
158 lines
2.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2014-05-22 22:13:20 +00:00
DisplayDexRating: ; 44169 (11:4169)
ld hl, wPokedexSeen
ld b, wPokedexSeenEnd - wPokedexSeen
call CountSetBits
ld a, [$D11E] ; result of CountSetBits (seen count)
ld [$FFDB], a
ld hl, wPokedexOwned
ld b, wPokedexOwnedEnd - wPokedexOwned
call CountSetBits
ld a, [$D11E] ; result of CountSetBits (own count)
ld [$FFDC], a
ld hl, DexRatingsTable
ld a, [hli]
ld b, a
ld a, [$FFDC] ; number of pokemon owned
cp b
jr c, .foundRating
inc hl
inc hl
jr .findRating
ld a, [hli]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a ; load text pointer into hl
ld a, [$D747]
bit 3, a
res 3, a
ld [$D747], a
jr nz, .label3
push hl
ld hl, PokedexRatingText_441cc
call PrintText
pop hl
call PrintText
callba Func_7d13b
jp WaitForTextScrollButtonPress ; wait for button press
ld de, $CC5B
ld a, [$FFDB]
ld [de], a
inc de
ld a, [$FFDC]
ld [de], a
inc de
ld a, [hli]
cp a, $50
jr z, .label5
ld [de], a
inc de
jr .label4
ld [de], a
PokedexRatingText_441cc: ; 441cc (11:41cc)
TX_FAR _OaksLabText_441cc
db "@"
DexRatingsTable: ; 441d1 (11:41d1)
db 10
dw PokedexRatingText_44201
db 20
dw PokedexRatingText_44206
db 30
dw PokedexRatingText_4420b
db 40
dw PokedexRatingText_44210
db 50
dw PokedexRatingText_44215
db 60
dw PokedexRatingText_4421a
db 70
dw PokedexRatingText_4421f
db 80
dw PokedexRatingText_44224
db 90
dw PokedexRatingText_44229
db 100
dw PokedexRatingText_4422e
db 110
dw PokedexRatingText_44233
db 120
dw PokedexRatingText_44238
db 130
dw PokedexRatingText_4423d
db 140
dw PokedexRatingText_44242
db 150
dw PokedexRatingText_44247
db 152
dw PokedexRatingText_4424c
PokedexRatingText_44201: ; 44201 (11:4201)
TX_FAR _OaksLabText_44201
db "@"
PokedexRatingText_44206: ; 44206 (11:4206)
TX_FAR _OaksLabText_44206
db "@"
PokedexRatingText_4420b: ; 4420b (11:420b)
TX_FAR _OaksLabText_4420b
db "@"
PokedexRatingText_44210: ; 44210 (11:4210)
TX_FAR _OaksLabText_44210
db "@"
PokedexRatingText_44215: ; 44215 (11:4215)
TX_FAR _OaksLabText_44215
db "@"
PokedexRatingText_4421a: ; 4421a (11:421a)
TX_FAR _OaksLabText_4421a
db "@"
PokedexRatingText_4421f: ; 4421f (11:421f)
TX_FAR _OaksLabText_4421f
db "@"
PokedexRatingText_44224: ; 44224 (11:4224)
TX_FAR _OaksLabText_44224
db "@"
PokedexRatingText_44229: ; 44229 (11:4229)
TX_FAR _OaksLabText_44229
db "@"
PokedexRatingText_4422e: ; 4422e (11:422e)
TX_FAR _OaksLabText_4422e
db "@"
PokedexRatingText_44233: ; 44233 (11:4233)
TX_FAR _OaksLabText_44233
db "@"
PokedexRatingText_44238: ; 44238 (11:4238)
TX_FAR _OaksLabText_44238
db "@"
PokedexRatingText_4423d: ; 4423d (11:423d)
TX_FAR _OaksLabText_4423d
db "@"
PokedexRatingText_44242: ; 44242 (11:4242)
TX_FAR _OaksLabText_44242
db "@"
PokedexRatingText_44247: ; 44247 (11:4247)
TX_FAR _OaksLabText_44247
db "@"
PokedexRatingText_4424c: ; 4424c (11:424c)
TX_FAR _OaksLabText_4424c
db "@"