetweenQuantityAndPriceText
call PlaceString
ld de,$ff9f ; total price
ld c,$a3
call PrintBCDNumber
FuncCoord 9,10
ld hl,Coord
ld de,$cf96 ; current quantity
ld bc,$8102 ; print leading zeroes, 1 byte, 2 digits
call PrintNumber
jp .waitForKeyPressLoop
.buttonAPressed ; the player chose to make the transaction
xor a
ld [$cc35],a ; 0 means no item is currently being swapped
.buttonBPressed ; the player chose to cancel the transaction
xor a
ld [$cc35],a ; 0 means no item is currently being swapped
ld a,$ff
InitialQuantityText:: ; 2e30 (0:2e30)
db "×01@"
SpacesBetweenQuantityAndPriceText:: ; 2e34 (0:2e34)
db " @"
ExitListMenu:: ; 2e3b (0:2e3b)
ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem]
ld [$d12d],a
ld a,$02
ld [$d12e],a
ld [$cc37],a
xor a
ld [$ffb7],a
ld hl,$d730
res 6,[hl]
call BankswitchBack
xor a
ld [$cc35],a ; 0 means no item is currently being swapped
PrintListMenuEntries:: ; 2e5a (0:2e5a)
FuncCoord 5, 3 ; $c3e1
ld hl,Coord
ld b,$09
ld c,$0e
call ClearScreenArea
ld a,[$cf8b]
ld e,a
ld a,[$cf8c]
ld d,a
inc de ; de = beginning of list entries
ld a,[wListScrollOffset]
ld c,a
ld a,[wListMenuID]
ld a,c
jr nz,.skipMultiplying
; if it's an item menu
; item entries are 2 bytes long, so multiply by 2
sla a
sla c
add e
ld e,a
jr nc,.noCarry
inc d
FuncCoord 6,4 ; coordinates of first list entry name
ld hl,Coord
ld b,4 ; print 4 names
ld a,b
2014-01-06 18:10:06 +00:00
ld [wWhichPokemon],a
ld a,[de]
ld [$d11e],a
cp a,$ff
jp z,.printCancelMenuItem
push bc
push de
push hl
push hl
push de
ld a,[wListMenuID]
and a
jr z,.pokemonPCMenu
cp a,$01
jr z,.movesMenu
call GetItemName
jr .placeNameString
push hl
ld a,[$cf8b]
cp l ; is it a list of party pokemon or box pokemon?
jr z,.getPokemonName
2014-01-06 00:24:01 +00:00
ld hl, W_BOXMON1NAME ; box pokemon names
2014-01-06 18:10:06 +00:00
ld a,[wWhichPokemon]
ld b,a
ld a,4
sub b
ld b,a
ld a,[wListScrollOffset]
add b
call GetPartyMonName
pop hl
jr .placeNameString
call GetMoveName
call PlaceString
pop de
pop hl
ld a,[$cf93]
and a ; should prices be printed?
jr z,.skipPrintingItemPrice
push hl
ld a,[de]
ld de,ItemPrices
ld [$cf91],a
2013-07-05 05:41:18 +00:00
call GetItemPrice ; get price
pop hl
ld bc,20 + 5 ; 1 row down and 5 columns right
add hl,bc
ld c,$a3 ; no leading zeroes, right-aligned, print currency symbol, 3 bytes
call PrintBCDNumber
ld a,[wListMenuID]
and a
jr nz,.skipPrintingPokemonLevel
ld a,[$d11e]
push af
push hl
ld a,[$cf8b]
cp l ; is it a list of party pokemon or box pokemon?
ld a,$00
jr z,.next
ld a,$02
ld [$cc49],a
2014-01-06 18:10:06 +00:00
ld hl,wWhichPokemon
ld a,[hl]
ld b,a
ld a,$04
sub b
ld b,a
ld a,[wListScrollOffset]
add b
ld [hl],a
call LoadMonData ; load pokemon info
ld a,[$cc49]
and a ; is it a list of party pokemon or box pokemon?
jr z,.skipCopyingLevel
ld a,[$cf9b]
ld [$cfb9],a
pop hl
ld bc,$001c
add hl,bc
call PrintLevel ; print level
pop af
ld [$d11e],a
pop hl
pop de
inc de
ld a,[wListMenuID]
jr nz,.nextListEntry
ld a,[$d11e]
ld [$cf91],a
call IsKeyItem ; check if item is unsellable
ld a,[$d124]
and a ; is the item unsellable?
jr nz,.skipPrintingItemQuantity ; if so, don't print the quantity
push hl
ld bc,20 + 8 ; 1 row down and 8 columns right
add hl,bc
ld a,"×"
ldi [hl],a
ld a,[$d11e]
push af
ld a,[de]
ld [$cf97],a
push de
ld de,$d11e
ld [de],a
ld bc,$0102
call PrintNumber
pop de
pop af
ld [$d11e],a
pop hl
inc de
pop bc
inc c
push bc
inc c
ld a,[$cc35] ; ID of item chosen for swapping (counts from 1)
and a ; is an item being swapped?
jr z,.nextListEntry
sla a
cp c ; is it this item?
jr nz,.nextListEntry
dec hl
ld a,$ec ; unfilled right arrow menu cursor to indicate an item being swapped
ld [hli],a
ld bc,2 * 20 ; 2 rows
add hl,bc
pop bc
inc c
dec b
jp nz,.loop
ld bc,-8
add hl,bc
ld a,$ee ; down arrow
ld [hl],a
ld de,ListMenuCancelText
jp PlaceString
ListMenuCancelText:: ; 2f97 (0:2f97)
db "CANCEL@"
GetMonName:: ; 2f9e (0:2f9e)
push hl
push af
ld a,BANK(MonsterNames) ; 07
ld [$2000],a
ld a,[$d11e]
dec a
ld hl,MonsterNames ; 421E
ld c,10
ld b,0
call AddNTimes
ld de,$cd6d
push de
ld bc,10
call CopyData
ld hl,$cd77
ld [hl], "@"
pop de
pop af
ld [$2000],a
pop hl
GetItemName:: ; 2fcf (0:2fcf)
; given an item ID at [$D11E], store the name of the item into a string
; starting at $CD6D
push hl
push bc
ld a,[$D11E]
cp HM_01 ; is this a TM/HM?
jr nc,.Machine
ld [$D0B5],a
ld a,BANK(ItemNames)
ld [$D0B7],a
call GetName
jr .Finish
call GetMachineName
ld de,$CD6D ; pointer to where item name is stored in RAM
pop bc
pop hl
GetMachineName:: ; 2ff3 (0:2ff3)
; copies the name of the TM/HM in [$D11E] to $CD6D
push hl
push de
push bc
ld a,[$D11E]
push af
cp TM_01 ; is this a TM? [not HM]
jr nc,.WriteTM
; if HM, then write "HM" and add 5 to the item ID, so we can reuse the
; TM printing code
add 5
ld [$D11E],a
ld hl,HiddenPrefix ; points to "HM"
ld bc,2
jr .WriteMachinePrefix
ld hl,TechnicalPrefix ; points to "TM"
ld bc,2
ld de,$CD6D
call CopyData
; now get the machine number and convert it to text
ld a,[$D11E]
sub TM_01 - 1
ld b,$F6 ; "0"
sub 10
jr c,.SecondDigit
inc b
jr .FirstDigit
add 10
push af
ld a,b
ld [de],a
inc de
pop af
ld b,$F6 ; "0"
add b
ld [de],a
inc de
ld a,"@"
ld [de],a
pop af
ld [$D11E],a
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
TechnicalPrefix:: ; 303c (0:303c)
db "TM"
HiddenPrefix:: ; 303e (0:303e)
db "HM"
; sets carry if item is HM, clears carry if item is not HM
; Input: a = item ID
IsItemHM:: ; 3040 (0:3040)
cp a,HM_01
jr c,.notHM
cp a,TM_01
and a
; sets carry if move is an HM, clears carry if move is not an HM
; Input: a = move ID
IsMoveHM:: ; 3049 (0:3049)
ld hl,HMMoves
ld de,1
jp IsInArray
HMMoves:: ; 3052 (0:3052)
db $ff ; terminator
GetMoveName:: ; 3058 (0:3058)
push hl
ld a,[$d11e]
ld [$d0b5],a
ld a,BANK(MoveNames)
ld [$d0b7],a
call GetName
ld de,$cd6d ; pointer to where move name is stored in RAM
pop hl
; reloads text box tile patterns, current map view, and tileset tile patterns
ReloadMapData:: ; 3071 (0:3071)
push af
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
call SwitchToMapRomBank
call DisableLCD
call LoadTextBoxTilePatterns
call LoadCurrentMapView
call LoadTilesetTilePatternData
call EnableLCD
pop af
ld [$2000],a
; reloads tileset tile patterns
ReloadTilesetTilePatterns:: ; 3090 (0:3090)
push af
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
call SwitchToMapRomBank
call DisableLCD
call LoadTilesetTilePatternData
call EnableLCD
pop af
ld [$2000],a
; shows the town map and lets the player choose a destination to fly to
ChooseFlyDestination:: ; 30a9 (0:30a9)
ld hl,$d72e
res 4,[hl]
ld b, BANK(LoadTownMap_Fly)
ld hl, LoadTownMap_Fly
jp Bankswitch
; causes the text box to close waithout waiting for a button press after displaying text
DisableWaitingAfterTextDisplay:: ; 30b6 (0:30b6)
ld a,$01
ld [$cc3c],a
; uses an item
; UseItem is used with dummy items to perform certain other functions as well
; [$cf91] = item ID
; [$cd6a] = success
; 00: unsucessful
; 01: successful
; 02: not able to be used right now, no extra menu displayed (only certain items use this)
UseItem:: ; 30bc (0:30bc)
ld b,BANK(UseItem_)
ld hl,UseItem_
jp Bankswitch
; confirms the item toss and then tosses the item
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
; hl = address of inventory (either wNumBagItems or wNumBoxItems)
; [$cf91] = item ID
; [$cf92] = index of item within inventory
; [$cf96] = quantity to toss
; clears carry flag if the item is tossed, sets carry flag if not
TossItem:: ; 30c4 (0:30c4)
push af
ld a,BANK(TossItem_)
ld [$2000],a
call TossItem_
pop de
ld a,d
ld [$2000],a
; checks if an item is a key item
; [$cf91] = item ID
; [$d124] = result
; 00: item is not key item
; 01: item is key item
IsKeyItem:: ; 30d9 (0:30d9)
push hl
push de
push bc
callba IsKeyItem_
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
; function to draw various text boxes
; [$D125] = text box ID
DisplayTextBoxID:: ; 30e8 (0:30e8)
push af
ld a,BANK(DisplayTextBoxID_)
ld [$2000],a
call DisplayTextBoxID_
pop bc
ld a,b
ld [$2000],a
Func_30fd:: ; 30fd (0:30fd)
ld a, [$cc57]
and a
ret nz
ld a, [$d736]
bit 1, a
ret nz
ld a, [$d730]
and $80
Func_310e:: ; 310e (0:310e)
ld hl, $d736
bit 0, [hl]
res 0, [hl]
jr nz, .asm_3146
ld a, [$cc57]
and a
ret z
dec a
add a
ld d, $0
ld e, a
2013-11-26 17:11:44 +00:00
ld hl, .pointerTable_3140
add hl, de
ld a, [hli]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
push af
ld a, [$cc58]
ld [$2000], a
ld a, [$cf10]
call CallFunctionInTable
pop af
ld [$2000], a
2013-11-26 17:11:44 +00:00
dw PointerTable_1a442
dw PointerTable_1a510
dw PointerTable_1a57d
ld b, BANK(Func_1a3e0)
ld hl, Func_1a3e0
2013-12-28 18:35:17 +00:00
jp Bankswitch
Func_314e:: ; 314e (0:314e)
ld b, BANK(Func_1a41d)
ld hl, Func_1a41d
2013-12-28 18:35:17 +00:00
jp Bankswitch
Func_3156:: ; 3156 (0:3156)
; stores hl in [W_TRAINERHEADERPTR]
StoreTrainerHeaderPointer:: ; 3157 (0:3157)
ld a, h
ld a, l
; executes the current map script from the function pointer array provided in hl.
; a: map script index to execute (unless overridden by [$d733] bit 4)
ExecuteCurMapScriptInTable:: ; 3160 (0:3160)
push af
push de
call StoreTrainerHeaderPointer
pop hl
pop af
push hl
ld hl, W_FLAGS_D733
bit 4, [hl]
res 4, [hl]
jr z, .useProvidedIndex ; test if map script index was overridden manually
pop hl
call CallFunctionInTable
LoadGymLeaderAndCityName:: ; 317f (0:317f)
push de
ld de, wGymCityName
ld bc, $11
call CopyData ; load city name
pop hl
ld de, wGymLeaderName
ld bc, $b
jp CopyData ; load gym leader name
; reads specific information from trainer header (pointed to at W_TRAINERHEADERPTR)
; a: offset in header data
; 0 -> flag's bit (into wTrainerHeaderFlagBit)
; 2 -> flag's byte ptr (into hl)
; 4 -> before battle text (into hl)
; 6 -> after battle text (into hl)
; 8 -> end battle text (into hl)
ReadTrainerHeaderInfo:: ; 3193 (0:3193)
push de
push af
ld d, $0
ld e, a
ld a, [hli]
ld l, [hl]
ld h, a
add hl, de
pop af
and a
jr nz, .nonZeroOffset
ld a, [hl]
ld [wTrainerHeaderFlagBit], a ; store flag's bit
jr .done
cp $2
jr z, .readPointer ; read flag's byte ptr
cp $4
jr z, .readPointer ; read before battle text
cp $6
jr z, .readPointer ; read after battle text
cp $8
jr z, .readPointer ; read end battle text
cp $a
jr nz, .done
ld a, [hli] ; read end battle text (2) but override the result afterwards (XXX why, bug?)
ld d, [hl]
ld e, a
jr .done
ld a, [hli]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
pop de
; calls HandleBitArray
HandleBitArray_Bank0:: ; 31c7 (0:31c7)
ld a, $10
jp Predef ; indirect jump to HandleBitArray (f666 (3:7666))
; direct talking to a trainer (rather than getting seen by one)
TalkToTrainer:: ; 31cc (0:31cc)
call StoreTrainerHeaderPointer
xor a
call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; read flag's bit
ld a, $2
call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; read flag's byte ptr
ld a, [wTrainerHeaderFlagBit]
ld c, a
ld b, $2
call HandleBitArray_Bank0 ; read trainer's flag
ld a, c
and a
jr z, .trainerNotYetFought ; test trainer's flag
ld a, $6
call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; print after battle text
jp PrintText
.trainerNotYetFought ; 0x31ed
ld a, $4
call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; print before battle text
call PrintText
ld a, $a
call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; (?) does nothing apparently (maybe bug in ReadTrainerHeaderInfo)
push de
ld a, $8
call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; read end battle text
pop de
call PreBattleSaveRegisters
ld hl, W_FLAGS_D733
set 4, [hl] ; activate map script index override (index is set below)
ld hl, wFlags_0xcd60
bit 0, [hl] ; test if player is already being engaged by another trainer
ret nz
call EngageMapTrainer
inc [hl] ; progress map script index (assuming it was 0 before) to start pre-battle routines
jp Func_325d
; checks if any trainers are seeing the player and wanting to fight
CheckFightingMapTrainers:: ; 3219 (0:3219)
call CheckForEngagingTrainers
ld a, [$cf13]
cp $ff
jr nz, .trainerEngaging
xor a
ld [$cf13], a
ld [wTrainerHeaderFlagBit], a
ld hl, W_FLAGS_D733
set 3, [hl]
ld [$cd4f], a
xor a
ld [$cd50], a
ld a, $4c
call Predef
ld a, D_RIGHT | D_LEFT | D_UP | D_DOWN
ld [wJoypadForbiddenButtonsMask], a
xor a
ldh [$b4], a
call TrainerWalkUpToPlayer_Bank0
inc [hl] ; progress to battle phase 1 (engaging)
Func_324c:: ; 324c (0:324c)
ld a, [$d730]
and $1
ret nz
ld [wJoypadForbiddenButtonsMask], a
ld a, [$cf13]
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
call DisplayTextID
Func_325d:: ; 325d (0:325d)
xor a
ld [wJoypadForbiddenButtonsMask], a
call InitBattleEnemyParameters
ld hl, $d72d
set 6, [hl]
set 7, [hl]
ld hl, $d72e
set 1, [hl]
inc [hl] ; progress to battle phase 2 (battling)
EndTrainerBattle:: ; 3275 (0:3275)
ld hl, $d126
set 5, [hl]
set 6, [hl]
ld hl, $d72d
res 7, [hl]
ld hl, wFlags_0xcd60
res 0, [hl] ; player is no longer engaged by any trainer
ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE] ; $d057
cp $ff
jp z, ResetButtonPressedAndMapScript
ld a, $2
call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo
ld a, [wTrainerHeaderFlagBit]
ld c, a
ld b, $1
call HandleBitArray_Bank0 ; flag trainer as fought
cp $c8
jr nc, .skipRemoveSprite ; test if trainer was fought (in that case skip removing the corresponding sprite)
ld de, $2
ld a, [$cf13]
call IsInArray ; search for sprite ID
inc hl
ld a, [hl]
ld [$cc4d], a ; load corresponding missable object index and remove it
ld a, $11
call Predef ; indirect jump to RemoveMissableObject (f1d7 (3:71d7))
ld hl, $d730
bit 4, [hl]
res 4, [hl]
ret nz
ResetButtonPressedAndMapScript:: ; 32c1 (0:32c1)
xor a
ld [wJoypadForbiddenButtonsMask], a
ld [W_CURMAPSCRIPT], a ; reset battle status
; calls TrainerWalkUpToPlayer
TrainerWalkUpToPlayer_Bank0:: ; 32cf (0:32cf)
ld b, BANK(TrainerWalkUpToPlayer)
ld hl, TrainerWalkUpToPlayer
2013-12-28 18:35:17 +00:00
jp Bankswitch
; sets opponent type and mon set/lvl based on the engaging trainer data
InitBattleEnemyParameters:: ; 32d7 (0:32d7)
ld a, [wEngagedTrainerClass]
ld [W_CUROPPONENT], a ; $d059
cp $c8
ld a, [wEngagedTrainerSet] ; $cd2e
jr c, .noTrainer
ld [W_TRAINERNO], a ; $d05d
ld [W_CURENEMYLVL], a ; $d127
Func_32ef:: ; 32ef (0:32ef)
ld hl, Func_567f9
jr asm_3301
Func_32f4:: ; 32f4 (0:32f4)
ld hl, Func_56819
jr asm_3301 ; 0x32f7 $8
Func_32f9:: ; 32f9 (0:32f9)
ld hl, Func_5683d
jr asm_3301
Func_32fe:: ; 32fe (0:32fe)
ld hl, Func_5685d
asm_3301:: ; 3301 (0:3301)
2014-04-02 16:47:49 +00:00
ld b, BANK(Func_567f9) ; BANK(Func_56819), BANK(Func_5683d), BANK(Func_5685d)
jp Bankswitch ; indirect jump to one of the four functions
CheckForEngagingTrainers:: ; 3306 (0:3306)
xor a
call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; read trainer flag's bit (unused)
ld d, h ; store trainer header address in de
ld e, l
call StoreTrainerHeaderPointer ; set trainer header pointer to current trainer
ld a, [de]
ld [$cf13], a ; store trainer flag's bit
ld [wTrainerHeaderFlagBit], a
cp $ff
ret z
ld a, $2
call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; read trainer flag's byte ptr
ld b, $2
ld a, [wTrainerHeaderFlagBit]
ld c, a
call HandleBitArray_Bank0 ; read trainer flag
ld a, c
and a
jr nz, .trainerAlreadyFought
push hl
push de
push hl
xor a
call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; get trainer header pointer
inc hl
ld a, [hl] ; read trainer engage distance
pop hl
ld [wTrainerEngageDistance], a
ld a, [$cf13]
swap a
ld [wTrainerSpriteOffset], a ; $cd3d
ld a, $39
call Predef ; indirect jump to CheckEngagePlayer (5690f (15:690f))
pop de
pop hl
ld a, [wTrainerSpriteOffset] ; $cd3d
and a
ret nz ; break if the trainer is engaging
ld hl, $c
add hl, de
ld d, h
ld e, l
jr .trainerLoop
; saves loaded rom bank and hl as well as de registers
PreBattleSaveRegisters:: ; 3354 (0:3354)
ld a, h
ld a, l
ld a, d
ld a, e
; loads data of some trainer on the current map and plays pre-battle music
; [$cf13]: sprite ID of trainer who is engaged
EngageMapTrainer:: ; 336a (0:336a)
ld d, $0
ld a, [$cf13]
dec a
add a
ld e, a
add hl, de ; seek to engaged trainer data
ld a, [hli] ; load trainer class
ld [wEngagedTrainerClass], a
ld a, [hl] ; load trainer mon set
ld [wEnemyMonAttackMod], a ; $cd2e
jp PlayTrainerMusic
Func_3381:: ; 3381 (0:3381)
push hl
ld hl, $d72d
bit 7, [hl]
res 7, [hl]
pop hl
ret z
push af
ld [$2000], a
push hl
callba SaveTrainerName
2014-05-15 23:58:24 +00:00
ld hl, TrainerNameText
call PrintText
pop hl
pop af
ld [$2000], a
callba Func_1a5e7
jp WaitForSoundToFinish
Func_33b7:: ; 33b7 (0:33b7)
ld a, [$cf0b]
and a
jr nz, .asm_33c6
ld h, a
ld l, a
ld h, a
ld l, a
2014-05-15 23:58:24 +00:00
TrainerNameText:: ; 33cf (0:33cf)
TX_FAR _TrainerNameText
db $08
Func_33d4:: ; 33d4 (0:33d4)
call Func_33b7
call TextCommandProcessor
jp TextScriptEnd
Func_33dd:: ; 33dd (0:33dd)
ld a, [wFlags_0xcd60]
bit 0, a
ret nz
call EngageMapTrainer
xor a
PlayTrainerMusic:: ; 33e8 (0:33e8)
ld a, [wEngagedTrainerClass]
cp $c8 + SONY1
ret z
cp $c8 + SONY2
ret z
cp $c8 + SONY3
ret z
ld a, [W_GYMLEADERNO] ; $d05c
and a
ret nz
xor a
2013-12-15 18:50:05 +00:00
ld [wMusicHeaderPointer], a
ld a, $ff
call PlaySound ; stop music
ld a, BANK(Music_MeetEvilTrainer)
ld [$c0ef], a
ld [$c0f0], a
ld a, [wEngagedTrainerClass]
ld b, a
ld hl, EvilTrainerList
ld a, [hli]
cp $ff
jr z, .noEvilTrainer
cp b
jr nz, .evilTrainerListLoop
jr .PlaySound
ld hl, FemaleTrainerList
ld a, [hli]
cp $ff
jr z, .maleTrainer
cp b
jr nz, .femaleTrainerListLoop
jr .PlaySound
ld [$c0ee], a
jp PlaySound
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/trainer_types.asm"
Func_3442:: ; 3442 (0:3442)
ld a, [hli]
cp $ff
ret z
cp b
jr nz, .asm_345b
ld a, [hli]
cp c
jr nz, .asm_345c
ld a, [hli]
ld d, [hl]
ld e, a
ld hl, $ccd3
call DecodeRLEList
dec a
ld [$cd38], a
inc hl
inc hl
inc hl
jr Func_3442
FuncTX_ItemStoragePC:: ; 3460 (0:3460)
call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer2
2014-05-21 15:58:18 +00:00
ld b, BANK(PlayerPC)
ld hl, PlayerPC
jr bankswitchAndContinue
FuncTX_BillsPC:: ; 346a (0:346a)
call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer2
ld b, BANK(Func_214c2)
ld hl, Func_214c2
jr bankswitchAndContinue
FuncTX_SlotMachine:: ; 3474 (0:3474)
; XXX find a better name for this function
; special_F7
ld b,BANK(CeladonPrizeMenu)
ld hl,CeladonPrizeMenu
bankswitchAndContinue:: ; 3479 (0:3479)
call Bankswitch
jp HoldTextDisplayOpen ; continue to main text-engine function
FuncTX_PokemonCenterPC:: ; 347f (0:347f)
ld b, BANK(ActivatePC)
ld hl, ActivatePC
jr bankswitchAndContinue
Func_3486:: ; 3486 (0:3486)
xor a
ld [$cd3b], a
ld [$c206], a
ld hl, $d730
set 7, [hl]
IsItemInBag:: ; 3493 (0:3493)
; given an item_id in b
; set zero flag if item isn't in player's bag
; else reset zero flag
; related to Pokémon Tower and ghosts
ld a,$1C
call Predef
ld a,b
and a
DisplayPokedex:: ; 349b (0:349b)
ld [$d11e], a
ld b, BANK(Func_7c18)
ld hl, Func_7c18
jp Bankswitch
Func_34a6:: ; 34a6 (0:34a6)
call Func_34ae
ld c, $6
jp DelayFrames
Func_34ae:: ; 34ae (0:34ae)
ld a, $9
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1], a ; $ff8b
call Func_34fc
ld a, [$ff8d]
ld [hl], a
Func_34b9:: ; 34b9 (0:34b9)
ld de, $fff9
add hl, de
ld [hl], a
; tests if the player's coordinates are in a specified array
; hl = address of array
; [$cd3d] = if there is match, the matching array index
; sets carry if the coordinates are in the array, clears carry if not
ArePlayerCoordsInArray:: ; 34bf (0:34bf)
ld a,[W_YCOORD]
ld b,a
ld a,[W_XCOORD]
ld c,a
; fallthrough
CheckCoords:: ; 34c7 (0:34c7)
xor a
ld [$cd3d],a
ld a,[hli]
cp a,$ff ; reached terminator?
jr z,.notInArray
push hl
ld hl,$cd3d
inc [hl]
pop hl
cp b
jr z,.compareXCoord
inc hl
jr .loop
ld a,[hli]
cp c
jr nz,.loop
and a
; tests if a boulder's coordinates are in a specified array
; hl = address of array
; ff8c = which boulder to check? XXX
; [$cd3d] = if there is match, the matching array index
; sets carry if the coordinates are in the array, clears carry if not
CheckBoulderCoords:: ; 34e4 (0:34e4)
push hl
ld hl, $c204
ld a, [$ff8c]
swap a
ld d, $0
ld e, a
add hl, de
ld a, [hli]
sub $4 ; because sprite coordinates are offset by 4
ld b, a
ld a, [hl]
sub $4 ; because sprite coordinates are offset by 4
ld c, a
pop hl
jp CheckCoords
Func_34fc:: ; 34fc (0:34fc)
ld h, $c1
jr asm_3502
Func_3500:: ; 3500 (0:3500)
ld h, $c2
asm_3502:: ; 3502 (0:3502)
ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1] ; $ff8b
ld b, a
ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2] ; $ff8c
swap a
add b
ld l, a
; decodes a $ff-terminated RLEncoded list
; each entry is a pair of bytes <byte value> <repetitions>
; the final $ff will be replicated in the output list and a contains the number of bytes written
; de: input list
; hl: output list
DecodeRLEList:: ; 350c (0:350c)
xor a
ld [wRLEByteCount], a ; count written bytes here
ld a, [de]
cp $ff
jr z, .endOfList
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1], a ; store byte value to be written
inc de
ld a, [de]
ld b, $0
ld c, a ; number of bytes to be written
ld a, [wRLEByteCount]
add c
ld [wRLEByteCount], a ; update total number of written bytes
ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1] ; $ff8b
call FillMemory ; write a c-times to output
inc de
jr .listLoop
ld a, $ff
ld [hl], a ; write final $ff
ld a, [wRLEByteCount]
inc a ; include sentinel in counting
; sets movement byte 1 for sprite [$FF8C] to $FE and byte 2 to [$FF8D]
SetSpriteMovementBytesToFE:: ; 3533 (0:3533)
push hl
call GetSpriteMovementByte1Pointer
ld [hl], $fe
call GetSpriteMovementByte2Pointer
ld a, [$ff8d]
ld [hl], a
pop hl
; sets both movement bytes for sprite [$FF8C] to $FF
SetSpriteMovementBytesToFF:: ; 3541 (0:3541)
push hl
call GetSpriteMovementByte1Pointer
ld [hl],$FF
call GetSpriteMovementByte2Pointer
ld [hl],$FF ; prevent person from walking?
pop hl
; returns the sprite movement byte 1 pointer for sprite [$FF8C] in hl
GetSpriteMovementByte1Pointer:: ; 354e (0:354e)
ld h,$C2
ld a,[$FF8C] ; the sprite to move
swap a
add a,6
ld l,a
; returns the sprite movement byte 2 pointer for sprite [$FF8C] in hl
GetSpriteMovementByte2Pointer:: ; 3558 (0:3558)
push de
ld a,[$FF8C] ; the sprite to move
dec a
add a
ld d,0
ld e,a
add hl,de
pop de
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
GetTrainerInformation:: ; 3566 (0:3566)
call GetTrainerName
ld a, [W_ISLINKBATTLE] ; $d12b
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr nz, .linkBattle
ld a, Bank(TrainerPicAndMoneyPointers)
call BankswitchHome
ld a, [W_TRAINERCLASS] ; $d031
dec a
ld hl, TrainerPicAndMoneyPointers
ld bc, $5
call AddNTimes
ld de, $d033
ld a, [hli]
ld [de], a
inc de
ld a, [hli]
ld [de], a
ld de, $d046
ld a, [hli]
ld [de], a
inc de
ld a, [hli]
ld [de], a
jp BankswitchBack
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld hl, $d033
ld de, RedPicFront
ld [hl], e
inc hl
ld [hl], d
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
GetTrainerName:: ; 359e (0:359e)
ld b, BANK(GetTrainerName_)
ld hl, GetTrainerName_
2013-12-28 18:35:17 +00:00
jp Bankswitch
; tests if player's money are at least as much as [$ff9f]
; sets carry flag if not enough money
; sets zero flag if amounts match exactly
HasEnoughMoney:: ; 35a6 (0:35a6)
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ld de, wPlayerMoney ; $d347
ld hl, $ff9f
ld c, $3
jp StringCmp
; tests if player's game corner coins are at least as many as [$ffa0]
; sets carry flag if not enough coins
; sets zero flag if amounts match exactly
HasEnoughCoins:: ; 35b1 (0:35b1)
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ld de, wPlayerCoins
ld hl, $ffa0
ld c, $2
jp StringCmp
BankswitchHome:: ; 35bc (0:35bc)
; switches to bank # in a
; Only use this when in the home bank!
ld [$CF09],a
ld [$CF08],a
ld a,[$CF09]
ld [$2000],a
BankswitchBack:: ; 35cd (0:35cd)
; returns from BankswitchHome
ld a,[$CF08]
ld [$2000],a
Bankswitch:: ; 35d6 (0:35d6)
; self-contained bankswitch, use this when not in the home bank
; switches to the bank in b
push af
ld a,b
ld [$2000],a
ld bc,.Return
push bc
jp [hl]
pop bc
ld a,b
ld [$2000],a
; displays yes/no choice
; yes -> set carry
YesNoChoice:: ; 35ec (0:35ec)
call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1
call InitYesNoTextBoxParameters
jr DisplayYesNoChoice
Func_35f4:: ; 35f4 (0:35f4)
ld a, $14
ld [$d125], a
call InitYesNoTextBoxParameters
jp DisplayTextBoxID
InitYesNoTextBoxParameters:: ; 35ff (0:35ff)
xor a
ld [$d12c], a
FuncCoord 14, 7 ; $c43a
ld hl, Coord
ld bc, $80f
YesNoChoicePokeCenter:: ; 360a (0:360a)
call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1
ld a, $6
ld [$d12c], a
FuncCoord 11, 6 ; $c423
ld hl, Coord
ld bc, $80c
jr DisplayYesNoChoice
Func_361a:: ; 361a (0:361a)
call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1
ld a, $3
ld [$d12c], a
FuncCoord 12, 7 ; $c438
ld hl, Coord
ld bc, $080d
DisplayYesNoChoice:: ; 3628 (0:3628)
ld a, $14
ld [$d125], a
call DisplayTextBoxID
jp LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1
; calculates the difference |a-b|, setting carry flag if a<b
CalcDifference:: ; 3633 (0:3633)
sub b
ret nc
add $1
MoveSprite:: ; 363a (0:363a)
; move the sprite [$FF8C] with the movement pointed to by de
; actually only copies the movement data to $CC5B for later
call SetSpriteMovementBytesToFF
MoveSprite_:: ; 363d (0:363d)
push hl
push bc
call GetSpriteMovementByte1Pointer
xor a
ld [hl],a
ld hl,$CC5B
ld c,0
ld a,[de]
ld [hli],a
inc de
inc c
cp a,$FF ; have we reached the end of the movement data?
jr nz,.loop
ld a,c
ld [$CF0F],a ; number of steps taken
pop bc
ld hl,$D730
set 0,[hl]
pop hl
xor a
ld [$CD3B],a
ld [$CCD3],a
dec a
ld [wJoypadForbiddenButtonsMask],a
ld [$CD3A],a
Func_366b:: ; 366b (0:366b)
push hl
ld hl, $ffe7
xor a
ld [hld], a
ld a, [hld]
and a
jr z, .asm_367e
ld a, [hli]
sub [hl]
jr c, .asm_367e
inc hl
inc [hl]
dec hl
jr .asm_3676
pop hl
2013-11-09 19:21:51 +00:00
; copies the tile patterns for letters and numbers into VRAM
LoadFontTilePatterns:: ; 3680 (0:3680)
ld a,[rLCDC]
bit 7,a ; is the LCD enabled?
jr nz,.lcdEnabled
ld hl,FontGraphics
ld de,$8800
ld bc,$400
ld a,BANK(FontGraphics)
jp FarCopyDataDouble ; if LCD is off, transfer all at once
ld de,FontGraphics
ld hl,$8800
ld bc,(BANK(FontGraphics) << 8 | $80)
jp CopyVideoDataDouble ; if LCD is on, transfer during V-blank
; copies the text box tile patterns into VRAM
LoadTextBoxTilePatterns:: ; 36a0 (0:36a0)
ld a,[rLCDC]
bit 7,a ; is the LCD enabled?
jr nz,.lcdEnabled
ld hl,TextBoxGraphics
ld de,$9600
ld bc,$0200
ld a,BANK(TextBoxGraphics)
jp FarCopyData2 ; if LCD is off, transfer all at once
ld de,TextBoxGraphics
ld hl,$9600
ld bc,(BANK(TextBoxGraphics) << 8 | $20)
jp CopyVideoData ; if LCD is on, transfer during V-blank
; copies HP bar and status display tile patterns into VRAM
LoadHpBarAndStatusTilePatterns:: ; 36c0 (0:36c0)
ld a,[rLCDC]
bit 7,a ; is the LCD enabled?
jr nz,.lcdEnabled
ld hl,HpBarAndStatusGraphics
ld de,$9620
ld bc,$01e0
ld a,BANK(HpBarAndStatusGraphics)
jp FarCopyData2 ; if LCD is off, transfer all at once
ld de,HpBarAndStatusGraphics
ld hl,$9620
ld bc,(BANK(HpBarAndStatusGraphics) << 8 | $1e)
jp CopyVideoData ; if LCD is on, transfer during V-blank
;Fills memory range with the specified byte.
;input registers a = fill_byte, bc = length, hl = address
FillMemory:: ; 36e0 (0:36e0)
push de
ld d, a
ld a, d
ldi [hl], a
dec bc
ld a, b
or c
jr nz, .loop
pop de
; loads sprite that de points to
2014-01-07 18:12:05 +00:00
; bank of sprite is given in a
UncompressSpriteFromDE:: ; 36eb (0:36eb)
ld [hl], e
inc hl
ld [hl], d
jp UncompressSpriteData
SaveScreenTilesToBuffer2:: ; 36f4 (0:36f4)
ld hl, wTileMap
ld de, wTileMapBackup2
ld bc, $168
call CopyData
LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer2:: ; 3701 (0:3701)
call LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer2DisableBGTransfer
ld a, $1
; loads screen tiles stored in wTileMapBackup2 but leaves H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED disabled
LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer2DisableBGTransfer:: ; 3709 (0:3709)
xor a
ld hl, wTileMapBackup2
ld de, wTileMap
ld bc, $168
call CopyData
SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1:: ; 3719 (0:3719)
ld hl, wTileMap
ld de, wTileMapBackup
ld bc, $168
jp CopyData
LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1:: ; 3725 (0:3725)
xor a
ld hl, wTileMapBackup
ld de, wTileMap
ld bc, $168
call CopyData
ld a, $1
DelayFrames:: ; 3739 (0:3739)
; wait n frames, where n is the value in c
call DelayFrame
dec c
jr nz,DelayFrames
PlaySoundWaitForCurrent:: ; 3740 (0:3740)
push af
call WaitForSoundToFinish
pop af
jp PlaySound
; Wait for sound to finish playing
WaitForSoundToFinish:: ; 3748 (0:3748)
ld a, [$d083]
and $80
ret nz
push hl
ld hl, $c02a
xor a
or [hl]
inc hl
or [hl]
inc hl
inc hl
or [hl]
jr nz, .asm_374f
pop hl
NamePointers:: ; 375d (0:375d)
dw MonsterNames
dw MoveNames
dw UnusedNames
dw ItemNames
dw W_PARTYMON1OT ; player's OT names list
dw W_ENEMYMON1OT ; enemy's OT names list
dw TrainerNames
GetName:: ; 376b (0:376b)
; arguments:
; [$D0B5] = which name
; [$D0B6] = which list (W_LISTTYPE)
; [$D0B7] = bank of list
; returns pointer to name in de
ld a,[$d0b5]
ld [$d11e],a
cp a,$C4 ;it's TM/HM
jp nc,GetMachineName
push af
push hl
push bc
push de
ld a,[W_LISTTYPE] ;List3759_entrySelector
dec a
jr nz,.otherEntries
call GetMonName
ld hl,11
add hl,de
ld e,l
ld d,h
jr .gotPtr
.otherEntries ; $378d
ld a,[$d0b7]
ld [$2000],a
ld a,[W_LISTTYPE] ;VariousNames' entryID
dec a
add a
ld d,0
ld e,a
jr nc,.skip
inc d
.skip ; $37a0
ld hl,NamePointers
add hl,de
ld a,[hli]
ld [$ff96],a
ld a,[hl]
ld [$ff95],a
ld a,[$ff95]
ld h,a
ld a,[$ff96]
ld l,a
ld a,[$d0b5]
ld b,a
ld c,0
ld d,h
ld e,l
ld a,[hli]
cp a, "@"
jr nz,.nextChar
inc c ;entry counter
ld a,b ;wanted entry
cp c
jr nz,.nextName
ld h,d
ld l,e
ld de,$cd6d
ld bc,$0014
call CopyData
.gotPtr ; $37cd
ld a,e
ld [$cf8d],a
ld a,d
ld [$cf8e],a
pop de
pop bc
pop hl
pop af
ld [$2000],a
GetItemPrice:: ; 37df (0:37df)
push af
ld a, [wListMenuID] ; $cf94
cp $1
2014-01-07 18:12:05 +00:00
ld a, $1 ; hardcoded Bank
jr nz, .asm_37ed
2014-01-07 18:12:05 +00:00
ld a, $f ; hardcoded Bank
ld [$2000], a
ld hl, $cf8f
ld a, [hli]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
ld a, [$cf91]
2013-07-05 05:41:18 +00:00
cp HM_01
jr nc, .asm_3812
ld bc, $3
add hl, bc
dec a
jr nz, .asm_3802
dec hl
ld a, [hld]
ld [$ff8d], a
ld a, [hld]
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
ld a, [hl]
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1], a ; $ff8b
jr .asm_381c
2014-01-07 18:12:05 +00:00
ld a, Bank(GetMachinePrice)
ld [$2000], a
2013-07-05 05:41:18 +00:00
call GetMachinePrice
pop af
ld [$2000], a
; copies a string from [de] to [$cf4b]
CopyStringToCF4B:: ; 3826 (0:3826)
ld hl, $cf4b
; fall through
; copies a string from [de] to [hl]
CopyString:: ; 3829 (0:3829)
ld a, [de]
inc de
ld [hli], a
cp "@"
jr nz, CopyString
; this function is used when lower button sensitivity is wanted (e.g. menus)
; OUTPUT: [$ffb5] = pressed buttons in usual format
; there are two flags that control its functionality, [$ffb6] and [$ffb7]
; there are esentially three modes of operation
; 1. Get newly pressed buttons only
; ([$ffb7] == 0, [$ffb6] == any)
; Just copies [H_NEWLYPRESSEDBUTTONS] to [$ffb5].
; 2. Get currently pressed buttons at low sample rate with delay
; ([$ffb7] == 1, [$ffb6] != 0)
; If the user holds down buttons for more than half a second,
; report buttons as being pressed up to 12 times per second thereafter.
; If the user holds down buttons for less than half a second,
; report only one button press.
; 3. Same as 2, but report no buttons as pressed if A or B is held down.
; ([$ffb7] == 1, [$ffb6] == 0)
GetJoypadStateLowSensitivity:: ; 3831 (0:3831)
call GetJoypadState
ld a,[$ffb7] ; flag
and a ; get all currently pressed buttons or only newly pressed buttons?
ld a,[H_NEWLYPRESSEDBUTTONS] ; newly pressed buttons
jr z,.storeButtonState
ld a,[H_CURRENTPRESSEDBUTTONS] ; all currently pressed buttons
ld [$ffb5],a
ld a,[H_NEWLYPRESSEDBUTTONS] ; newly pressed buttons
and a ; have any buttons been newly pressed since last check?
jr z,.noNewlyPressedButtons
ld a,30 ; half a second delay
and a ; is the delay over?
jr z,.delayOver
xor a
ld [$ffb5],a ; report no buttons as pressed
; if [$ffb6] = 0 and A or B is pressed, report no buttons as pressed
and a,%00000011 ; A and B buttons
jr z,.setShortDelay
ld a,[$ffb6] ; flag
and a
jr nz,.setShortDelay
xor a
ld [$ffb5],a
ld a,5 ; 1/12 of a second delay
WaitForTextScrollButtonPress:: ; 3865 (0:3865)
ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1] ; $ff8b
push af
ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2] ; $ff8c
push af
xor a
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1], a ; $ff8b
ld a, $6
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
push hl
ld a, [$d09b]
and a
jr z, .asm_387c
call Func_716c6
FuncCoord 18, 16 ; $c4f2
ld hl, Coord
call HandleDownArrowBlinkTiming
pop hl
call GetJoypadStateLowSensitivity
ld a, $2d
call Predef ; indirect jump to Func_5a5f (5a5f (1:5a5f))
ld a, [$ffb5]
jr z, .asm_3872
pop af
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
pop af
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1], a ; $ff8b
; (unlass in link battle) waits for A or B being pressed and outputs the scrolling sound effect
ManualTextScroll:: ; 3898 (0:3898)
ld a, [W_ISLINKBATTLE] ; $d12b
cp $4
jr z, .inLinkBattle
call WaitForTextScrollButtonPress
2014-04-07 20:16:45 +00:00
ld a, (SFX_02_40 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
jp PlaySound
ld c, $41
jp DelayFrames
; function to do multiplication
; all values are big endian
; FF96-FF98 = multiplicand
; FF99 = multiplier
; FF95-FF98 = product
Multiply:: ; 38ac (0:38ac)
push hl
push bc
callab _Multiply
pop bc
pop hl
; function to do division
; all values are big endian
; FF95-FF98 = dividend
; FF99 = divisor
; b = number of bytes in the dividend (starting from FF95)
; FF95-FF98 = quotient
; FF99 = remainder
Divide:: ; 38b9 (0:38b9)
push hl
push de
push bc
push af
2014-01-07 18:12:05 +00:00
ld a,Bank(_Divide)
ld [$2000],a
call _Divide
pop af
ld [$2000],a
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
; This function is used to wait a short period after printing a letter to the
; screen unless the player presses the A/B button or the delay is turned off
; through the [$d730] or [$d358] flags.
PrintLetterDelay:: ; 38d3 (0:38d3)
ld a,[$d730]
bit 6,a
ret nz
ld a,[$d358]
bit 1,a
ret z
push hl
push de
push bc
ld a,[$d358]
bit 0,a
jr z,.waitOneFrame
ld a,[$d355]
and a,$0f
jr .checkButtons
ld a,1
call GetJoypadState
bit 0,a ; is the A button pressed?
jr z,.checkBButton
jr .endWait
bit 1,a ; is the B button pressed?
jr z,.buttonsNotPressed
call DelayFrame
jr .done
.buttonsNotPressed ; if neither A nor B is pressed
and a
jr nz,.checkButtons
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
; Copies [hl, bc) to [de, bc - hl).
; In other words, the source data is from hl up to but not including bc,
; and the destination is de.
CopyDataUntil:: ; 3913 (0:3913)
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
ld a,h
cp b
jr nz,CopyDataUntil
ld a,l
cp c
jr nz,CopyDataUntil
; Function to remove a pokemon from the party or the current box.
; wWhichPokemon determines the pokemon.
; [$cf95] == 0 specifies the party.
; [$cf95] != 0 specifies the current box.
RemovePokemon:: ; 391f (0:391f)
ld hl, _RemovePokemon
ld b, BANK(_RemovePokemon)
jp Bankswitch
AddPokemonToParty:: ; 3927 (0:3927)
push hl
push de
push bc
callba _AddPokemonToParty
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
; calculates all 5 stats of current mon and writes them to [de]
CalcStats:: ; 3936 (0:3936)
ld c, $0
inc c
call CalcStat
ld [de], a
inc de
ld [de], a
inc de
ld a, c
cp $5
jr nz, .statsLoop
; calculates stat c of current mon
; c: stat to calc (HP=1,Atk=2,Def=3,Spd=4,Spc=5)
; b: consider stat exp?
; hl: base ptr to stat exp values ([hl + 2*c - 1] and [hl + 2*c])
CalcStat:: ; 394a (0:394a)
push hl
push de
push bc
ld a, b
ld d, a
push hl
ld b, $0
add hl, bc
ld a, [hl] ; read base value of stat
ld e, a
pop hl
push hl
sla c
ld a, d
and a
jr z, .statExpDone ; consider stat exp?
add hl, bc ; skip to corresponding stat exp value
.statExpLoop ; calculates ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) in b
xor a
inc b ; increment current stat exp bonus
ld a, b
cp $ff
jr z, .statExpDone
call Multiply
ld a, [hld]
ld d, a
ld a, [$ff98]
sub d
ld a, [hli]
ld d, a
ld a, [$ff97]
sbc d ; test if (current stat exp bonus)^2 < stat exp
jr c, .statExpLoop
srl c
pop hl
push bc
ld bc, $b ; skip to stat IV values
add hl, bc
pop bc
ld a, c
cp $2
jr z, .getAttackIV
cp $3
jr z, .getDefenseIV
cp $4
jr z, .getSpeedIV
cp $5
jr z, .getSpecialIV
push bc
ld a, [hl] ; Atk IV
swap a
and $1
sla a
sla a
sla a
ld b, a
ld a, [hli] ; Def IV
and $1
sla a
sla a
add b
ld b, a
ld a, [hl] ; Spd IV
swap a
and $1
sla a
add b
ld b, a
ld a, [hl] ; Spc IV
and $1
add b ; HP IV: LSB of the other 4 IVs
pop bc
jr .calcStatFromIV
ld a, [hl]
swap a
and $f
jr .calcStatFromIV
ld a, [hl]
and $f
jr .calcStatFromIV
inc hl
ld a, [hl]
swap a
and $f
jr .calcStatFromIV
inc hl
ld a, [hl]
and $f
ld d, $0
add e
ld e, a
jr nc, .noCarry
inc d ; de = Base + IV
sla e
rl d ; de = (Base + IV) * 2
srl b
srl b ; b = ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) / 4
ld a, b
add e
jr nc, .noCarry2
inc d ; da = (Base + IV) * 2 + ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) / 4
ld a, d
xor a
ld a, [W_CURENEMYLVL] ; $d127
call Multiply ; ((Base + IV) * 2 + ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) / 4) * Level
ld [H_DIVIDEND], a
ld [H_DIVIDEND+1], a
ld [H_DIVIDEND+2], a
ld a, $64
ld [H_DIVISOR], a
ld a, $3
ld b, a
call Divide ; (((Base + IV) * 2 + ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) / 4) * Level) / 100
ld a, c
cp $1
ld a, $5
jr nz, .notHPStat
ld a, [W_CURENEMYLVL] ; $d127
ld b, a
add b
jr nc, .noCarry3
inc a
ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+1], a ; HP: (((Base + IV) * 2 + ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) / 4) * Level) / 100 + Level
ld a, $a
ld b, a
add b
jr nc, .noCarry4
inc a ; non-HP: (((Base + IV) * 2 + ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) / 4) * Level) / 100 + 5
ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+1], a ; HP: (((Base + IV) * 2 + ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) / 4) * Level) / 100 + Level + 10
ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND+1] ; check for overflow (>999)
cp $4
jr nc, .overflow
cp $3
jr c, .noOverflow
cp $e8
jr c, .noOverflow
ld a, $3 ; overflow: cap at 999
ld a, $e7
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
AddEnemyMonToPlayerParty:: ; 3a53 (0:3a53)
push af
ld a, BANK(_AddEnemyMonToPlayerParty)
ld [$2000], a
call _AddEnemyMonToPlayerParty
pop bc
ld a, b
ld [$2000], a
Func_3a68:: ; 3a68 (0:3a68)
push af
ld a, BANK(Func_f51e)
ld [$2000], a
call Func_f51e
pop bc
ld a, b
ld [$2000], a
; skips a text entries, each of size $b (like trainer name, OT name, rival name, ...)
; hl: base pointer, will be incremented by $b * a
SkipFixedLengthTextEntries:: ; 3a7d (0:3a7d)
and a
ret z
ld bc, $b
add hl, bc
dec a
jr nz, .skipLoop
AddNTimes:: ; 3a87 (0:3a87)
; add bc to hl a times
and a
ret z
add hl,bc
dec a
jr nz,.loop
; Compare strings, c bytes in length, at de and hl.
; Often used to compare big endian numbers in battle calculations.
StringCmp:: ; 3a8e (0:3a8e)
ld a,[de]
cp [hl]
ret nz
inc de
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,StringCmp
; a = oam block index (each block is 4 oam entries)
; b = Y coordinate of upper left corner of sprite
; c = X coordinate of upper left corner of sprite
; de = base address of 4 tile number and attribute pairs
WriteOAMBlock:: ; 3a97 (0:3a97)
ld h,$c3
swap a ; multiply by 16
ld l,a
call .writeOneEntry ; upper left
push bc
ld a,8
add c
ld c,a
call .writeOneEntry ; upper right
pop bc
ld a,8
add b
ld b,a
call .writeOneEntry ; lower left
ld a,8
add c
ld c,a
; lower right
ld [hl],b ; Y coordinate
inc hl
ld [hl],c ; X coordinate
inc hl
ld a,[de] ; tile number
inc de
ld [hli],a
ld a,[de] ; attribute
inc de
ld [hli],a
HandleMenuInput:: ; 3abe (0:3abe)
xor a
ld [$d09b],a
HandleMenuInputPokemonSelection:: ; 3ac2 (0:3ac2)
push af
push af ; save existing values on stack
xor a
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1],a ; blinking down arrow timing value 1
ld a,$06
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2],a ; blinking down arrow timing value 2
xor a
ld [$d08b],a ; counter for pokemon shaking animation
call PlaceMenuCursor
call Delay3
push hl
ld a,[$d09b]
and a ; is it a pokemon selection menu?
jr z,.getJoypadState
callba AnimatePartyMon ; shake mini sprite of selected pokemon
pop hl
call GetJoypadStateLowSensitivity
ld a,[$ffb5]
and a ; was a key pressed?
jr nz,.keyPressed
push hl
FuncCoord 18,11 ; coordinates of blinking down arrow in some menus
ld hl,Coord
call HandleDownArrowBlinkTiming ; blink down arrow (if any)
pop hl
ld a,[wMenuJoypadPollCount]
dec a
jr z,.giveUpWaiting
jr .loop2
; if a key wasn't pressed within the specified number of checks
pop af
pop af
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1],a ; restore previous values
xor a
ld [wMenuWrappingEnabled],a ; disable menu wrapping
xor a
ld [$cc4b],a
ld a,[$ffb5]
ld b,a
bit 6,a ; pressed Up key?
jr z,.checkIfDownPressed
ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem] ; selected menu item
and a ; already at the top of the menu?
jr z,.alreadyAtTop
dec a
ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a ; move selected menu item up one space
jr .checkOtherKeys
ld a,[wMenuWrappingEnabled]
and a ; is wrapping around enabled?
jr z,.noWrappingAround
ld a,[wMaxMenuItem]
ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a ; wrap to the bottom of the menu
jr .checkOtherKeys
bit 7,a
jr z,.checkOtherKeys
ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem]
inc a
ld c,a
ld a,[wMaxMenuItem]
cp c
jr nc,.notAtBottom
ld a,[wMenuWrappingEnabled]
and a ; is wrapping around enabled?
jr z,.noWrappingAround
ld c,$00 ; wrap from bottom to top
ld a,c
ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a
ld a,[wMenuWatchedKeys]
and b ; does the menu care about any of the pressed keys?
jp z,.loop1
ld a,[$ffb5]
and a,%00000011 ; pressed A button or B button?
jr z,.skipPlayingSound
push hl
ld hl,wFlags_0xcd60
bit 5,[hl]
pop hl
jr nz,.skipPlayingSound
2014-04-07 20:16:45 +00:00
ld a,(SFX_02_40 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
call PlaySound ; play sound
pop af
pop af
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1],a ; restore previous values
xor a
ld [wMenuWrappingEnabled],a ; disable menu wrapping
ld a,[$ffb5]
ld a,[$cc37]
and a ; should we return if the user tried to go past the top or bottom?
jr z,.checkOtherKeys
jr .checkIfAButtonOrBButtonPressed
PlaceMenuCursor:: ; 3b7c (0:3b7c)
ld a,[wTopMenuItemY]
and a ; is the y coordinate 0?
jr z,.adjustForXCoord
ld hl,wTileMap
ld bc,20 ; screen width
add hl,bc
dec a
jr nz,.topMenuItemLoop
ld a,[wTopMenuItemX]
ld b,$00
ld c,a
add hl,bc
push hl
ld a,[wLastMenuItem]
and a ; was the previous menu id 0?
jr z,.checkForArrow1
push af
ld a,[$fff6]
bit 1,a ; is the menu double spaced?
jr z,.doubleSpaced1
ld bc,20
jr .getOldMenuItemScreenPosition
ld bc,40
pop af
add hl,bc
dec a
jr nz,.oldMenuItemLoop
ld a,[hl]
cp a,"▶" ; was an arrow next to the previously selected menu item?
jr nz,.skipClearingArrow
ld a,[wTileBehindCursor]
ld [hl],a
pop hl
ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem]
and a
jr z,.checkForArrow2
push af
ld a,[$fff6]
bit 1,a ; is the menu double spaced?
jr z,.doubleSpaced2
ld bc,20
jr .getCurrentMenuItemScreenPosition
ld bc,40
pop af
add hl,bc
dec a
jr nz,.currentMenuItemLoop
ld a,[hl]
cp a,"▶" ; has the right arrow already been placed?
jr z,.skipSavingTile ; if so, don't lose the saved tile
ld [wTileBehindCursor],a ; save tile before overwriting with right arrow
ld a,"▶" ; place right arrow
ld [hl],a
ld a,l
ld [wMenuCursorLocation],a
ld a,h
ld [wMenuCursorLocation + 1],a
ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem]
ld [wLastMenuItem],a
; This is used to mark a menu cursor other than the one currently being
; manipulated. In the case of submenus, this is used to show the location of
; the menu cursor in the parent menu. In the case of swapping items in list,
; this is used to mark the item that was first chosen to be swapped.
PlaceUnfilledArrowMenuCursor:: ; 3bec (0:3bec)
ld b,a
ld a,[wMenuCursorLocation]
ld l,a
ld a,[wMenuCursorLocation + 1]
ld h,a
ld [hl],$ec ; outline of right arrow
ld a,b
; Replaces the menu cursor with a blank space.
EraseMenuCursor:: ; 3bf9 (0:3bf9)
ld a,[wMenuCursorLocation]
ld l,a
ld a,[wMenuCursorLocation + 1]
ld h,a
ld [hl]," "
; This toggles a blinking down arrow at hl on and off after a delay has passed.
; This is often called even when no blinking is occurring.
; The reason is that most functions that call this initialize H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1 to 0.
; The effect is that if the tile at hl is initialized with a down arrow,
; this function will toggle that down arrow on and off, but if the tile isn't
; initliazed with a down arrow, this function does nothing.
; That allows this to be called without worrying about if a down arrow should
; be blinking.
HandleDownArrowBlinkTiming:: ; 3c04 (0:3c04)
ld a,[hl]
ld b,a
ld a,$ee ; down arrow
cp b
jr nz,.downArrowOff
dec a
ret nz
dec a
ret nz
ld a," "
ld [hl],a
ld a,$ff
ld a,$06
and a
ret z
dec a
ret nz
dec a
dec a
ret nz
ld a,$06
ld a,$ee ; down arrow
ld [hl],a
; The following code either enables or disables the automatic drawing of
; text boxes by DisplayTextID. Both functions cause DisplayTextID to wait
; for a button press after displaying text (unless [$cc47] is set).
EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing:: ; 3c3c (0:3c3c)
xor a
jr AutoTextBoxDrawingCommon
DisableAutoTextBoxDrawing:: ; 3c3f (0:3c3f)
ld a,$01
AutoTextBoxDrawingCommon:: ; 3c41 (0:3c41)
ld [$cf0c],a ; control text box drawing
xor a
ld [$cc3c],a ; make DisplayTextID wait for button press
PrintText:: ; 3c49 (0:3c49)
; given a pointer in hl, print the text there
push hl
ld a,1
ld [$D125],a
call DisplayTextBoxID
call UpdateSprites
call Delay3
pop hl
Func_3c59:: ; 3c59 (0:3c59)
FuncCoord 1,14
ld bc,Coord ;$C4B9
jp TextCommandProcessor
; converts a big-endian binary number into decimal and prints it
; b = flags and number of bytes
; bit 7: if set, print leading zeroes
; if unset, do not print leading zeroes
; bit 6: if set, left-align the string (do not pad empty digits with spaces)
; if unset, right-align the string
; bits 4-5: unused
; bits 0-3: number of bytes (only 1 - 3 bytes supported)
; c = number of decimal digits
; de = address of the number (big-endian)
PrintNumber:: ; 3c5f (0:3c5f)
push bc
xor a
ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 1],a
ld a,b
and a,%00001111
cp a,1
jr z,.oneByte
cp a,2
jr z,.twoBytes
ld a,[de]
inc de
ld a,[de]
ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 1],a
inc de
ld a,[de]
ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 2],a
jr .checkNumDigits
ld a,[de]
ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 1],a
inc de
ld a,[de]
ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 2],a
jr .checkNumDigits
ld a,[de]
ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 2],a
push de
ld d,b
ld a,c
ld b,a
xor a
ld c,a
ld a,b ; a = number of decimal digits
cp a,2
jr z,.tensPlace
cp a,3
jr z,.hundredsPlace
cp a,4
jr z,.thousandsPlace
cp a,5
jr z,.tenThousandsPlace
cp a,6
jr z,.hundredThousandsPlace
ld a,1000000 >> 16
ld a,(1000000 >> 8) & $FF
ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 1],a
ld a,1000000 & $FF
ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 2],a
call PrintNumber_PrintDigit
call PrintNumber_AdvancePointer
ld a,100000 >> 16
ld a,(100000 >> 8) & $FF
ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 1],a
ld a,100000 & $FF
ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 2],a
call PrintNumber_PrintDigit
call PrintNumber_AdvancePointer
xor a
ld a,10000 >> 8
ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 1],a
ld a,10000 & $FF
ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 2],a
call PrintNumber_PrintDigit
call PrintNumber_AdvancePointer
xor a
ld a,1000 >> 8
ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 1],a
ld a,1000 & $FF
ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 2],a
call PrintNumber_PrintDigit
call PrintNumber_AdvancePointer
xor a
xor a
ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 1],a
ld a,100
ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 2],a
call PrintNumber_PrintDigit
call PrintNumber_AdvancePointer
ld c,00
ld a,[H_NUMTOPRINT + 2]
cp a,10
jr c,.underflow
sub a,10
inc c
jr .loop
ld b,a
or c
jr nz,.pastLeadingZeroes
call PrintNumber_PrintLeadingZero
jr .advancePointer
ld a,"0"
add c
ld [hl],a
call PrintNumber_AdvancePointer
ld a,"0"
add b
ld [hli],a
pop de
dec de
pop bc
; prints a decimal digit
; This works by repeatedely subtracting a power of ten until the number becomes negative.
; The number of subtractions it took in order to make the number negative is the digit for the current number place.
; The last value that the number had before becoming negative is kept as the new value of the number.
; A more succinct description is that the number is divided by a power of ten
; and the quotient becomes the digit while the remainder is stored as the new value of the number.
PrintNumber_PrintDigit:: ; 3d25 (0:3d25)
ld c,0 ; counts number of loop iterations to determine the decimal digit
ld b,a
cp b
jr c,.underflow0
sub b
ld a,[H_POWEROFTEN + 1]
ld b,a
ld a,[H_NUMTOPRINT + 1]
cp b
jr nc,.noBorrowForByte1
or a,0
jr z,.underflow1
dec a
ld a,[H_NUMTOPRINT + 1]
sub b
ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 1],a
ld a,[H_POWEROFTEN + 2]
ld b,a
ld a,[H_NUMTOPRINT + 2]
cp b
jr nc,.noBorrowForByte2
ld a,[H_NUMTOPRINT + 1]
and a
jr nz,.finishByte2BorrowFromByte1
and a
jr z,.underflow2
dec a
xor a
dec a
ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 1],a
ld a,[H_NUMTOPRINT + 2]
sub b
ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 2],a
inc c
jr .loop
ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 1],a
or c
jr z,PrintNumber_PrintLeadingZero
ld a,"0"
add c
ld [hl],a
; prints a leading zero unless they are turned off in the flags
PrintNumber_PrintLeadingZero:: ; 3d83 (0:3d83)
bit 7,d ; print leading zeroes?
ret z
ld [hl],"0"
; increments the pointer unless leading zeroes are not being printed,
; the number is left-aligned, and no nonzero digits have been printed yet
PrintNumber_AdvancePointer:: ; 3d89 (0:3d89)
bit 7,d ; print leading zeroes?
jr nz,.incrementPointer
bit 6,d ; left alignment or right alignment?
jr z,.incrementPointer
and a
ret z
inc hl
; calls a function from a table of function pointers
; a = index within table
; hl = address of function pointer table
CallFunctionInTable:: ; 3d97 (0:3d97)
push hl
push de
push bc
add a
ld d,0
ld e,a
add hl,de
ld a,[hli]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a
ld de,.returnAddress
push de
jp [hl]
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
; Search an array at hl for the value in a.
; Entry size is de bytes.
; Return count b and carry if found.
ld b, 0
ld c, a
ld a, [hl]
cp -1
jr z, .notfound
cp c
jr z, .found
inc b
add hl, de
jr .loop
and a
Func_3dbe:: ; 3dbe (0:3dbe)
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
call ClearSprites
ld a, $1
ld [$cfcb], a
call Func_3e08
call LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer2
call LoadTextBoxTilePatterns
jr Delay3
call GBPalWhiteOut
; The bg map is updated each frame in thirds.
; Wait three frames to let the bg map fully update.
ld c, 3
jp DelayFrames
; Reset BGP and OBP0.
ld a, %11100100 ; 3210
ld [rBGP], a
ld a, %11010000 ; 3100
ld [rOBP0], a
; White out all palettes.
xor a
ld [rBGP],a
ld [rOBP0],a
ld [rOBP1],a
GoPAL_SET_CF1C:: ; 3ded (0:3ded)
ld b,$ff
GoPAL_SET:: ; 3def (0:3def)
ld a,[$cf1b]
and a
ret z
ld a,$45
jp Predef
; Return at hl the palette of
; an HP bar e pixels long.
ld a, e
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
cp 27
ld d, 0 ; green
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr nc, .gotColor
cp 10
inc d ; yellow
jr nc, .gotColor
inc d ; red
ld [hl], d
Func_3e08:: ; 3e08 (0:3e08)
ld hl, $cfc4
ld a, [hl]
push af
res 0, [hl]
push hl
xor a
ld [W_SPRITESETID], a ; $d3a8
call DisableLCD
callba InitMapSprites
call EnableLCD
pop hl
pop af
ld [hl], a
call LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics
call LoadFontTilePatterns
jp UpdateSprites
; Give player quantity c of item b,
; and copy the item's name to $cf4b.
; Return carry on success.
ld a, b
ld [$d11e], a
ld [$cf91], a
ld a, c
ld [$cf96], a
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ld hl,wNumBagItems
call AddItemToInventory
ret nc
call GetItemName
call CopyStringToCF4B
; Give the player monster b at level c.
ld a, b
ld [$cf91], a
ld a, c
ld [$d127], a
xor a
ld [$cc49], a
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
ld b, BANK(_GivePokemon)
ld hl, _GivePokemon
jp Bankswitch
; Return a random number in a.
; For battles, use BattleRandom.
push hl
push de
push bc
callba Random_
ld a,[hRandomAdd]
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
; Call predefined function a.
; To preserve other registers, have the
; destination call GetPredefRegisters.
; Save the predef id for GetPredefPointer.
ld [wPredefID], a
; A hack for LoadDestinationWarpPosition.
; See Func_c754 (predef $19).
ld [wPredefParentBank], a
push af
ld a, BANK(GetPredefPointer)
ld [$2000], a
call GetPredefPointer
ld a, [wPredefBank]
ld [$2000], a
ld de, .done
push de
jp [hl]
pop af
ld [$2000], a
; Restore the contents of register pairs
; when GetPredefPointer was called.
ld a, [wPredefRegisters + 0]
ld h, a
ld a, [wPredefRegisters + 1]
ld l, a
ld a, [wPredefRegisters + 2]
ld d, a
ld a, [wPredefRegisters + 3]
ld e, a
ld a, [wPredefRegisters + 4]
ld b, a
ld a, [wPredefRegisters + 5]
ld c, a
Func_3ead:: ; 3ead (0:3ead)
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld b, BANK(CinnabarGymQuiz_1eb0a)
ld hl, CinnabarGymQuiz_1eb0a
2013-12-28 18:35:17 +00:00
jp Bankswitch
Func_3eb5:: ; 3eb5 (0:3eb5)
push af
bit 0, a
jr z, .asm_3eea
2014-01-07 18:12:05 +00:00
ld a, Bank(Func_469a0)
ld [$2000], a
call Func_469a0
ld a, [$ffee]
and a
jr nz, .asm_3edd
ld a, [$cd3e]
ld [$2000], a
ld de, .asm_3eda
push de
jp [hl]
xor a
jr .asm_3eec
2014-05-21 15:58:18 +00:00
callba PrintBookshelfText
ld a, [$ffdb]
and a
jr z, .asm_3eec
ld a, $ff
ld [$ffeb], a
pop af
ld [$2000], a
2014-05-21 17:10:07 +00:00
PrintPredefTextID:: ; 3ef5 (0:3ef5)
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
2013-12-15 18:50:05 +00:00
ld hl, PointerTable_3f22
call Func_3f0f
ld hl, $cf11
set 0, [hl]
call DisplayTextID
Func_3f05:: ; 3f05 (0:3f05)
ld hl, W_MAPTEXTPTR ; $d36c
ld a, [$ffec]
ld [hli], a
ld a, [$ffed]
ld [hl], a
Func_3f0f:: ; 3f0f (0:3f0f)
ld a, [W_MAPTEXTPTR] ; $d36c
ld [$ffec], a
ld a, [$d36d]
ld [$ffed], a
ld a, l
ld [W_MAPTEXTPTR], a ; $d36c
ld a, h
ld [$d36d], a
2013-12-15 18:50:05 +00:00
PointerTable_3f22:: ; 3f22 (0:3f22)
dw CardKeySuccessText ; id = 01
dw CardKeyFailText ; id = 02
2014-05-21 23:08:32 +00:00
dw RedBedroomPC ; id = 03
dw RedBedroomSNESText ; id = 04
2014-05-15 23:58:24 +00:00
dw PushStartText ; id = 05
dw SaveOptionText ; id = 06
dw StrengthsAndWeaknessesText ; id = 07
dw OakLabEmailText ; id = 08
dw AerodactylFossilText ; id = 09
dw Route15UpstairsBinocularsText ; id = 0A
2013-12-22 17:04:30 +00:00
dw KabutopsFossilText ; id = 0B
dw GymStatueText1 ; id = 0C
dw GymStatueText2 ; id = 0D
dw BookcaseText ; id = 0E
dw ViridianCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 0F
dw PewterCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 10
dw CeruleanCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 11
dw LavenderCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 12
dw VermilionCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 13
dw CeladonCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 14
dw CeladonCityHotelText ; id = 15
dw FuchsiaCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 16
dw CinnabarIslandPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 17
2013-12-22 17:04:30 +00:00
dw SaffronCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 18
dw MtMoonPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 19
dw RockTunnelPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 1A
2014-05-21 23:08:32 +00:00
dw UnusedBenchGuyText1 ; id = 1B
dw UnusedBenchGuyText2 ; id = 1C
dw UnusedBenchGuyText3 ; id = 1D
2014-05-15 23:58:24 +00:00
dw TerminatorText_62508 ; id = 1E
2014-05-21 17:10:07 +00:00
dw PredefText1f ; id = 1F
dw ViridianSchoolNotebook ; id = 20
dw ViridianSchoolBlackboard ; id = 21
2014-05-15 23:58:24 +00:00
dw JustAMomentText ; id = 22
2014-05-21 17:10:07 +00:00
dw PredefText23 ; id = 23
dw FoundHiddenItemText ; id = 24
dw HiddenItemBagFullText ; id = 25
dw VermilionGymTrashText ; id = 26
dw IndigoPlateauHQText ; id = 27
dw GameCornerOutOfOrderText ; id = 28
dw GameCornerOutToLunchText ; id = 29
dw GameCornerSomeonesKeysText ; id = 2A
dw FoundHiddenCoinsText ; id = 2B
dw DroppedHiddenCoinsText ; id = 2C
dw BillsHouseMonitorText ; id = 2D
dw BillsHouseInitiatedText ; id = 2E
dw BillsHousePokemonList ; id = 2F
2014-05-15 23:58:24 +00:00
dw MagazinesText ; id = 30
dw CinnabarGymQuiz ; id = 31
dw GameCornerNoCoinsText ; id = 32
dw GameCornerCoinCaseText ; id = 33
dw LinkCableHelp ; id = 34
dw TMNotebook ; id = 35
dw FightingDojoText ; id = 36
2014-05-21 23:08:32 +00:00
dw FightingDojoText_52a10 ; id = 37
dw FightingDojoText_52a1d ; id = 38
dw NewBicycleText ; id = 39
dw IndigoPlateauStatues ; id = 3A
dw VermilionGymTrashSuccesText1 ; id = 3B
dw VermilionGymTrashSuccesText2 ; id = 3C
dw VermilionGymTrashSuccesText3 ; id = 3D
dw VermilionGymTrashFailText ; id = 3E
dw TownMapText ; id = 3F
2014-01-06 18:10:06 +00:00
dw BookOrSculptureText ; id = 40
dw ElevatorText ; id = 41
dw PokemonStuffText ; id = 42
SpriteFacingAndAnimationTable: ; 4000 (1:4000)
2013-11-26 15:15:36 +00:00
dw SpriteFacingDownAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters ; facing down, walk animation frame 0
dw SpriteFacingDownAndWalking, SpriteOAMParameters ; facing down, walk animation frame 1
dw SpriteFacingDownAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters ; facing down, walk animation frame 2
dw SpriteFacingDownAndWalking, SpriteOAMParametersFlipped ; facing down, walk animation frame 3
dw SpriteFacingUpAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters ; facing up, walk animation frame 0
dw SpriteFacingUpAndWalking, SpriteOAMParameters ; facing up, walk animation frame 1
dw SpriteFacingUpAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters ; facing up, walk animation frame 2
dw SpriteFacingUpAndWalking, SpriteOAMParametersFlipped ; facing up, walk animation frame 3
dw SpriteFacingLeftAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters ; facing left, walk animation frame 0
dw SpriteFacingLeftAndWalking, SpriteOAMParameters ; facing left, walk animation frame 1
dw SpriteFacingLeftAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters ; facing left, walk animation frame 2
dw SpriteFacingLeftAndWalking, SpriteOAMParameters ; facing left, walk animation frame 3
dw SpriteFacingLeftAndStanding, SpriteOAMParametersFlipped ; facing right, walk animation frame 0
dw SpriteFacingLeftAndWalking, SpriteOAMParametersFlipped ; facing right, walk animation frame 1
dw SpriteFacingLeftAndStanding, SpriteOAMParametersFlipped ; facing right, walk animation frame 2
dw SpriteFacingLeftAndWalking, SpriteOAMParametersFlipped ; facing right, walk animation frame 3
dw SpriteFacingDownAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters ; ---
dw SpriteFacingDownAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters ; This table is used for sprites $a and $b.
dw SpriteFacingDownAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters ; All orientation and animation parameters
dw SpriteFacingDownAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters ; lead to the same result. Used for immobile
dw SpriteFacingDownAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters ; sprites like items on the ground
dw SpriteFacingDownAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters ; ---
dw SpriteFacingDownAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters
dw SpriteFacingDownAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters
dw SpriteFacingDownAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters
dw SpriteFacingDownAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters
dw SpriteFacingDownAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters
dw SpriteFacingDownAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters
dw SpriteFacingDownAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters
dw SpriteFacingDownAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters
dw SpriteFacingDownAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters
dw SpriteFacingDownAndStanding, SpriteOAMParameters
SpriteFacingDownAndStanding: ; 4080 (1:4080)
db $00,$01,$02,$03
SpriteFacingDownAndWalking: ; 4084 (1:4084)
db $80,$81,$82,$83
SpriteFacingUpAndStanding: ; 4088 (1:4088)
db $04,$05,$06,$07
SpriteFacingUpAndWalking: ; 408c (1:408c)
db $84,$85,$86,$87
SpriteFacingLeftAndStanding: ; 4090 (1:4090)
db $08,$09,$0a,$0b
SpriteFacingLeftAndWalking: ; 4094 (1:4094)
db $88,$89,$8a,$8b
SpriteOAMParameters: ; 4098 (1:4098)
db $00,$00, $00 ; top left
db $00,$08, $00 ; top right
db $08,$00, OAMFLAG_CANBEMASKED ; bottom left
SpriteOAMParametersFlipped: ; 40a4 (1:40a4)
Func_40b0: ; 40b0 (1:40b0)
xor a
ld [$cf0b], a
ld [$d700], a
ld [W_ISINBATTLE], a ; $d057
ld [$d35d], a
ld [$cf10], a
ld [$cc57], a
ld [wFlags_0xcd60], a
ld [$ff9f], a
ld [$ffa0], a
ld [$ffa1], a
call HasEnoughMoney
jr c, .asm_40ff
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ld a, [wPlayerMoney] ; $d347
ld [$ff9f], a
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ld a, [wPlayerMoney + 1] ; $d348
ld [$ffa0], a
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ld a, [wPlayerMoney + 2] ; $d349
ld [$ffa1], a
xor a
ld [$ffa2], a
ld [$ffa3], a
ld a, $2
ld [$ffa4], a
ld a, $d
call Predef ; indirect jump to Func_f71e (f71e (3:771e))
ld a, [$ffa2]
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ld [wPlayerMoney], a ; $d347
ld a, [$ffa3]
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ld [wPlayerMoney + 1], a ; $d348
ld a, [$ffa4]
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ld [wPlayerMoney + 2], a ; $d349
ld hl, $d732
set 2, [hl]
res 3, [hl]
set 6, [hl]
ld a, $ff
ld [wJoypadForbiddenButtonsMask], a
ld a, $7
jp Predef ; indirect jump to HealParty (f6a5 (3:76a5))
2013-11-09 19:21:51 +00:00
MewPicFront: ; 4112 (1:4112)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/mew.pic"
MewPicBack: ; 4205 (1:4205)
INCBIN "pic/monback/mewb.pic"
INCLUDE "data/baseStats/mew.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/battle/safari_zone.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/titlescreen.asm"
NintenText: ; 45aa (1:45aa)
db "NINTEN@"
SonyText: ; 45b1 (1:45b1)
db "SONY@"
; loads pokemon data from one of multiple sources to $cf98
; loads base stats to $d0b8
; [$cf92] = index of pokemon within party/box
; [$cc49] = source
; 00: player's party
; 01: enemy's party
; 02: current box
; 03: daycare
; [$cf91] = pokemon ID
; $cf98 = base address of pokemon data
; $d0b8 = base address of base stats
LoadMonData_: ; 45b6 (1:45b6)
2014-01-06 00:24:01 +00:00
ld a,[W_DAYCAREMONDATA] ; daycare pokemon ID
ld [$cf91],a
ld a,[$cc49]
cp a,$03
jr z,.GetMonHeader
2014-01-06 18:10:06 +00:00
ld a,[wWhichPokemon]
ld e,a
callab Func_39c37 ; get pokemon ID
ld a,[$cf91]
ld [$d0b5],a ; input for GetMonHeader
call GetMonHeader ; load base stats to $d0b8
ld bc,44
ld a,[$cc49]
cp a,$01
jr c,.getMonEntry
ld hl,wEnemyMons ; enemy pokemon 1 data
jr z,.getMonEntry
cp a,$02
ld hl,W_BOXMON1DATA ; box pokemon 1 data
ld bc,33
jr z,.getMonEntry
2014-01-06 00:24:01 +00:00
ld hl, W_DAYCAREMONDATA ; daycare pokemon data
jr .copyMonData
.getMonEntry ; add the product of the index and the size of each entry
2014-01-06 18:10:06 +00:00
ld a,[wWhichPokemon]
call AddNTimes
ld de,$cf98
ld bc,44
jp CopyData
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/item_prices.asm"
INCLUDE "text/item_names.asm"
UnusedNames: ; 4a92 (1:4a92)
db "かみなりバッヂ@"
db "かいがらバッヂ@"
db "おじぞうバッヂ@"
db "はやぶさバッヂ@"
db "ひんやりバッヂ@"
db "なかよしバッヂ@"
db "バラバッヂ@"
db "ひのたまバッヂ@"
db "ゴールドバッヂ@"
db "たまご@"
db "ひよこ@"
db "ブロンズ@"
db "シルバー@"
db "ゴールド@"
db "プチキャプテン@"
db "キャプテン@"
db "プチマスター@"
db "マスター@"
2013-12-09 15:55:50 +00:00
db "エクセレント"
; calculates the OAM data for all currently visible sprites and writes it to wOAMBuffer
PrepareOAMData: ; 4b0f (1:4b0f)
ld a, [$cfcb]
dec a
jr z, .asm_4b1e
cp $ff
ret nz
ld [$cfcb], a
2014-05-23 22:34:35 +00:00
jp HideSprites
xor a
ld [$ff90], a
ld [$ff8f], a
ld d, $c1
ld a, [$ff8f]
ld e, a
ld a, [de] ; c1x0
and a
jp z, .asm_4bad
inc e
inc e
ld a, [de] ; c1x2 read combined orientation and animation info
ld [$d5cd], a
cp $ff
jr nz, .spriteVisible ; $ff -> offscreen, don't draw
call Func_4bd1
jr .asm_4bad
cp $a0
jr c, .considerOrientation ; if >= $a0, ignore the sprite orientation and animation (by using a different conversion table)
and $f
add $10
jr .asm_4b48
and $f ; the lower nybble contains orientation and animation info
ld l, a
push de
inc d
ld a, e
add $5
ld e, a
ld a, [de] ; c2x7
and $80
ld [$ff94], a ; temp store bit 7 for later use in OAM flags (draws sprite behind background (used for grass))
pop de
ld h, $0
ld bc, SpriteFacingAndAnimationTable
add hl, hl
add hl, hl
add hl, bc ; skip to the table location determined by orientation and animation
ld a, [hli]
ld c, a
ld a, [hli]
ld b, a
ld a, [hli]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
call Func_4bd1
ld a, [$ff90]
ld e, a
ld d, $c3 ; wOAMBuffer+x is buffer for OAM data
.spriteTilesLoop ; loops 4 times for the 4 tiles a sprite consists of
ld a, [$ff92] ; temp for sprite Y position
add $10 ; Y=16 is top of screen (Y=0 is invisible)
add [hl] ; add Y offset from table
ld [de], a ; write new sprite OAM Y position
inc hl
ld a, [$ff91] ; temp for sprite X position
add $8 ; X=8 is left of screen (X=0 is invisible)
add [hl] ; add X offset from table
inc e
ld [de], a ; write new sprite OAM X position
inc e
ld a, [bc] ; read pattern number offset (accomodates orientation (offset 0,4 or 8) and animation (offset 0 or $80))
inc bc
push bc
ld b, a
ld a, [$d5cd] ; temp copy of c1x2
swap a ; high nybble determines sprite used (0 is always player sprite, next are some npcs)
and $f
cp $b ; sprites $a and $b have no orientation or animation and therefore only 4 tiles
jr nz, .calcTileOffset ; (instead of 12), so tile b's offset is a special case
ld a, $7c ; = $a * 12 + 4
jr .doneCalcTileOffset
sla a
sla a
ld c, a
sla a
add c ; a *= 12 (each sprite consists of 12 tiles)
add b ; add orientation and animation offset
pop bc
ld [de], a ; write OAM sprite pattern number
inc hl
inc e
ld a, [hl]
bit 1, a ; bit 1 is ignored for OAM, it's used here as an "always in foregroud" flag.
jr z, .alwaysInForeground
ld a, [$ff94] ; load bit 7 (set to $80 if sprite is in grass and should be drawn behind it)
or [hl]
inc hl
ld [de], a ; write OAM sprite flags
inc e
bit 0, a ; test for OAMFLAG_ENDOFDATA
jr z, .spriteTilesLoop
ld a, e
ld [$ff90], a
ld a, [$ff8f]
add $10
cp $0
jp nz, .asm_4b21
ld a, [$ff90]
ld l, a
ld h, $c3
ld de, $4
ld b, $a0
ld a, [$d736]
bit 6, a
ld a, $a0
jr z, .clearUnusedOAMEntriesLoop
ld a, $90
cp l
ret z
ld [hl], b
add hl, de
jr .clearUnusedOAMEntriesLoop
Func_4bd1: ; 4bd1 (1:4bd1)
inc e
inc e
ld a, [de] ; c1x4
ld [$ff92], a
inc e
inc e
ld a, [de] ; c1x6
ld [$ff91], a
ld a, $4
add e
ld e, a
ld a, [$ff92]
add $4
and $f0
ld [de], a ; c1xa (sprite Y pos (snapped to whole steps (?))
inc e
ld a, [$ff91]
and $f0
ld [de], a ; c1xb (sprite X pos (snapped to whole steps (?))
; copies DMA routine to HRAM. By GB specifications, all DMA needs to be done in HRAM (no other memory section is available during DMA)
WriteDMACodeToHRAM: ; 4bed (1:4bed)
ld c, $80
ld b, $a
ld hl, DMARoutine
ld a, [hli]
ld [$ff00+c], a
inc c
dec b
jr nz, .copyLoop
; this routine is copied to HRAM and executed there on every VBlank
DMARoutine: ; 4bfb (1:4bfb)
ld a, $c3
ld [$ff46], a ; start DMA
ld a, $28
.waitLoop ; wait for DMA to finish
dec a
jr nz, .waitLoop
2014-05-21 15:58:18 +00:00
PrintWaitingText: ; 4c05 (1:4c05)
FuncCoord 3, 10 ; $c46b
ld hl, Coord
ld b, $1
ld c, $b
ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE] ; $d057
and a
jr z, .asm_4c17
call TextBoxBorder
jr .asm_4c1a
call Func_5ab3
FuncCoord 4, 11 ; $c480
ld hl, Coord
ld de, WaitingText
call PlaceString
ld c, $32
jp DelayFrames
2013-09-01 20:34:39 +00:00
WaitingText: ; 4c28 (1:4c28)
db "Waiting...!@"
_UpdateSprites: ; 4c34 (1:4c34)
ld h, $c1
inc h
ld a, $e ; $c20e
ld l, a
sub $e
ld c, a
ld a, [hl]
and a
jr z, .skipSprite ; tests $c2Xe
push hl
push de
push bc
call .updateCurrentSprite
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
ld a, l
add $10 ; move to next sprite
cp $e ; test for overflow (back at $0e)
jr nz, .spriteLoop
.updateCurrentSprite ; 4c54 (1:4c54)
cp $1
jp nz, UpdateNonPlayerSprite
jp UpdatePlayerSprite
UpdateNonPlayerSprite: ; 4c5c (1:4c5c)
dec a
swap a
ld [$ff93], a ; $10 * sprite#
ld a, [$cf17] ; some sprite offset?
ld b, a
cp b
jr nz, .unequal
jp Func_5236
jp Func_4ed1
Func_4c70: ; 4c70 (1:4c70)
ld h, $c1
add $0
ld l, a
ld a, [hl]
and a
ret z
ld a, l
add $3
ld l, a
ld a, [hli]
call Func_4d72
ld a, [hli]
add $4
add b
and $f0
or c
ld [$ff90], a
ld a, [hli]
call Func_4d72
ld a, [hl]
add b
and $f0
or c
ld [$ff91], a
ld a, l
add $7
ld l, a
xor a
ld [hld], a
ld [hld], a
ld a, [$ff91]
ld [hld], a
ld a, [$ff90]
ld [hl], a
xor a
Func_4ca5: ; 4ca5 (1:4ca5)
ld [$ff8f], a
swap a
ld e, a
cp e
jp z, .asm_4d69
ld d, h
ld a, [de]
and a
jp z, .asm_4d69
inc e
inc e
ld a, [de]
inc a
jp z, .asm_4d69
add $a
ld l, a
inc e
ld a, [de]
call Func_4d72
inc e
ld a, [de]
add $4
add b
and $f0
or c
sub [hl]
jr nc, .asm_4cd4
inc a
ld [$ff90], a
push af
rl c
pop af
rl c
ld b, $7
ld a, [hl]
and $f
jr z, .asm_4ce6
ld b, $9
ld a, [$ff90]
sub b
ld [$ff92], a
ld a, b
ld [$ff90], a
jr c, .asm_4d01
ld b, $7
dec e
ld a, [de]
inc e
and a
jr z, .asm_4cfa
ld b, $9
ld a, [$ff92]
sub b
jr z, .asm_4d01
jr nc, .asm_4d69
inc e
inc l
ld a, [de]
push bc
call Func_4d72
inc e
ld a, [de]
add b
and $f0
or c
pop bc
sub [hl]
jr nc, .asm_4d14
inc a
ld [$ff91], a
push af
rl c
pop af
rl c
ld b, $7
ld a, [hl]
and $f
jr z, .asm_4d26
ld b, $9
ld a, [$ff91]
sub b
ld [$ff92], a
ld a, b
ld [$ff91], a
jr c, .asm_4d41
ld b, $7
dec e
ld a, [de]
inc e
and a
jr z, .asm_4d3a
ld b, $9
ld a, [$ff92]
sub b
jr z, .asm_4d41
jr nc, .asm_4d69
ld a, [$ff91]
ld b, a
ld a, [$ff90]
inc l
cp b
jr c, .asm_4d4e
ld b, $c
jr .asm_4d50
ld b, $3
ld a, c
and b
or [hl]
ld [hl], a
ld a, c
inc l
inc l
ld a, [$ff8f]
2013-08-20 17:49:05 +00:00
ld de, DiagonalLines ; $4d85
add a
add e
ld e, a
jr nc, .asm_4d62
inc d
ld a, [de]
or [hl]
ld [hli], a
inc de
ld a, [de]
or [hl]
ld [hl], a
ld a, [$ff8f]
inc a
cp $10
jp nz, Func_4ca5
Func_4d72: ; 4d72 (1:4d72)
and a
ld b, $0
ld c, $0
jr z, .asm_4d84
ld c, $9
cp $ff
jr z, .asm_4d83
ld c, $7
ld a, $0
ld b, a
2013-08-20 17:49:05 +00:00
DiagonalLines: ; 4d85 (1:4d85)
INCBIN "gfx/diagonal_lines.2bpp"
2013-08-20 17:49:05 +00:00
2013-12-09 15:55:50 +00:00
Func_4da5: ; 4da5 (1:4da5)
2013-11-15 06:56:54 +00:00
Func_4da6: ; 4da6 (1:4da6)
call GBPalNormal
ld a, $80
ld hl, W_FLAGS_D733
set 0, [hl]
xor a
ld [hli], a
dec a
ld [hl], a
ld a, $1
ld [$cf91], a
2014-05-16 20:15:59 +00:00
ld a, 20
2013-11-15 06:56:54 +00:00
xor a
ld [$cc49], a
ld [W_CURMAP], a
call AddPokemonToParty
2014-05-16 20:15:59 +00:00
ld a, RHYDON
2013-11-15 06:56:54 +00:00
ld a, $2c
call Predef
ld a, $1
ld [$cfcb], a
jr Func_4da6
PickupItem: ; 4de1 (1:4de1)
call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing
ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2] ; $ff8c
ld b, a
ld a, [hli]
cp $ff
ret z
cp b
jr z, .isMissable
inc hl
jr .missableObjectsListLoop
ld a, [hl]
ld [$ffdb], a
ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2] ; $ff8c
dec a
add a
ld d, $0
ld e, a
add hl, de ; seek to item data of found item
ld a, [hl] ; read Item type
ld b, a
2013-07-01 16:45:17 +00:00
ld c, 1 ; quantity is 1
call GiveItem
2013-07-01 16:45:17 +00:00
jr nc, .BagFull
ld a, [$ffdb]
ld [$cc4d], a
ld a, $11
call Predef ; indirect jump to RemoveMissableObject (f1d7 (3:71d7))
ld a, $1
ld [$cc3c], a
ld hl, FoundItemText
jr .printText
2013-07-01 16:45:17 +00:00
ld hl, NoMoreRoomForItemText
call PrintText
FoundItemText: ; 4e26 (1:4e26)
TX_FAR _FoundItemText
db $0B
db "@"
NoMoreRoomForItemText: ; 4e2c (1:4e2c)
TX_FAR _NoMoreRoomForItemText
db "@"
UpdatePlayerSprite: ; 4e31 (1:4e31)
ld a, [wSpriteStateData2]
and a
jr z, .asm_4e41
cp $ff
jr z, .asm_4e4a
dec a
ld [wSpriteStateData2], a
jr .asm_4e4a
FuncCoord 8, 9 ; $c45c
ld a, [Coord]
ld [$ff93], a
cp $60
jr c, .asm_4e50
ld a, $ff
ld [$c102], a
call Func_4c70
ld h, $c1
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ld a, [wWalkCounter] ; $cfc5
and a
jr nz, .asm_4e90
ld a, [$d528]
bit 2, a
jr z, .asm_4e65
xor a
jr .asm_4e86
bit 3, a
jr z, .asm_4e6d
ld a, $4
jr .asm_4e86
bit 1, a
jr z, .asm_4e75
ld a, $8
jr .asm_4e86
bit 0, a
jr z, .asm_4e7d
ld a, $c
jr .asm_4e86
xor a
ld [$c107], a
ld [$c108], a
jr .asm_4eab
ld [$c109], a
ld a, [$cfc4]
bit 0, a
jr nz, .asm_4e7d
ld a, [$d736]
bit 7, a
jr nz, .asm_4eb6
add $7
ld l, a
ld a, [hl]
inc a
ld [hl], a
cp $4
jr nz, .asm_4eab
xor a
ld [hl], a
inc hl
ld a, [hl]
inc a
and $3
ld [hl], a
ld a, [$c108]
ld b, a
ld a, [$c109]
add b
ld [$c102], a
ld a, [$ff93]
ld c, a
cp c
ld a, $0
jr nz, .asm_4ec3
ld a, $80
ld [$c207], a
2013-11-15 06:56:54 +00:00
Func_4ec7: ; 4ec7 (1:4ec7)
push bc
push af
ld a, [$ffda]
ld c, a
pop af
add c
ld l, a
pop bc
Func_4ed1: ; 4ed1 (1:4ed1)
swap a
dec a
add a
ld hl, W_MAPSPRITEDATA ; $d4e4
add l
ld l, a
ld a, [hl] ; read movement byte 2
ld [wCurSpriteMovement2], a
ld h, $c1
ld l, a
inc l
ld a, [hl] ; c1x1
and a
jp z, InitializeSpriteStatus
call CheckSpriteAvailability
ret c ; if sprite is invisible, on tile >=$60, in grass or player is currently walking
ld h, $c1
ld l, a
inc l
ld a, [hl] ; c1x1
bit 7, a
jp nz, InitializeSpriteFacingDirection ; c1x1 >= $80
ld b, a
ld a, [$cfc4]
bit 0, a
jp nz, notYetMoving
ld a, b
cp $2
jp z, UpdateSpriteMovementDelay ; c1x1 == 2
cp $3
jp z, UpdateSpriteInWalkingAnimation ; c1x1 == 3
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ld a, [wWalkCounter] ; $cfc5
and a
ret nz ; don't do anything yet if player is currently moving (redundant, already tested in CheckSpriteAvailability)
call InitializeSpriteScreenPosition
ld h, $c2
add $6
ld l, a
ld a, [hl] ; c2x6: movement byte 1
inc a
jr z, .asm_4f59 ; value $FF
inc a
jr z, .asm_4f59 ; value $FE
dec a
ld [hl], a ; (temporarily) increment movement byte 1
dec a
push hl
ld hl, $cf0f
dec [hl] ; decrement $cf0f
pop hl
ld de, $cc5b
call LoadDEPlusA ; a = [$cc5b + movement byte 1]
cp $e0
jp z, ChangeFacingDirection
cp $ff
jr nz, .asm_4f4b
ld [hl], a ; reset movement byte 1 to initial value
ld hl, $d730
res 0, [hl]
xor a
ld [$cd38], a
ld [$cd3a], a
cp $fe
jr nz, .asm_4f5f
ld [hl], $1 ; set movement byte 1 to $1
ld de, $cc5b
call LoadDEPlusA ; a = [$cc5b + $fe] (?)
jr .asm_4f5f
call getTileSpriteStandsOn
call Random
ld b, a
ld a, [wCurSpriteMovement2]
cp $d0
jr z, .moveDown ; movement byte 2 = $d0 forces down
cp $d1
jr z, .moveUp ; movement byte 2 = $d1 forces up
cp $d2
jr z, .moveLeft ; movement byte 2 = $d2 forces left
cp $d3
jr z, .moveRight ; movement byte 2 = $d3 forces right
ld a, b
cp $40 ; a < $40: down (or left)
jr nc, .notDown
ld a, [wCurSpriteMovement2]
cp $2
jr z, .moveLeft ; movement byte 2 = $2 only allows left or right
ld de, 2*20
add hl, de ; move tile pointer two rows down
ld de, $100
ld bc, $400
jr TryWalking
cp $80 ; $40 <= a < $80: up (or right)
jr nc, .notUp
ld a, [wCurSpriteMovement2]
cp $2
jr z, .moveRight ; movement byte 2 = $2 only allows left or right
ld de, -2*20 ; $ffd8
add hl, de ; move tile pointer two rows up
ld de, $ff00
ld bc, $804
jr TryWalking
cp $c0 ; $80 <= a < $c0: left (or up)
jr nc, .notLeft
ld a, [wCurSpriteMovement2]
cp $1
jr z, .moveUp ; movement byte 2 = $1 only allows up or down
dec hl
dec hl ; move tile pointer two columns left
ld de, $ff
ld bc, $208
jr TryWalking
.notLeft ; $c0 <= a: right (or down)
ld a, [wCurSpriteMovement2]
cp $1
jr z, .moveDown ; movement byte 2 = $1 only allows up or down
inc hl
inc hl ; move tile pointer two columns right
ld de, $1
ld bc, $10c
jr TryWalking
; changes facing direction by zeroing the movement delta and calling TryWalking
ChangeFacingDirection: ; 4fc8 (1:4fc8)
ld de, $0
; fall through
; b: direction (1,2,4 or 8)
; c: new facing direction (0,4,8 or $c)
; d: Y movement delta (-1, 0 or 1)
; e: X movement delta (-1, 0 or 1)
; hl: pointer to tile the sprite would wlak onto
; set carry on failure, clears carry on success
TryWalking: ; 4fcb (1:4fcb)
push hl
ld h, $c1
add $9
ld l, a
ld [hl], c ; c1x9 (update facing direction)
add $3
ld l, a
ld [hl], d ; c1x3 (update Y movement delta)
inc l
inc l
ld [hl], e ; c1x5 (update X movement delta)
pop hl
push de
ld c, [hl] ; read tile to walk onto
call CanWalkOntoTile
pop de
ret c ; cannot walk there (reinitialization of delay values already done)
ld h, $c2
add $4
ld l, a
ld a, [hl] ; c2x4: Y position
add d
ld [hli], a ; update Y position
ld a, [hl] ; c2x5: X position
add e
ld [hl], a ; update X position
ld l, a
ld [hl], $10 ; c2x0=16: walk animation counter
dec h
inc l
ld [hl], $3 ; c1x1: set movement status to walking
jp UpdateSpriteImage
; update the walking animation parameters for a sprite that is currently walking
UpdateSpriteInWalkingAnimation: ; 4ffe (1:4ffe)
add $7
ld l, a
ld a, [hl] ; c1x7 (counter until next walk animation frame)
inc a
ld [hl], a ; c1x7 += 1
cp $4
jr nz, .noNextAnimationFrame
xor a
ld [hl], a ; c1x7 = 0
inc l
ld a, [hl] ; c1x8 (walk animation frame)
inc a
and $3
ld [hl], a ; advance to next animation frame every 4 ticks (16 ticks total for one step)
add $3
ld l, a
ld a, [hli] ; c1x3 (movement Y delta)
ld b, a
ld a, [hl] ; c1x4 (screen Y position)
add b
ld [hli], a ; update screen Y position
ld a, [hli] ; c1x5 (movement X delta)
ld b, a
ld a, [hl] ; c1x6 (screen X position)
add b
ld [hl], a ; update screen X position
ld l, a
inc h
ld a, [hl] ; c2x0 (walk animantion counter)
dec a
ld [hl], a ; update walk animantion counter
ret nz
ld a, $6 ; walking finished, update state
add l
ld l, a
ld a, [hl] ; c2x6 (movement byte 1)
cp $fe
jr nc, .initNextMovementCounter ; values $fe and $ff
inc a
ld l, a
dec h
ld [hl], $1 ; c1x1 = 1 (movement status ready)
call Random
add $8
ld l, a
ld a, [hRandomAdd]
and $7f
ld [hl], a ; c2x8: set next movement delay to a random value in [0,$7f]
dec h ; note that value 0 actually makes the delay $100 (bug?)
inc a
ld l, a
ld [hl], $2 ; c1x1 = 2 (movement status)
inc l
inc l
xor a
ld b, [hl] ; c1x3 (movement Y delta)
ld [hli], a ; reset movement Y delta
inc l
ld c, [hl] ; c1x5 (movement X delta)
ld [hl], a ; reset movement X delta
; update delay value (c2x8) for sprites in the delayed state (c1x1)
UpdateSpriteMovementDelay: ; 5057 (1:5057)
ld h, $c2
add $6
ld l, a
ld a, [hl] ; c2x6: movement byte 1
inc l
inc l
cp $fe
jr nc, .tickMoveCounter ; values $fe or $ff
ld [hl], $0
jr .moving
dec [hl] ; c2x8: frame counter until next movement
jr nz, notYetMoving
dec h
inc a
ld l, a
ld [hl], $1 ; c1x1 = 1 (mark as ready to move)
notYetMoving: ; 5073 (1:5073)
ld h, $c1
add $8
ld l, a
ld [hl], $0 ; c1x8 = 0 (walk animation frame)
jp UpdateSpriteImage
InitializeSpriteFacingDirection: ; 507f (1:507f)
ld a, [$d72d]
bit 5, a
jr nz, notYetMoving
res 7, [hl]
ld a, [$d52a]
bit 3, a
jr z, .notFacingDown
ld c, $0 ; make sprite face down
jr .facingDirectionDetermined
bit 2, a
jr z, .notFacingUp
ld c, $4 ; make sprite face up
jr .facingDirectionDetermined
bit 1, a
jr z, .notFacingRight
ld c, $c ; make sprite face right
jr .facingDirectionDetermined
ld c, $8 ; make sprite face left
add $9
ld l, a
ld [hl], c ; c1x9: set facing direction
jr notYetMoving
InitializeSpriteStatus: ; 50ad (1:50ad)
ld [hl], $1 ; $c1x1: set movement status to ready
inc l
ld [hl], $ff ; $c1x2: set sprite image to $ff (invisible/off screen)
inc h
add $2
ld l, a
ld a, $8
ld [hli], a ; $c2x2: set Y displacement to 8
ld [hl], a ; $c2x3: set X displacement to 8
; calculates the spprite's scrren position form its map position and the player position
InitializeSpriteScreenPosition: ; 50bd (1:50bd)
ld h, $c2
add $4
ld l, a
ld a, [W_YCOORD] ; $d361
ld b, a
ld a, [hl] ; c2x4 (Y position + 4)
sub b ; relative to player position
swap a ; * 16
sub $4 ; - 4
dec h
ld [hli], a ; c1x4 (screen Y position)
inc h
ld a, [W_XCOORD] ; $d362
ld b, a
ld a, [hli] ; c2x6 (X position + 4)
sub b ; relative to player position
swap a ; * 16
dec h
ld [hl], a ; c1x6 (screen X position)
; tests if sprite is off screen or otherwise unable to do anything
CheckSpriteAvailability: ; 50dc (1:50dc)
ld a, $12
call Predef ; indirect jump to IsMissableObjectHidden (f1a6 (3:71a6))
ld a, [$ffe5]
and a
jp nz, .spriteInvisible
ld h, $c2
add $6
ld l, a
ld a, [hl] ; c2x6: movement byte 1
cp $fe
jr c, .skipXVisibilityTest ; movement byte 1 < $fe
add $4
ld l, a
ld b, [hl] ; c2x4: Y pos (+4)
ld a, [W_YCOORD] ; $d361
cp b
jr z, .skipYVisibilityTest
jr nc, .spriteInvisible ; above screen region
add $8 ; screen is 9 tiles high
cp b
jr c, .spriteInvisible ; below screen region
inc l
ld b, [hl] ; c2x5: X pos (+4)
ld a, [W_XCOORD] ; $d362
cp b
jr z, .skipXVisibilityTest
jr nc, .spriteInvisible ; left of screen region
add $9 ; screen is 10 tiles wide
cp b
jr c, .spriteInvisible ; right of screen region
call getTileSpriteStandsOn
ld d, $60
ld a, [hli]
cp d
jr nc, .spriteInvisible ; standing on tile with ID >=$60 (bottom left tile)
ld a, [hld]
cp d
jr nc, .spriteInvisible ; standing on tile with ID >=$60 (bottom right tile)
ld bc, -20 ; $ffec
add hl, bc ; go back one row of tiles
ld a, [hli]
cp d
jr nc, .spriteInvisible ; standing on tile with ID >=$60 (top left tile)
ld a, [hl]
cp d
jr c, .spriteVisible ; standing on tile with ID >=$60 (top right tile)
ld h, $c1
add $2
ld l, a
ld [hl], $ff ; c1x2
jr .done
ld c, a
2013-12-08 09:49:40 +00:00
ld a, [wWalkCounter] ; $cfc5
and a
jr nz, .done ; if player is currently walking, we're done
call UpdateSpriteImage
inc h
add $7
ld l, a
cp c
ld a, $0
jr nz, .notInGrass
ld a, $80
ld [hl], a ; c2x7
and a
UpdateSpriteImage: ; 5157 (1:5157)
ld h, $c1
add $8
ld l, a
ld a, [hli] ; c1x8: walk animation frame
ld b, a
ld a, [hl] ; c1x9: facing direction
add b
ld b, a
ld a, [$ff93] ; current sprite offset
add b
ld b, a
add $2
ld l, a
ld [hl], b ; c1x2: sprite to display
; tests if sprite can walk the specified direction
; b: direction (1,2,4 or 8)
; c: ID of tile the sprite would walk onto
; d: Y movement delta (-1, 0 or 1)
; e: X movement delta (-1, 0 or 1)
; set carry on failure, clears carry on success
CanWalkOntoTile: ; 516e (1:516e)
ld h, $c2
add $6
ld l, a
ld a, [hl] ; c2x6 (movement byte 1)
cp $fe
jr nc, .canMove ; values $fe and $ff
and a
ld l, a
ld h, a
ld a, [hli]
cp $ff
jr z, .impassable
cp c
jr nz, .tilePassableLoop
ld h, $c2
add $6
ld l, a
ld a, [hl] ; $c2x6 (movement byte 1)
inc a
jr z, .impassable ; if $ff, no movement allowed (however, changing direction is)
ld h, $c1
add $4
ld l, a
ld a, [hli] ; c1x4 (screen Y pos)
add $4 ; align to blocks (Y pos is always 4 pixels off)
add d ; add Y delta
cp $80 ; if value is >$80, the destination is off screen (either $81 or $FF underflow)
jr nc, .impassable ; don't walk off screen
inc l
ld a, [hl] ; c1x6 (screen X pos)
add e ; add X delta
cp $90 ; if value is >$90, the destination is off screen (either $91 or $FF underflow)
jr nc, .impassable ; don't walk off screen
push de
push bc
call Func_4c70
pop bc
pop de
ld h, $c1
add $c
ld l, a
ld a, [hl] ; c1xc (forbidden directions flags(?))
and b ; check against chosen direction (1,2,4 or 8)
jr nz, .impassable ; direction forbidden, don't go there
ld h, $c2
add $2
ld l, a
ld a, [hli] ; c2x2 (sprite Y displacement, initialized at $8, keep track of where a sprite did go)
bit 7, d ; check if going upwards (d=$ff)
jr nz, .upwards
add d
cp $5
jr c, .impassable ; if c2x2+d < 5, don't go ;bug: this tests probably were supposed to prevent sprites
jr .checkHorizontal ; from walking out too far, but this line makes sprites get stuck
.upwards ; whenever they walked upwards 5 steps
sub $1 ; on the other hand, the amount a sprite can walk out to the
jr c, .impassable ; if d2x2 == 0, don't go ; right of bottom is not limited (until the counter overflows)
ld d, a
ld a, [hl] ; c2x3 (sprite X displacement, initialized at $8, keep track of where a sprite did go)
bit 7, e ; check if going left (e=$ff)
jr nz, .left
add e
cp $5 ; compare, but no conditional jump like in the vertical check above (bug?)
jr .passable
sub $1
jr c, .impassable ; if d2x3 == 0, don't go
ld [hld], a ; update c2x3
ld [hl], d ; update c2x2
and a ; clear carry (marking success)
ld h, $c1
inc a
ld l, a
ld [hl], $2 ; c1x1 = 2 (set movement status to delayed)
inc l
inc l
xor a
ld [hli], a ; c1x3 = 0 (clear Y movement delta)
inc l
ld [hl], a ; c1x5 = 0 (clear X movement delta)
inc h
add $8
ld l, a
call Random
ld a, [hRandomAdd]
and $7f
ld [hl], a ; c2x8: set next movement delay to a random value in [0,$7f] (again with delay $100 if value is 0)
scf ; set carry (marking failure to walk)
; calculates the tile pointer pointing to the tile the current sprite stancs on
; this is always the lower left tile of the 2x2 tile blocks all sprites are snapped to
; hl: output pointer
getTileSpriteStandsOn: ; 5207 (1:5207)
ld h, $c1
add $4
ld l, a
ld a, [hli] ; c1x4: screen Y position
add $4 ; align to 2*2 tile blocks (Y position is always off 4 pixels to the top)
and $f0 ; in case object is currently moving
srl a ; screen Y tile * 4
ld c, a
ld b, $0
inc l
ld a, [hl] ; c1x6: screen Y position
srl a
srl a
srl a ; screen X tile
add $14 ; screen X tile + 20
ld d, $0
ld e, a
ld hl, wTileMap
add hl, bc
add hl, bc
add hl, bc
add hl, bc
add hl, bc
add hl, de ; wTileMap + 20*(screen Y tile + 1) + screen X tile
; loads [de+a] into a
LoadDEPlusA: ; 522f (1:522f)
add e
ld e, a
jr nc, .noCarry
inc d
ld a, [de]
Func_5236: ; 5236 (1:5236)
ld a, [$d730]
bit 7, a
ret z
ld hl, $d72e
bit 7, [hl]
set 7, [hl]
jp z, Func_52a6
ld hl, $cc97
ld a, [$cd37]
add l
ld l, a
jr nc, .asm_5251
inc h
ld a, [hl]
cp $40
jr nz, .asm_525f
call Func_52b2
ld c, $4
ld a, $fe
jr .asm_5289
cp $0
jr nz, .asm_526c
call Func_52b2
ld c, $0
ld a, $2
jr .asm_5289
cp $80
jr nz, .asm_5279
call Func_52b7
ld c, $8
ld a, $fe
jr .asm_5289
cp $c0
jr nz, .asm_5286
call Func_52b7
ld c, $c
ld a, $2
jr .asm_5289
cp $ff
ld b, a
ld a, [hl]
add b
ld [hl], a
add $9
ld l, a
ld a, c
ld [hl], a
call Func_52c3
ld hl, $cf18
dec [hl]
ret nz
ld a, $8
ld [$cf18], a
ld hl, $cd37
inc [hl]
Func_52a6: ; 52a6 (1:52a6)
xor a
ld [$cd37], a
ld a, $8
ld [$cf18], a
jp Func_52c3
Func_52b2: ; 52b2 (1:52b2)
ld a, $4
ld b, a
jr asm_52ba
Func_52b7: ; 52b7 (1:52b7)
ld a, $6
ld b, a
asm_52ba: ; 52ba (1:52ba)
ld hl, wSpriteStateData1
add l
add b
ld l, a
Func_52c3: ; 52c3 (1:52c3)
ld hl, wSpriteStateData2
add $e
ld l, a
ld a, [hl]
dec a
swap a
ld b, a
ld hl, wSpriteStateData1
add $9
ld l, a
ld a, [hl]
cp $0
jr z, .asm_52ea
cp $4
jr z, .asm_52ea
cp $8
jr z, .asm_52ea
cp $c
jr z, .asm_52ea
add b
ld b, a
ld [$ffe9], a
call Func_5301
ld hl, wSpriteStateData1
add $2
ld l, a
ld a, [$ffe9]
ld b, a
ld a, [$ffea]
add b
ld [hl], a
Func_5301: ; 5301 (1:5301)
add $7
ld l, a
ld a, [hl]
inc a
ld [hl], a
cp $4
ret nz
xor a
ld [hl], a
inc l
ld a, [hl]
inc a
and $3
ld [hl], a
ld [$ffea], a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/cable_club.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
LoadTrainerInfoTextBoxTiles: ; 5ae6 (1:5ae6)
ld de, TrainerInfoTextBoxTileGraphics ; $7b98
ld hl, $9760
ld bc, (BANK(TrainerInfoTextBoxTileGraphics) << 8) +$09
jp CopyVideoData
INCLUDE "engine/menu/main_menu.asm"
INCLUDE "engine/oak_speech.asm"
Func_62ce: ; 62ce (1:62ce)
call Func_62ff
ld a,$19
call Predef
ld hl,$D732
bit 2,[hl]
res 2,[hl]
jr z,.next
ld a,[$D71A]
jr .next2
bit 1,[hl]
jr z,.next3
call Func_64ea
ld a,0
ld b,a
ld a,[$D72D]
and a
jr nz,.next4
ld a,b
ld hl,$D732
bit 4,[hl]
ret nz
ld [wLastMap],a
Func_62ff: ; 62ff (1:62ff)
ld a, [$d72d]
jr nz, .asm_6314
ld hl, BattleCenterSpec1 ; $6428
ld a, [$ffaa]
cp $2
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr z, .asm_6334
ld hl, BattleCenterSpec2 ; $6430
jr .asm_6334
jr nz, .asm_6326
ld hl, TradeCenterSpec1 ; $6438
ld a, [$ffaa]
cp $2
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr z, .asm_6334
ld hl, TradeCenterSpec2 ; $6440
jr .asm_6334
ld a, [$d732]
bit 1, a
jr nz, .asm_6346
bit 2, a
jr nz, .asm_6346
ld hl, FirstMapSpec ; $6420
ld de, W_CURMAP ; $d35e
ld c, $7
ld a, [hli]
ld [de], a
inc de
dec c
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr nz, .asm_6339
ld a, [hli]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [W_CURMAPTILESET], a ; $d367
xor a
jr .asm_63b3
ld a, [wLastMap]
ld hl, $d732
bit 4, [hl]
jr nz, .asm_635b
bit 6, [hl]
res 6, [hl]
jr z, .asm_638e
ld a, [wLastBlackoutMap]
jr .asm_6391
ld hl, $d72d
res 4, [hl]
ld a, [$d71d]
ld b, a
ld [W_CURMAP], a ; $d35e
ld a, [$d71e]
ld c, a
ld hl, DungeonWarpList ; $63bf
ld de, $0
ld a, $6
ld [$d12f], a
ld a, [hli]
cp b
jr z, .asm_637d
inc hl
jr .asm_6381
ld a, [hli]
cp c
jr z, .asm_6388
ld a, [$d12f]
add e
ld e, a
jr .asm_6376
ld hl, DungeonWarpData ; $63d8
add hl, de
jr .asm_63a4
ld a, [$d71a]
ld b, a
ld [W_CURMAP], a ; $d35e
ld hl, FlyWarpDataPtr ; $6448
ld a, [hli]
inc hl
cp b
jr z, .asm_63a1
inc hl
inc hl
jr .asm_6398
ld a, [hli]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
ld de, $d35f
ld c, $6
ld a, [hli]
ld [de], a
inc de
dec c
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr nz, .asm_63a9
xor a
ld [W_CURMAPTILESET], a ; $d367
ld [$d4e2], a
ld [$d4e3], a
ld a, $ff
ld [$d42f], a
INCLUDE "data/special_warps.asm"
; This function appears to never be used.
; It is likely a debugging feature to give the player Tsunekazu Ishihara's
; favorite Pokemon. This is indicated by the overpowered Exeggutor, which
; Ishihara (president of Creatures Inc.) said was his favorite Pokemon in an ABC
; interview on February 8, 2000.
; "Exeggutor is my favorite. That's because I was always using this character
; while I was debugging the program."
SetIshiharaTeam: ; 64ca (1:64ca)
ld de, IshiharaTeam
ld a, [de]
cp $ff
ret z
ld [$cf91], a
inc de
ld a, [de]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
inc de
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
call AddPokemonToParty
jr .loop
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
IshiharaTeam: ; 64df (1:64df)
db MEW,20
db $FF
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_64ea: ; 64ea (1:64ea)
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/menu/naming_screen.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/oak_speech2.asm"
2013-09-02 14:40:37 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; subtracts the amount the player paid from their money
; sets carry flag if there is enough money and unsets carry flag if not
SubtractAmountPaidFromMoney_: ; 6b21 (1:6b21)
ld de,wPlayerMoney
ld hl,$ff9f ; total price of items
ld c,3 ; length of money in bytes
call StringCmp
ret c
ld de,wPlayerMoney + 2
ld hl,$ffa1 ; total price of items
ld c,3 ; length of money in bytes
ld a,$0c
call Predef ; subtract total price from money
ld a,$13
ld [$d125],a
call DisplayTextBoxID ; redraw money text box
and a
2013-09-02 14:53:04 +00:00
2013-09-02 14:40:37 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
HandleItemListSwapping: ; 6b44 (1:6b44)
ld a,[wListMenuID]
jp nz,DisplayListMenuIDLoop ; only rearrange item list menus
2013-09-02 15:27:06 +00:00
push hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld hl,$cf8b
ld a,[hli]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a
inc hl ; hl = beginning of list entries
ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem]
ld b,a
ld a,[wListScrollOffset]
add b
add a
ld c,a
ld b,0
add hl,bc ; hl = address of currently selected item entry
ld a,[hl]
2013-09-02 15:27:06 +00:00
pop hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
inc a
jp z,DisplayListMenuIDLoop ; ignore attempts to swap the Cancel menu item
ld a,[$cc35] ; ID of item chosen for swapping (counts from 1)
and a ; has the first item to swap already been chosen?
jr nz,.swapItems
; if not, set the currently selected item as the first item
ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem]
inc a
ld b,a
ld a,[wListScrollOffset] ; index of top (visible) menu item within the list
add b
ld [$cc35],a ; ID of item chosen for swapping (counts from 1)
ld c,20
call DelayFrames
jp DisplayListMenuIDLoop
ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem]
inc a
ld b,a
ld a,[wListScrollOffset]
add b
ld b,a
ld a,[$cc35] ; ID of item chosen for swapping (counts from 1)
cp b ; is the currently selected item the same as the first item to swap?
jp z,DisplayListMenuIDLoop ; ignore attempts to swap an item with itself
2013-09-02 15:27:06 +00:00
dec a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [$cc35],a ; ID of item chosen for swapping (counts from 1)
ld c,20
2013-09-02 15:27:06 +00:00
call DelayFrames
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
push hl
push de
ld hl,$cf8b
ld a,[hli]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a
inc hl ; hl = beginning of list entries
ld d,h
ld e,l ; de = beginning of list entries
ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem]
ld b,a
ld a,[wListScrollOffset]
add b
add a
ld c,a
ld b,0
add hl,bc ; hl = address of currently selected item entry
ld a,[$cc35] ; ID of item chosen for swapping (counts from 1)
add a
add e
ld e,a
jr nc,.noCarry
inc d
.noCarry ; de = address of first item to swap
ld a,[de]
ld b,a
ld a,[hli]
cp b
jr z,.swapSameItemType
ld [$ff95],a ; [$ff95] = second item ID
ld a,[hld]
ld [$ff96],a ; [$ff96] = second item quantity
ld a,[de]
ld [hli],a ; put first item ID in second item slot
inc de
ld a,[de]
ld [hl],a ; put first item quantity in second item slot
ld a,[$ff96]
ld [de],a ; put second item quantity in first item slot
dec de
ld a,[$ff95]
ld [de],a ; put second item ID in first item slot
2013-09-02 15:27:06 +00:00
xor a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [$cc35],a ; 0 means no item is currently being swapped
pop de
pop hl
jp DisplayListMenuIDLoop
inc de
ld a,[hl]
ld b,a
ld a,[de]
add b ; a = sum of both item quantities
cp a,100 ; is the sum too big for one item slot?
jr c,.combineItemSlots
; swap enough items from the first slot to max out the second slot if they can't be combined
sub a,99
ld [de],a
ld a,99
ld [hl],a
jr .done
ld [hl],a ; put the sum in the second item slot
ld hl,$cf8b
ld a,[hli]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a
dec [hl] ; decrease the number of items
ld a,[hl]
ld [$d12a],a ; update number of items variable
cp a,1
jr nz,.skipSettingMaxMenuItemID
ld [wMaxMenuItem],a ; if the number of items is only one now, update the max menu item ID
dec de
ld h,d
ld l,e
inc hl
inc hl ; hl = address of item after first item to swap
.moveItemsUpLoop ; erase the first item slot and move up all the following item slots to fill the gap
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
inc a ; reached the $ff terminator?
jr z,.afterMovingItemsUp
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
jr .moveItemsUpLoop
2013-09-02 15:27:06 +00:00
xor a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [wListScrollOffset],a
ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a
2013-09-02 15:31:34 +00:00
xor a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [$cc35],a ; 0 means no item is currently being swapped
pop de
pop hl
jp DisplayListMenuIDLoop
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/pokemart.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/learn_move.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/pokecenter.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; Set the map to return to when
; blacking out or using Teleport or Dig.
; Safari rest houses don't count.
push hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld hl, SafariZoneRestHouses
ld a, [W_CURMAP]
ld b, a
ld a, [hli]
cp -1
jr z, .notresthouse
cp b
jr nz, .loop
jr .done
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, [wLastMap]
ld [wLastBlackoutMap], a
pop hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
db -1
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; function that performs initialization for DisplayTextID
DisplayTextIDInit: ; 7096 (1:7096)
xor a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [$cf94],a
ld a,[$cf0c]
bit 0,a
jr nz,.skipDrawingTextBoxBorder
ld a,[$ff8c] ; text ID (or sprite ID)
and a
jr nz,.notStartMenu
; if text ID is 0 (i.e. the start menu)
; Note that the start menu text border is also drawn in the function directly
; below this, so this seems unnecessary.
ld a,[$d74b]
bit 5,a ; does the player have the pokedex?
; start menu with pokedex
FuncCoord 10, 0 ; $c3aa
ld hl,Coord
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld b,$0e
ld c,$08
jr nz,.drawTextBoxBorder
; start menu without pokedex
FuncCoord 10, 0 ; $c3aa
ld hl,Coord
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld b,$0c
ld c,$08
jr .drawTextBoxBorder
; if text ID is not 0 (i.e. not the start menu) then do a standard dialogue text box
FuncCoord 0, 12 ; $c490
ld hl,Coord
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld b,$04
ld c,$12
call TextBoxBorder
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld hl,$cfc4
set 0,[hl]
ld hl,wFlags_0xcd60
bit 4,[hl]
res 4,[hl]
jr nz,.skipMovingSprites
call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
; loop to copy C1X9 (direction the sprite is facing) to C2X9 for each sprite
; this is done because when you talk to an NPC, they turn to look your way
; the original direction they were facing must be restored after the dialogue is over
ld hl,$c119
ld c,$0f
ld de,$0010
ld a,[hl]
inc h
ld [hl],a
dec h
add hl,de
dec c
jr nz,.spriteFacingDirectionCopyLoop
; loop to force all the sprites in the middle of animation to stand still
; (so that they don't like they're frozen mid-step during the dialogue)
ld hl,$c102
ld de,$0010
ld c,e
ld a,[hl]
cp a,$ff ; is the sprite visible?
jr z,.nextSprite
; if it is visible
and a,$fc
ld [hl],a
add hl,de
dec c
jr nz,.spriteStandStillLoop
ld b,$9c ; window background address
call CopyScreenTileBufferToVRAM ; transfer background in WRAM to VRAM
xor a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [$ffb0],a ; put the window on the screen
call LoadFontTilePatterns
ld a,$01
ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED],a ; enable continuous WRAM to VRAM transfer each V-blank
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; function that displays the start menu
DrawStartMenu: ; 710b (1:710b)
ld a,[$d74b]
bit 5,a ; does the player have the pokedex?
; menu with pokedex
FuncCoord 10, 0 ; $c3aa
ld hl,Coord
ld b,$0e
ld c,$08
jr nz,.drawTextBoxBorder
; shorter menu if the player doesn't have the pokedex
FuncCoord 10, 0 ; $c3aa
ld hl,Coord
ld b,$0c
ld c,$08
call TextBoxBorder
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a,%11001011 ; bit mask for down, up, start, B, and A buttons
ld [$cc29],a
ld a,$02
ld [$cc24],a ; Y position of first menu choice
ld a,$0b
ld [$cc25],a ; X position of first menu choice
ld a,[$cc2d] ; remembered menu selection from last time
ld [$cc26],a
ld [$cc2a],a
xor a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [$cc37],a
ld hl,$d730
set 6,[hl] ; no pauses between printing each letter
FuncCoord 12, 2 ; $c3d4
ld hl,Coord
ld a,[$d74b]
bit 5,a ; does the player have the pokedex?
; case for not having pokdex
ld a,$06
jr z,.storeMenuItemCount
; case for having pokedex
ld de,StartMenuPokedexText
call PrintStartMenuItem
ld a,$07
ld [$cc28],a ; number of menu items
ld de,StartMenuPokemonText
call PrintStartMenuItem
ld de,StartMenuItemText
call PrintStartMenuItem
ld de,W_PLAYERNAME ; player's name
call PrintStartMenuItem
ld a,[$d72e]
bit 6,a ; is the player using the link feature?
; case for not using link feature
ld de,StartMenuSaveText
jr z,.printSaveOrResetText
; case for using link feature
ld de,StartMenuResetText
call PrintStartMenuItem
ld de,StartMenuOptionText
call PrintStartMenuItem
ld de,StartMenuExitText
call PlaceString
ld hl,$d730
res 6,[hl] ; turn pauses between printing letters back on
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
StartMenuPokedexText: ; 718f (1:718f)
db "POKéDEX@"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
StartMenuPokemonText: ; 7197 (1:7197)
db "POKéMON@"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
StartMenuItemText: ; 719f (1:719f)
db "ITEM@"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
StartMenuSaveText: ; 71a4 (1:71a4)
db "SAVE@"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
StartMenuResetText: ; 71a9 (1:71a9)
db "RESET@"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
StartMenuExitText: ; 71af (1:71af)
db "EXIT@"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
StartMenuOptionText: ; 71b4 (1:71b4)
2014-01-22 06:21:41 +00:00
db "OPTION@"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
PrintStartMenuItem: ; 71bb (1:71bb)
push hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
call PlaceString
pop hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld de,$28
add hl,de
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/cable_club_npc.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; function to draw various text boxes
; [$D125] = text box ID
DisplayTextBoxID_: ; 72ea (1:72ea)
ld a,[$d125] ; a = text box ID
cp a,$14
jp z,DisplayYesNoTextBox
ld c,a
ld hl,TextBoxFunctionTable
ld de,3
call SearchTextBoxTable
jr c,.functionTableMatch
ld hl,TextBoxCoordTable
ld de,5
call SearchTextBoxTable
jr c,.coordTableMatch
ld hl,TextBoxTextAndCoordTable
ld de,9
call SearchTextBoxTable
jr c,.textAndCoordTableMatch
ld a,[hli]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a ; hl = address of function
ld de,.done
push de
jp [hl] ; jump to the function
call GetTextBoxIDCoords
call GetAddressOfScreenCoords
call TextBoxBorder
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
call GetTextBoxIDCoords
push hl
call GetAddressOfScreenCoords
call TextBoxBorder
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
pop hl
call GetTextBoxIDText
ld a,[$d730]
push af
ld a,[$d730]
set 6,a ; no pauses between printing each letter
ld [$d730],a
call PlaceString
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
pop af
ld [$d730],a
call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; function to search a table terminated with $ff for a byte matching c in increments of de
; sets carry flag if a match is found and clears carry flag if not
SearchTextBoxTable: ; 734c (1:734c)
dec de
ld a,[hli]
cp a,$ff
jr z,.notFound
cp c
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr z,.found
add hl,de
jr .loop
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; function to load coordinates from the TextBoxCoordTable or the TextBoxTextAndCoordTable
; hl = address of coordinates
; b = height
; c = width
; d = row of upper left corner
; e = column of upper left corner
GetTextBoxIDCoords: ; 735a (1:735a)
ld a,[hli] ; column of upper left corner
ld e,a
ld a,[hli] ; row of upper left corner
ld d,a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a,[hli] ; column of lower right corner
sub e
dec a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld c,a ; c = width
ld a,[hli] ; row of lower right corner
sub d
dec a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld b,a ; b = height
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; function to load a text address and text coordinates from the TextBoxTextAndCoordTable
GetTextBoxIDText: ; 7367 (1:7367)
ld a,[hli]
ld e,a
ld a,[hli]
ld d,a ; de = address of text
push de ; save text address
ld a,[hli]
ld e,a ; column of upper left corner of text
ld a,[hl]
ld d,a ; row of upper left corner of text
call GetAddressOfScreenCoords
pop de ; restore text address
; function to point hl to the screen coordinates
; d = row
; e = column
; hl = address of upper left corner of text box
GetAddressOfScreenCoords: ; 7375 (1:7375)
push bc
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld hl,wTileMap
ld bc,20
.loop ; loop to add d rows to the base address
ld a,d
and a
jr z,.addedRows
add hl,bc
dec d
jr .loop
pop bc
add hl,de
; Format:
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; 00: text box ID
; 01-02: function address
TextBoxFunctionTable: ; 7387 (1:7387)
dbw $13, Func_74ba
dbw $15, Func_74ea
dbw $04, Func_76e1
db $ff ; terminator
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; Format:
; 00: text box ID
; 01: column of upper left corner
; 02: row of upper left corner
; 03: column of lower right corner
; 04: row of lower right corner
TextBoxCoordTable: ; 7391 (1:7391)
db $01, 0, 12, 19, 17
db $03, 0, 0, 19, 14
db $07, 0, 0, 11, 6
db $0d, 4, 2, 19, 12
db $10, 7, 0, 19, 17
db $11, 6, 4, 14, 13
db $ff ; terminator
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; Format:
; 00: text box ID
; 01: column of upper left corner
; 02: row of upper left corner
; 03: column of lower right corner
; 04: row of lower right corner
; 05-06: address of text
; 07: column of beginning of text
; 08: row of beginning of text
; table of window positions and corresponding text [key, start column, start row, end column, end row, text pointer [2 bytes], text column, text row]
TextBoxTextAndCoordTable: ; 73b0 (1:73b0)
db $05 ; text box ID
db 0,0,14,17 ; text box coordinates
dw JapaneseMochimonoText
db 3,0 ; text coordinates
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
db $06 ; text box ID
db 13,10,19,14 ; text box coordinates
dw UseTossText
db 15,11 ; text coordinates
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
db $08 ; text box ID
db 0,0,7,5 ; text box coordinates
dw JapaneseSaveMessageText
db 2,2 ; text coordinates
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
db $09 ; text box ID
db 0,6,5,10 ; text box coordinates
dw JapaneseSpeedOptionsText
db 2,7 ; text coordinates
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
db $0b ; text box ID
db 8,12,19,17 ; text box coordinates
dw BattleMenuText
db 10,14 ; text coordinates
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
db $1b ; text box ID
db 0,12,19,17 ; text box coordinates
dw SafariZoneBattleMenuText
db 2,14 ; text coordinates
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
db $0c ; text box ID
db 11,11,19,17 ; text box coordinates
dw SwitchStatsCancelText
db 13,12 ; text coordinates
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
db $0e ; text box ID
db 0,0,10,6 ; text box coordinates
dw BuySellQuitText
db 2,1 ; text coordinates
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
db $0f ; text box ID
db 11,0,19,2 ; text box coordinates
dw MoneyText
db 13,0 ; text coordinates
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
db $12 ; text box ID
db 7,6,11,10 ; text box coordinates
dw JapaneseAhText
db 8,8 ; text coordinates
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
db $1a ; text box ID
db 11,8,19,17 ; text box coordinates
dw JapanesePokedexMenu
db 12,10 ; text coordinates
2013-11-26 18:32:08 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; note that there is no terminator
2013-11-15 06:56:54 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
BuySellQuitText: ; 7413 (1:7413)
db "BUY"
next "SELL"
next "QUIT@@"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
UseTossText: ; 7422 (1:7422)
db "USE"
next "TOSS@"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
JapaneseSaveMessageText: ; 742b (1:742b)
db "きろく"
next "メッセージ@"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
JapaneseSpeedOptionsText: ; 7435 (1:7435)
db "はやい"
next "おそい@"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
MoneyText: ; 743d (1:743d)
db "MONEY@"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
JapaneseMochimonoText: ; 7443 (1:7443)
db "もちもの@"
JapaneseMainMenuText: ; 7448 (1:7448)
db "つづきから"
next "さいしょから@"
BattleMenuText: ; 7455 (1:7455)
db "FIGHT ",$E1,$E2
next "ITEM RUN@"
SafariZoneBattleMenuText: ; 7468 (1:7468)
SwitchStatsCancelText: ; 7489 (1:7489)
next "STATS"
next "CANCEL@"
JapaneseAhText: ; 749d (1:749d)
db "アッ!@"
JapanesePokedexMenu: ; 74a1 (1:74a1)
db "データをみる"
next "なきごえ"
next "ぶんぷをみる"
next "キャンセル@"
Func_74ba: ; 74ba (1:74ba)
ld hl, $d730
set 6, [hl]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, $f
ld [$d125], a
call DisplayTextBoxID
FuncCoord 13, 1 ; $c3c1
ld hl, Coord
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld b, $1
ld c, $6
call ClearScreenArea
FuncCoord 12, 1 ; $c3c0
ld hl, Coord
ld de, wPlayerMoney ; $d347
ld c, $a3
call PrintBCDNumber
ld hl, $d730
res 6, [hl]
CurrencyString: ; 74e2 (1:74e2)
db " ¥@"
Func_74ea: ; 74ea (1:74ea)
ld a, [$d730]
set 6, a
ld [$d730], a
xor a
ld [$d12d], a
ld a, $e
ld [$d125], a
call DisplayTextBoxID
ld a, $3
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [wMenuWatchedKeys], a ; $cc29
ld a, $2
ld [wMaxMenuItem], a ; $cc28
ld a, $1
ld [wTopMenuItemY], a ; $cc24
ld a, $1
ld [wTopMenuItemX], a ; $cc25
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
xor a
ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a ; $cc26
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [wLastMenuItem], a ; $cc2a
ld [$cc37], a
ld a, [$d730]
res 6, a
ld [$d730], a
call HandleMenuInput
call PlaceUnfilledArrowMenuCursor
bit 0, a
jr nz, .asm_7539
bit 1, a
jr z, .asm_7539
ld a, $2
ld [$d12e], a
jr .asm_754c
ld a, $1
ld [$d12e], a
ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ; $cc26
ld [$d12d], a
ld b, a
ld a, [wMaxMenuItem] ; $cc28
cp b
jr z, .asm_754c
ld a, $2
ld [$d12e], a
ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ; $cc26
ld [$d12d], a
DisplayYesNoTextBox: ; 7559 (1:7559)
push hl
ld a, [$d730]
set 6, a
ld [$d730], a
xor a
ld [$d12d], a
ld [$d12e], a
ld a, $3
ld [wMenuWatchedKeys], a ; $cc29
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, $1
ld [wMaxMenuItem], a ; $cc28
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, b
ld [wTopMenuItemY], a ; $cc24
ld a, c
ld [wTopMenuItemX], a ; $cc25
xor a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [wLastMenuItem], a ; $cc2a
ld [$cc37], a
push hl
ld hl, $d12c
bit 7, [hl]
res 7, [hl]
jr z, .asm_758d
inc a
ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a ; $cc26
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
pop hl
push hl
push hl
call Func_763e
ld a, [$d12c]
ld hl, MenuStrings ; $7671
ld e, a
ld d, $0
ld a, $5
add hl, de
dec a
jr nz, .loop
ld a, [hli]
ld c, a
ld a, [hli]
ld b, a
ld e, l
ld d, h
pop hl
push de
ld a, [$d12c]
cp $5
jr nz, .asm_75b9
call Func_5ab3
jr .asm_75bc
call TextBoxBorder
call UpdateSprites
pop hl
ld a, [hli]
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld bc, $16
jr z, .asm_75ca
ld bc, $2a
ld a, [hli]
ld e, a
ld a, [hli]
ld d, a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
pop hl
add hl, bc
call PlaceString
ld hl, $d730
res 6, [hl]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, [$d12c]
cp $7
jr nz, .asm_7603
xor a
ld [$d12c], a
ld a, [wFlags_0xcd60]
push af
push hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld hl, wFlags_0xcd60
bit 5, [hl]
set 5, [hl]
pop hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
call HandleMenuInput
bit 1, a
jr nz, .asm_75f0
pop af
pop hl
ld [wFlags_0xcd60], a
2014-04-07 20:16:45 +00:00
ld a, (SFX_02_40 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
call PlaySound
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr .asm_760f
xor a
ld [$d12c], a
call HandleMenuInput
pop hl
bit 1, a
jr nz, .asm_7627
ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ; $cc26
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [$d12d], a
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr nz, .asm_7627
ld a, $1
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [$d12e], a
ld c, $f
call DelayFrames
call Func_7656
and a
ld a, $1
ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a ; $cc26
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [$d12d], a
ld a, $2
ld [$d12e], a
ld c, $f
call DelayFrames
call Func_7656
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_763e: ; 763e (1:763e)
ld de, $cee9
ld bc, $506
ld a, [hli]
ld [de], a
inc de
dec c
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr nz, .asm_7644
push bc
ld bc, $e
add hl, bc
pop bc
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld c, $6
dec b
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr nz, .asm_7644
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_7656: ; 7656 (1:7656)
ld de, $cee9
ld bc, $506
ld a, [de]
inc de
ld [hli], a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
dec c
jr nz, .asm_765c
push bc
ld bc, $e
add hl, bc
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
pop bc
ld c, $6
dec b
jr nz, .asm_765c
call UpdateSprites
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
MenuStrings: ; 7671 (1:7671)
db 4,3,0
dw .YesNoMenu
db 6,3,0
dw .NorthWestMenu
db 6,3,0
dw .SouthEastMenu
db 6,3,0
dw .YesNoMenu
db 6,3,0
dw .NorthEastMenu
db 7,3,0
dw .TradeCancelMenu
db 7,4,1
dw .HealCancelMenu
db 4,3,0
dw .NoYesMenu
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
.NoYesMenu ; 7699 (1:3699)
db "NO",$4E,"YES@"
.YesNoMenu ; 76a0 (1:36a0)
db "YES",$4E,"NO@"
.NorthWestMenu ; 76a7 (1:36a7)
db "NORTH",$4E,"WEST@"
.SouthEastMenu ; 76b2 (1:36b2)
db "SOUTH",$4E,"EAST@"
.NorthEastMenu ; 76bd (1:36bd)
db "NORTH",$4E,"EAST@"
.TradeCancelMenu ; 76c8 (1:36c8)
db "TRADE",$4E,"CANCEL@"
.HealCancelMenu ; 76d5 (1:36d5)
db "HEAL",$4E,"CANCEL@"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_76e1: ; 76e1 (1:36e1)
xor a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld hl, wWhichTrade ; $cd3d
ld [hli], a
ld [hli], a
ld [hli], a
ld [hli], a
ld [hli], a
ld [hl], $c
call GetMonFieldMoves
ld a, [$cd41]
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr nz, .asm_770f
FuncCoord 11, 11 ; $c487
ld hl, Coord
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld b, $5
ld c, $7
call TextBoxBorder
call UpdateSprites
ld a, $c
ld [$fff7], a
FuncCoord 13, 12 ; $c49d
ld hl, Coord
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld de, PokemonMenuEntries ; $77c2
jp PlaceString
push af
FuncCoord 0, 11 ; $c47c
ld hl, Coord
ld a, [$cd42]
dec a
ld e, a
ld d, $0
add hl, de
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld b, $5
ld a, $12
sub e
ld c, a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
pop af
ld de, $ffd8
add hl, de
inc b
inc b
dec a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr nz, .asm_7725
ld de, $ffec
add hl, de
inc b
call TextBoxBorder
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
call UpdateSprites
FuncCoord 0, 12 ; $c490
ld hl, Coord
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, [$cd42]
inc a
ld e, a
ld d, $0
add hl, de
ld de, $ffd8
ld a, [$cd41]
add hl, de
dec a
jr nz, .asm_7747
xor a
ld [$cd41], a
ld de, wWhichTrade ; $cd3d
push hl
ld hl, FieldMoveNames ; $778d
ld a, [de]
and a
jr z, .asm_7776
inc de
ld b, a
dec b
jr z, .asm_7766
ld a, [hli]
cp $50
jr nz, .asm_775f
jr .asm_775c
ld b, h
ld c, l
pop hl
push de
ld d, b
ld e, c
call PlaceString
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld bc, $28
add hl, bc
pop de
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr .asm_7752
pop hl
ld a, [$cd42]
ld [$fff7], a
FuncCoord 0, 12 ; $c490
ld hl, Coord
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, [$cd42]
inc a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld e, a
ld d, $0
add hl, de
ld de, PokemonMenuEntries ; $77c2
jp PlaceString
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
FieldMoveNames: ; 778d (1:778d)
db "CUT@"
db "FLY@"
db "@"
db "SURF@"
db "FLASH@"
db "DIG@"
2014-01-22 06:21:41 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
PokemonMenuEntries: ; 77c2 (1:77c2)
db "STATS"
next "SWITCH"
next "CANCEL@"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
GetMonFieldMoves: ; 77d6 (1:77d6)
ld a, [wWhichPokemon] ; $cf92
ld hl, W_PARTYMON1_MOVE1 ; $d173
ld bc, $2c
call AddNTimes
ld d, h
ld e, l
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld c, $5
ld hl, wWhichTrade ; $cd3d
push hl
dec c
jr z, .asm_7821
ld a, [de] ; de is RAM address of move
and a
jr z, .asm_7821
ld b, a
inc de ; go to next move
ld hl, FieldMoveDisplayData ; $7823
ld a, [hli]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
cp $ff
jr z, .asm_77ea
cp b
jr z, .asm_7802
inc hl
inc hl
jr .asm_77f6
ld a, b
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [$cd43], a
ld a, [hli]
ld b, [hl]
pop hl
ld [hli], a
ld a, [$cd41]
inc a
ld [$cd41], a
ld a, [$cd42]
cp b
jr c, .asm_781b
ld a, b
ld [$cd42], a
ld a, [$cd43]
ld b, a
jr .asm_77e9
pop hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; Format: [Move id], [list priority], [leftmost tile]
; Move id = id of move
; List priority = lower number means higher priority when field moves are displayed
; these priorities must be unique
; Leftmost tile = -1 + tile column in which the first letter of the move's name should be displayed
; "SOFTBOILED" is $08 because it has 4 more letters than "SURF", for example, whose value is $0C
FieldMoveDisplayData: ; 7823 (1:7823)
db CUT, $01, $0C
db FLY, $02, $0C
db $B4, $03, $0C ; unused field move
db SURF, $04, $0C
db STRENGTH, $05, $0A
db FLASH, $06, $0C
db DIG, $07, $0C
db TELEPORT, $08, $0A
db SOFTBOILED, $09, $08
db $ff ; list terminator
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/battle/1.asm"
INCLUDE "engine/menu/players_pc.asm"
_RemovePokemon: ; 7b68 (1:7b68)
ld hl, W_NUMINPARTY ; $d163
ld a, [$cf95]
and a
jr z, .asm_7b74
ld hl, W_NUMINBOX ; $da80
ld a, [hl]
dec a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [hli], a
ld a, [wWhichPokemon] ; $cf92
ld c, a
ld b, $0
add hl, bc
ld e, l
ld d, h
inc de
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, [de]
inc de
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [hli], a
inc a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr nz, .asm_7b81
ld hl, W_PARTYMON1OT ; $d273
ld d, $5
ld a, [$cf95]
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr z, .asm_7b97
ld hl, W_BOXMON1OT
ld d, $13
ld a, [wWhichPokemon] ; $cf92
call SkipFixedLengthTextEntries
ld a, [wWhichPokemon] ; $cf92
cp d
jr nz, .asm_7ba6
ld [hl], $ff
ld d, h
ld e, l
ld bc, $b
add hl, bc
ld bc, W_PARTYMON1NAME ; $d2b5
ld a, [$cf95]
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr z, .asm_7bb8
call CopyDataUntil
ld hl, W_PARTYMON1_NUM ; $d16b (aliases: W_PARTYMON1DATA)
ld bc, $2c
ld a, [$cf95]
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr z, .asm_7bcd
ld bc, $21
ld a, [wWhichPokemon] ; $cf92
call AddNTimes
ld d, h
ld e, l
ld a, [$cf95]
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr z, .asm_7be4
ld bc, $21
add hl, bc
ld bc, W_BOXMON1OT
jr .asm_7beb
ld bc, $2c
add hl, bc
ld bc, W_PARTYMON1OT ; $d273
call CopyDataUntil
ld hl, W_PARTYMON1NAME ; $d2b5
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, [$cf95]
and a
jr z, .asm_7bfa
ld bc, $b
ld a, [wWhichPokemon] ; $cf92
call AddNTimes
ld d, h
ld e, l
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld bc, $b
add hl, bc
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld bc, wPokedexOwned ; $d2f7
ld a, [$cf95]
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr z, .asm_7c15
ld bc, $dee2
jp CopyDataUntil
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_7c18: ; 7c18 (1:7c18)
ld hl, $d730
set 6, [hl]
ld a, $3d
call Predef
ld hl, $d730
res 6, [hl]
call ReloadMapData
ld c, $a
call DelayFrames
ld a, $3a
call Predef
ld a, [$d11e]
dec a
ld c, a
ld b, $1
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld hl, wPokedexSeen
ld a, $10
call Predef
ld a, $1
ld [$cc3c], a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
_GetJoypadState: ; c000 (3:4000)
cp A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | SELECT | START ; soft reset sequence
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jp z, HandleJoypadResetButtons
ld b, a
ld e, a
xor b
ld d, a
and e
ld a, d
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
and b
ld a, b
ld a, [$d730]
bit 5, a
jr nz, DiscardButtonPresses
ld a, [wJoypadForbiddenButtonsMask]
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ret z
ld b, a
and b
and b
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; clears all button presses
DiscardButtonPresses: ; c034 (3:4034)
xor a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
HandleJoypadResetButtons: ; c03c (3:403c)
call DelayFrame
ld a, $30
ld [rJOYP], a ; reset joypad state (to enusre the user really intends to reset)
dec [hl]
jp z, SoftReset
jp GetJoypadState
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/map_songs.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/map_header_banks.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_c335: ; c335 (3:4335)
ld a, $90
ld [$ffb0], a
ld [rWY], a ; $ff4a
xor a
ld [$d13b], a
ld [W_LONEATTACKNO], a ; $d05c
ld [$cd6a], a
ld [$d5a3], a
ld hl, $d73f
ld [hli], a
ld [hl], a
ld hl, wWhichTrade ; $cd3d
ld bc, $1e
call FillMemory
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_c35f: ; c35f (3:435f)
ld a, [$d3ae]
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ret z
ld c, a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld hl, $d3af
ld a, [W_YCOORD] ; $d361
cp [hl]
jr nz, .asm_c383
inc hl
ld a, [W_XCOORD] ; $d362
cp [hl]
jr nz, .asm_c384
inc hl
ld a, [hli]
ld [$d42f], a
ld a, [hl]
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1], a ; $ff8b
ld hl, $d736
set 2, [hl]
inc hl
inc hl
inc hl
inc hl
dec c
jr nz, .asm_c368
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CheckForceBikeOrSurf: ; c38b (3:438b)
ld hl, $D732
bit 5, [hl]
ret nz
ld hl, ForcedBikeOrSurfMaps
ld a, [W_YCOORD]
ld b, a
ld a, [W_XCOORD]
ld c, a
ld a, [W_CURMAP]
ld d, a
ld a, [hli]
cp $ff
ret z ;if we reach FF then it's not part of the list
cp d ;compare to current map
jr nz, .incorrectMap
ld a, [hli]
cp b ;compare y-coord
jr nz, .incorrectY
ld a, [hli]
cp c ;compare x-coord
jr nz, .loop ; incorrect x-coord, check next item
ld a, [W_CURMAP]
ld a, $2
jr z, .forceSurfing
ld a, [W_CURMAP]
ld a, $2
jr z, .forceSurfing
;force bike riding
ld hl, $d732
set 5, [hl]
ld a, $1
ld [$d700], a
ld [$d11a], a
jp ForceBikeOrSurf
inc hl
inc hl
jr .loop
ld a, $2
ld [$d700], a
ld [$d11a], a
jp ForceBikeOrSurf
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/force_bike_surf.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_c3ff: ; c3ff (3:43ff)
push hl
push de
push bc
ld a, [$c109]
srl a
ld c, a
ld b, $0
ld hl, PointerTable_c422 ; $4422
add hl, bc
ld a, [hli]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
ld a, [W_YCOORD] ; $d361
ld b, a
ld a, [W_XCOORD] ; $d362
ld c, a
ld de, .asm_c41e ; $441e
push de
jp [hl]
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
PointerTable_c422: ; c422 (3:4422)
dw .asm_c42a
dw .asm_4434
dw .asm_443A
dw .asm_4440
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, [W_CURMAPHEIGHT] ; $d368
add a
dec a
cp b
jr z, .setCarry
jr .resetCarry
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, b
and a
jr z, .setCarry
jr .resetCarry
ld a, c
and a
jr z, .setCarry
jr .resetCarry
ld a, [W_CURMAPWIDTH] ; $d369
add a
dec a
cp c
jr z, .setCarry
jr .resetCarry
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_c44e: ; c44e (3:444e)
push hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
push de
push bc
call Func_c589
ld a, [W_CURMAP] ; $d35e
cp SS_ANNE_5
jr z, .ssAnne5
ld a, [$c109]
srl a
ld c, a
ld b, $0
ld hl, .pointerTable_c477 ; $4477
add hl, bc
ld a, [hli]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
ld a, [$cfc6]
ld de, $1
call IsInArray
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
.pointerTable_c477: ; c477 (3:4477)
dw .arrayData_c47f
dw .arrayData_c487
dw .arrayData_c48a
dw .arrayData_c48d
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
db $01,$12,$17,$3D,$04,$18,$33,$FF
db $01,$5C,$FF
db $1A,$4B,$FF
db $0F,$4E,$FF
ld a, [$cfc6]
cp $15
jr nz, .asm_c49a
jr .asm_c473
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr .asm_c473
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_c49d: ; c49d (3:449d)
push hl
push de
push bc
callba HandleDoors
jr c, .asm_c4c8
ld a, [W_CURMAPTILESET] ; $d367
add a
ld c, a
ld b, $0
ld hl, WarpTileIDPointers ; $44cc
add hl, bc
ld a, [hli]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
ld de, $1
FuncCoord 8, 9 ; $c45c
ld a, [Coord]
call IsInArray
jr nc, .asm_c4c8
ld hl, $d736
res 2, [hl]
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/warp_tile_ids.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
PrintSafariZoneSteps: ; c52f (3:452f)
ld a, [W_CURMAP] ; $d35e
ret c
ret nc
ld hl, wTileMap
ld b, $3
ld c, $7
call TextBoxBorder
FuncCoord 1, 1 ; $c3b5
ld hl, Coord
ld de, wSafariSteps ; $d70d
ld bc, $203
call PrintNumber
FuncCoord 4, 1 ; $c3b8
ld hl, Coord
ld de, SafariSteps ; $4579
call PlaceString
FuncCoord 1, 3 ; $c3dd
ld hl, Coord
ld de, SafariBallText
call PlaceString
ld a, [W_NUMSAFARIBALLS] ; $da47
cp $a
jr nc, .asm_c56d
FuncCoord 5, 3 ; $c3e1
ld hl, Coord
ld a, $7f
ld [hl], a
FuncCoord 6, 3 ; $c3e2
ld hl, Coord
ld de, W_NUMSAFARIBALLS ; $da47
ld bc, $102
jp PrintNumber
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SafariSteps: ; c579 (3:4579)
db "/500@"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SafariBallText: ; c57e (3:457e)
db "BALL×× @"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_c586: ; c586 (3:4586)
call GetPredefRegisters
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_c589: ; c589 (3:4589)
ld a, [W_YCOORD] ; $d361
ld d, a
ld a, [W_XCOORD] ; $d362
ld e, a
ld a, [$c109]
and a
jr nz, .asm_c59d
FuncCoord 8, 11 ; $c484
ld a, [Coord]
inc d
jr .asm_c5b9
cp $4
jr nz, .asm_c5a7
FuncCoord 8, 7 ; $c434
ld a, [Coord]
dec d
jr .asm_c5b9
cp $8
jr nz, .asm_c5b1
FuncCoord 6, 9 ; $c45a
ld a, [Coord]
dec e
jr .asm_c5b9
cp $c
jr nz, .asm_c5b9
FuncCoord 10, 9 ; $c45e
ld a, [Coord]
inc e
ld c, a
ld [$cfc6], a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_c5be: ; c5be (3:45be)
xor a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [$ffdb], a
ld hl, W_YCOORD ; $d361
ld a, [hli]
ld d, a
ld e, [hl]
ld a, [$c109]
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr nz, .asm_c5d8
ld hl, $ffdb
set 0, [hl]
FuncCoord 8, 13 ; $c4ac
ld a, [Coord]
inc d
jr .asm_c603
cp $4
jr nz, .asm_c5e7
ld hl, $ffdb
set 1, [hl]
FuncCoord 8, 5 ; $c40c
ld a, [Coord]
dec d
jr .asm_c603
cp $8
jr nz, .asm_c5f6
ld hl, $ffdb
set 2, [hl]
FuncCoord 4, 9 ; $c458
ld a, [Coord]
dec e
jr .asm_c603
cp $c
jr nz, .asm_c603
ld hl, $ffdb
set 3, [hl]
FuncCoord 12, 9 ; $c460
ld a, [Coord]
inc e
ld c, a
ld [$d71c], a
ld [$cfc6], a
Func_c60b: ; c60b (3:460b)
call Func_c5be
ld hl, $d530
ld a, [hli]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
ld a, [hli]
cp $ff
jr z, .asm_c632
cp c
jr nz, .asm_c614
ld hl, $c7e
call Func_c44
ld a, $ff
jr c, .asm_c632
ld a, [$d71c]
cp $15
ld a, $ff
jr z, .asm_c632
call Func_c636
ld [$d71c], a
Func_c636: ; c636 (3:4636)
ld a, [$d718]
dec a
swap a
ld d, $0
ld e, a
ld hl, $c214
add hl, de
ld a, [hli]
ld [$ffdc], a
ld a, [hl]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [$ffdd], a
ld a, [W_NUMSPRITES] ; $d4e1
ld c, a
ld de, $f
ld hl, $c214
ld a, [$ffdb]
and $3
jr z, .asm_c678
inc hl
ld a, [$ffdd]
cp [hl]
jr nz, .asm_c672
dec hl
ld a, [hli]
ld b, a
ld a, [$ffdb]
jr c, .asm_c66c
ld a, [$ffdc]
dec a
jr .asm_c66f
ld a, [$ffdc]
inc a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
cp b
jr z, .asm_c697
dec c
jr z, .asm_c69a
add hl, de
jr .asm_c659
ld a, [hli]
ld b, a
ld a, [$ffdc]
cp b
jr nz, .asm_c691
ld b, [hl]
ld a, [$ffdb]
bit 2, a
jr nz, .asm_c68b
ld a, [$ffdd]
inc a
jr .asm_c68e
ld a, [$ffdd]
dec a
cp b
jr z, .asm_c697
dec c
jr z, .asm_c69a
add hl, de
jr .asm_c678
ld a, $ff
xor a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_c69c: ; c69c (3:469c)
ld a, [$d730]
add a
jp c, .asm_c74f
ld a, [W_NUMINPARTY] ; $d163
and a
jp z, .asm_c74f
call Func_c8de
ld a, [$d13b]
and $3
jp nz, .asm_c74f
ld [wWhichPokemon], a ; $cf92
ld hl, W_PARTYMON1_STATUS ; $d16f
ld de, W_PARTYMON1 ; $d164
ld a, [hl]
and $8
jr z, .asm_c6fd
dec hl
dec hl
ld a, [hld]
ld b, a
ld a, [hli]
or b
jr z, .asm_c6fb
ld a, [hl]
dec a
ld [hld], a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
inc a
jr nz, .asm_c6d5
dec [hl]
inc hl
jr .asm_c6fb
ld a, [hli]
or [hl]
jr nz, .asm_c6fb
push hl
inc hl
inc hl
ld [hl], a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, [de]
ld [$d11e], a
push de
ld a, [wWhichPokemon] ; $cf92
ld hl, W_PARTYMON1NAME ; $d2b5
call GetPartyMonName
xor a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [wJoypadForbiddenButtonsMask], a
call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing
ld a, $d0
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
call DisplayTextID
pop de
pop hl
inc hl
inc hl
inc de
ld a, [de]
inc a
jr z, .asm_c70e
ld bc, $2c
add hl, bc
push hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld hl, wWhichPokemon ; $cf92
inc [hl]
pop hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr .asm_c6be
ld hl, W_PARTYMON1_STATUS ; $d16f
ld a, [W_NUMINPARTY] ; $d163
ld d, a
ld e, $0
ld a, [hl]
and $8
or e
ld e, a
ld bc, $2c
add hl, bc
dec d
jr nz, .asm_c717
ld a, e
and a
jr z, .asm_c733
ld b, $2
ld a, $1f
call Predef ; indirect jump to Func_480eb (480eb (12:40eb))
ld a, (SFX_02_43 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
call PlaySound
ld a, $14
call Predef ; indirect jump to AnyPlayerPokemonAliveCheck (3ca83 (f:4a83))
ld a, d
and a
jr nz, .asm_c74f
call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing
ld a, $d1
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
call DisplayTextID
ld hl, $d72e
set 5, [hl]
ld a, $ff
jr .asm_c750
xor a
ld [$d12d], a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_c754: ; c754 (3:4754)
call GetPredefRegisters
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
push hl
ld d, $0
ld a, [W_CURMAPTILESET] ; $d367
add a
add a
ld b, a
add a
add b
jr nc, .asm_c765
inc d
ld e, a
ld hl, Tilesets
add hl, de
ld de, $d52b
ld c, $b
ld a, [hli]
ld [de], a
inc de
dec c
jr nz, .asm_c76f
ld a, [hl]
ld [$ffd7], a
xor a
ld [$ffd8], a
pop hl
ld a, [W_CURMAPTILESET] ; $d367
push hl
push de
ld hl, DungeonTilesets ; $47b2
ld de, $1
call IsInArray
pop de
pop hl
jr c, .asm_c797
ld a, [W_CURMAPTILESET] ; $d367
ld b, a
ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1] ; $ff8b
cp b
jr z, .asm_c7b1
ld a, [$d42f]
cp $ff
jr z, .asm_c7b1
call LoadDestinationWarpPosition
ld a, [W_YCOORD] ; $d361
and $1
ld [W_YBLOCKCOORD], a ; $d363
ld a, [W_XCOORD] ; $d362
and $1
ld [W_XBLOCKCOORD], a ; $d364
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/dungeon_tilesets.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/tileset_headers.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_c8de: ; c8de (3:48de)
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ret z
ld hl, $da6f
inc [hl]
ret nz
dec hl
inc [hl]
ret nz
dec hl
inc [hl]
ld a, [hl]
cp $50
ret c
ld a, $50
ld [hl], a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/hide_show_data.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
PrintUsedStrengthText: ; cd99 (3:4d99)
ld hl, $d728
set 0, [hl]
ld hl, UsedStrengthText
call PrintText
ld hl, CanMoveBouldersText
jp PrintText
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
UsedStrengthText: ; cdaa (3:4daa)
TX_FAR _UsedStrengthText
db $08 ; asm
ld a, [$cf91]
call PlayCry
call Delay3
jp TextScriptEnd
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CanMoveBouldersText: ; cdbb (3:4dbb)
TX_FAR _CanMoveBouldersText
db "@"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CheckForForcedBikeSurf: ; cdc0 (3:4dc0)
ld hl, $d728
set 1, [hl]
ld a, [$d732]
bit 5, a
jr nz, .asm_cdec
ld a, [W_CURMAP] ; $d35e
ret nz
ld a, [$d881]
and $3
cp $3
ret z
ld hl, CoordsData_cdf7 ; $4df7
call ArePlayerCoordsInArray
ret nc
ld hl, $d728
res 1, [hl]
ld hl, CurrentTooFastText
jp PrintText
ld hl, $d728
res 1, [hl]
ld hl, CyclingIsFunText
jp PrintText
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CoordsData_cdf7: ; cdf7 (3:4df7)
db $0B,$07,$FF
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CurrentTooFastText: ; cdfa (3:4dfa)
TX_FAR _CurrentTooFastText
db "@"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CyclingIsFunText: ; cdff (3:4dff)
TX_FAR _CyclingIsFunText
db "@"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; function to add an item (in varying quantities) to the player's bag or PC box
; hl = address of inventory (either wNumBagItems or wNumBoxItems)
; [$CF91] = item ID
; [$CF96] = item quantity
; sets carry flag if successful, unsets carry flag if unsuccessful
AddItemToInventory_: ; ce04 (3:4e04)
ld a,[$cf96] ; a = item quantity
push af
push bc
push de
push hl
push hl
ld d,50 ; PC box can hold 50 items
ld a,wNumBagItems & $FF
cp l
jr nz,.checkIfInventoryFull
ld a,wNumBagItems >> 8
cp h
jr nz,.checkIfInventoryFull
; if the destination is the bag
ld d,20 ; bag can hold 20 items
ld a,[hl]
sub d
ld d,a
ld a,[hli]
and a
jr z,.addNewItem
ld a,[hli]
ld b,a ; b = ID of current item in table
ld a,[$cf91] ; a = ID of item being added
cp b ; does the current item in the table match the item being added?
jp z,.increaseItemQuantity ; if so, increase the item's quantity
inc hl
ld a,[hl]
cp a,$ff ; is it the end of the table?
jr nz,.loop
.addNewItem ; add an item not yet in the inventory
pop hl
ld a,d
and a ; is there room for a new item slot?
jr z,.done
; if there is room
inc [hl] ; increment the number of items in the inventory
ld a,[hl] ; the number of items will be the index of the new item
add a
dec a
ld c,a
ld b,0
add hl,bc ; hl = address to store the item
ld a,[$cf91]
ld [hli],a ; store item ID
ld a,[$cf96]
ld [hli],a ; store item quantity
ld [hl],$ff ; store terminator
jp .success
.increaseItemQuantity ; increase the quantity of an item already in the inventory
ld a,[$cf96]
ld b,a ; b = quantity to add
ld a,[hl] ; a = existing item quantity
add b ; a = new item quantity
cp a,100
jp c,.storeNewQuantity ; if the new quantity is less than 100, store it
; if the new quantity is greater than or equal to 100,
; try to max out the current slot and add the rest in a new slot
sub a,99
ld [$cf96],a ; a = amount left over (to put in the new slot)
ld a,d
and a ; is there room for a new item slot?
jr z,.increaseItemQuantityFailed
; if so, store 99 in the current slot and store the rest in a new slot
ld a,99
ld [hli],a
jp .loop
pop hl
and a
jr .done
ld [hl],a
pop hl
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
pop bc
ld a,b
ld [$cf96],a ; restore the initial value from when the function was called
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; function to remove an item (in varying quantities) from the player's bag or PC box
; hl = address of inventory (either wNumBagItems or wNumBoxItems)
; [$CF92] = index (within the inventory) of the item to remove
; [$CF96] = quantity to remove
RemoveItemFromInventory_: ; ce74 (3:4e74)
push hl
inc hl
ld a,[wWhichPokemon] ; index (within the inventory) of the item being removed
sla a
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry
inc h
inc hl
ld a,[$cf96] ; quantity being removed
ld e,a
ld a,[hl] ; a = current quantity
sub e
ld [hld],a ; store new quantity
ld [$cf97],a
and a
jr nz,.skipMovingUpSlots
; if the remaining quantity is 0,
; remove the emptied item slot and move up all the following item slots
ld e,l
ld d,h
inc de
inc de ; de = address of the slot following the emptied one
.loop ; loop to move up the following slots
ld a,[de]
inc de
ld [hli],a
cp a,$ff
jr nz,.loop
; update menu info
xor a
ld [wListScrollOffset],a
ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a
ld [$cc2c],a
ld [$d07e],a
pop hl
ld a,[hl] ; a = number of items in inventory
dec a ; decrement the number of items
ld [hl],a ; store new number of items
ld [$d12a],a
cp a,2
jr c,.done
ld [wMaxMenuItem],a
jr .done
pop hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; wild pokemon data: from 4EB8 to 55C7
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
LoadWildData: ; ceb8 (3:4eb8)
ld hl,WildDataPointers
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; get wild data for current map
ld c,a
ld b,0
add hl,bc
add hl,bc
ld a,[hli]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a ; hl now points to wild data for current map
ld a,[hli]
and a
jr z,.NoGrassData ; if no grass data, skip to surfing data
push hl
ld de,W_GRASSMONS ; otherwise, load grass data
ld bc,$0014
call CopyData
pop hl
ld bc,$0014
add hl,bc
ld a,[hli]
and a
ret z ; if no water data, we're done
ld de,W_WATERMONS ; otherwise, load surfing data
ld bc,$0014
jp CopyData
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/wild_mons.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/items/items.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
DrawBadges: ; ea03 (3:6a03)
; Draw 4x2 gym leader faces, with the faces replaced by
; badges if they are owned. Used in the player status screen.
2013-05-13 05:30:33 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; In Japanese versions, names are displayed above faces.
; Instead of removing relevant code, the name graphics were erased.
; Tile ids for face/badge graphics.
ld de, $cd3f
ld hl, .FaceBadgeTiles
ld bc, 8
call CopyData
; Booleans for each badge.
ld hl, $cd49
ld bc, 8
xor a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
call FillMemory
; Alter these based on owned badges.
ld de, $cd49
ld hl, $cd3f
ld b, a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld c, 8
srl b
jr nc, .NextBadge
ld a, [hl]
add 4 ; Badge graphics are after each face
ld [hl], a
ld a, 1
ld [de], a
inc hl
inc de
dec c
jr nz, .CheckBadge
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; Draw two rows of badges.
ld hl, $cd3d
ld a, $d8 ; [1]
ld [hli], a
ld [hl], $60 ; First name
FuncCoord 2, 11
ld hl, Coord
ld de, $cd49
call .DrawBadgeRow
FuncCoord 2, 14
ld hl, Coord
ld de, $cd49 + 4
; call .DrawBadgeRow
; ret
.DrawBadgeRow ; ea4c (3:6a4c)
; Draw 4 badges.
ld c, 4
push de
push hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; Badge no.
ld a, [$cd3d]
ld [hli], a
inc a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [$cd3d], a
; Names aren't printed if the badge is owned.
ld a, [de]
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, [$cd3e]
jr nz, .SkipName
call .PlaceTiles
jr .PlaceBadge
inc a
inc a
inc hl
ld [$cd3e], a
ld de, 20 - 1
add hl, de
ld a, [$cd3f]
call .PlaceTiles
add hl, de
call .PlaceTiles
; Shift badge array back one byte.
push bc
ld hl, $cd3f + 1
ld de, $cd3f
ld bc, 8
call CopyData
pop bc
pop hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld de, 4
add hl, de
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
pop de
inc de
dec c
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr nz, .DrawBadge
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [hli], a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
inc a
ld [hl], a
inc a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
db $20, $28, $30, $38, $40, $48, $50, $58
2013-05-13 05:30:33 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
GymLeaderFaceAndBadgeTileGraphics: ; ea9e (3:6a9e)
INCBIN "gfx/badges.w16.2bpp"
2013-05-13 05:30:33 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_ee9e: ; ee9e (3:6e9e)
call GetPredefRegisters
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld hl, $c6e8
ld a, [W_CURMAPWIDTH] ; $d369
add $6
ld e, a
ld d, $0
add hl, de
add hl, de
add hl, de
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld e, $3
add hl, de
ld e, a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, b
and a
jr z, .asm_eebb
add hl, de
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
dec b
jr nz, .asm_eeb7
add hl, bc
ld a, [$d09f]
ld [hl], a
ld a, [$d35f]
ld c, a
ld a, [$d360]
ld b, a
call Func_ef4e
ret c
push hl
ld l, e
ld h, $0
ld e, $6
ld d, h
add hl, hl
add hl, hl
add hl, de
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
add hl, bc
pop bc
call Func_ef4e
ret c
Func_eedc: ; eedc (3:6edc)
ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE] ; $d057
inc a
ret z
push af
ld a, [$ffd7]
push af
xor a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [$ffd7], a
call LoadCurrentMapView
ld hl, $d526
ld a, [hli]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
ld de, $ffc0
add hl, de
ld a, h
and $3
or $98
ld a, l
ld [$cee9], a
ld a, h
ld [$ceea], a
ld a, $2
ld [$ffbe], a
ld c, $9
push bc
push hl
push hl
ld hl, $c378
ld de, $14
ld a, [$ffbe]
add hl, de
dec a
jr nz, .asm_ef1a
call ScheduleRowRedrawHelper
pop hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld de, $20
ld a, [$ffbe]
ld c, a
add hl, de
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, h
and $3
or $98
dec c
jr nz, .asm_ef28
ld [$ffd2], a
ld a, l
ld a, $2
ld [H_SCREENEDGEREDRAW], a ; $ffd0
call DelayFrame
ld hl, $ffbe
inc [hl]
inc [hl]
pop hl
pop bc
dec c
jr nz, .asm_ef0f
pop af
ld [$ffd7], a
pop af
2013-11-09 19:21:51 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_ef4e: ; ef4e (3:6f4e)
ld a, h
sub b
ret nz
ld a, l
sub c
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/cut.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_f113: ; f113 (3:7113)
ld a, [W_CURMAP] ; $d35e
cp ROUTE_1
jr nc, .notInTown
ld c, a
ld b, $1
ld hl, W_TOWNVISITEDFLAG ; mark town as visited (for flying)
ld a, $10
call Predef ; indirect jump to HandleBitArray (f666 (3:7666))
ld hl, MapHSPointers
ld a, [W_CURMAP] ; $d35e
ld b, $0
ld c, a
add hl, bc
add hl, bc
ld a, [hli] ; load missable objects pointer in hl
ld h, [hl]
Func_f132: ; f132 (3:7132)
ld l, a
push hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld de, MapHS00 ; calculate difference between out pointer and the base pointer
ld a, l
sub e
jr nc, .asm_f13c
dec h
ld l, a
ld a, h
sub d
ld h, a
ld a, h
ld [H_DIVIDEND], a
ld a, l
ld [H_DIVIDEND+1], a
xor a
ld [H_DIVIDEND+2], a
ld [H_DIVIDEND+3], a
ld a, $3
ld [H_DIVISOR], a
ld b, $2
call Divide ; divide difference by 3, resulting in the global offset (number of missable items before ours)
ld a, [W_CURMAP] ; $d35e
ld b, a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, [H_DIVIDEND+3]
ld c, a ; store global offset in c
pop hl
ld a, [hli]
cp $ff
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr z, .done ; end of list
cp b
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr nz, .done ; not for current map anymore
ld a, [hli]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
inc hl
ld [de], a ; write (map-local) sprite ID
inc de
ld a, c
inc c
ld [de], a ; write (global) missable object index
inc de
jr .writeMissableObjectsListLoop
ld a, $ff
ld [de], a ; write sentinel
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
InitializeMissableObjectsFlags: ; f175 (3:7175)
ld bc, $20
xor a
call FillMemory ; clear missable objects flags
ld hl, MapHS00
xor a
ld [$d048], a
ld a, [hli]
cp $ff ; end of list
ret z
push hl
inc hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, [hl]
cp Hide
jr nz, .asm_f19d
ld a, [$d048]
ld c, a
ld b, $1
call HandleBitArray2 ; set flag iff Item is hidden
ld hl, $d048
inc [hl]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
pop hl
inc hl
inc hl
jr .missableObjectsLoop
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; tests if current sprite is a missable object that is hidden/has been removed
IsMissableObjectHidden: ; f1a6 (3:71a6)
swap a
ld b, a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, [hli]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
cp $ff
jr z, .notHidden ; not missable -> not hidden
cp b
ld a, [hli]
jr nz, .loop
ld c, a
ld b, $2
call HandleBitArray2
ld a, c
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr nz, .hidden
xor a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [$ffe5], a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; adds missable object (items, leg. pokemon, etc.) to the map
; [$cc4d]: index of the missable object to be added (global index)
AddMissableObject: ; f1c8 (3:71c8)
ld a, [$cc4d]
ld c, a
ld b, $0
call HandleBitArray2 ; reset "removed" flag
jp UpdateSprites
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; removes missable object (items, leg. pokemon, etc.) from the map
; [$cc4d]: index of the missable object to be removed (global index)
RemoveMissableObject: ; f1d7 (3:71d7)
ld a, [$cc4d]
ld c, a
ld b, $1
call HandleBitArray2 ; set "removed" flag
jp UpdateSprites
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; functionally identical to _HandleBitArray, but with less optimized instructions
; executes operations on a field of bits
; b = 0 -> reset bit
; b = 1 -> set bit
; b = 2 -> read bit (into c and z-flag)
; hl: base address
; c: bit index
HandleBitArray2: ; f1e6 (3:71e6)
push hl
push de
push bc
ld a, c
ld d, a
and $7
ld e, a ; store bit offset in e
ld a, d
srl a
srl a
srl a ; calc byte offset
add l
ld l, a
jr nc, .noCarry
inc h
inc e
ld d, $1
.shiftLeftLoop ; d = 1 << e, bitmask for the used bit
dec e
jr z, .operationSelect
sla d
jr .shiftLeftLoop
ld a, b
and a
jr z, .resetBit
cp $2
jr z, .readBit
ld a, [hl] ; set bit
ld b, a
ld a, d
or b
ld [hl], a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr .done
ld a, [hl]
ld b, a
ld a, d
xor $ff
and b
ld [hl], a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr .done
ld a, [hl]
ld b, a
ld a, d
and b
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
ld c, a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_f225: ; f225 (3:7225)
ld a, [$d728]
bit 0, a
ret z
ld a, [wFlags_0xcd60]
bit 1, a
ret nz
xor a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
call IsSpriteInFrontOfPlayer
ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2] ; $ff8c
ld [$d718], a
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jp z, Func_f2dd
ld hl, $c101
ld d, $0
ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2] ; $ff8c
swap a
ld e, a
add hl, de
res 7, [hl]
call GetSpriteMovementByte2Pointer
ld a, [hl]
cp $10
jp nz, Func_f2dd
ld hl, wFlags_0xcd60
bit 6, [hl]
set 6, [hl]
ret z
and $f0
ret z
ld a, $5a
call Predef ; indirect jump to Func_c60b (c60b (3:460b))
ld a, [$d71c]
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jp nz, Func_f2dd
ld b, a
ld a, [$c109]
cp $4
jr z, .asm_f289
cp $8
jr z, .asm_f291
cp $c
jr z, .asm_f299
bit 7, b
ret z
ld de, MovementData_f2af
jr .asm_f29f
bit 6, b
ret z
ld de, MovementData_f2ad
jr .asm_f29f
bit 5, b
ret z
ld de, MovementData_f2b1
jr .asm_f29f
bit 4, b
ret z
ld de, MovementData_f2b3
call MoveSprite
ld a, (SFX_02_53 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
call PlaySound
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld hl, wFlags_0xcd60
set 1, [hl]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
MovementData_f2ad: ; f2ad (3:72ad)
db $40,$FF
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
MovementData_f2af: ; f2af (3:72af)
db $00,$FF
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
MovementData_f2b1: ; f2b1 (3:72b1)
db $80,$FF
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
MovementData_f2b3: ; f2b3 (3:72b3)
db $C0,$FF
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_f2b5: ; f2b5 (3:72b5)
ld a, [$d730]
bit 0, a
ret nz
callab Func_79f54
call DiscardButtonPresses
ld [wJoypadForbiddenButtonsMask], a
call Func_f2dd
set 7, [hl]
ld a, [$d718]
ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
call GetSpriteMovementByte2Pointer
ld [hl], $10
ld a, (SFX_02_56 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
jp PlaySound
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_f2dd: ; f2dd (3:72dd)
ld hl, wFlags_0xcd60
res 1, [hl]
res 6, [hl]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
_AddPokemonToParty: ; f2e5 (3:72e5)
ld de, W_NUMINPARTY ; $d163
ld a, [$cc49]
and $f
jr z, .asm_f2f2
ld de, wEnemyPartyCount ; $d89c
ld a, [de]
inc a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
cp $7
ret nc
ld [de], a
ld a, [de]
ld [$ffe4], a
add e
ld e, a
jr nc, .asm_f300
inc d
ld a, [$cf91]
ld [de], a
inc de
ld a, $ff
ld [de], a
ld hl, W_PARTYMON1OT ; $d273
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, [$cc49]
and $f
jr z, .asm_f315
ld a, [$ffe4]
dec a
call SkipFixedLengthTextEntries
ld d, h
ld e, l
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld hl, W_PLAYERNAME ; $d158
ld bc, $b
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
call CopyData
ld a, [$cc49]
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr nz, .asm_f33f
ld hl, W_PARTYMON1NAME ; $d2b5
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, [$ffe4]
dec a
call SkipFixedLengthTextEntries
ld a, $2
ld [$d07d], a
ld a, $4e
call Predef ; indirect jump to Func_64eb (64eb (1:64eb))
ld hl, W_PARTYMON1_NUM ; $d16b (aliases: W_PARTYMON1DATA)
ld a, [$cc49]
and $f
jr z, .asm_f34c
ld hl, wEnemyMons ; $d8a4
ld a, [$ffe4]
dec a
ld bc, $2c
call AddNTimes
ld e, l
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld d, h
push hl
ld a, [$cf91]
ld [$d0b5], a
call GetMonHeader
ld a, [hli]
ld [de], a
inc de
pop hl
push hl
ld a, [$cc49]
and $f
ld a, $98 ; set enemy trainer mon IVs to fixed average values
ld b, $88
jr nz, .writeFreshMonData
ld a, [$cf91]
ld [$d11e], a
push de
ld a, $3a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
call Predef ; indirect jump to IndexToPokedex (41010 (10:5010))
pop de
ld a, [$d11e]
dec a
ld c, a
ld b, $2
ld hl, wPokedexOwned ; $d2f7
call _HandleBitArray
ld a, c
ld [$d153], a
ld a, [$d11e]
dec a
ld c, a
ld b, $1
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
push bc
call _HandleBitArray
pop bc
ld hl, wPokedexSeen ; $d30a
call _HandleBitArray
pop hl
push hl
ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE] ; $d057
2013-10-12 18:40:37 +00:00
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr nz, .copyEnemyMonData
call Random ; generate random IVs
2014-01-07 03:34:14 +00:00
ld b, a
call Random
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
.writeFreshMonData ; f3b3
push bc
ld bc, $1b
add hl, bc
pop bc
ld [hli], a
ld [hl], b ; write IVs
ld bc, $fff4
add hl, bc
ld a, $1
ld c, a
2013-10-12 18:40:37 +00:00
xor a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld b, a
call CalcStat ; calc HP stat (set cur Hp to max HP)
ld [de], a
inc de
ld [de], a
inc de
xor a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [de], a ; level (?)
inc de
ld [de], a ; status ailments
inc de
jr .copyMonTypesAndMoves
ld bc, $1b
add hl, bc
ld a, [W_ENEMYMONATKDEFIV] ; copy IVs from cur enemy mon
ld [hli], a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [hl], a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, [W_ENEMYMONCURHP] ; copy HP from cur enemy mon
ld [de], a
inc de
ld [de], a
inc de
xor a
ld [de], a ; level (?)
inc de
ld a, [W_ENEMYMONSTATUS] ; copy status ailments from cur enemy mon
ld [de], a
inc de
ld a, [hli] ; type 1
ld [de], a
inc de
ld a, [hli] ; type 2
ld [de], a
inc de
ld a, [hli] ; unused (?)
ld [de], a
ld a, [hli]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
inc de
push de
ld [de], a
ld a, [hli]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
inc de
ld [de], a
ld a, [hli]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
inc de
ld [de], a
ld a, [hli]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
inc de
ld [de], a
push de
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
dec de
dec de
dec de
xor a
ld [$cee9], a
ld a, $3e
call Predef ; indirect jump to WriteMonMoves (3afb8 (e:6fb8))
pop de
ld a, [wPlayerID] ; set trainer ID to player ID
inc de
ld [de], a
ld a, [wPlayerID + 1]
inc de
ld [de], a
push de
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld d, a
callab CalcExperience
pop de
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
inc de
ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND] ; write experience
ld [de], a
inc de
ld [de], a
inc de
ld [de], a
xor a
ld b, $a
.writeEVsLoop ; set all EVs to 0
inc de
ld [de], a
dec b
jr nz, .writeEVsLoop
inc de
inc de
pop hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
call AddPokemonToParty_WriteMovePP
inc de
ld a, [W_CURENEMYLVL] ; $d127
ld [de], a
inc de
ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE] ; $d057
dec a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr nz, .calcFreshStats
ld hl, W_ENEMYMONMAXHP ; $cff4
ld bc, $a
call CopyData ; copy stats of cur enemy mon
pop hl
jr .done
pop hl
ld bc, $10
add hl, bc
ld b, $0
call CalcStats ; calculate fresh set of stats
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
LoadMovePPs: ; f473 (3:7473)
call GetPredefRegisters
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; fallthrough
AddPokemonToParty_WriteMovePP: ; f476 (3:7476)
ld b, $4
ld a, [hli] ; read move ID
and a
jr z, .empty
dec a
push hl
push de
push bc
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld hl, Moves
ld bc, $6
call AddNTimes
ld de, $cd6d
ld a, BANK(Moves)
call FarCopyData
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, [$cd72] ; sixth move byte = pp
inc de
ld [de], a
dec b
jr nz, .pploop ; there are still moves to read
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; adds enemy mon [$cf91] (at position [$cf92] in enemy list) to own party
; used in the cable club trade center
_AddEnemyMonToPlayerParty: ; f49d (3:749d)
ld a, [hl]
cp $6
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ret z ; party full, return failure
inc a
ld [hl], a ; add 1 to party members
ld c, a
ld b, $0
add hl, bc
ld a, [$cf91]
ld [hli], a ; add mon as last list entry
ld [hl], $ff ; write new sentinel
dec a
call AddNTimes
ld e, l
ld d, h
ld hl, $cf98
call CopyData ; write new mon's data (from $cf98)
dec a
call SkipFixedLengthTextEntries
ld d, h
ld e, l
ld a, [wWhichPokemon]
call SkipFixedLengthTextEntries
ld bc, $000b
call CopyData ; write new mon's OT name (from an enemy mon)
dec a
call SkipFixedLengthTextEntries
ld d, h
ld e, l
ld a, [wWhichPokemon]
call SkipFixedLengthTextEntries
ld bc, $000b
call CopyData ; write new mon's nickname (from an enemy mon)
ld a, [$cf91]
ld [$d11e], a
ld a, $3a
call Predef
ld a, [$d11e]
dec a
ld c, a
ld b, $1
ld hl, wPokedexOwned
push bc
call _HandleBitArray ; add to owned pokemon
pop bc
ld hl, wPokedexSeen
call _HandleBitArray ; add to seen pokemon
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ret ; return success
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_f51e: ; f51e (3:751e)
ld a, [$cf95]
and a
jr z, .checkPartyMonSlots
cp $2
jr z, .checkPartyMonSlots
cp $3
jr z, .asm_f575
ld hl, W_NUMINBOX ; $da80
ld a, [hl]
cp $14
jr nz, .partyOrBoxNotFull
jr .boxFull
ld hl, W_NUMINPARTY ; $d163
ld a, [hl]
cp $6
jr nz, .partyOrBoxNotFull
inc a
ld [hl], a ; increment number of mons in party/box
ld c, a
ld b, $0
add hl, bc
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, [$cf95]
cp $2
jr z, .asm_f556
ld a, [$cf91]
ld [hli], a ; write new mon ID
ld [hl], $ff ; write new sentinel
ld a, [$cf95]
dec a
ld hl, W_PARTYMON1DATA ; $d16b
ld a, [W_NUMINPARTY] ; $d163
jr nz, .skipToNewMonEntry
ld a, [W_NUMINBOX] ; $da80
dec a
call AddNTimes
push hl
ld e, l
ld d, h
ld a, [$cf95]
and a
jr z, .asm_f591
cp $2
jr z, .asm_f597
ld hl, W_PARTYMON1DATA ; $d16b
ld a, [wWhichPokemon] ; $cf92
call AddNTimes
push hl
push de
ld bc, $21
call CopyData
pop de
pop hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, [$cf95]
and a
jr z, .asm_f5b4
cp $2
jr z, .asm_f5b4
ld bc, $21
add hl, bc
ld a, [hl]
inc de
inc de
inc de
ld [de], a
ld a, [$cf95]
cp $3
jr z, .asm_f5d3
dec a
ld hl, W_PARTYMON1OT ; $d273
ld a, [W_NUMINPARTY] ; $d163
jr nz, .asm_f5cd
ld hl, W_BOXMON1OT
ld a, [W_NUMINBOX] ; $da80
dec a
call SkipFixedLengthTextEntries
ld d, h
ld e, l
ld hl, W_BOXMON1OT
ld a, [$cf95]
and a
jr z, .asm_f5e6
cp $2
jr z, .asm_f5ec
ld hl, W_PARTYMON1OT ; $d273
ld a, [wWhichPokemon] ; $cf92
call SkipFixedLengthTextEntries
ld bc, $b
call CopyData
ld a, [$cf95]
cp $3
jr z, .asm_f611
dec a
ld hl, W_PARTYMON1NAME ; $d2b5
ld a, [W_NUMINPARTY] ; $d163
jr nz, .asm_f60b
ld a, [W_NUMINBOX] ; $da80
dec a
call SkipFixedLengthTextEntries
ld d, h
ld e, l
ld a, [$cf95]
and a
jr z, .asm_f624
cp $2
jr z, .asm_f62a
ld hl, W_PARTYMON1NAME ; $d2b5
ld a, [wWhichPokemon] ; $cf92
call SkipFixedLengthTextEntries
ld bc, $b
call CopyData
pop hl
ld a, [$cf95]
cp $1
jr z, .asm_f664
cp $3
jr z, .asm_f664
push hl
srl a
add $2
ld [$cc49], a
call LoadMonData
callba Func_58f43
ld a, d
ld [W_CURENEMYLVL], a ; $d127
pop hl
ld bc, $21
add hl, bc
ld [hli], a
ld d, h
ld e, l
ld bc, $ffee
add hl, bc
ld b, $1
call CalcStats
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; predef $10
; executes operations on a field of bits
; b = 0 -> reset bit
; b = 1 -> set bit
; b = 2 -> read bit (into c and z-flag)
; hl: base address
; c: bit index
HandleBitArray: ; f666 (3:7666)
call GetPredefRegisters
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
_HandleBitArray: ; f669 (3:7669)
push hl
push de
push bc
ld a, c
ld d, a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
and $7
ld e, a ; store bit offset in e
ld a, d
srl a
srl a
srl a ; calc byte offset
add l
ld l, a
jr nc, .noCarry
inc h
inc e
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld d, $1
.shiftLeftLoop ; d = 1 << e, bitmask for the used bit
dec e
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr z, .operationSelect
sla d
jr .shiftLeftLoop
ld a, b
and a
jr z, .resetBit
cp $2
jr z, .readBit
ld b, [hl] ; set bit
ld a, d
or b
ld [hl], a
jr .done
ld b, [hl]
ld a, d
xor $ff
and b
ld [hl], a
jr .done
ld b, [hl]
ld a, d
and b
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
ld c, a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
HealParty: ; f6a5 (3:76a5)
ld hl, W_PARTYMON1
.HealPokemon: ; f6ab (3:76ab)
ld a, [hli]
cp $ff
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr z, .DoneHealing ; End if there's no Pokémon
push hl
push de
ld hl, $0003 ; Status offset
add hl, de
xor a
ld [hl], a ; Clean status conditions
push de
ld b, $4 ; A Pokémon has 4 moves
.RestorePP: ; f6bb (3:76bb)
ld hl, $0007 ; Move offset
add hl, de
ld a, [hl]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
and a
jr z, .HealNext ; Skip if there's no move here
dec a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld hl, $001c ; PP offset
add hl, de
push hl
push de
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
push bc
ld hl, Moves
ld bc, $0006
call AddNTimes
ld de, $cd6d
ld a, BANK(Moves)
call FarCopyData ; copy move header to memory
ld a, [$cd72] ; get default PP
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
inc de
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
push bc
ld b, a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld a, [hl]
and $c0
add b
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [hl], a
pop bc
.HealNext: ; f6eb (3:76eb)
dec b
jr nz, .RestorePP ; Continue if there's still moves
pop de
ld hl, $0021 ; Max HP offset
add hl, de
ld a, [hli]
ld [de], a
inc de
ld a, [hl]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [de], a ; Restore full HP
pop de
pop hl
push hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld bc, $002c
ld h, d
ld l, e
add hl, bc
ld d, h
ld e, l
pop hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr .HealPokemon ; Next Pokémon
xor a
ld [wWhichPokemon], a
ld [$d11e], a
ld b, a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
.restoreBonusPPLoop ; loop to restore bonus PP from PP Ups
push bc
call RestoreBonusPP
pop bc
ld hl, wWhichPokemon
inc [hl]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
dec b
jr nz,.restoreBonusPPLoop
2013-11-09 19:21:51 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; predef $9
; predef $a
; predef $d
; predef $e
Func_f71e: ; f71e (3:771e)
call GetPredefRegisters
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
xor a
ld [$ffa5], a
ld [$ffa6], a
ld [$ffa7], a
ld d, $1
ld a, [$ffa2]
and $f0
jr nz, .asm_f75b
inc d
ld a, [$ffa2]
swap a
and $f0
ld b, a
ld a, [$ffa3]
swap a
ld [$ffa3], a
and $f
or b
ld [$ffa2], a
ld a, [$ffa3]
and $f0
ld b, a
ld a, [$ffa4]
swap a
ld [$ffa4], a
and $f
or b
ld [$ffa3], a
ld a, [$ffa4]
and $f0
ld [$ffa4], a
jr .asm_f72a
push de
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
push de
call Func_f800
pop de
ld a, b
swap a
and $f0
ld [$ffa5], a
dec d
jr z, .asm_f7bc
push de
call Func_f7d7
call Func_f800
pop de
ld a, [$ffa5]
or b
ld [$ffa5], a
dec d
jr z, .asm_f7bc
push de
call Func_f7d7
call Func_f800
pop de
ld a, b
swap a
and $f0
ld [$ffa6], a
dec d
jr z, .asm_f7bc
push de
call Func_f7d7
call Func_f800
pop de
ld a, [$ffa6]
or b
ld [$ffa6], a
dec d
jr z, .asm_f7bc
push de
call Func_f7d7
call Func_f800
pop de
ld a, b
swap a
and $f0
ld [$ffa7], a
dec d
jr z, .asm_f7bc
push de
call Func_f7d7
call Func_f800
pop de
ld a, [$ffa7]
or b
ld [$ffa7], a
ld a, [$ffa5]
ld [$ffa2], a
ld a, [$ffa6]
ld [$ffa3], a
ld a, [$ffa7]
ld [$ffa4], a
pop de
ld a, $6
sub d
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ret z
push af
call Func_f7d7
pop af
dec a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr nz, .asm_f7ce
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_f7d7: ; f7d7 (3:77d7)
ld a, [$ffa4]
swap a
and $f
ld b, a
ld a, [$ffa3]
swap a
ld [$ffa3], a
and $f0
or b
ld [$ffa4], a
ld a, [$ffa3]
and $f
ld b, a
ld a, [$ffa2]
swap a
ld [$ffa2], a
and $f0
or b
ld [$ffa3], a
ld a, [$ffa2]
and $f
ld [$ffa2], a
Func_f800: ; f800 (3:7800)
ld bc, $3
ld de, $ff9f
ld hl, $ffa2
push bc
call StringCmp
pop bc
ret c
inc b
ld de, $ffa1
ld hl, $ffa4
push bc
call Func_f839
pop bc
jr .asm_f803
Func_f81d: ; f81d (3:781d)
call GetPredefRegisters
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld b, c
ld a, [de]
adc [hl]
ld [de], a
dec de
dec hl
dec c
jr nz, .asm_f822
jr nc, .asm_f835
ld a, $99
inc de
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [de], a
inc de
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
dec b
jr nz, .asm_f830
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_f836: ; f836 (3:7836)
call GetPredefRegisters
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_f839: ; f839 (3:7839)
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld b, c
ld a, [de]
sbc [hl]
ld [de], a
dec de
dec hl
dec c
jr nz, .asm_f83b
jr nc, .asm_f84f
ld a, $0
inc de
ld [de], a
inc de
dec b
jr nz, .asm_f849
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
InitializePlayerData: ; f850 (3:7850)
call Random
ld a, [hRandomSub]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [wPlayerID], a ; set player trainer id
call Random
ld a, [hRandomAdd]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [wPlayerID + 1], a
ld a, $ff
ld [$d71b], a ; XXX what's this?
ld hl, W_NUMINPARTY ; $d163
call InitializeEmptyList ; no party mons
ld hl, W_NUMINBOX ; $da80
call InitializeEmptyList ; no boxed mons
ld hl, wNumBagItems ; $d31d
call InitializeEmptyList ; no items
ld hl, wNumBoxItems ; $d53a
call InitializeEmptyList ; no boxed items
ld hl, wPlayerMoney + 1 ; $d348
ld a, $30
ld [hld], a ; set money to 00 30 00 (3000)
xor a
ld [hli], a
inc hl
ld [hl], a
ld [$cc49], a ; XXX what's this?
ld [hli], a ; no badges obtained
ld [hl], a ; XXX what's this?
ld hl, wPlayerCoins ; $d5a4
ld [hli], a ; no coins
ld [hl], a
ld bc, $c8
call FillMemory ; clear all game progress flags
jp InitializeMissableObjectsFlags
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; writes two bytes $00 $ff to hl
InitializeEmptyList: ; f8a0 (3:78a0)
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
xor a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [hli], a
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
dec a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [hl], a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
IsItemInBag_: ; f8a5 (3:78a5)
call GetPredefRegisters
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld hl, wNumBagItems ; $d31d
inc hl
ld a, [hli]
cp $ff
jr z, .asm_f8b7
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
cp b
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr nz, .asm_f8ab
ld a, [hl]
ld b, a
ld b, $0
Func_f8ba: ; f8ba (3:78ba)
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
xor a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld hl, $ff97
ld [hli], a
ld [hli], a
ld [hli], a
ld [hl], a
ld hl, $cc97
ld de, $0
Func_f8c8: ; f8c8 (3:78c8)
ld b, a
call CalcDifference
ld d, a
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr nz, .asm_f8da
ld a, [$ff98]
set 0, a
ld [$ff98], a
ld a, [$ff9a]
ld b, a
ld a, [H_NUMTOPRINT] ; $ff96 (aliases: H_MULTIPLICAND)
call CalcDifference
ld e, a
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr nz, .asm_f8ec
ld a, [$ff98]
set 1, a
ld [$ff98], a
ld a, [$ff98]
cp $3
jr z, .asm_f926
ld a, e
cp d
jr c, .asm_f90a
ld a, [$ff9d]
bit 1, a
jr nz, .asm_f900
ld d, $c0
jr .asm_f902
ld d, $80
ld a, [$ff9a]
add $1
ld [$ff9a], a
jr .asm_f91c
ld a, [$ff9d]
bit 0, a
jr nz, .asm_f914
ld d, $0
jr .asm_f916
ld d, $40
add $1
ld a, d
ld [hli], a
ld a, [$ff97]
inc a
ld [$ff97], a
jp Func_f8c8
ld [hl], $ff
Func_f929: ; f929 (3:7929)
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
xor a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld [$ff9d], a
ld a, [$c104]
ld d, a
ld a, [$c106]
ld e, a
ld hl, wSpriteStateData1
add l
add $4
ld l, a
jr nc, .asm_f940
inc h
ld a, d
ld b, a
ld a, [hli]
call CalcDifference
jr nc, .asm_f953
push hl
ld hl, $ff9d
bit 0, [hl]
set 0, [hl]
pop hl
jr .asm_f95c
push hl
ld hl, $ff9d
bit 0, [hl]
res 0, [hl]
pop hl
push hl
ld hl, $ffe5
ld [hli], a
ld a, $10
ld [hli], a
call Func_366b
ld a, [hl]
pop hl
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
inc hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld b, e
ld a, [hl]
call CalcDifference
jr nc, .asm_f97e
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
push hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ld hl, $ff9d
bit 1, [hl]
set 1, [hl]
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
pop hl
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr .asm_f987
push hl
ld hl, $ff9d
bit 1, [hl]
res 1, [hl]
pop hl
ld [$ffe5], a
ld a, $10
ld [$ffe6], a
call Func_366b
ld a, [$ffe7]
ld [H_NUMTOPRINT], a ; $ff96 (aliases: H_MULTIPLICAND)
ld a, [$ff9b]
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
and a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ret z
ld a, [$ff9d]
and $3
ld [$ff9d], a
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_f9a0: ; f9a0 (3:79a0)
ld a, [$ff95]
ld [$cd37], a
dec a
ld de, $ccd3
ld hl, $cc97
add l
ld l, a
jr nc, .asm_f9b1
inc h
ld a, [hld]
call Func_f9bf
ld [de], a
inc de
ld a, [$ff95]
dec a
ld [$ff95], a
jr nz, .asm_f9b1
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_f9bf: ; f9bf (3:79bf)
push hl
ld b, a
ld hl, DataTable_f9d2
ld a, [hli]
cp $ff
jr z, .asm_f9d0
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
cp b
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
jr z, .asm_f9cf
inc hl
jr .asm_f9c4
ld a, [hl]
pop hl
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
DataTable_f9d2: ; f9d2 (3:79d2)
db $40, $40, $00, $80, $80, $20, $c0, $10, $ff
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Func_f9db: ; f9db (3:79db)
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/hp_bar.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/hidden_object_functions3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
OakAideSprite: ; 10000 (4:4000)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/oak_aide.2bpp"
RockerSprite: ; 10180 (4:4180)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/rocker.2bpp"
SwimmerSprite: ; 10300 (4:4300)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/swimmer.2bpp"
WhitePlayerSprite: ; 10480 (4:4480)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/white_player.2bpp"
GymHelperSprite: ; 10540 (4:4540)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/gym_helper.2bpp"
OldPersonSprite: ; 10600 (4:4600)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/old_person.2bpp"
MartGuySprite: ; 106c0 (4:46c0)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/mart_guy.2bpp"
FisherSprite: ; 10780 (4:4780)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/fisher.2bpp"
OldMediumWomanSprite: ; 10840 (4:4840)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/old_medium_woman.2bpp"
NurseSprite: ; 10900 (4:4900)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/nurse.2bpp"
CableClubWomanSprite: ; 109c0 (4:49c0)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/cable_club_woman.2bpp"
MrMasterballSprite: ; 10a80 (4:4a80)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/mr_masterball.2bpp"
LaprasGiverSprite: ; 10b40 (4:4b40)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/lapras_giver.2bpp"
WardenSprite: ; 10c00 (4:4c00)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/warden.2bpp"
SsCaptainSprite: ; 10cc0 (4:4cc0)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/ss_captain.2bpp"
Fisher2Sprite: ; 10d80 (4:4d80)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/fisher2.2bpp"
BlackbeltSprite: ; 10f00 (4:4f00)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/blackbelt.2bpp"
GuardSprite: ; 11080 (4:5080)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/guard.2bpp"
BallSprite: ; 11140 (4:5140)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/ball.2bpp"
OmanyteSprite: ; 11180 (4:5180)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/omanyte.2bpp"
BoulderSprite: ; 111c0 (4:51c0)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/boulder.2bpp"
PaperSheetSprite: ; 11200 (4:5200)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/paper_sheet.2bpp"
BookMapDexSprite: ; 11240 (4:5240)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/book_map_dex.2bpp"
ClipboardSprite: ; 11280 (4:5280)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/clipboard.2bpp"
SnorlaxSprite: ; 112c0 (4:52c0)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/snorlax.2bpp"
OldAmberSprite: ; 11300 (4:5300)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/old_amber.2bpp"
LyingOldManSprite: ; 11340 (4:5340)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/lying_old_man.2bpp"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
PokemonLogoGraphics: ; 11380 (4:5380)
INCBIN "gfx/pokemon_logo.w128.2bpp"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
FontGraphics: ; 11a80 (4:5a80)
INCBIN "gfx/font.w128.1bpp"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ABTiles: ; 11e80 (4:5e80)
INCBIN "gfx/AB.2bpp"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
HpBarAndStatusGraphics: ; 11ea0 (4:5ea0)
INCBIN "gfx/hp_bar_and_status.2bpp"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
BattleHudTiles1: ; 12080 (4:6080)
INCBIN "gfx/battle_hud1.1bpp"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
BattleHudTiles2: ; 12098 (4:6098)
INCBIN "gfx/battle_hud2.1bpp"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
BattleHudTiles3: ; 120b0 (4:60b0)
INCBIN "gfx/battle_hud3.1bpp"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
NintendoCopyrightLogoGraphics: ; 120c8 (4:60c8)
INCBIN "gfx/copyright.h8.2bpp"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
GamefreakLogoGraphics: ; 121f8 (4:61f8)
INCBIN "gfx/gamefreak.h8.2bpp"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
TextBoxGraphics: ; 12288 (4:6288)
INCBIN "gfx/text_box.2bpp"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
PokedexTileGraphics: ; 12488 (4:6488)
INCBIN "gfx/pokedex.2bpp"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
WorldMapTileGraphics: ; 125a8 (4:65a8)
INCBIN "gfx/town_map.2bpp"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
PlayerCharacterTitleGraphics: ; 126a8 (4:66a8)
INCBIN "gfx/player_title.2bpp"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/battle/4.asm"
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/menu/status_screen.asm"
2012-12-21 21:53:06 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/menu/party_menu.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
RedPicFront: ; 12ede (4:6ede)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/red.pic"
ShrinkPic1: ; 12fe8 (4:6fe8)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/shrink1.pic"
ShrinkPic2: ; 13042 (4:7042)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/shrink2.pic"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/turn_sprite.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/menu/start_sub_menus.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/items/tms.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/battle/4_2.asm"
INCLUDE "engine/random.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
RedCyclingSprite: ; 14000 (5:4000)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/cycling.2bpp"
RedSprite: ; 14180 (5:4180)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/red.2bpp"
BlueSprite: ; 14300 (5:4300)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/blue.2bpp"
OakSprite: ; 14480 (5:4480)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/oak.2bpp"
BugCatcherSprite: ; 14600 (5:4600)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/bug_catcher.2bpp"
SlowbroSprite: ; 14780 (5:4780)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/slowbro.2bpp"
LassSprite: ; 14900 (5:4900)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/lass.2bpp"
BlackHairBoy1Sprite: ; 14a80 (5:4a80)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/black_hair_boy_1.2bpp"
LittleGirlSprite: ; 14c00 (5:4c00)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/little_girl.2bpp"
BirdSprite: ; 14d80 (5:4d80)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/bird.2bpp"
FatBaldGuySprite: ; 14f00 (5:4f00)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/fat_bald_guy.2bpp"
GamblerSprite: ; 15080 (5:5080)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/gambler.2bpp"
BlackHairBoy2Sprite: ; 15200 (5:5200)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/black_hair_boy_2.2bpp"
GirlSprite: ; 15380 (5:5380)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/girl.2bpp"
HikerSprite: ; 15500 (5:5500)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/hiker.2bpp"
FoulardWomanSprite: ; 15680 (5:5680)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/foulard_woman.2bpp"
GentlemanSprite: ; 15800 (5:5800)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/gentleman.2bpp"
DaisySprite: ; 15980 (5:5980)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/daisy.2bpp"
BikerSprite: ; 15b00 (5:5b00)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/biker.2bpp"
SailorSprite: ; 15c80 (5:5c80)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/sailor.2bpp"
CookSprite: ; 15e00 (5:5e00)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/cook.2bpp"
BikeShopGuySprite: ; 15f80 (5:5f80)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/bike_shop_guy.2bpp"
MrFujiSprite: ; 16040 (5:6040)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/mr_fuji.2bpp"
GiovanniSprite: ; 161c0 (5:61c0)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/giovanni.2bpp"
RocketSprite: ; 16340 (5:6340)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/rocket.2bpp"
MediumSprite: ; 164c0 (5:64c0)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/medium.2bpp"
WaiterSprite: ; 16640 (5:6640)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/waiter.2bpp"
ErikaSprite: ; 167c0 (5:67c0)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/erika.2bpp"
MomGeishaSprite: ; 16940 (5:6940)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/mom_geisha.2bpp"
BrunetteGirlSprite: ; 16ac0 (5:6ac0)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/brunette_girl.2bpp"
LanceSprite: ; 16c40 (5:6c40)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/lance.2bpp"
MomSprite: ; 16dc0 (5:6dc0)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/mom.2bpp"
BaldingGuySprite: ; 16e80 (5:6e80)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/balding_guy.2bpp"
YoungBoySprite: ; 16f40 (5:6f40)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/young_boy.2bpp"
GameboyKidSprite: ; 17000 (5:7000)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/gameboy_kid.2bpp"
ClefairySprite: ; 170c0 (5:70c0)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/clefairy.2bpp"
AgathaSprite: ; 17240 (5:7240)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/agatha.2bpp"
BrunoSprite: ; 173c0 (5:73c0)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/bruno.2bpp"
LoreleiSprite: ; 17540 (5:7540)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/lorelei.2bpp"
SeelSprite: ; 176c0 (5:76c0)
INCBIN "gfx/sprites/seel.2bpp"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/load_pokedex_tiles.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/map_sprites.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/emotion_bubbles.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/evolve_trade.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/battle/5.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/menu/pc.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/celadoncity.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/celadoncity.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeladonCityBlocks: ; 180df (6:40df)
INCBIN "maps/celadoncity.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/pallettown.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/pallettown.asm"
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
PalletTownBlocks: ; 182fd (6:42fd)
INCBIN "maps/pallettown.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/viridiancity.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/viridiancity.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ViridianCityBlocks: ; 183ec (6:43ec)
INCBIN "maps/viridiancity.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/pewtercity.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/pewtercity.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
PewterCityBlocks: ; 185e6 (6:45e6)
INCBIN "maps/pewtercity.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/ceruleancity.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/ceruleancity.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeruleanCityBlocks: ; 18830 (6:4830)
INCBIN "maps/ceruleancity.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/vermilioncity.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/vermilioncity.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
VermilionCityBlocks: ; 18a3f (6:4a3f)
INCBIN "maps/vermilioncity.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/fuchsiacity.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/fuchsiacity.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
FuchsiaCityBlocks: ; 18c86 (6:4c86)
INCBIN "maps/fuchsiacity.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/play_time.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/pallettown.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/viridiancity.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/pewtercity.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/ceruleancity.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/vermilioncity.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/celadoncity.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/fuchsiacity.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/blueshouse.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/blueshouse.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/blueshouse.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
BluesHouseBlocks: ; 19bf6 (6:5bf6)
INCBIN "maps/blueshouse.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/vermilionhouse3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/vermilionhouse3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/vermilionhouse3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
VermilionHouse3Blocks: ; 19c3f (6:5c3f)
INCBIN "maps/vermilionhouse3.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/indigoplateaulobby.asm"
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/indigoplateaulobby.asm"
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/indigoplateaulobby.asm"
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
IndigoPlateauLobbyBlocks: ; 19ccf (6:5ccf)
INCBIN "maps/indigoplateaulobby.blk"
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/silphco4.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/silphco4.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/silphco4.asm"
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SilphCo4Blocks: ; 19ea4 (6:5ea4)
INCBIN "maps/silphco4.blk"
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/silphco5.asm"
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/silphco5.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/silphco5.asm"
2013-12-09 15:55:50 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SilphCo5Blocks: ; 1a116 (6:6116)
INCBIN "maps/silphco5.blk"
2013-12-09 15:55:50 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/silphco6.asm"
2013-12-09 15:55:50 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/silphco6.asm"
2013-12-09 15:55:50 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/silphco6.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SilphCo6Blocks: ; 1a36b (6:636b)
INCBIN "maps/silphco6.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/npc_movement.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/doors.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/ledges.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/cinnabarisland.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/cinnabarisland.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CinnabarIslandBlocks: ; 1c069 (7:4069)
INCBIN "maps/cinnabarisland.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route1Blocks: ; 1c0fc (7:40fc)
INCBIN "maps/route1.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
UndergroundPathEntranceRoute8Blocks: ; 1c1b0 (7:41b0)
INCBIN "maps/undergroundpathentranceroute8.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
OaksLabBlocks: ; 1c1c0 (7:41c0)
INCBIN "maps/oakslab.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route16HouseBlocks: ; 1c1de (7:41de)
Route2HouseBlocks: ; 1c1de (7:41de)
SaffronHouse1Blocks: ; 1c1de (7:41de)
SaffronHouse2Blocks: ; 1c1de (7:41de)
VermilionHouse1Blocks: ; 1c1de (7:41de)
NameRaterBlocks: ; 1c1de (7:41de)
LavenderHouse1Blocks: ; 1c1de (7:41de)
LavenderHouse2Blocks: ; 1c1de (7:41de)
CeruleanHouse1Blocks: ; 1c1de (7:41de)
PewterHouse1Blocks: ; 1c1de (7:41de)
PewterHouse2Blocks: ; 1c1de (7:41de)
ViridianHouseBlocks: ; 0x1c1de 41DE size=16
INCBIN "maps/viridianhouse.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeladonMansion5Blocks: ; 1c1ee (7:41ee)
SchoolBlocks: ; 0x1c1ee 41EE size=16
INCBIN "maps/school.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeruleanHouseTrashedBlocks: ; 0x1c1fe size=16
INCBIN "maps/ceruleanhousetrashed.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
DiglettsCaveEntranceRoute11Blocks: ; 1c20e (7:420e)
DiglettsCaveRoute2Blocks: ; 0x1c20e size=16
INCBIN "maps/diglettscaveroute2.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "text/monster_names.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/clear_save.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/predefs7.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/cinnabarisland.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/oakslab.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/oakslab.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/oakslab.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/viridianmart.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/viridianmart.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/viridianmart.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ViridianMartBlocks: ; 1d530 (7:5530)
INCBIN "maps/viridianmart.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/school.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/school.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/school.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/viridianhouse.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/viridianhouse.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/viridianhouse.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/pewterhouse1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/pewterhouse1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/pewterhouse1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/pewterhouse2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/pewterhouse2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/pewterhouse2.asm"
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/ceruleanhousetrashed.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/ceruleanhousetrashed.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/ceruleanhousetrashed.asm"
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/ceruleanhouse1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/ceruleanhouse1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/ceruleanhouse1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/bikeshop.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/bikeshop.asm"
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/bikeshop.asm"
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
BikeShopBlocks: ; 1d88c (7:588c)
INCBIN "maps/bikeshop.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/lavenderhouse1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/lavenderhouse1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/lavenderhouse1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/lavenderhouse2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/lavenderhouse2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/lavenderhouse2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/namerater.asm"
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/namerater.asm"
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/namerater.asm"
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/vermilionhouse1.asm"
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/vermilionhouse1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/vermilionhouse1.asm"
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/vermiliondock.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/vermiliondock.asm"
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/vermiliondock.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
VermilionDockBlocks: ; 1dcda (7:5cda)
INCBIN "maps/vermiliondock.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/celadonmansion5.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/celadonmansion5.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/celadonmansion5.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/fuchsiamart.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/fuchsiamart.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/fuchsiamart.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
FuchsiaMartBlocks: ; 1ddc1 (7:5dc1)
INCBIN "maps/fuchsiamart.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/saffronhouse1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/saffronhouse1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/saffronhouse1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/saffronhouse2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/saffronhouse2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/saffronhouse2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/diglettscaveroute2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/diglettscaveroute2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/diglettscaveroute2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route2house.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route2house.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route2house.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route5gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route5gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route5gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route5GateBlocks: ; 1e025 (7:6025)
INCBIN "maps/route5gate.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route6gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route6gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route6gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route6GateBlocks: ; 1e0e8 (7:60e8)
INCBIN "maps/route6gate.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route7gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route7gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route7gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route7GateBlocks: ; 1e1af (7:61af)
INCBIN "maps/route7gate.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route8gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route8gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route8gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route8GateBlocks: ; 1e271 (7:6271)
INCBIN "maps/route8gate.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/undergroundpathentranceroute8.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/undergroundpathentranceroute8.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/undergroundpathentranceroute8.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/powerplant.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/powerplant.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/powerplant.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
PowerPlantBlocks: ; 1e446 (7:6446)
INCBIN "maps/powerplant.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/diglettscaveroute11.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/diglettscaveroute11.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/diglettscaveroute11.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route16house.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route16house.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route16house.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route22gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route22gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route22gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route22GateBlocks: ; 1e74a (7:674a)
INCBIN "maps/route22gate.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/billshouse.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/billshouse.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/billshouse.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
BillsHouseBlocks: ; 1e905 (7:6905)
INCBIN "maps/billshouse.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/menu/oaks_pc.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/hidden_object_functions7.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
RhydonPicFront: ; 24000 (9:4000)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/rhydon.pic"
RhydonPicBack: ; 24202 (9:4202)
INCBIN "pic/monback/rhydonb.pic"
KangaskhanPicFront: ; 2429a (9:429a)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/kangaskhan.pic"
KangaskhanPicBack: ; 244a6 (9:44a6)
INCBIN "pic/monback/kangaskhanb.pic"
NidoranMPicFront: ; 2453c (9:453c)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/nidoranm.pic"
NidoranMPicBack: ; 24623 (9:4623)
INCBIN "pic/monback/nidoranmb.pic"
ClefairyPicFront: ; 24682 (9:4682)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/clefairy.pic"
ClefairyPicBack: ; 24785 (9:4785)
INCBIN "pic/monback/clefairyb.pic"
SpearowPicFront: ; 247df (9:47df)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/spearow.pic"
SpearowPicBack: ; 248c2 (9:48c2)
INCBIN "pic/monback/spearowb.pic"
VoltorbPicFront: ; 24911 (9:4911)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/voltorb.pic"
VoltorbPicBack: ; 2499a (9:499a)
INCBIN "pic/monback/voltorbb.pic"
NidokingPicFront: ; 249f8 (9:49f8)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/nidoking.pic"
NidokingPicBack: ; 24c60 (9:4c60)
INCBIN "pic/monback/nidokingb.pic"
SlowbroPicFront: ; 24d0a (9:4d0a)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/slowbro.pic"
SlowbroPicBack: ; 24f87 (9:4f87)
INCBIN "pic/monback/slowbrob.pic"
IvysaurPicFront: ; 2502b (9:502b)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/ivysaur.pic"
IvysaurPicBack: ; 25157 (9:5157)
INCBIN "pic/monback/ivysaurb.pic"
ExeggutorPicFront: ; 251d6 (9:51d6)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/exeggutor.pic"
ExeggutorPicBack: ; 253f8 (9:53f8)
INCBIN "pic/monback/exeggutorb.pic"
LickitungPicFront: ; 254a7 (9:54a7)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/lickitung.pic"
LickitungPicBack: ; 2563e (9:563e)
INCBIN "pic/monback/lickitungb.pic"
ExeggcutePicFront: ; 256d7 (9:56d7)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/exeggcute.pic"
ExeggcutePicBack: ; 258f0 (9:58f0)
INCBIN "pic/monback/exeggcuteb.pic"
GrimerPicFront: ; 25973 (9:5973)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/grimer.pic"
GrimerPicBack: ; 25ab0 (9:5ab0)
INCBIN "pic/monback/grimerb.pic"
GengarPicFront: ; 25b76 (9:5b76)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/gengar.pic"
GengarPicBack: ; 25cc6 (9:5cc6)
INCBIN "pic/monback/gengarb.pic"
NidoranFPicFront: ; 25d28 (9:5d28)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/nidoranf.pic"
NidoranFPicBack: ; 25dc2 (9:5dc2)
INCBIN "pic/monback/nidoranfb.pic"
NidoqueenPicFront: ; 25e09 (9:5e09)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/nidoqueen.pic"
NidoqueenPicBack: ; 25fef (9:5fef)
INCBIN "pic/monback/nidoqueenb.pic"
CubonePicFront: ; 260a8 (9:60a8)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/cubone.pic"
CubonePicBack: ; 26196 (9:6196)
INCBIN "pic/monback/cuboneb.pic"
RhyhornPicFront: ; 26208 (9:6208)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/rhyhorn.pic"
RhyhornPicBack: ; 2640f (9:640f)
INCBIN "pic/monback/rhyhornb.pic"
LaprasPicFront: ; 264c1 (9:64c1)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/lapras.pic"
LaprasPicBack: ; 2667c (9:667c)
INCBIN "pic/monback/laprasb.pic"
ArcaninePicFront: ; 266ff (9:66ff)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/arcanine.pic"
ArcaninePicBack: ; 2693d (9:693d)
INCBIN "pic/monback/arcanineb.pic"
GyaradosPicFront: ; 269d4 (9:69d4)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/gyarados.pic"
GyaradosPicBack: ; 26c25 (9:6c25)
INCBIN "pic/monback/gyaradosb.pic"
ShellderPicFront: ; 26cb6 (9:6cb6)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/shellder.pic"
ShellderPicBack: ; 26dc3 (9:6dc3)
INCBIN "pic/monback/shellderb.pic"
TentacoolPicFront: ; 26e2a (9:6e2a)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/tentacool.pic"
TentacoolPicBack: ; 26f1c (9:6f1c)
INCBIN "pic/monback/tentacoolb.pic"
GastlyPicFront: ; 26f77 (9:6f77)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/gastly.pic"
GastlyPicBack: ; 27190 (9:7190)
INCBIN "pic/monback/gastlyb.pic"
ScytherPicFront: ; 2721c (9:721c)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/scyther.pic"
ScytherPicBack: ; 2743c (9:743c)
INCBIN "pic/monback/scytherb.pic"
StaryuPicFront: ; 274e0 (9:74e0)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/staryu.pic"
StaryuPicBack: ; 275ec (9:75ec)
INCBIN "pic/monback/staryub.pic"
BlastoisePicFront: ; 27637 (9:7637)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/blastoise.pic"
BlastoisePicBack: ; 27851 (9:7851)
INCBIN "pic/monback/blastoiseb.pic"
PinsirPicFront: ; 278da (9:78da)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/pinsir.pic"
PinsirPicBack: ; 27aaa (9:7aaa)
INCBIN "pic/monback/pinsirb.pic"
TangelaPicFront: ; 27b39 (9:7b39)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/tangela.pic"
TangelaPicBack: ; 27ce7 (9:7ce7)
INCBIN "pic/monback/tangelab.pic"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/battle/9.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
GrowlithePicFront: ; 28000 (a:4000)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/growlithe.pic"
GrowlithePicBack: ; 28101 (a:4101)
INCBIN "pic/monback/growlitheb.pic"
OnixPicFront: ; 28164 (a:4164)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/onix.pic"
OnixPicBack: ; 28300 (a:4300)
INCBIN "pic/monback/onixb.pic"
FearowPicFront: ; 28383 (a:4383)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/fearow.pic"
FearowPicBack: ; 28529 (a:4529)
INCBIN "pic/monback/fearowb.pic"
PidgeyPicFront: ; 285a7 (a:45a7)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/pidgey.pic"
PidgeyPicBack: ; 2865b (a:465b)
INCBIN "pic/monback/pidgeyb.pic"
SlowpokePicFront: ; 286a0 (a:46a0)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/slowpoke.pic"
SlowpokePicBack: ; 287c2 (a:47c2)
INCBIN "pic/monback/slowpokeb.pic"
KadabraPicFront: ; 28830 (a:4830)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/kadabra.pic"
KadabraPicBack: ; 289b9 (a:49b9)
INCBIN "pic/monback/kadabrab.pic"
GravelerPicFront: ; 28a4c (a:4a4c)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/graveler.pic"
GravelerPicBack: ; 28c00 (a:4c00)
INCBIN "pic/monback/gravelerb.pic"
ChanseyPicFront: ; 28cae (a:4cae)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/chansey.pic"
ChanseyPicBack: ; 28e21 (a:4e21)
INCBIN "pic/monback/chanseyb.pic"
MachokePicFront: ; 28e85 (a:4e85)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/machoke.pic"
MachokePicBack: ; 29063 (a:5063)
INCBIN "pic/monback/machokeb.pic"
MrMimePicFront: ; 290f3 (a:50f3)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/mr.mime.pic"
MrMimePicBack: ; 29247 (a:5247)
INCBIN "pic/monback/mr.mimeb.pic"
HitmonleePicFront: ; 292bf (a:52bf)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/hitmonlee.pic"
HitmonleePicBack: ; 2945e (a:545e)
INCBIN "pic/monback/hitmonleeb.pic"
HitmonchanPicFront: ; 294bc (a:54bc)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/hitmonchan.pic"
HitmonchanPicBack: ; 29643 (a:5643)
INCBIN "pic/monback/hitmonchanb.pic"
ArbokPicFront: ; 296b4 (a:56b4)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/arbok.pic"
ArbokPicBack: ; 29911 (a:5911)
INCBIN "pic/monback/arbokb.pic"
ParasectPicFront: ; 299a8 (a:59a8)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/parasect.pic"
ParasectPicBack: ; 29b8c (a:5b8c)
INCBIN "pic/monback/parasectb.pic"
PsyduckPicFront: ; 29c0a (a:5c0a)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/psyduck.pic"
PsyduckPicBack: ; 29d3e (a:5d3e)
INCBIN "pic/monback/psyduckb.pic"
DrowzeePicFront: ; 29da9 (a:5da9)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/drowzee.pic"
DrowzeePicBack: ; 29f05 (a:5f05)
INCBIN "pic/monback/drowzeeb.pic"
GolemPicFront: ; 29f74 (a:5f74)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/golem.pic"
GolemPicBack: ; 2a0f2 (a:60f2)
INCBIN "pic/monback/golemb.pic"
MagmarPicFront: ; 2a161 (a:6161)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/magmar.pic"
MagmarPicBack: ; 2a2bf (a:62bf)
INCBIN "pic/monback/magmarb.pic"
ElectabuzzPicFront: ; 2a367 (a:6367)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/electabuzz.pic"
ElectabuzzPicBack: ; 2a4ef (a:64ef)
INCBIN "pic/monback/electabuzzb.pic"
MagnetonPicFront: ; 2a588 (a:6588)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/magneton.pic"
MagnetonPicBack: ; 2a723 (a:6723)
INCBIN "pic/monback/magnetonb.pic"
KoffingPicFront: ; 2a7a6 (a:67a6)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/koffing.pic"
KoffingPicBack: ; 2a974 (a:6974)
INCBIN "pic/monback/koffingb.pic"
MankeyPicFront: ; 2aa11 (a:6a11)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/mankey.pic"
MankeyPicBack: ; 2ab16 (a:6b16)
INCBIN "pic/monback/mankeyb.pic"
SeelPicFront: ; 2ab84 (a:6b84)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/seel.pic"
SeelPicBack: ; 2ace8 (a:6ce8)
INCBIN "pic/monback/seelb.pic"
DiglettPicFront: ; 2ad33 (a:6d33)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/diglett.pic"
DiglettPicBack: ; 2ae10 (a:6e10)
INCBIN "pic/monback/diglettb.pic"
TaurosPicFront: ; 2ae7e (a:6e7e)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/tauros.pic"
TaurosPicBack: ; 2b054 (a:7054)
INCBIN "pic/monback/taurosb.pic"
FarfetchdPicFront: ; 2b0e9 (a:70e9)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/farfetchd.pic"
FarfetchdPicBack: ; 2b2c6 (a:72c6)
INCBIN "pic/monback/farfetchdb.pic"
VenonatPicFront: ; 2b357 (a:7357)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/venonat.pic"
VenonatPicBack: ; 2b45c (a:745c)
INCBIN "pic/monback/venonatb.pic"
DragonitePicFront: ; 2b4aa (a:74aa)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/dragonite.pic"
DragonitePicBack: ; 2b67f (a:767f)
INCBIN "pic/monback/dragoniteb.pic"
DoduoPicFront: ; 2b72c (a:772c)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/doduo.pic"
DoduoPicBack: ; 2b80d (a:780d)
INCBIN "pic/monback/doduob.pic"
PoliwagPicFront: ; 2b875 (a:7875)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/poliwag.pic"
PoliwagPicBack: ; 2b947 (a:7947)
INCBIN "pic/monback/poliwagb.pic"
JynxPicFront: ; 2b98e (a:798e)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/jynx.pic"
JynxPicBack: ; 2bb42 (a:7b42)
INCBIN "pic/monback/jynxb.pic"
MoltresPicFront: ; 2bbac (a:7bac)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/moltres.pic"
MoltresPicBack: ; 2be02 (a:7e02)
INCBIN "pic/monback/moltresb.pic"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/battle/a.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ArticunoPicFront: ; 2c000 (b:4000)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/articuno.pic"
ArticunoPicBack: ; 2c238 (b:4238)
INCBIN "pic/monback/articunob.pic"
ZapdosPicFront: ; 2c29d (b:429d)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/zapdos.pic"
ZapdosPicBack: ; 2c484 (b:4484)
INCBIN "pic/monback/zapdosb.pic"
DittoPicFront: ; 2c514 (b:4514)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/ditto.pic"
DittoPicBack: ; 2c5bd (b:45bd)
INCBIN "pic/monback/dittob.pic"
MeowthPicFront: ; 2c609 (b:4609)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/meowth.pic"
MeowthPicBack: ; 2c71f (b:471f)
INCBIN "pic/monback/meowthb.pic"
KrabbyPicFront: ; 2c777 (b:4777)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/krabby.pic"
KrabbyPicBack: ; 2c8b0 (b:48b0)
INCBIN "pic/monback/krabbyb.pic"
VulpixPicFront: ; 2c924 (b:4924)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/vulpix.pic"
VulpixPicBack: ; 2ca9a (b:4a9a)
INCBIN "pic/monback/vulpixb.pic"
NinetalesPicFront: ; 2caff (b:4aff)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/ninetales.pic"
NinetalesPicBack: ; 2ccfb (b:4cfb)
INCBIN "pic/monback/ninetalesb.pic"
PikachuPicFront: ; 2cd7d (b:4d7d)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/pikachu.pic"
PikachuPicBack: ; 2ce8b (b:4e8b)
INCBIN "pic/monback/pikachub.pic"
RaichuPicFront: ; 2cf03 (b:4f03)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/raichu.pic"
RaichuPicBack: ; 2d0c3 (b:50c3)
INCBIN "pic/monback/raichub.pic"
DratiniPicFront: ; 2d151 (b:5151)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/dratini.pic"
DratiniPicBack: ; 2d234 (b:5234)
INCBIN "pic/monback/dratinib.pic"
DragonairPicFront: ; 2d297 (b:5297)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/dragonair.pic"
DragonairPicBack: ; 2d3d9 (b:53d9)
INCBIN "pic/monback/dragonairb.pic"
KabutoPicFront: ; 2d464 (b:5464)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/kabuto.pic"
KabutoPicBack: ; 2d529 (b:5529)
INCBIN "pic/monback/kabutob.pic"
KabutopsPicFront: ; 2d583 (b:5583)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/kabutops.pic"
KabutopsPicBack: ; 2d73c (b:573c)
INCBIN "pic/monback/kabutopsb.pic"
HorseaPicFront: ; 2d7c1 (b:57c1)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/horsea.pic"
HorseaPicBack: ; 2d873 (b:5873)
INCBIN "pic/monback/horseab.pic"
SeadraPicFront: ; 2d8c4 (b:58c4)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/seadra.pic"
SeadraPicBack: ; 2da2b (b:5a2b)
INCBIN "pic/monback/seadrab.pic"
SandshrewPicFront: ; 2dac9 (b:5ac9)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/sandshrew.pic"
SandshrewPicBack: ; 2dbe7 (b:5be7)
INCBIN "pic/monback/sandshrewb.pic"
SandslashPicFront: ; 2dc6b (b:5c6b)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/sandslash.pic"
SandslashPicBack: ; 2de04 (b:5e04)
INCBIN "pic/monback/sandslashb.pic"
OmanytePicFront: ; 2de9d (b:5e9d)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/omanyte.pic"
OmanytePicBack: ; 2df76 (b:5f76)
INCBIN "pic/monback/omanyteb.pic"
OmastarPicFront: ; 2dfd3 (b:5fd3)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/omastar.pic"
OmastarPicBack: ; 2e18b (b:618b)
INCBIN "pic/monback/omastarb.pic"
JigglypuffPicFront: ; 2e22f (b:622f)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/jigglypuff.pic"
JigglypuffPicBack: ; 2e30f (b:630f)
INCBIN "pic/monback/jigglypuffb.pic"
WigglytuffPicFront: ; 2e348 (b:6348)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/wigglytuff.pic"
WigglytuffPicBack: ; 2e4bf (b:64bf)
INCBIN "pic/monback/wigglytuffb.pic"
EeveePicFront: ; 2e531 (b:6531)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/eevee.pic"
EeveePicBack: ; 2e625 (b:6625)
INCBIN "pic/monback/eeveeb.pic"
FlareonPicFront: ; 2e68d (b:668d)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/flareon.pic"
FlareonPicBack: ; 2e806 (b:6806)
INCBIN "pic/monback/flareonb.pic"
JolteonPicFront: ; 2e88f (b:688f)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/jolteon.pic"
JolteonPicBack: ; 2ea0a (b:6a0a)
INCBIN "pic/monback/jolteonb.pic"
VaporeonPicFront: ; 2eaae (b:6aae)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/vaporeon.pic"
VaporeonPicBack: ; 2ec02 (b:6c02)
INCBIN "pic/monback/vaporeonb.pic"
MachopPicFront: ; 2ec9f (b:6c9f)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/machop.pic"
MachopPicBack: ; 2eda2 (b:6da2)
INCBIN "pic/monback/machopb.pic"
ZubatPicFront: ; 2ee0c (b:6e0c)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/zubat.pic"
ZubatPicBack: ; 2ef17 (b:6f17)
INCBIN "pic/monback/zubatb.pic"
EkansPicFront: ; 2ef6b (b:6f6b)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/ekans.pic"
EkansPicBack: ; 2f06d (b:706d)
INCBIN "pic/monback/ekansb.pic"
ParasPicFront: ; 2f0b4 (b:70b4)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/paras.pic"
ParasPicBack: ; 2f177 (b:7177)
INCBIN "pic/monback/parasb.pic"
PoliwhirlPicFront: ; 2f1ed (b:71ed)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/poliwhirl.pic"
PoliwhirlPicBack: ; 2f35e (b:735e)
INCBIN "pic/monback/poliwhirlb.pic"
PoliwrathPicFront: ; 2f3c1 (b:73c1)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/poliwrath.pic"
PoliwrathPicBack: ; 2f52c (b:752c)
INCBIN "pic/monback/poliwrathb.pic"
WeedlePicFront: ; 2f57d (b:757d)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/weedle.pic"
WeedlePicBack: ; 2f624 (b:7624)
INCBIN "pic/monback/weedleb.pic"
KakunaPicFront: ; 2f677 (b:7677)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/kakuna.pic"
KakunaPicBack: ; 2f736 (b:7736)
INCBIN "pic/monback/kakunab.pic"
BeedrillPicFront: ; 2f788 (b:7788)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/beedrill.pic"
BeedrillPicBack: ; 2f980 (b:7980)
INCBIN "pic/monback/beedrillb.pic"
FossilKabutopsPic: ; 2f9e8 (b:79e8)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/fossilkabutops.pic"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/battle/b.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
TrainerInfoTextBoxTileGraphics: ; 2fb98 (b:7b98)
INCBIN "gfx/trainer_info.2bpp"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
BlankLeaderNames: ; 2fc28 (b:7c28)
INCBIN "gfx/blank_leader_names.2bpp"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CircleTile: ; 2fd88 (b:7d88)
INCBIN "gfx/circle_tile.2bpp"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
BadgeNumbersTileGraphics: ; 2fd98 (b:7d98)
INCBIN "gfx/badge_numbers.2bpp"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/items/tmhm.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/battle/b_2.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/game_corner_slots2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
DodrioPicFront: ; 30000 (c:4000)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/dodrio.pic"
DodrioPicBack: ; 301a2 (c:41a2)
INCBIN "pic/monback/dodriob.pic"
PrimeapePicFront: ; 30247 (c:4247)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/primeape.pic"
PrimeapePicBack: ; 30408 (c:4408)
INCBIN "pic/monback/primeapeb.pic"
DugtrioPicFront: ; 30480 (c:4480)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/dugtrio.pic"
DugtrioPicBack: ; 3062a (c:462a)
INCBIN "pic/monback/dugtriob.pic"
VenomothPicFront: ; 306a9 (c:46a9)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/venomoth.pic"
VenomothPicBack: ; 30841 (c:4841)
INCBIN "pic/monback/venomothb.pic"
DewgongPicFront: ; 30899 (c:4899)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/dewgong.pic"
DewgongPicBack: ; 309e2 (c:49e2)
INCBIN "pic/monback/dewgongb.pic"
CaterpiePicFront: ; 30a49 (c:4a49)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/caterpie.pic"
CaterpiePicBack: ; 30ae1 (c:4ae1)
INCBIN "pic/monback/caterpieb.pic"
MetapodPicFront: ; 30b3a (c:4b3a)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/metapod.pic"
MetapodPicBack: ; 30bc8 (c:4bc8)
INCBIN "pic/monback/metapodb.pic"
ButterfreePicFront: ; 30c37 (c:4c37)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/butterfree.pic"
ButterfreePicBack: ; 30e0e (c:4e0e)
INCBIN "pic/monback/butterfreeb.pic"
MachampPicFront: ; 30e93 (c:4e93)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/machamp.pic"
MachampPicBack: ; 3108c (c:508c)
INCBIN "pic/monback/machampb.pic"
GolduckPicFront: ; 31108 (c:5108)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/golduck.pic"
GolduckPicBack: ; 312c2 (c:52c2)
INCBIN "pic/monback/golduckb.pic"
HypnoPicFront: ; 3135d (c:535d)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/hypno.pic"
HypnoPicBack: ; 31552 (c:5552)
INCBIN "pic/monback/hypnob.pic"
GolbatPicFront: ; 315e0 (c:55e0)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/golbat.pic"
GolbatPicBack: ; 3180a (c:580a)
INCBIN "pic/monback/golbatb.pic"
MewtwoPicFront: ; 3187f (c:587f)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/mewtwo.pic"
MewtwoPicBack: ; 31a85 (c:5a85)
INCBIN "pic/monback/mewtwob.pic"
SnorlaxPicFront: ; 31b19 (c:5b19)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/snorlax.pic"
SnorlaxPicBack: ; 31ce5 (c:5ce5)
INCBIN "pic/monback/snorlaxb.pic"
MagikarpPicFront: ; 31d31 (c:5d31)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/magikarp.pic"
MagikarpPicBack: ; 31ec3 (c:5ec3)
INCBIN "pic/monback/magikarpb.pic"
MukPicFront: ; 31f56 (c:5f56)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/muk.pic"
MukPicBack: ; 3215f (c:615f)
INCBIN "pic/monback/mukb.pic"
KinglerPicFront: ; 321ec (c:61ec)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/kingler.pic"
KinglerPicBack: ; 323de (c:63de)
INCBIN "pic/monback/kinglerb.pic"
CloysterPicFront: ; 3247f (c:647f)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/cloyster.pic"
CloysterPicBack: ; 326ab (c:66ab)
INCBIN "pic/monback/cloysterb.pic"
ElectrodePicFront: ; 32760 (c:6760)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/electrode.pic"
ElectrodePicBack: ; 32827 (c:6827)
INCBIN "pic/monback/electrodeb.pic"
ClefablePicFront: ; 3288c (c:688c)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/clefable.pic"
ClefablePicBack: ; 329b8 (c:69b8)
INCBIN "pic/monback/clefableb.pic"
WeezingPicFront: ; 32a44 (c:6a44)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/weezing.pic"
WeezingPicBack: ; 32c76 (c:6c76)
INCBIN "pic/monback/weezingb.pic"
PersianPicFront: ; 32d1e (c:6d1e)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/persian.pic"
PersianPicBack: ; 32f04 (c:6f04)
INCBIN "pic/monback/persianb.pic"
MarowakPicFront: ; 32f8f (c:6f8f)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/marowak.pic"
MarowakPicBack: ; 33101 (c:7101)
INCBIN "pic/monback/marowakb.pic"
HaunterPicFront: ; 3318a (c:718a)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/haunter.pic"
HaunterPicBack: ; 33345 (c:7345)
INCBIN "pic/monback/haunterb.pic"
AbraPicFront: ; 333cc (c:73cc)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/abra.pic"
AbraPicBack: ; 334cf (c:74cf)
INCBIN "pic/monback/abrab.pic"
AlakazamPicFront: ; 3355a (c:755a)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/alakazam.pic"
AlakazamPicBack: ; 33779 (c:7779)
INCBIN "pic/monback/alakazamb.pic"
PidgeottoPicFront: ; 3380a (c:780a)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/pidgeotto.pic"
PidgeottoPicBack: ; 3395b (c:795b)
INCBIN "pic/monback/pidgeottob.pic"
PidgeotPicFront: ; 339c2 (c:79c2)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/pidgeot.pic"
PidgeotPicBack: ; 33b79 (c:7b79)
INCBIN "pic/monback/pidgeotb.pic"
StarmiePicFront: ; 33c1c (c:7c1c)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/starmie.pic"
StarmiePicBack: ; 33dac (c:7dac)
INCBIN "pic/monback/starmieb.pic"
RedPicBack: ; 33e0a (c:7e0a)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/redb.pic"
OldManPic: ; 33e9a (c:7e9a)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/oldman.pic"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/battle/c.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
BulbasaurPicFront: ; 34000 (d:4000)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/bulbasaur.pic"
BulbasaurPicBack: ; 340e5 (d:40e5)
INCBIN "pic/monback/bulbasaurb.pic"
VenusaurPicFront: ; 34162 (d:4162)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/venusaur.pic"
VenusaurPicBack: ; 34397 (d:4397)
INCBIN "pic/monback/venusaurb.pic"
TentacruelPicFront: ; 34455 (d:4455)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/tentacruel.pic"
TentacruelPicBack: ; 345c3 (d:45c3)
INCBIN "pic/monback/tentacruelb.pic"
GoldeenPicFront: ; 3466f (d:466f)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/goldeen.pic"
GoldeenPicBack: ; 34796 (d:4796)
INCBIN "pic/monback/goldeenb.pic"
SeakingPicFront: ; 34803 (d:4803)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/seaking.pic"
SeakingPicBack: ; 34a03 (d:4a03)
INCBIN "pic/monback/seakingb.pic"
PonytaPicFront: ; 34ab1 (d:4ab1)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/ponyta.pic"
RapidashPicFront: ; 34c10 (d:4c10)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/rapidash.pic"
PonytaPicBack: ; 34e32 (d:4e32)
INCBIN "pic/monback/ponytab.pic"
RapidashPicBack: ; 34eba (d:4eba)
INCBIN "pic/monback/rapidashb.pic"
RattataPicFront: ; 34f6a (d:4f6a)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/rattata.pic"
RattataPicBack: ; 35041 (d:5041)
INCBIN "pic/monback/rattatab.pic"
RaticatePicFront: ; 3507a (d:507a)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/raticate.pic"
RaticatePicBack: ; 3520d (d:520d)
INCBIN "pic/monback/raticateb.pic"
NidorinoPicFront: ; 35282 (d:5282)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/nidorino.pic"
NidorinoPicBack: ; 353f0 (d:53f0)
INCBIN "pic/monback/nidorinob.pic"
NidorinaPicFront: ; 3548b (d:548b)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/nidorina.pic"
NidorinaPicBack: ; 355c8 (d:55c8)
INCBIN "pic/monback/nidorinab.pic"
GeodudePicFront: ; 3564f (d:564f)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/geodude.pic"
GeodudePicBack: ; 35729 (d:5729)
INCBIN "pic/monback/geodudeb.pic"
PorygonPicFront: ; 35784 (d:5784)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/porygon.pic"
PorygonPicBack: ; 358d1 (d:58d1)
INCBIN "pic/monback/porygonb.pic"
AerodactylPicFront: ; 35931 (d:5931)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/aerodactyl.pic"
AerodactylPicBack: ; 35aec (d:5aec)
INCBIN "pic/monback/aerodactylb.pic"
MagnemitePicFront: ; 35b87 (d:5b87)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/magnemite.pic"
MagnemitePicBack: ; 35c0d (d:5c0d)
INCBIN "pic/monback/magnemiteb.pic"
CharmanderPicFront: ; 35c5c (d:5c5c)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/charmander.pic"
CharmanderPicBack: ; 35d5c (d:5d5c)
INCBIN "pic/monback/charmanderb.pic"
SquirtlePicFront: ; 35db8 (d:5db8)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/squirtle.pic"
SquirtlePicBack: ; 35e8f (d:5e8f)
INCBIN "pic/monback/squirtleb.pic"
CharmeleonPicFront: ; 35f0c (d:5f0c)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/charmeleon.pic"
CharmeleonPicBack: ; 36048 (d:6048)
INCBIN "pic/monback/charmeleonb.pic"
WartortlePicFront: ; 360b1 (d:60b1)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/wartortle.pic"
WartortlePicBack: ; 361f1 (d:61f1)
INCBIN "pic/monback/wartortleb.pic"
CharizardPicFront: ; 36286 (d:6286)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/charizard.pic"
CharizardPicBack: ; 36495 (d:6495)
INCBIN "pic/monback/charizardb.pic"
FossilAerodactylPic: ; 36536 (d:6536)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/fossilaerodactyl.pic"
GhostPic: ; 366b5 (d:66b5)
INCBIN "pic/other/ghost.pic"
OddishPicFront: ; 3680b (d:680b)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/oddish.pic"
OddishPicBack: ; 368a9 (d:68a9)
INCBIN "pic/monback/oddishb.pic"
GloomPicFront: ; 36941 (d:6941)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/gloom.pic"
GloomPicBack: ; 36a78 (d:6a78)
INCBIN "pic/monback/gloomb.pic"
VileplumePicFront: ; 36b21 (d:6b21)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/vileplume.pic"
VileplumePicBack: ; 36c82 (d:6c82)
INCBIN "pic/monback/vileplumeb.pic"
BellsproutPicFront: ; 36d00 (d:6d00)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/bellsprout.pic"
BellsproutPicBack: ; 36dba (d:6dba)
INCBIN "pic/monback/bellsproutb.pic"
WeepinbellPicFront: ; 36e30 (d:6e30)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/weepinbell.pic"
WeepinbellPicBack: ; 36f6f (d:6f6f)
INCBIN "pic/monback/weepinbellb.pic"
VictreebelPicFront: ; 36fea (d:6fea)
INCBIN "pic/bmon/victreebel.pic"
VictreebelPicBack: ; 371b2 (d:71b2)
INCBIN "pic/monback/victreebelb.pic"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/titlescreen2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/battle/d.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/slot_machine.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/pewter_guys.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/multiply_divide.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/game_corner_slots.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/moves.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/base_stats.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/cries.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/battle/e.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; tiles for gameboy and link cable graphics used for trading sequence animation
TradingAnimationGraphics: ; 3a9be (e:69be)
INCBIN "gfx/game_boy.norepeat.2bpp"
INCBIN "gfx/link_cable.2bpp"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
; 4 tiles for actual wire transfer animation (pokeball wandering inside wire)
TradingAnimationGraphics2: ; 3acce (e:6cce)
INCBIN "gfx/trade2.2bpp"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/evos_moves.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/battle/e_2.asm"
2013-12-14 10:01:22 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/battle/core.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SECTION "bank10",ROMX,BANK[$10]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/menu/pokedex.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/trade.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/intro.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/trade2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SECTION "bank11",ROMX,BANK[$11]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/lavendertown.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/lavendertown.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
LavenderTownBlocks: ; 44085 (11:4085)
INCBIN "maps/lavendertown.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ViridianPokecenterBlocks: ; 440df (11:40df)
INCBIN "maps/viridianpokecenter.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SafariZoneRestHouse1Blocks: ; 440fb (11:40fb)
SafariZoneRestHouse2Blocks: ; 440fb (11:40fb)
SafariZoneRestHouse3Blocks: ; 440fb (11:40fb)
SafariZoneRestHouse4Blocks: ; 440fb (11:40fb)
INCBIN "maps/safarizoneresthouse1.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/lavendertown.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/pokedex_rating.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/viridianpokecenter.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/viridianpokecenter.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/viridianpokecenter.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/mansion1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/mansion1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/mansion1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Mansion1Blocks: ; 443fe (11:43fe)
INCBIN "maps/mansion1.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/rocktunnel1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/rocktunnel1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/rocktunnel1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
RockTunnel1Blocks: ; 44675 (11:4675)
INCBIN "maps/rocktunnel1.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/seafoamislands1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/seafoamislands1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/seafoamislands1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SeafoamIslands1Blocks: ; 4489f (11:489f)
INCBIN "maps/seafoamislands1.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/ssanne3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/ssanne3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/ssanne3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SSAnne3Blocks: ; 44956 (11:4956)
INCBIN "maps/ssanne3.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/victoryroad3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/victoryroad3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/victoryroad3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
VictoryRoad3Blocks: ; 44b37 (11:4b37)
INCBIN "maps/victoryroad3.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/rockethideout1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/rockethideout1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/rockethideout1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
RocketHideout1Blocks: ; 44d49 (11:4d49)
INCBIN "maps/rockethideout1.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/rockethideout2.asm"
2013-12-14 10:01:22 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/rockethideout2.asm"
2013-12-14 10:01:22 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/rockethideout2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
RocketHideout2Blocks: ; 45147 (11:5147)
INCBIN "maps/rockethideout2.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/rockethideout3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/rockethideout3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/rockethideout3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
RocketHideout3Blocks: ; 4537f (11:537f)
INCBIN "maps/rockethideout3.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/rockethideout4.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/rockethideout4.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/rockethideout4.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
RocketHideout4Blocks: ; 45650 (11:5650)
INCBIN "maps/rockethideout4.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/rockethideoutelevator.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/rockethideoutelevator.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/rockethideoutelevator.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
RocketHideoutElevatorBlocks: ; 457a8 (11:57a8)
INCBIN "maps/rockethideoutelevator.blk"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/silphcoelevator.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/silphcoelevator.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/silphcoelevator.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SilphCoElevatorBlocks: ; 4585b (11:585b)
INCBIN "maps/silphcoelevator.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/safarizoneeast.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/safarizoneeast.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/safarizoneeast.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SafariZoneEastBlocks: ; 458dc (11:58dc)
INCBIN "maps/safarizoneeast.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/safarizonenorth.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/safarizonenorth.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/safarizonenorth.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SafariZoneNorthBlocks: ; 45a3e (11:5a3e)
INCBIN "maps/safarizonenorth.blk"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/safarizonecenter.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/safarizonecenter.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/safarizonecenter.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SafariZoneCenterBlocks: ; 45c1e (11:5c1e)
INCBIN "maps/safarizonecenter.blk"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/safarizoneresthouse1.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/safarizoneresthouse1.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/safarizoneresthouse1.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/safarizoneresthouse2.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/safarizoneresthouse2.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/safarizoneresthouse2.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/safarizoneresthouse3.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/safarizoneresthouse3.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/safarizoneresthouse3.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/safarizoneresthouse4.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/safarizoneresthouse4.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/safarizoneresthouse4.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/unknowndungeon2.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/unknowndungeon2.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/unknowndungeon2.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
UnknownDungeon2Blocks: ; 45e5d (11:5e5d)
INCBIN "maps/unknowndungeon2.blk"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/unknowndungeon3.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/unknowndungeon3.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/unknowndungeon3.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
UnknownDungeon3Blocks: ; 45f58 (11:5f58)
INCBIN "maps/unknowndungeon3.blk"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/rocktunnel2.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/rocktunnel2.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/rocktunnel2.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
RockTunnel2Blocks: ; 461a1 (11:61a1)
INCBIN "maps/rocktunnel2.blk"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/seafoamislands2.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/seafoamislands2.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/seafoamislands2.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SeafoamIslands2Blocks: ; 463be (11:63be)
INCBIN "maps/seafoamislands2.blk"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/seafoamislands3.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/seafoamislands3.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/seafoamislands3.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SeafoamIslands3Blocks: ; 464fa (11:64fa)
INCBIN "maps/seafoamislands3.blk"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/seafoamislands4.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/seafoamislands4.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/seafoamislands4.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SeafoamIslands4Blocks: ; 46706 (11:6706)
INCBIN "maps/seafoamislands4.blk"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/seafoamislands5.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/seafoamislands5.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/seafoamislands5.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SeafoamIslands5Blocks: ; 468fa (11:68fa)
INCBIN "maps/seafoamislands5.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/hidden_objects.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SECTION "bank12",ROMX,BANK[$12]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route7.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route7.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route7Blocks: ; 48051 (12:4051)
INCBIN "maps/route7.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeladonPokecenterBlocks: ; 480ab (12:40ab)
RockTunnelPokecenterBlocks: ; 480ab (12:40ab)
MtMoonPokecenterBlocks: ; 480ab (12:40ab)
INCBIN "maps/mtmoonpokecenter.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route18GateBlocks: ; 480c7 (12:40c7)
Route15GateBlocks: ; 480c7 (12:40c7)
Route11GateBlocks: ; 480c7 (12:40c7)
INCBIN "maps/route11gate.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route18GateUpstairsBlocks: ; 480db (12:40db)
Route16GateUpstairsBlocks: ; 480db (12:40db)
Route12GateUpstairsBlocks: ; 480db (12:40db)
Route15GateUpstairsBlocks: ; 480db (12:40db)
Route11GateUpstairsBlocks: ; 480db (12:40db)
INCBIN "maps/route11gateupstairs.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/predefs12.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route7.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/redshouse1f.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/redshouse1f.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/redshouse1f.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
RedsHouse1FBlocks: ; 48209 (12:4209)
INCBIN "maps/redshouse1f.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/celadonmart3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/celadonmart3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/celadonmart3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeladonMart3Blocks: ; 48322 (12:4322)
INCBIN "maps/celadonmart3.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/celadonmart4.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/celadonmart4.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/celadonmart4.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeladonMart4Blocks: ; 483a1 (12:43a1)
INCBIN "maps/celadonmart4.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/celadonmartroof.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/celadonmartroof.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/celadonmartroof.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeladonMartRoofBlocks: ; 485cc (12:45cc)
INCBIN "maps/celadonmartroof.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/celadonmartelevator.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/celadonmartelevator.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/celadonmartelevator.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeladonMartElevatorBlocks: ; 48684 (12:4684)
INCBIN "maps/celadonmartelevator.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/celadonmansion1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/celadonmansion1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/celadonmansion1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeladonMansion1Blocks: ; 48716 (12:4716)
INCBIN "maps/celadonmansion1.blk"
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/celadonmansion2.asm"
INCLUDE "scripts/celadonmansion2.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/celadonmansion2.asm"
CeladonMansion2Blocks: ; 4876c (12:476c)
INCBIN "maps/celadonmansion2.blk"
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/celadonmansion3.asm"
2014-05-16 23:50:38 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/celadonmansion3.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/celadonmansion3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeladonMansion3Blocks: ; 48847 (12:4847)
INCBIN "maps/celadonmansion3.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/celadonmansion4.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/celadonmansion4.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/celadonmansion4.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeladonMansion4Blocks: ; 48894 (12:4894)
INCBIN "maps/celadonmansion4.blk"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/celadonpokecenter.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/celadonpokecenter.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/celadonpokecenter.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/celadongym.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/celadongym.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/celadongym.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeladonGymBlocks: ; 48b84 (12:4b84)
INCBIN "maps/celadongym.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/celadongamecorner.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/celadongamecorner.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/celadongamecorner.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeladonGameCornerBlocks: ; 49003 (12:5003)
INCBIN "maps/celadongamecorner.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/celadonmart5.asm"
INCLUDE "scripts/celadonmart5.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/celadonmart5.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeladonMart5Blocks: ; 490bc (12:50bc)
INCBIN "maps/celadonmart5.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/celadonprizeroom.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/celadonprizeroom.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/celadonprizeroom.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeladonPrizeRoomBlocks: ; 49131 (12:5131)
INCBIN "maps/celadonprizeroom.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/celadondiner.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/celadondiner.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/celadondiner.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeladonDinerBlocks: ; 491ee (12:51ee)
INCBIN "maps/celadondiner.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/celadonhouse.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/celadonhouse.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/celadonhouse.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeladonHouseBlocks: ; 4924d (12:524d)
INCBIN "maps/celadonhouse.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/celadonhotel.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/celadonhotel.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/celadonhotel.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeladonHotelBlocks: ; 492a7 (12:52a7)
INCBIN "maps/celadonhotel.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/mtmoonpokecenter.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/mtmoonpokecenter.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/mtmoonpokecenter.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/rocktunnelpokecenter.asm"
INCLUDE "scripts/rocktunnelpokecenter.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/rocktunnelpokecenter.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route11gate.asm"
INCLUDE "scripts/route11gate.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route11gate.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route11gateupstairs.asm"
INCLUDE "scripts/route11gateupstairs.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route11gateupstairs.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route12gate.asm"
INCLUDE "scripts/route12gate.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route12gate.asm"
Route12GateBlocks: ; 49540 (12:5540)
INCBIN "maps/route12gate.blk"
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route12gateupstairs.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route12gateupstairs.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route12gateupstairs.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route15gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route15gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route15gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route15gateupstairs.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route15gateupstairs.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route15gateupstairs.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route16gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route16gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route16gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route16GateBlocks: ; 497e3 (12:57e3)
INCBIN "maps/route16gate.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route16gateupstairs.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route16gateupstairs.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route16gateupstairs.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route18gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route18gate.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route18gate.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route18gateupstairs.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route18gateupstairs.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route18gateupstairs.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/mtmoon1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/mtmoon1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/mtmoon1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
MtMoon1Blocks: ; 49b97 (12:5b97)
INCBIN "maps/mtmoon1.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/mtmoon3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/mtmoon3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/mtmoon3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
MtMoon3Blocks: ; 4a041 (12:6041)
INCBIN "maps/mtmoon3.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/safarizonewest.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/safarizonewest.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/safarizonewest.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SafariZoneWestBlocks: ; 4a248 (12:6248)
INCBIN "maps/safarizonewest.blk"
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/safarizonesecrethouse.asm"
INCLUDE "scripts/safarizonesecrethouse.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/safarizonesecrethouse.asm"
SafariZoneSecretHouseBlocks: ; 4a37f (12:637f)
INCBIN "maps/safarizonesecrethouse.blk"
SECTION "bank13",ROMX,BANK[$13]
YoungsterPic: ; 4c000 (13:4000)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/youngster.pic"
BugCatcherPic: ; 4c0c6 (13:40c6)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/bugcatcher.pic"
LassPic: ; 4c200 (13:4200)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/lass.pic"
SailorPic: ; 4c2db (13:42db)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/sailor.pic"
JrTrainerMPic: ; 4c450 (13:4450)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/jr.trainerm.pic"
JrTrainerFPic: ; 4c588 (13:4588)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/jr.trainerf.pic"
PokemaniacPic: ; 4c6c9 (13:46c9)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/pokemaniac.pic"
SuperNerdPic: ; 4c7f1 (13:47f1)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/supernerd.pic"
HikerPic: ; 4c8e7 (13:48e7)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/hiker.pic"
BikerPic: ; 4cabe (13:4abe)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/biker.pic"
BurglarPic: ; 4cc91 (13:4c91)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/burglar.pic"
EngineerPic: ; 4ce0a (13:4e0a)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/engineer.pic"
FisherPic: ; 4cf87 (13:4f87)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/fisher.pic"
SwimmerPic: ; 4d133 (13:5133)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/swimmer.pic"
CueBallPic: ; 4d24f (13:524f)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/cueball.pic"
GamblerPic: ; 4d421 (13:5421)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/gambler.pic"
BeautyPic: ; 4d5df (13:55df)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/beauty.pic"
PsychicPic: ; 4d728 (13:5728)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/psychic.pic"
RockerPic: ; 4d843 (13:5843)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/rocker.pic"
JugglerPic: ; 4d97d (13:597d)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/juggler.pic"
TamerPic: ; 4db4e (13:5b4e)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/tamer.pic"
BirdKeeperPic: ; 4dcdb (13:5cdb)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/birdkeeper.pic"
BlackbeltPic: ; 4de76 (13:5e76)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/blackbelt.pic"
Rival1Pic: ; 4e049 (13:6049)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/rival1.pic"
ProfOakPic: ; 4e15f (13:615f)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/prof.oak.pic"
ChiefPic: ; 4e27d (13:627d)
ScientistPic: ; 4e27d (13:627d)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/scientist.pic"
GiovanniPic: ; 4e3be (13:63be)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/giovanni.pic"
RocketPic: ; 4e49f (13:649f)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/rocket.pic"
CooltrainerMPic: ; 4e635 (13:6635)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/cooltrainerm.pic"
CooltrainerFPic: ; 4e7be (13:67be)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/cooltrainerf.pic"
BrunoPic: ; 4e943 (13:6943)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/bruno.pic"
BrockPic: ; 4eb3e (13:6b3e)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/brock.pic"
MistyPic: ; 4ec40 (13:6c40)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/misty.pic"
LtSurgePic: ; 4ed30 (13:6d30)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/lt.surge.pic"
ErikaPic: ; 4eeb5 (13:6eb5)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/erika.pic"
KogaPic: ; 4efd6 (13:6fd6)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/koga.pic"
BlainePic: ; 4f150 (13:7150)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/blaine.pic"
SabrinaPic: ; 4f252 (13:7252)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/sabrina.pic"
GentlemanPic: ; 4f3d0 (13:73d0)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/gentleman.pic"
Rival2Pic: ; 4f4cf (13:74cf)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/rival2.pic"
Rival3Pic: ; 4f623 (13:7623)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/rival3.pic"
LoreleiPic: ; 4f779 (13:7779)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/lorelei.pic"
ChannelerPic: ; 4f8a4 (13:78a4)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/channeler.pic"
AgathaPic: ; 4fa71 (13:7a71)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/agatha.pic"
LancePic: ; 4fba2 (13:7ba2)
INCBIN "pic/trainer/lance.pic"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/battlecenterm.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/battlecenterm.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/battlecenterm.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
BattleCenterMBlocks: ; 4fd5d (13:7d5d)
INCBIN "maps/battlecenterm.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/tradecenterm.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/tradecenterm.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/tradecenterm.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
TradeCenterMBlocks: ; 4fd91 (13:7d91)
INCBIN "maps/tradecenterm.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/give_pokemon.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/predefs.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SECTION "bank14",ROMX,BANK[$14]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route22.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route22.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route22Blocks: ; 5003d (14:403d)
INCBIN "maps/route22.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route20.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route20.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route20Blocks: ; 5017d (14:417d)
INCBIN "maps/route20.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route23.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route23.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route23Blocks: ; 503b2 (14:43b2)
INCBIN "maps/route23.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route24.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route24.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route24Blocks: ; 506e7 (14:46e7)
INCBIN "maps/route24.blk"
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route25.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route25.asm"
Route25Blocks: ; 50810 (14:4810)
INCBIN "maps/route25.blk"
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/indigoplateau.asm"
INCLUDE "scripts/indigoplateau.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/indigoplateau.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
IndigoPlateauBlocks: ; 5094a (14:494a)
INCBIN "maps/indigoplateau.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/saffroncity.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/saffroncity.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SaffronCityBlocks: ; 50a98 (14:4a98)
INCBIN "maps/saffroncity.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/saffroncity.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route20.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route22.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route23.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route24.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route25.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/victoryroad2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/victoryroad2.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/victoryroad2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
VictoryRoad2Blocks: ; 519af (14:59af)
INCBIN "maps/victoryroad2.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/mtmoon2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/mtmoon2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/mtmoon2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
MtMoon2Blocks: ; 51a91 (14:5a91)
INCBIN "maps/mtmoon2.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/silphco7.asm"
INCLUDE "scripts/silphco7.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/silphco7.asm"
SilphCo7Blocks: ; 51f57 (14:5f57)
INCBIN "maps/silphco7.blk"
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/mansion2.asm"
INCLUDE "scripts/mansion2.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/mansion2.asm"
Mansion2Blocks: ; 52110 (14:6110)
INCBIN "maps/mansion2.blk"
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/mansion3.asm"
INCLUDE "scripts/mansion3.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/mansion3.asm"
Mansion3Blocks: ; 52326 (14:6326)
INCBIN "maps/mansion3.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/mansion4.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/mansion4.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/mansion4.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Mansion4Blocks: ; 524dd (14:64dd)
INCBIN "maps/mansion4.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/battle/14.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/card_key.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/menu/prize_menu.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/hidden_object_functions14.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SECTION "bank15",ROMX,BANK[$15]
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route2Blocks: ; 5407e (15:407e)
INCBIN "maps/route2.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route3Blocks: ; 54255 (15:4255)
INCBIN "maps/route3.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route4.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route4.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route4Blocks: ; 543ec (15:43ec)
INCBIN "maps/route4.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route5.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route5.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route5Blocks: ; 545d2 (15:45d2)
INCBIN "maps/route5.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route9.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route9.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route9Blocks: ; 546fe (15:46fe)
INCBIN "maps/route9.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route13.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route13.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route13Blocks: ; 5488b (15:488b)
INCBIN "maps/route13.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route14.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route14.asm"
2013-12-09 15:55:50 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route14Blocks: ; 54a12 (15:4a12)
INCBIN "maps/route14.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route17.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route17.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route17Blocks: ; 54ba8 (15:4ba8)
INCBIN "maps/route17.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route19.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route19.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route19Blocks: ; 54ef1 (15:4ef1)
INCBIN "maps/route19.blk"
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route21.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route21.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route21Blocks: ; 5506d (15:506d)
INCBIN "maps/route21.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
VermilionHouse2Blocks: ; 5522f (15:522f)
Route12HouseBlocks: ; 5522f (15:522f)
DayCareMBlocks: ; 5522f (15:522f)
INCBIN "maps/daycarem.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
FuchsiaHouse3Blocks: ; 5523f (15:523f)
INCBIN "maps/fuchsiahouse3.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/battle/15.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route4.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route5.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route9.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route13.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route14.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route17.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route19.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route21.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/vermilionhouse2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/vermilionhouse2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/vermilionhouse2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/celadonmart2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/celadonmart2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/celadonmart2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeladonMart2Blocks: ; 56148 (15:6148)
INCBIN "maps/celadonmart2.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/fuchsiahouse3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/fuchsiahouse3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/fuchsiahouse3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/daycarem.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/daycarem.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/daycarem.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route12house.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route12house.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route12house.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/silphco8.asm"
INCLUDE "scripts/silphco8.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/silphco8.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SilphCo8Blocks: ; 5666d (15:666d)
INCBIN "maps/silphco8.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/menu/diploma.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/trainers.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SECTION "bank16",ROMX,BANK[$16]
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route6.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route6.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route6Blocks: ; 58079 (16:4079)
INCBIN "maps/route6.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route8.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route8.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route8Blocks: ; 581c6 (16:41c6)
INCBIN "maps/route8.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route10.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route10.asm"
2013-12-14 10:01:22 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route10Blocks: ; 58356 (16:4356)
INCBIN "maps/route10.blk"
2013-12-14 10:01:22 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route11.asm"
2013-12-14 10:01:22 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route11.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route11Blocks: ; 5855f (16:455f)
INCBIN "maps/route11.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route12.asm"
2013-12-14 10:01:22 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route12.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route12Blocks: ; 58710 (16:4710)
INCBIN "maps/route12.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route15.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route15.asm"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route15Blocks: ; 589cc (16:49cc)
INCBIN "maps/route15.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route16.asm"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route16.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route16Blocks: ; 58b84 (16:4b84)
INCBIN "maps/route16.blk"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route18.asm"
2013-12-15 18:50:05 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route18.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route18Blocks: ; 58c9c (16:4c9c)
INCBIN "maps/route18.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCBIN "maps/unusedblocks58d7d.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/battle/16.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/experience.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/oaks_aide.asm"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route6.asm"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route8.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route10.asm"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route11.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route12.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route15.asm"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route16.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route18.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/fanclub.asm"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/fanclub.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/fanclub.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
FanClubBlocks: ; 59cd5 (16:5cd5)
INCBIN "maps/fanclub.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/silphco2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/silphco2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/silphco2.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SilphCo2Blocks: ; 59ec8 (16:5ec8)
INCBIN "maps/silphco2.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/silphco3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/silphco3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/silphco3.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SilphCo3Blocks: ; 5a0a6 (16:60a6)
INCBIN "maps/silphco3.blk"
2014-05-19 12:05:48 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/silphco10.asm"
2013-12-15 18:50:05 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/silphco10.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/silphco10.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SilphCo10Blocks: ; 5a25a (16:625a)
INCBIN "maps/silphco10.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/lance.asm"
INCLUDE "scripts/lance.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/lance.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
LanceBlocks: ; 5a3e9 (16:63e9)
INCBIN "maps/lance.blk"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/halloffameroom.asm"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/halloffameroom.asm"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/halloffameroom.asm"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
HallofFameRoomBlocks: ; 5a58b (16:658b)
INCBIN "maps/halloffameroom.blk"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/saffron_guards.asm"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SECTION "bank17",ROMX,BANK[$17]
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SaffronMartBlocks: ; 5c000 (17:4000)
LavenderMartBlocks: ; 5c000 (17:4000)
CeruleanMartBlocks: ; 5c000 (17:4000)
VermilionMartBlocks: ; 5c000 (17:4000)
INCBIN "maps/vermilionmart.blk"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CopycatsHouse2FBlocks: ; 5c010 (17:4010)
RedsHouse2FBlocks: ; 0x5c010 16?
INCBIN "maps/redshouse2f.blk"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Museum1FBlocks: ; 5c020 (17:4020)
INCBIN "maps/museum1f.blk"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Museum2FBlocks: ; 5c048 (17:4048)
INCBIN "maps/museum2f.blk"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SaffronPokecenterBlocks: ; 5c064 (17:4064)
VermilionPokecenterBlocks: ; 5c064 (17:4064)
LavenderPokecenterBlocks: ; 5c064 (17:4064)
PewterPokecenterBlocks: ; 5c064 (17:4064)
INCBIN "maps/pewterpokecenter.blk"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
UndergroundPathEntranceRoute7Blocks: ; 5c080 (17:4080)
UndergroundPathEntranceRoute7CopyBlocks: ; 5c080 (17:4080)
UndergroundPathEntranceRoute6Blocks: ; 5c080 (17:4080)
UndergroundPathEntranceRoute5Blocks: ; 5c080 (17:4080)
INCBIN "maps/undergroundpathentranceroute5.blk"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Route2GateBlocks: ; 5c090 (17:4090)
ViridianForestEntranceBlocks: ; 5c090 (17:4090)
ViridianForestExitBlocks: ; 5c090 (17:4090)
INCBIN "maps/viridianforestexit.blk"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/redshouse2f.asm"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/redshouse2f.asm"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/redshouse2f.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/predefs17.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/museum1f.asm"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/museum1f.asm"
2014-01-06 18:10:06 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/museum1f.asm"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/museum2f.asm"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/museum2f.asm"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/museum2f.asm"
2013-12-23 02:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/pewtergym.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/pewtergym.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/pewtergym.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
PewterGymBlocks: ; 5c558 (17:4558)
INCBIN "maps/pewtergym.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/pewterpokecenter.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/pewterpokecenter.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/pewterpokecenter.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/ceruleanpokecenter.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/ceruleanpokecenter.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/ceruleanpokecenter.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeruleanPokecenterBlocks: ; 5c68b (17:468b)
INCBIN "maps/ceruleanpokecenter.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/ceruleangym.asm"
2013-12-15 18:50:05 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/ceruleangym.asm"
2013-12-15 18:50:05 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/ceruleangym.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeruleanGymBlocks: ; 5c866 (17:4866)
INCBIN "maps/ceruleangym.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/ceruleanmart.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/ceruleanmart.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/ceruleanmart.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/lavenderpokecenter.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/lavenderpokecenter.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/lavenderpokecenter.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/lavendermart.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/lavendermart.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/lavendermart.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/vermilionpokecenter.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/vermilionpokecenter.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/vermilionpokecenter.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/vermilionmart.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/vermilionmart.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/vermilionmart.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/vermiliongym.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/vermiliongym.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/vermiliongym.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
VermilionGymBlocks: ; 5cc38 (17:4c38)
INCBIN "maps/vermiliongym.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/copycatshouse2f.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/copycatshouse2f.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/copycatshouse2f.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/fightingdojo.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/fightingdojo.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/fightingdojo.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
FightingDojoBlocks: ; 5cfe3 (17:4fe3)
INCBIN "maps/fightingdojo.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/saffrongym.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/saffrongym.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/saffrongym.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SaffronGymBlocks: ; 5d3a3 (17:53a3)
INCBIN "maps/saffrongym.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/saffronmart.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/saffronmart.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/saffronmart.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/silphco1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/silphco1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/silphco1.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SilphCo1Blocks: ; 5d4a2 (17:54a2)
INCBIN "maps/silphco1.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/saffronpokecenter.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/saffronpokecenter.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/saffronpokecenter.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/viridianforestexit.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/viridianforestexit.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/viridianforestexit.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/route2gate.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/route2gate.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/route2gate.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/viridianforestentrance.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/viridianforestentrance.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/viridianforestentrance.asm"
2014-05-18 18:19:10 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/undergroundpathentranceroute5.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/undergroundpathentranceroute5.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/undergroundpathentranceroute5.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/undergroundpathentranceroute6.asm"
2013-12-09 15:55:50 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/undergroundpathentranceroute6.asm"
2013-12-09 15:55:50 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/undergroundpathentranceroute6.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/undergroundpathentranceroute7.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/undergroundpathentranceroute7.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/undergroundpathentranceroute7.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/undergroundpathentranceroute7copy.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/undergroundpathentranceroute7copy.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/undergroundpathentranceroute7copy.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/silphco9.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/silphco9.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/silphco9.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SilphCo9Blocks: ; 5d989 (17:5989)
INCBIN "maps/silphco9.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/victoryroad1.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/victoryroad1.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/victoryroad1.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
VictoryRoad1Blocks: ; 5db04 (17:5b04)
INCBIN "maps/victoryroad1.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/predefs17_2.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/hidden_object_functions17.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SECTION "bank18",ROMX,BANK[$18]
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ViridianForestBlocks: ; 60000 (18:4000)
INCBIN "maps/viridianforest.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
UndergroundPathNSBlocks: ; 60198 (18:4198)
INCBIN "maps/undergroundpathns.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
UndergroundPathWEBlocks: ; 601f4 (18:41f4)
INCBIN "maps/undergroundpathwe.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCBIN "maps/unusedblocks60258.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SSAnne10Blocks: ; 603c0 (18:43c0)
SSAnne9Blocks: ; 603c0 (18:43c0)
INCBIN "maps/ssanne9.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/pokemontower1.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/pokemontower1.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/pokemontower1.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
PokemonTower1Blocks: ; 6048c (18:448c)
INCBIN "maps/pokemontower1.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/pokemontower2.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/pokemontower2.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/pokemontower2.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
PokemonTower2Blocks: ; 60666 (18:4666)
INCBIN "maps/pokemontower2.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/pokemontower3.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/pokemontower3.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/pokemontower3.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
PokemonTower3Blocks: ; 60790 (18:4790)
INCBIN "maps/pokemontower3.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/pokemontower4.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/pokemontower4.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/pokemontower4.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
PokemonTower4Blocks: ; 608cc (18:48cc)
INCBIN "maps/pokemontower4.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/pokemontower5.asm"
INCLUDE "scripts/pokemontower5.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/pokemontower5.asm"
PokemonTower5Blocks: ; 60a89 (18:4a89)
INCBIN "maps/pokemontower5.blk"
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/pokemontower6.asm"
INCLUDE "scripts/pokemontower6.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/pokemontower6.asm"
PokemonTower6Blocks: ; 60c95 (18:4c95)
INCBIN "maps/pokemontower6.blk"
INCBIN "maps/unusedblocks60cef.blk"
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/pokemontower7.asm"
INCLUDE "scripts/pokemontower7.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/pokemontower7.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
PokemonTower7Blocks: ; 60f20 (18:4f20)
INCBIN "maps/pokemontower7.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/celadonmart1.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/celadonmart1.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/celadonmart1.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeladonMart1Blocks: ; 60fde (18:4fde)
INCBIN "maps/celadonmart1.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/cinnabar_lab.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/viridianforest.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/viridianforest.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/viridianforest.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/ssanne1.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/ssanne1.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/ssanne1.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SSAnne1Blocks: ; 612df (18:52df)
INCBIN "maps/ssanne1.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/ssanne2.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/ssanne2.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/ssanne2.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SSAnne2Blocks: ; 6156e (18:556e)
INCBIN "maps/ssanne2.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/ssanne4.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/ssanne4.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/ssanne4.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SSAnne4Blocks: ; 61666 (18:5666)
INCBIN "maps/ssanne4.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/ssanne5.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/ssanne5.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/ssanne5.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SSAnne5Blocks: ; 61761 (18:5761)
INCBIN "maps/ssanne5.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/ssanne6.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/ssanne6.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/ssanne6.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SSAnne6Blocks: ; 61851 (18:5851)
INCBIN "maps/ssanne6.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/ssanne7.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/ssanne7.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/ssanne7.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SSAnne7Blocks: ; 6195e (18:595e)
INCBIN "maps/ssanne7.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/ssanne8.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/ssanne8.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/ssanne8.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SSAnne8Blocks: ; 61adf (18:5adf)
INCBIN "maps/ssanne8.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/ssanne9.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/ssanne9.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/ssanne9.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/ssanne10.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/ssanne10.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/ssanne10.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/undergroundpathns.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/undergroundpathns.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/undergroundpathns.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/undergroundpathwe.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/undergroundpathwe.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/undergroundpathwe.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/diglettscave.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/diglettscave.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/diglettscave.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
DiglettsCaveBlocks: ; 61f86 (18:5f86)
INCBIN "maps/diglettscave.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/silphco11.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/silphco11.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/silphco11.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SilphCo11Blocks: ; 623c8 (18:63c8)
INCBIN "maps/silphco11.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/hidden_object_functions18.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SECTION "bank19",ROMX,BANK[$19]
Overworld_GFX: ; 64000 (19:4000)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/overworld.w128.t2.2bpp"
Overworld_Block: ; 645e0 (19:45e0)
INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/overworld.bst"
RedsHouse2_GFX: ; 64de0 (19:4de0)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/reds_house.w128.t7.2bpp"
RedsHouse2_Block: ; 65270 (19:5270)
INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/reds_house.bst"
House_GFX: ; 653a0 (19:53a0)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/house.w128.t2.2bpp"
House_Block: ; 65980 (19:5980)
INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/house.bst"
Mansion_GFX: ; 65bb0 (19:5bb0)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/mansion.w128.t2.2bpp"
Mansion_Block: ; 66190 (19:6190)
INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/mansion.bst"
ShipPort_GFX: ; 66610 (19:6610)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/ship_port.w128.t2.2bpp"
ShipPort_Block: ; 66bf0 (19:6bf0)
INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/ship_port.bst"
Interior_GFX: ; 66d60 (19:6d60)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/interior.w128.t1.2bpp"
Interior_Block: ; 67350 (19:7350)
INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/interior.bst"
Plateau_GFX: ; 676f0 (19:76f0)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/plateau.w128.t10.2bpp"
Plateau_Block: ; 67b50 (19:7b50)
INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/plateau.bst"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/battle/1a.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Version_GFX: ; 6802f (1a:402f)
INCBIN "gfx/red/redgreenversion.h8.1bpp"
; 80 bytes
INCBIN "gfx/blue/blueversion.h8.1bpp"
; 64 bytes
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Gym_GFX: ; 6807f (1a:407f)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/gym.w128.2bpp"
Gym_Block: ; 6867f (1a:467f)
INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/gym.bst"
Pokecenter_GFX: ; 68dbf (1a:4dbf)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/pokecenter.w128.2bpp"
Pokecenter_Block: ; 693bf (1a:53bf)
INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/pokecenter.bst"
Gate_GFX: ; 6960f (1a:560f)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/gate.w128.t1.2bpp"
Gate_Block: ; 69bff (1a:5bff)
INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/gate.bst"
Forest_GFX: ; 6a3ff (1a:63ff)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/forest.w128.2bpp"
Forest_Block: ; 6a9ff (1a:69ff)
INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/forest.bst"
Facility_GFX: ; 6b1ff (1a:71ff)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/facility.w128.2bpp"
Facility_Block: ; 6b7ff (1a:77ff)
INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/facility.bst"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Cemetery_GFX: ; 6c000 (1b:4000)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/cemetery.w128.t4.2bpp"
Cemetery_Block: ; 6c5c0 (1b:45c0)
INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/cemetery.bst"
Cavern_GFX: ; 6cca0 (1b:4ca0)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/cavern.w128.t14.2bpp"
Cavern_Block: ; 6d0c0 (1b:50c0)
INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/cavern.bst"
Lobby_GFX: ; 6d8c0 (1b:58c0)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/lobby.w128.t2.2bpp"
Lobby_Block: ; 6dea0 (1b:5ea0)
INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/lobby.bst"
Ship_GFX: ; 6e390 (1b:6390)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/ship.w128.t6.2bpp"
Ship_Block: ; 6e930 (1b:6930)
INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/ship.bst"
Lab_GFX: ; 6ed10 (1b:6d10)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/lab.w128.t4.2bpp"
Lab_Block: ; 6f2d0 (1b:72d0)
INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/lab.bst"
Club_GFX: ; 6f670 (1b:7670)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/club.w128.t5.2bpp"
Club_Block: ; 6fb20 (1b:7b20)
INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/club.bst"
Underground_GFX: ; 6fd60 (1b:7d60)
INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/underground.w128.t7.2bpp"
Underground_Block: ; 6fef0 (1b:7ef0)
INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/underground.bst"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/gamefreak.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/hall_of_fame.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/healing_machine.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/player_animations.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/battle/1c.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/town_map.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/mon_party_sprites.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/in_game_trades.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/palettes.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/save.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CopycatsHouse1FBlocks: ; 74000 (1d:4000)
INCBIN "maps/copycatshouse1f.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CinnabarMartBlocks: ; 74010 (1d:4010)
PewterMartBlocks: ; 74010 (1d:4010)
INCBIN "maps/pewtermart.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
FuchsiaHouse1Blocks: ; 74020 (1d:4020)
INCBIN "maps/fuchsiahouse1.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CinnabarPokecenterBlocks: ; 74030 (1d:4030)
FuchsiaPokecenterBlocks: ; 74030 (1d:4030)
INCBIN "maps/fuchsiapokecenter.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CeruleanHouse2Blocks: ; 7404c (1d:404c)
INCBIN "maps/ceruleanhouse2.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/HoF_room_pc.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/status_ailments.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/items/itemfinder.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/ceruleancity2.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/viridiangym.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/viridiangym.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/viridiangym.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
ViridianGymBlocks: ; 74c47 (1d:4c47)
INCBIN "maps/viridiangym.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/pewtermart.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/pewtermart.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/pewtermart.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/unknowndungeon1.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/unknowndungeon1.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/unknowndungeon1.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
UnknownDungeon1Blocks: ; 74d76 (1d:4d76)
INCBIN "maps/unknowndungeon1.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/ceruleanhouse2.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/ceruleanhouse2.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/ceruleanhouse2.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/menu/vending_machine.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/fuchsiahouse1.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/fuchsiahouse1.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/fuchsiahouse1.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/fuchsiapokecenter.asm"
INCLUDE "scripts/fuchsiapokecenter.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/fuchsiapokecenter.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/fuchsiahouse2.asm"
INCLUDE "scripts/fuchsiahouse2.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/fuchsiahouse2.asm"
FuchsiaHouse2Blocks: ; 751ad (1d:51ad)
INCBIN "maps/fuchsiahouse2.blk"
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/safarizoneentrance.asm"
INCLUDE "scripts/safarizoneentrance.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/safarizoneentrance.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
SafariZoneEntranceBlocks: ; 75425 (1d:5425)
INCBIN "maps/safarizoneentrance.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/fuchsiagym.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/fuchsiagym.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/fuchsiagym.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
FuchsiaGymBlocks: ; 756aa (1d:56aa)
INCBIN "maps/fuchsiagym.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/fuchsiameetingroom.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/fuchsiameetingroom.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/fuchsiameetingroom.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
FuchsiaMeetingRoomBlocks: ; 75722 (1d:5722)
INCBIN "maps/fuchsiameetingroom.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/cinnabargym.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/cinnabargym.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/cinnabargym.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
CinnabarGymBlocks: ; 75b26 (1d:5b26)
INCBIN "maps/cinnabargym.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/lab1.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/lab1.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/lab1.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Lab1Blocks: ; 75bf1 (1d:5bf1)
INCBIN "maps/lab1.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/lab2.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/lab2.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/lab2.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Lab2Blocks: ; 75c6b (1d:5c6b)
INCBIN "maps/lab2.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/lab3.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/lab3.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/lab3.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Lab3Blocks: ; 75d15 (1d:5d15)
INCBIN "maps/lab3.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/lab4.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/lab4.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/lab4.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
Lab4Blocks: ; 75e10 (1d:5e10)
INCBIN "maps/lab4.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/cinnabarpokecenter.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/cinnabarpokecenter.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/cinnabarpokecenter.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/cinnabarmart.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/cinnabarmart.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/cinnabarmart.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/copycatshouse1f.asm"
INCLUDE "scripts/copycatshouse1f.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/copycatshouse1f.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/gary.asm"
INCLUDE "scripts/gary.asm"
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/gary.asm"
GaryBlocks: ; 7615f (1d:615f)
INCBIN "maps/gary.blk"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/lorelei.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/lorelei.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/lorelei.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
LoreleiBlocks: ; 762ac (1d:62ac)
INCBIN "maps/lorelei.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/bruno.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/bruno.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/bruno.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
BrunoBlocks: ; 76403 (1d:6403)
INCBIN "maps/bruno.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapHeaders/agatha.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "scripts/agatha.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/mapObjects/agatha.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
AgathaBlocks: ; 76560 (1d:6560)
INCBIN "maps/agatha.blk"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/menu/league_pc.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/hidden_items.asm"
INCLUDE "engine/battle/animations.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/cut2.asm"
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/ssanne.asm"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
RedFishingTilesFront: ; 79fed (1e:5fed)
INCBIN "gfx/red_fishing_tile_front.2bpp"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
RedFishingTilesBack: ; 7a00d (1e:600d)
INCBIN "gfx/red_fishing_tile_back.2bpp"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
RedFishingTilesSide: ; 7a02d (1e:602d)
INCBIN "gfx/red_fishing_tile_side.2bpp"
2013-12-19 13:53:17 +00:00
RedFishingRodTiles: ; 7a04d (1e:604d)
INCBIN "gfx/red_fishingrod_tiles.2bpp"
2014-05-19 12:05:48 +00:00
INCLUDE "data/animations.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/evolution.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/overworld/elevator.asm"
2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
INCLUDE "engine/items/tm_prices.asm"